- INFx
- Enneagram
- 9w1
I came across this site a while back: https://www.temperamentquiz.com/
Unfortunately, you have to give them an email to take it.
You are sensitive, idealistic, and harmonious. You have high ideals and the perseverance necessary to accomplish your goals. You are very organized, detailed and conscientious, and prefer to work cooperatively as a team player. You are a loyal and generous friend. You are thoughtful and careful when making decisions.
You need alone time to recharge your batteries (intense social actitivies or large groups will stress you out) and you usually need motivation to get started on new projects. Once you begin, though, you will persevere to the end. You can be perfectionistic and have some fear about new situations (fear of what might go wrong). Friends might think you are a little pessimistic--though you would say "realistic" (and you are probably right). You may be an artist, musician, counselor, scholar, teacher, actor, writer, or priest.
You might have a tendency to say "no" when you first hear a request. Others may perceive this as "snobbishness," but it really is the fact that you need to think things through. Unless you are very comfortable, and are surrounded by understanding long-time friends, you may be slow to warm up in a social gathering. The tendency to dwell on things for a long time, combined with your sensitivity toward interpersonal relationships, can result in anxiety, decreased self-esteem or deep hurts.
You are good at long-range planning, organization, and attention to detail. You can pursue idealistic goals, with long-term academic requirements, such as attaining a doctorate. You value your friendships, but you don't need many--just a few really good friends, to whom you are intensely loyal. You can spend hours in artistic endeavors, gardening, in nature, reading, playing music.
If your temperament is melancholic-phlegmatic, for a better understanding of your temperament it is recommended that you read the full descriptions of the melancholic and phlegmatic.
Strengths and natural virtues
analytical, artistic, careful, cautious, choosy, conscientious, deliberate, delicate, discreet, detailed, elegant, exacting, guarded, idealistic, introspective, judicious, lover of truth and beauty, meticulous noble, orderly, painstaking, particular, quietly passionate, persevering planned, pondering precise, prudent reasoned, reflective, religious, reserved, restrained, romantic, shy, serious, sensitive, studious, thorough, thoughtful
Weaknesses and natural vices
aloof, apprehensive, brooding, cool, critical, demanding, distrusting, envious, fearful, grudge-bearing, haughty, hypochondria, highbrow, jealous, judgmental, nitpicking, perfectionist, pessimistic, reluctant, scrupulous, self-righteous, skeptical, standoffish, strict, superior, suspicious, timid, uncommunicative, unsocial, undemonstrative, wary
Unfortunately, you have to give them an email to take it.

You are peace-loving, harmonious and easy-going, drawn to noble ideals. You are likeable and friendly, though you do need to recharge your batteries by relaxing in peace and quiet--with a book, in nature, through prayer or meditation. You are a team player, humble, methodical at work, and drawn to the ideals of truth, beauty and love.
You are personable, quiet, and gentle. You tend to react slowly when confronted by antagonism or strong emotions. You value harmonious relationships, are deeply sensitive and value cooperation and high ideals within a relationship. Because you react slowly (needing time to think things through), you may be slower to speak out, tempted to procrastinate, and reticent. You may mull over responses that you feel you should have made, become offended by what others have said, or become discouraged when you feel you are being neglected.
You have a cooperative spirit and a desire to please, and will value harmonious relationships. You are particularly gifted in teaching, mediating among groups, and counseling. And though yours isn't the most dynamic temperament, your lack of defensiveness, calmness under pressure, and gift for mediation in critical situations can make you a very effective servant-leader, one who is willing to roll up his sleeves and work along with those he leads. You may be drawn to teaching, counseling, non profit, social justice, the priesthood or to any of the helping professions.
Your sensitivity and desire for harmony can sometimes result in a decreased self-confidence. Try to avoid worrying about what others are thinking, stay true to your own ideals, and ask yourself: "What is the worst that can happen?" Avoid moodiness and take steps to maintain accountability in order to remain focused and energized. Motivational tapes, exercise and a healthy diet are helpful. You will also need to maintain your focus on the big picture at all times, and not be distracted by the "urgent" demands of the moment, or by what other people may ask of you. To achieve success and reach your goals, you can use a motivational program that provides structure, inspires confidence, and ensures accountability.
You will rarely find yourself angry (though your feelings may be easily hurt), you are able to forgive, and do not hold onto hurts. You are compassionate, sensitive, caring, and tend to gravitate to the helping professions. You are not as "perfectionist" as a pure melancholic, and may at times struggle with a tendency to procrastinate. Your phlegmatic side makes it hard to say "no" - although you really want to. Sometimes your generosity can result in not enough time to "get organized," be prepared, or to relax. Burn-out and feeling overwhelmed may result.
If your temperament is phlegmatic-melancholic, for a better understanding of your temperament it is recommended that you read the full descriptions of the phlegmatic and melancholic.
You are personable, quiet, and gentle. You tend to react slowly when confronted by antagonism or strong emotions. You value harmonious relationships, are deeply sensitive and value cooperation and high ideals within a relationship. Because you react slowly (needing time to think things through), you may be slower to speak out, tempted to procrastinate, and reticent. You may mull over responses that you feel you should have made, become offended by what others have said, or become discouraged when you feel you are being neglected.
