- INTJ - A
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- 10000
My mother was not a very strong figure, she was not very good at enforcing her own rules. So, yes, I think that she did try and fail to be a strict disciplinarian. I always thought of her as authoritative. What does this have to do with my obsession?
My theory is that the strongest habits we have are often formed in childhood.
Your description of wanting to "get it" in the face of resistance, could, out of context, sound like a little girl wanting to get something from either mother or father, despite the fact that the parent didn't want to give it.
I have also heard many people say that if a parent lays down rules and spells out consequences for bad behaviour, it is of paramount importance that those rules and punishments are kept and that the parent does not cave in. The reason this seems important is so that the child does not begin to form habits relating to manipulation, bypassing rules and laws, or failing to see the connection between actions and consequences.
I supose, my theory, from what you had described, was that at some point you became accustomed to getting some special treat or something you really wanted by getting people to cave in or fail in maintaining their position resisting your wants.
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