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  • devio.us is pretty cool though. But I forgot to mention that you have to apply for an account and you must give them a valid reason for wanting one, if I recall. e.g. education or needing remote compilers for projects or whatever. They don't just give them out for any reason, but it's not exactly hard to get as long as you're human and not trying to make a ton of money with it or whatever.

    Edit: well actually even they are closed at the moment it seems.
    Nah I didn't pay anything for that, I think you automatically get one of those when you set up the web space.

    Free shells with anything noteworthy are kind of a dying breed these days though. I'm sure there's more around but the non BSD ones I've had are dead or closed to new members as far as I know. I've pretty much stuck with BSD for shells mostly though.
    kinda yes and no. the new starts exciting as well as scary ahah. ahh.. what course did you take?
    Probably has to do with Sonic and Green Hill Zone having a lot of checker board in it.
    I like my background. I made it lol...

    I wanted it to say "I am bright and colorful and cute and dorky and ironically out of style and possibly made by a gurl"
    Yeah it's on a shell account with a virtual domain name. It's for life - for the life of the organization at least.
    Also what do you think I should do with my defunct website and database? I feel like I want to do something with it.
    Seems a lot like background music. Doesn't feel like it's meant to just be listened to without an active and visual component to go in front of it.
    I should, but I'm trying to save my pennies. It'll warm up a little this weekend, hopefully.
    oh...well...that makes sense then. I forget people don't drink beer like Canadians do! :D 1 beer = 8 beer!
    Yes...but you should have drank 6, not 5 on the previous night! Leaving 1 beer is like....like....wrong!!
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