Adjectives for the Biden Administration today

Meme time


Don't know if I agree with it, but they say there is good and bad in everything.

The immigrant handling is a disgrace to our country. Is the Admin now giving them free health insurance?

It does not matter what a President does, as he will be both praised and plagued by it. Too many backseat drivers.
Almost time to get the mafia to run this place.
Taylor Swift would beat him.
Don't know if I agree with it, but they say there is good and bad in everything.

The immigrant handling is a disgrace to our country. Is the Admin now giving them free health insurance?

It does not matter what a President does, as he will be both praised and plagued by it. Too many backseat drivers.
An estimated half of the people living in the U.S. without authorization are uninsured, according to a KFF-Los Angeles Times survey. That's more than five times the uninsured rate for U.S. citizens. Immigrants lacking authorization are ineligible for federal health programs. But states can use their own money to provide coverage through Medicaid, the state-federal insurance program for low-income people....
Y'all better be careful or next election cycle you really will get Swift vs Kanye

Tay vs. Ye 2032
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I would like to see how a sitting President would handle Russia and Putin. We have sent armament, weapons systems, training, and now just turn your back now that we have given all this technology to be taken? I don't think there are people any longer in politics who fully understand the gravity of this situation. I don't think anyone has the wisdom and guts to do what needs doing. Allowing Putin to blackmail the world with nuclear weapons is insane.

Last time the US made rules for manufacturers to help clean the air, millions of manufacturing jobs went to China so our companies could save a dollar. China paid no attention to pollution laws. They screwed the earth and our disobedience to honor America's best thoughts were sold to greed. That was like handing over the golden egg and spirit of America over to polluters at the highest degree.

If the world will not come together on this, it is but a waste of time anyway. Now they are allowing gun carry rights to those who would have never carried a gun legally in the US. Watch crime rates go up, giving the gun chasers excuses to go after legislation to try and disarm our country. Our country has never needed gun rights as much as they need them now.

I want to see a government that votes on a bill before they put it up for public debate, WITHOUT adding all the other items with the bill. One item on each vote, so every item doesn't get passed in some kind of deal. When did this become law? Oh, it was added to the other bill.

We have run cost of living up so high, they lie about it. $20 an hour minimum wage: what are we talking about? Why? To try and keep up with inflation? How are employers going to afford this without even more inflation?

What we need are responsibilities. Cut government pay on the higher levels. Everyone seems like they just take what they want. We need a big stick in office. What would your state do without Fed monies? I have personally audited a minority business and proved they were stealing, but they did nothing about it. Wonder how many people's hands got greased with that money?

Everyone has priorities. Leastwise, they used to.
This is venting, not an attack on anyone here.

Unemployment! That will suffer from the increased minimum wage. People will be fired when they share their ignorance. Saw where one dude killed a fellow employee because he said he was stupid and aggravating him. Went and got a machete and brought it back. Premeditated.

No hard feelings, but I left my credit card home the other day. My $100 bill stash had to come into play. Hated that. It's for emergencies. My change came to $81.65, so I gave him $.35 and asked for $82.00. He had no idea. Neither did the person at the other cash register. He told me he had already run $100 so my change he had to give me was on the tape. They use calculators in school nowadays instead of learning and thinking. I said to lay my change on the counter(nobody else in line), so he did. I slid the coins his way and asked how much was there. He counted it again and said sixty-five cents. I slid him my thirty-five cents and asked him how much that was now. He counted it as a dollar, so I asked him if I could get a dollar bill for it, which he did. He counted the change again to $82 bucks. I said thank you.

We need someone who does what is right under pressure instead of blaming someone else for the problem. Think of how much easier this would be if someone stood up to Russia when they lined their tanks heading to Sevastopol in Crimea. Now the world needs about 200,000 pair of boots there. We have nukes, too. Lots of folk have nukes.
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Every time the president appears in the news half the headlines are mocking him, and the other half are gaslighting/lionising.
He won't be back.