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  • At the moment yes.

    What I want to do when I feel as though I've achieved my current goals.
    I have no idea.
    Oh goodness me, where were my manners.
    Hello! It's nice to meet you as well. (:


    I relate well to "depressed" things, I suppose.
    I have a sick sense to me.
    yeah, i think so. thanks for asking btw. if you don't mind though, could you expound/explain in a PM? If you don't want to don't feel like you have to, but i would really appreciate it.
    school's good. yeah the cooler weather the last two days is really a blessing
    This book I am reading actually covers the shyness which I have found some useful tidbits in it. I will post a quote if you are interested. I have another book I am looking forward to reading on shyness, I will let you know what I think.
    did you already have the coffee date today? or was that sometime else?
    Yup. But other than that I saw that you are the one of the participants in that weight loss club in the wellness section which also falls under the disciplined category in my book.
    no. It is a guy I met on a dating site. We haven't talked much but he asked yesterday if I want to meet him. I replied and that is where we are right now. I'm also forcing myself not to call him or text him or email him ... be patient :-). Although I must admit that not being patient can help. I have been waiting impatiently for two days on a reply email of him (I had send him my pictures that is always a tricky part) and by monday evening I was so tiered of waiting that I had send him a very casual mail. He replied me the same evening!

    my god I'm over excited, I have done the whole google search and what I found made me even more excited! It is very unusual that I'm like this, once or twice in a year ;-)))))

    tumbs up for you!!!! Maybe you can send her again tomorrow or thursday?
    In my opinion whoever is able to refrain from any form of gratification because of his convictions is highly disciplined, and has my utmost respect, since in that area I fail royally.
    And here I thought you were talking about my way of thinking. Where is that post? I'm reping you.
    see, everything is going to be ok. A few weeks ago both of us were whining about "being alone forever" and now you have had a wonderful date and I'm finely going to have a date I'm excited about! *hug*
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