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  • Your type is amazing-INTP :D

    Here some more, this time with appropriate accessories:





    A beautiful Mary Jane's:




    I LOVE fruit.
    If too much didn't destroy your
    stomach, I'd totally live off of

    My favourite is pineapple, probably.
    Oh god, the 'drawing him nude' is a great idea. I would never want my partner to do that, but I'd laugh so hard if she suggested it.
    A watch is a very good idea. I like watches. A leather bag? Meh.

    Get him one of these:

    And yes, you can spam my profile with random pictures.
    I spam your profile with random pictures too anyway.
    Oh, I can find almost anything I want if I'm having a net connection and something else to do at the moment (like a paper I should be writing right about now :D). There is so many sites for Gothic and vintage dresses. I really like that vintage style. It has some really beautiful delicacy.
    Thanks honey, glad you liked it. I like the last one especially. Don't care to much for conventional styles.
    80 page report? Damn :P

    Gift? Dick in a b- Oh. Hmm. Well I think I'd like cuddlings, because I don't really like receiving material gifts.
    Experiences make people happier than items! Do something with him, and perhaps create an object so he could relive the moment afterwards. (Pictures or something, whatever you kids do these days.)

    Futurama is awesome. I've heard they're making new episodes?

    I suck at the guitar. I just find it fun to play from time to time, but I'm not good at all.

    And my ass.. Well, I can't say a lot about it. I guess you need to 'experience' it.
    Guitar, reading and getting my ass kicked.
    I should've said hobbies :P

    Psh, April, you make me blush.. :$
    What have you been up to lately?
    Life's good.
    I'm not failing my studies, I've got a hobby which I enjoy and there are people around me to entertain me.
    How are you my dearest April?
    I understand.. that makes sense. I'd question something too after hearing it a little bit. I don't know the context of it, but I've never felt that way from reading your posts.

    I'm glad you're feeling better. And I like your profile colours! Very nice. :)
    You're not crazy at all. ;D
    Okay, perhaps a little. But crazy people are fun!
    Yea, crazy Jester strikes again.
    I really thought we had this discussion.
    I think I'm losing it.
    Wait, shit, I don't think I said that to you.
    Forgive me for my rudeness.
    You with your INTP mockery!
    I tell you rationality is not possible, and you start a thread where it's an axiom!
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