Roses In The Vineyard
Well-known member
Need a translator for this one.

Larry. May I call you that? You have said some things here that say a lot to me. My NI is intact and working flawlessly. That is why I felt triggered to reply to this post. I see right through the Democrat/Communists agenda. I am the kid in the crowd pointing out the naked Emperor. I have been my whole life. Unfortunately, to me, you seem to have fallen for it.
I am an Electrician. I work with my hands. I am a Veteran as well. I went to college on the GI Bill but my Sociology degree didn’t offer a job that would provide me and my family the quality of life I wanted for us all so I went for the trades, where I had been since I was 11. I am solidly “middle class”. I own my own business as an Electrical Contractor. I also was raised by a single father who was on and off the Dole routinely throughout my childhood. He could have worked harder if he wanted to but he chose otherwise. Getting a food basket from the Knights of Columbus at Thanksgiving was an embarrassment to me when I was a kid because I knew we must be poor and there wasn’t really a good reason for it, to me. So “rich Republican” is a title that just doesn’t fit me. Frankly, I reject it.
You bring up God and Jesus to help make your point. If ever there were something in this life that rankles the INFJ to their core it would be or should be Organized Religion. I see right through this agenda as well and seriously wonder how other people seem incapable of doing so. But, hey, as Tom Robbins says, “your belief system should make you feel great about being alive”, if yours does, good for you. My point though is, I don’t buy religion. Your use of it to teach me a lesson is lost on me. It holds no currency. If God doesn’t want Me in Their Heaven, Their loss. Also, I believe that God helps those who help themselves. Do you not?
Seeing as you don’t live in the US, I wanted to say that the word “entitlement” is not mine. It is used to define programs such as Social Security, Child Tax Credit, VA Benefits, Disability, etc.
if you have bothered to read this far, thank you. I know it can be difficult to tolerate an opposing viewpoint. I will leave you with this, as it sums things up on the topics we’ve been discussing. Maybe it will ring true for you, maybe not.
“Give a man a fish, feed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish, feed him for life.”
Kinda rankles me that you would confine concepts like God and Jesus to Organized Religion.You bring up God and Jesus to help make your point. If ever there were something in this life that rankles the INFJ to their core it would be or should be Organized Religion.
I was talking to someone else entirely, haha. I was talking to Larry, who I believe has stated before that he also has faith, and that is why I discussed the scriptural viewpoint with him on the topics he addressed me with.
But to respond, I understand your plight. I understand that you were raised by a single parent, I'm one of those. I also understand your country, as it is my country too. I was born and raised in the States and moved to Europe as a grown woman. I went to college in the States full time carrying a 4.0 Gpa, had my own business who I was the owner \ sole employee of - having clients after or before classes, sometimes both, and did so whilst raising two little girls. I totally understand the value of hard work and support it fully. But sometimes no matter how hard a person or parents work,( especially in capitalist countries ) it's just not enough. Sometimes people become ill, through no fault of their own either mentally or physically. Sometimes people don't have a trade like you did to turn to, or any chance at an education. In such an instance where a person wishes to have a career or to work but is unable, then there is nothing entitled about such tax credits. I don't support the idea of someone just sitting around getting high all day and having it all paid for them. I never said that. I also agree that we teach a man to fish to feed him for a lifetime. But telling people who need help that they're entitled chafes me, because one day most people will be old and need their social security etc, or maybe disability, who knows, and then what? What about during the Corona lockdowns? How many middle class people and even rich upper class business owners found themselves quickly in need of help? That doesn't make them entitled, it makes them human. At least that is the point I was trying to make with Larry.
I do believe in socialism though, because in my opinion it's the only way to make capitalist countries play fair as far as paying hard working people what they deserve, when it doesn't happen wage wise. If people were paid a good and decent wage for their work, regardless of how many degrees they held, there would be zero need for socialism in the first place. Therefor I don't feel sorry when I hear people cry about it.
That is too funny that I called you “Larry”, must’ve missed something.
I agree with so much of what you said here in regard to there being safeguards in place for at risk people. I cannot get with true and complete Socialism on any level though. I served in the military and saw first hand what Socialism would look like where everyone at this level gets paid this much regardless of output. That kind of system just doesn’t bring out the best in people, I think. It certainly de-incentivizes them, again IMO. It also opens up another avenue for a host of abuses to take place and I think we have enough of those already.
I would say this though. Working people need to unite, this is true. But they need to unite with the idea of bringing prosperity to the organization they work for. Otherwise they just come off as parasitic. In that scenario, once the host is dead, there’s nothing left to live off of.
The ONLY way to get working people paid what they deserve is in a free market. Working people just need to know how to leverage their labor for a better wage. Unions are good for this but they can get too greedy.
It works perfectly in the Netherlands. ^_^1. Yes, I have faith and it has NOTHING TO DO WITH ORGANIZED RELIGION. 2. You can remove the "especially in capitalist countries" it doesn't work anywhere someone can put their thunk on the scale and someone always does. 3. You concede if things were "correct" (my term) there would be no need for why install something that has a very long track record of not working to address a situation that isn't working? Two wrongs don't make a right. So, if one were cynical one might take a different view or look at things differently and then look into why the lockdowns (it had nothing to do with the flu).
AgreedKinda rankles me that you would confine concepts like God and Jesus to Organized Religion.
Clearly the political calculation on this was do it now so everyone is talking about something else come the midterms.Biden is a real piece of shit and while he vacations as the elites always do this happens.