Absurdly cool things you would say if you were in a action movie

"I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request."

But forget the action movie, I always look for opportunities to say this. ;)
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*surrounded by unsavory gentleman with bats and assorted weapons*
"This must be a room full of cats, 'cuz all I see is a bunch of pussies"
*starts kicking ass*

(that sounded a lot cooler in my head)
"Hoss, I'mma gonna beat you faster than a mongoose-on-blueberry-funnel-cake."
Sway with me! or You make sure that fucking bunny knows those Trix are for kids.
"Hasta la vista, baby"
You're gonna look funny wearing a tutu on your head.
Hold onto this :::hands pants to sidekick::: I'm going in :::walking away from explosion:::
"It takes a big man to cry...it takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man." ~shoots someone dead~
she was my grandmother!!!! :::pimp slaps snow bunny::: then :::shoots up coke party:::
I don't kiss on the first date::::::deftly snapping assassin with poisoned lips' neck::::::::::
Goosegirl!::::::::smolders at collapsed building
Leave the squid, the squid is mine :::throws grenade into japanese fish market::::
Let's make some Foie gras::::::::::::forces GooseGirl to .......till she chokes:::::::::::
:::taps on glass of squid tank::: don't worry, i'll get you out of here :::aims bazooka at squid tank::: then :::pulls trigger:::