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  • Sorry for taking so long to respond to your visitor message. I'm not going to lie, I'm kinda in the same position now with an ENFP and it's driving me nutty. I know how you feel lol. It's so perplexing but interesting. I only wanted to offer my view on what your INTP might be thinking to help you out. I know how much of a risk and effort both of you are taking in attempting a relationship.
    Interesting twist in events. He's a lucky guy. I'm happy for you. Sometimes things work out in ways we don't expect. I hope it makes you smile to think about how life can be serendipitous.
    Your welcome. As you can guess, having been in an immature state when I had a relationship with a mature and wonderful girl was one of those life experiences that generates a lot of regret for me. I just wanted to make sure you understood that while things are disjoint now, in a long time there will be a more reciprocal understanding out there wherever he is in the future, and in that way there will be a more meaningful symmetry, although it will be separated by time and space. There's something inherently sad about that (a good novel, perhaps?) but that's life.
    I wanted to thank you for commenting on my post, "Tips for a Shy Girl." Your feedback made me realize there are other people out there like me, and your statement, "It's also very hard for me to fall for someone---I have to first love who they are at their I need to know them quite well beforehand," really sums up how I feel. Thanks!
    I don't even know where I could get a 5 course meal... 5 slices of toast is the closest I could get, lol.

    I dunno, my 20th will probably differ greatly from your 20th!
    5 course dinner? Jesus, that sounds lush! I'm glad you had a good one. But, old are you? Lol.
    Hello :m034:
    Long time no speak! How have you been? Ah it was your birthday! Was it good? Any good presents?

    I've been okay, new term at uni so all the usual... too much work!
    Even though you avatar is animated, which usually bugs me, I really like it. Sometimes I stare at it transfixed.
    Ah okay! :thumb:

    I don't have much experience with Introverts because I'm surrounded by extraverts so I can't really compare the two in relationships but... I imagine if the two are mature enough, it seems like a good thing :D
    I know exactly how you feel, but for female INFJ's of course.

    What are you studying at the moment?

    I'm also curious, what makes you want an INFJ so badly? You could meet one and he could still be incompatible. What are your thoughts on Introvert + Introvert?
    That it is! I haven't seen Princess Mononoke in the longest of times, but I remember it being quite the film. I wonder if Ashitaka is an INFJ... hmmm... *thinking pose*

    Have you seen Howl's Moving Castle?
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