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  • Scarf and turtle-neck.
    I get cold easily. In
    the winter my thighs
    are a wonderland of
    goose pimples. Always.
    It's annoying.

    What is your favourite article of clothing?
    Zippers are convenient, but
    the metal always gets so
    cold against my skin.

    Why wouldn't you want me to know that about you?
    If they insisted I do.

    May's your lucky month (:

    Do you play video games?
    I really want to watch something old
    and funny and I want to be luxurious
    and eat way too buttery popcorn and
    wear a silk dressing gown and wear
    salmon lip stick.
    From the divine comfort and safety
    of my bed. Perhaps I'll paint my nails
    or phone a friend.

    How many dates have you
    been on in the past year?
    I support it if it grows into a LDR.
    Which isn't easy I guess.
    Yeah ;D
    If I wasn't, would you start hitting on me?
    Because I've seen that photo your posted in the member photo's thread. RAWR.
    I'm thinking about how all my sister does
    is complain. Yet the things she
    complains about she has direct control
    over and can change.
    I'm also thinking about what a horrible
    mother she is. I'm thinking about just
    leaving for awhile. I don't care where
    I go really, as long as it's quiet. Oh well.
    I was just pulling a piece of my hair
    and now I'm thinking about how long it is
    and how I should get it cut. I'm thinking about
    whether or not I can believe your statements
    now that you've created that feeling of doubt.
    I'm thinking about living in the wild. Naked and wild
    and rampant. Wondering if I'd be able to tear animals
    apart. Wound and kill them. I'm sure I could put
    myself in the mindset. Until I thought about its life.
    And then I would feel regret but if it were just an object
    to me, just a source of sustenance, I think I could.
    Maybe I'd paint my body with animal blood, tie teeth
    into my hair. Or maybe I'd become very ill. I don't
    have a strong immune system. I don't think I'd live
    very long. Only if I didn't start feeling sorry for myself.

    I'm going to stop typing the things I'm thinking about now.

    There's a lot to get to know.

    Are you flexible physically?
    So does that mean you've been lying to me?
    You can be honest without opening up to someone.

    I don't think about your track record with women.

    I've been honest with you.
    Would you like for me to make things up?
    I can stop being myself if you want. I can be whoever you want me to be.
    For a little while.

    It's convenient, TATW.
    I make really good bread.
    My freshman year of college
    I decided to try my hand at
    fruity bread. I ended up
    making this weird concoction
    of kiwis and apples. It was
    surprisingly delicious.

    What are you thinking about?
    Whenever I take long bubble baths I blare Chopin.
    Mostly so that I can hear it when I practice holding
    my breath.

    What kind of car do you drive?
    I have about as much spine as a jelly fish.
    That's my greatest character flaw.

    I can't be a surgeon because I can't
    stick my hands inside of a warm,
    pulsating body. I'd prefer it be frigid
    and cold and smell horrible.

    What colour are your eyes?
    I don't know anymore.
    I was double majoring in chemistry and genetics.
    But I can't be a surgeon so it's all useless.

    What was the last book you read?
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