You have a cooperative spirit and a desire to please, and will value harmonious relationships. You are particularly gifted in teaching, mediating among groups, and counseling. And though yours isn't the most dynamic temperament, your lack of defensiveness, calmness under pressure, and gift for mediation in critical situations can make you a very effective servant-leader, one who is willing to roll up his sleeves and work along with those he leads. You may be drawn to teaching, counseling, non profit, social justice, the priesthood or to any of the helping professions.
Your sensitivity and desire for harmony can sometimes result in a decreased self-confidence. Try to avoid worrying about what others are thinking, stay true to your own ideals, and ask yourself: "What is the worst that can happen?" Avoid moodiness and take steps to maintain accountability in order to remain focused and energized. Motivational tapes, exercise and a healthy diet are helpful. You will also need to maintain your focus on the big picture at all times, and not be distracted by the "urgent" demands of the moment, or by what other people may ask of you. To achieve success and reach your goals, you can use a motivational program that provides structure, inspires confidence, and ensures accountability.
You will rarely find yourself angry (though your feelings may be easily hurt), you are able to forgive, and do not hold onto hurts. You are compassionate, sensitive, caring, and tend to gravitate to the helping professions. You are not as "perfectionist" as a pure melancholic, and may at times struggle with a tendency to procrastinate. Your phlegmatic side makes it hard to say "no" - although you really want to. Sometimes your generosity can result in not enough time to "get organized," be prepared, or to relax. Burn-out and feeling overwhelmed may result.
If your temperament is phlegmatic-melancholic, for a better understanding of your temperament it is recommended that you read the full descriptions of the phlegmatic and melancholic.
Strengths and natural virtues
amiable, calm, collected, composed, conservative, coolheaded, cooperative, courteous, constant, content, deliberate, dependable, diplomatic, dry, easy-going, efficient, even-tempered, fair, friendly, gentle, good-humored, humble, kind, level-headed, meek, mellow, mild, modest, neutral, peaceful, philosophical, polite, quiet, relaxed, reliable, self-controlled, self-possessed, serene, sincere, sober, stable, steady, sympathetic, tactful, traditional, understanding, undisturbed, unflappable, untroubled, without hostility
Weaknesses and natural vices
apathetic, boring, distant, indecisive, indifferent, impassive, inattentive, lackadaisical, lukewarm, obtuse, passionless, procrastinating, sluggish, slow, simple, unconcerned, unenthusiastic, unopinionated, unmotivated, unresponsive, languid, content with status quo, lack of aspirations
amiable, calm, collected, composed, conservative, coolheaded, cooperative, courteous, constant, content, deliberate, dependable, diplomatic, dry, easy-going, efficient, even-tempered, fair, friendly, gentle, good-humored, humble, kind, level-headed, meek, mellow, mild, modest, neutral, peaceful, philosophical, polite, quiet, relaxed, reliable, self-controlled, self-possessed, serene, sincere, sober, stable, steady, sympathetic, tactful, traditional, understanding, undisturbed, unflappable, untroubled, without hostility
Weaknesses and natural vices
apathetic, boring, distant, indecisive, indifferent, impassive, inattentive, lackadaisical, lukewarm, obtuse, passionless, procrastinating, sluggish, slow, simple, unconcerned, unenthusiastic, unopinionated, unmotivated, unresponsive, languid, content with status quo, lack of aspirations

You are sensitive, idealistic, and harmonious. You have high ideals and the perseverance necessary to accomplish your goals. You are very organized, detailed and conscientious, and prefer to work cooperatively as a team player. You are a loyal and generous friend. You are thoughtful and careful when making decisions.
You need alone time to recharge your batteries (intense social actitivies or large groups will stress you out) and you usually need motivation to get started on new projects. Once you begin, though, you will persevere to the end. You can be perfectionistic and have some fear about new situations (fear of what might go wrong). Friends might think you are a little pessimistic--though you would say "realistic" (and you are probably right). You may be an artist, musician, counselor, scholar, teacher, actor, writer, or priest.
You might have a tendency to say "no" when you first hear a request. Others may perceive this as "snobbishness," but it really is the fact that you need to think things through. Unless you are very comfortable, and are surrounded by understanding long-time friends, you may be slow to warm up in a social gathering. The tendency to dwell on things for a long time, combined with your sensitivity toward interpersonal relationships, can result in anxiety, decreased self-esteem or deep hurts.
You are good at long-range planning, organization, and attention to detail. You can pursue idealistic goals, with long-term academic requirements, such as attaining a doctorate. You value your friendships, but you don't need many--just a few really good friends, to whom you are intensely loyal. You can spend hours in artistic endeavors, gardening, in nature, reading, playing music.
If your temperament is melancholic-phlegmatic, for a better understanding of your temperament it is recommended that you read the full descriptions of the melancholic and phlegmatic.
Strengths and natural virtues
analytical, artistic, careful, cautious, choosy, conscientious, deliberate, delicate, discreet, detailed, elegant, exacting, guarded, idealistic, introspective, judicious, lover of truth and beauty, meticulous noble, orderly, painstaking, particular, quietly passionate, persevering planned, pondering precise, prudent reasoned, reflective, religious, reserved, restrained, romantic, shy, serious, sensitive, studious, thorough, thoughtful
Weaknesses and natural vices
aloof, apprehensive, brooding, cool, critical, demanding, distrusting, envious, fearful, grudge-bearing, haughty, hypochondria, highbrow, jealous, judgmental, nitpicking, perfectionist, pessimistic, reluctant, scrupulous, self-righteous, skeptical, standoffish, strict, superior, suspicious, timid, uncommunicative, unsocial, undemonstrative, wary