That Girl
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  • If you have any more piercings, this model might serve as an inspiration:

    Oh well in that case, I will continue to make fun of you. It's what I do best.
    Thanks. The world makes sense once again!

    And... that was not my intention I assure you. It's just easier to interject with a rep and who doesn't like rep? If I had malicious intent I'd use a neg-rep!
    Ha, true :) Although I've just been told I can't write an adult book because I'm not an adult (although, technically I am at age 18 XP).
    RE: your blog post. i had a hunch. guess it was right. anyhow i totally understand, sounds like something i would have done had i come to the forum knowing someone.
    Now I'm friends with That Girl. What girl? Oh, you know, That Girl.

    Thanks for being specific. :)
    So, I saw your picture in the members thread and I must simply say that you are an beautiful girl and you also look like you're interesting. Yeah. that's it. [/endcompliment] (I don't really give out compliments much, you should be happy!)
    Yes, you, that one, there, the one I am talking to, That Girl, meaning this girl, meaning you.

    Do I need to make it clearer?
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