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  • T
    Let's start a neo-existentialistic movement.
    I've already written a few essays.

    You can be my Plato, I'll be Socrates ;D
    Well my hair does go blonde when it's short in the summer, and I have been known to spike it.
    Oh, and by bad pun I meant

    "Anita vacation" --> (uh-nee-da) vacation ---> I need a vacation.

    Though I could have totally made that interpretation up.
    anytime my friend! you are one of the most awesome people on this site. thank you for not leaving or putting you head in the sand. you keep it interesting! :)
    Well, it's 'Hipster hitler'

    Goebbels approaches him and says: 'Aren't we invading Poland today?'
    Hitler: 'Yeah, I don't know about that.. It has been done before.. By Sweden!'
    Goebbels: 'Then what do you suggest?'
    Hitler: 'Azerbaijan"
    *questioning look on Goebbels face*

    It's satire.
    haha! you are cracking me up my friend. thanks for the big smile and laugh you just put on my face. You are way to funny to be an INTP. Just join us already...and live forever! VvvV
    No prob. I wouldn't do that to you. Just letting ya know for next time! Now you're armed with new, dangerous knowledge! ;)
    Thank you for the avatar analysis! It was beautiful! :hug: I would have repped you but it seems I have to spread some rep around. :)
    yeah, thx. I really liked yours. I'm not strong with character descriptions so when someone writes great action/character descriptions (your prompt), it's a good read.
    I've seen the most funniest comic ever, and I want to share this with you.

    I would lay if i said it was as awesome as conversing with my ex- but thats a pretty unfair comparison i gather. Still i dont think ive ever felt as welcome in any forum as i have here. That feels good. It will take some time for me to get used to it i reckon. I hope that i will make contact with people here, and maybe i can get friends that i would be able to visit in the future. Only time will tell...
    I think I'd enjoy being a person you're close to.
    But that would probably never happen because I'd scare you away with creepy jokes :P
    By that logic, how could you not love me?
    Silly April.

    I wonder if you're really this easy-going in real life too. (Easy-going doesn't mean slutty)
    Haha, that's nice :P

    I'm also in love. With myself. Because I'm a self-centered cunt.
    Hoorah! ;D
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