Wow.. umm.. how did I know? That is quite a story to tell.
We are in recovery right now. So I'll start back in the beginning.. We meet on a website called OkCupid. No joke. lol I'm a very personal person and so is she.. we don't do the online thing.. but suddenly we meet and I amazed at square one. I was drawn to her picture, her profile.. and we messaged each other on and off for months before I could win my first date with this girl.

But in the end.. it was our first kiss that sealed the deal.
You know the saying.. everything you need to know about someone is in the first kiss. We felt it.. head to toe, all over.. just amazing. That feeling.. that kiss.. never once went away. We moved together, and every kiss was the same.. soul touching. But to be honest.. I didn't know till I already meet her that she was my perfect mate.
I had did the typical INFJ thing.. close up, seal off.. hide.. It was always about everyone else before it was about me. lol So.. in turn, my habits of hiding away myself.. lead to me lieing to her.. which I'm in the process now and forever more to prove to her she can trust me again. Till then.. I am missing my soul each and every day.
I hope that helps. I do know that when you find that perfect one.. you'll know it, but not until. And usually with our type of personalities, we will need a major eye opener before we look at it the correct way.. because it has to do with us.. and not someone else.
Well.. ttyl!