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    Everyone gets their morals from education/nurture.
    You don't get them because you follow a certain religion, but because your environment follows a certain religion and this highlights certain morals.
    Also, culture is very important.

    Now, if I got my morals from christianity, and there's an american christian I know, this would mean we'd have the same morals?
    Not likely, because there are tiny cultural differences.

    So, religion does have its influence, but it doesn't create morals. It just highlights them.
    Morals can find their ground in simple sociobiology too.
    Like the prisoners dilemma.

    I'm not saying that all our morality is based on our own gain though, but I believe this has initially started the whole morals thing.
    Then again, nurture has too much effect on us if there's a omniscient being who created us, and we're 'twins'.
    And if we are God's children, wouldn't we have the same opinion on good/evil, because God has created our ideas?
    I'm not sure if free will would be possible if there's a creator like that.

    Anyways. I'm rambling ;D
    I just like to believe that my actions are not the effect of my beliefs toward a supernatural being, but that I help others because it's morally right in my eyes.
    When I voted no, I mean that I believe there is no god.
    No omniscient being controlling us.

    Also, if the christian god created us, and we're like him/her, that god isn't good.
    Because there's evil.
    And only things he/she created can exist, according to christianity.

    Why would a loving god create evil?
    I don't like the month April.
    It's too rainy.
    Yeah I think I'm noticing a pattern for broken characters and tragic endings

    That appeals to me for some reason
    Hi, dear April, Now I want to send you a message right here. *BIG SMILES*
    Please read the text/words below, my dear friend. (I Love you!)

    "What you can do that is wonderful?!!" ==> Sleep in your bed peacefully, "CURL UP YOUR WHOLE BODY CLOSELY (like an Unborn Baby inside her Mother's womb) - In A Comfortable Way!" ----- I think if you can really do so, it's gonna be very good for your spiritual life!

    I wrote it. ^_^ And please tell me how do you think about this, OK? *SMILE*
    That's great. We all deserve to have someone that makes us feel happy and special. Glad you do my friend! :)
    Lol no problem at all. I try not to post too much in my blog anyway. I feel like if I post too much, I'd get too much into my personal life, and I'm a privacy freak. ):
    Oh, I'd like to have a bet on that one. XDDD It's really just random nonsense, probably won't even make sense also.

    I'll look for your blog right now! What kind of pictures and videos do you have in there? o:
    You're most welcome =D
    I'm quite excellent as well, thank you. And I did! Though I'm afraid there's nothing to immerse yourself in there. It's just random nonsense I write. :P

    Do you have a blog in here? ;o
    No problem for the monster comment.

    Alright, I actually put it quite bad.
    I meant that there are universal truths out there. That's what we call science.
    Universal + necessary = science
    Like gravity on earth.
    I believe that we'll never know objective reality, because we'll always create our own reality in our minds.
    Can there still be universal truths then?
    Yes, because some things are taught to everyone.
    Now, if there's no objective reality we can know, how can we be rational?
    You were one of the last people I gave rep to, so I can't do it again.

    I was told that I have to spread some reputation around before giving it again to you, so here's reputation in a form of <3 to you for a nice topic about guardian angles and a very nice replay on it.
    Oh, so now all of a sudden I'm a selfcentered, sexually frustrated asshole?
    Thanks a lot.
    I don't take nude pictures of myself.
    Damnit April.
    Will you never fullfil my insane requests?
    I was tempted to post your picture.
    If you hadn't asked me not to forward it to anyone..
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