+1 Sentence to an Absurd Story game

They eventually arrived at a tall glass building, shining with some inner glow that held them mesmerised by its beauty
They worked their way up the outside of the building, floor by floor, up towards the great spire that loomed above them, piercing the turbulent, cloud filled sky
While traversing the building they came upon one window in particular that had some bizarre goings on inside.
Shadows swarmed around an odd looking table in the centre of the room and most alarming of all was the barely audible sound of someone whispering in Latin
Ecce circumdedi te vinculis sunt, et velare faciem leguntur carmina vobis
Fearing the worst, she pulled out her iphone, typed the ancient words into google translate and stared in horror as their true meaning appeared on the screen
The sights, sounds and smells of the big city overwhelmed her senses and she began longing for the simple freedom of the countryside
Briefly her mind fluttered back to the building she and the cat had left, the cat still beside her looked back the direction they had come and came to a stop in the middle of the sidewalk they were on.
The building..... Was gone
The cat puzzled by this turn of events opened its mouth and said, "Pedes nocere volo ut subsisto. Et factum est a buxum lectica inter aliquas hic locus?"
Terrified, the woman slowly stepped away from the cat whilst reaching into her bag for the silver crucifix she had carried with her ever since she was nine
Quizzically the cat looked at her and said, "Woman seriously? After all we have been through together?"
She swung her foot, hitting the cat squarely in the chin and as it cartwheeled through the air, end over end, it screamed a final warning "but I was trying to save yooooooou....."
Just then a dog poked its head around the corner and said looking at her with a smirk, "Soooo, you are a dog person then."
The dog, using all the guile and conversational skill it had learned as a political major at Harvard, convinced the woman to leave her bag (and its precious contents) behind and follow him into a nearby alleyway
She pulled a stun gun from her bag and leveled it at the mangy mutt.
At least that's what she planned to do, but she remembered with horror that she had left it behind
Training kicked in and she remembered the mad taekwondo skills that had once earned her the nickname "Reaper" within that crimson painted past of hers!