+1 Sentence to an Absurd Story game

The silly string that batcat sprayed from the can made it look like a party.
Batcat started dancing.
Witch caused everyone to forget the amnesiac girl.
Sadly, as everyone jumped to the left, Batcat was squished by a 300lb Civil Servant called Terry and then finished off by him stepping to the right
Then came Dr. Frankenfurter who used Batcats remains to make a hybrid cat/dog breed called catdoos that Angelina Jolie adopted.
Under the expert tutelage of Dr Frankenfurter, Catdoos was turned into a blond haired, gold hot pant wearing, muscular man over just 7 days, making Brad Pitt feel slightly innadequate
Seething in jealousy Brad decided to get himself a pair of gold hot pants and produce a porn called cats do dogs.
After which the world promptly imploded out of embarrassment for the human race.
The tabloid was immensely dense for its size containing an entire worlds mass in a newspaper sized volume.
Then doused it with a big bucket of water during a flash dance.
Bad eighties music began playing from somewhere in the universe.
And crushed all but one survivor of the implosion