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  • i would guess security will be where the money is. it's good that you are almost finished though. i thought about pursuing masters but i couldn't justify the cost.
    Thank you for the compliment. Im in still in brooklyn, ny - snowing all day here today.

    no shame in putting yourself in a hole as long as you are comfortable in that hole! lol - i just haven't found a hole that fits me so i decided to just make my own hole.lol

    IT degrees are useful. What part of IT are you focusing on?
    hey! - i am currently working on an online womens magazine style blog focused on self development, spirituality and growth. I have chosen a path of entrepreneurship - so far very challenging but also so overwhelming that I control whether I will succeed or not. Sometimes I think it would be just easier to put myself into a predetermined hole - but that just seems to sap the living energy out of my soul. lol What do you do currently?
    Outdoor education is actually a thing! They have some amazing schools in the Netherlands that basically are done out in the woods! Unfortunately, within higher education, they don't like that... boo.....

    On another note - here's something so cute!

    hey dooders. sorry, was on the phone with enders probably when you VMed me last night. life is okay, been some up and downs. :) such is life y'know? how about yourself? job hunting and project and things been going okay?
    Wow, if you're ever up for making a really unfunny sitcom (we're talking shit my dad says here), give me a call.

    I have so many nerdy interests yet would never consider myself one because we don't use the term in Ireland. The worst we have is swot (studies hard, gets good grades) and they're kinda respected.
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