- Doubtful it will go into effect, but if the federal gas tax is suspended for three months, it will mean I will save $1.98 on a full tank of gas. Given my usage, I will save $3.96 during the three month period. Gee, thanks.
My rent just went up 8.75%. I can’t afford my medications. I’m poor, but not poor enough, so insulin is $$$. 
- Biden is looking to cap nicotine content in tobacco products of all kinds. I don’t use nicotine, but Joe, fuck you and your dreams of a nanny state. Your condescension to the citizens of the US is nauseating. You authoritarian prick. Yes, you got served a shit sandwich, now do something about it. Remember, if you take away the vices of the little people, they will get cranky about the abuses of the wealthy, and won’t willingly suck and swallow, then bend over as you have come to expect.
Repubs and Dems are Whores of the Investor Class,