+1 Sentence to an Absurd Story game

As the dog transformed into its true form, swelling in size a dozen times with tentacles and eyeballs bursting out of its body, the woman released a visceral cry of "SONIC BOOM" and the creature exploded in a spray of guts and gore
She sat and wondered for 19 hours and ten minuets.
She then reflected for 11.3 seconds.
After much deliberation, heartache and indecision she decided to join the circus
A sense of unease filled her as she walked under the rusting iron gates of the circus, and looked up to read the words on a dingy plaque hanging overhead that creaked as it swung in a light breeze, "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."
She wondered what the word "Ye" meant.
But then for just a moment she remembered, that she did not know what any word meant at all.
She remember that she did not know what any word meant because she had forgotten all the words she knew.
Silent tears stung her wide, pain-filled eyes, and she gazed ahead as dark stormclouds gathered around her.
As she stumbled step by step towards the entrance and its enigmatic warning she tried to remember her name or what she was doing here but every time she tried to focus on a memory, a word, a face from her past, the images swam in and out of her consciousness, fuzzy and indistinct
If she tried to speak she drawled her sounds as if it was a great trouble to her, or as if her tongue was as whacked as her mind.
Suddenly her knees buckled just as lightning flashed, as thunder boomed with a resonant roar, and she found herself crumbling to the ground, where a strange sight greeted her.
Her eyes widened in recognition, her tears morphing into ones of joy, relief, and exaltation at finally seeing a familiar sight, the silhouette of the cat ears against the inky black sky feeling like home to her weary soul.
She would have known about the cure had she not forgotten but having forgot she couldn't know what she did not know.
She recognized, however, how devastatingly important this cure was for the lives it impacted, so she tried her hardest to hold onto the critical knowledge Batcat so graciously gave her.
Until ,from seemingly nowhere, a man known as "the Shaqie" appeared and did nothing, but stared obsessively at the batcat.