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  • Gender isn't a medical or biological term though, its a social construct. One's gender can be different to their sex. Sex is a medical and biological term, and then it's perfectly acceptable to say that there is a penis and a vagina and you are one or the other. But then, what do you do with people who have both? Force them to choose one (or rather choose for them)? It gets a bit tricky.

    But basically what I'm trying to say is that gender and sex are different things.
    Gender to me isn't black and white, or "this or that". It's a spectrum. It's more complex than just male or female, or one's biological sex.
    yeah, if youre going to put effort in to exercise and get in shape, you might as well put in some effort to eat right for the goal.
    your body has essential proteins and fats-- it does not have essential carbs (because you can break protein and fat into glucose). ideally after high intensity training, you should have a high protein meal; which toast and yogurt are not :s. i never suggest supplements over real food, but adding a protein shake to the yogurt and toast wouldve probably helped.
    more fat as well! low fat diets have been linked to depression.
    better food = feeling better.
    lol, nah. It's just an old parody joke dating back to a guy in the 70s and was in a prominent commercial in 1986.

    Damn I'm only 23, I shouldn't know this stuff >_<
    idk man, 600 calories isnt that much. how much did you eat throughout the entire day? what was the meal like?
    lol, i just find your examples hysterical... but, now that you mention it, I'm fairly certain Fender amps are the DEVIL.
    im listening to brown eyes and i still dont like you and i or speechless. i don't really like black jesus or fashion of his love, or the queen. although the queen is quite the funny track.
    fine. just for you i will listen to you and i non stop for the next 20 mins as i clean my apartment. if i still dont like it though then i want an apology and acknowledge i had a sexy dentist as a kid who use to cup your face in his huge muscle hands and say ITS GONNA BE OK if the novacaine shot hurts. yup. sucks for you and your china lady.
    Nope. Wrong. I mean, you're free to your opinions but just because someone personally attacks you it doesn't give you the right to also personally attack them or act like a child and lash out as 'revenge'. But, again, only opinion, not trying to scold you about it- your choice. But I am pretty sure you realise what I'm saying here yourself.
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