Recent content by Zanshin

  1. Zanshin

    Judging People

    It is human nature for sure and it is flawed, but there's probably a couple things you can do to minimize the assumptions. I would not have any expectations of behavior of someone you have just met and accept whatever actions/behaviors occur. Know that they are not your good friend, and you...
  2. Zanshin

    Your personality based on pictures.

    Your Core Skills A natural leader, you are very impressive when it comes to expressing yourself confidently and cogently. You are most comfortable when facilitating group work and find it easy learn the respect and attention of your peers. You can be persuasive and compelling. You are...
  3. Zanshin

    Dating Rejection

    I wonder if you are too nice to girls and not building enough attraction? And by too nice I mean doing everything for her and/or not teasing ect. It really depends on what type of girl you are after. INFJs are hard to get to know and are very different from sensors in general, specifically...
  4. Zanshin

    What type is most attracted to INFJs ?

    I think you have to factor in who's the male and the female in the relationship. I don't particularly think ENTP women or women in general are attracted to the typical sensitive INFJ male. However I think if it's the male whos ENTP and the female is INFJ, the attraction works better.
  5. Zanshin

    Getting to know people

    I think that people typically have a more self serving agenda and getting to know people on more than a shallow level is less than satisfying. There's also the factor of being judged. People front personas, which have basic info like hometown, schooling, job, and maybe some basic interests...
  6. Zanshin

    A World of INFJ

    Ya it takes all kinds for the world to run the way it needs to. There wouldnt be enough action in the world if it was just INFJs, just alot of dreaming haha.
  7. Zanshin

    How to make someone fall in love with you.

    Be comfortable in your own skin and display confidence. Know your likes, dislikes and be decisive. Meet as many males/females as possible and don't have expectations or hopes like Q said. Go with the flow.
  8. Zanshin

    Trouble socializing?

    It's not really about neglecting anything, if I'm understanding what you're saying, but instead about meeting as many things as possible with a positive attitude. Other thoughts or events that may be "downers" will inevitably occur, but it's about forming the habit to meet them with...
  9. Zanshin

    Trouble socializing?

    Ya, it's really about forming positive mental habits, which of course, is the hard part. For example, learn to accept the past for what it is and not dwell on mistakes, but instead know that this is how we grow. I know this is a big one for me. Many people think they can some how change the...
  10. Zanshin

    Trouble socializing?

    hmmm being an INFJ is not easy and I understand completely trying to talk about superficial thing to not feel out of place. But one thing you can do is to be positive as much as possible - find the good in everything and live in the moment as best as you can. In addition work on self...
  11. Zanshin

    Self Control

    If you want to improve upon yourself and life habits read "The Ultimate Secrets of Total Self Confidence" by Dr. Robert Anthony. It's an amazing book that will definitely help anyone get to where they want to be in life.
  12. Zanshin

    Your favourite movie scores?

    The last samurai Braveheart Dark Knight
  13. Zanshin

    The thought and the thinker

    We are, deep inside, what we think about or what is on our mind. This is our natural being and tends to attract things of similar nature. If you feel positive inside it radiates through your body language and energy. People and things that are positive will come to you. It seems, to me...
  14. Zanshin

    Cognitive Function Pairs Test

    Se with Ni ************************ (24.5) average use Si with Ne ****************************** (30.5) good use Ne with Si ****************************** (30.5) good use Ni with Se ************************ (24.5) average use Te with Fi ******************************* (31.5) good use Ti...
  15. Zanshin

    Which Super Villian are You?

    Your results: You are VenomVenom 51%Dark Phoenix 38%Dr. Doom 37%Juggernaut 36%Mystique 36%Catwoman 34%Mr. Freeze 33%Riddler 30%Apocalypse 29%Poison Ivy 26%Lex Luthor 24%Magneto 23%Kingpin 21%The Joker 20%Green Goblin 16%Two-Face 16%