Answer with a question! (Part 4) | Page 40 | INFJ Forum

Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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isn't that your way of being paid attention to?
What's wrong with wanting a little bit of attention?
good attention or bad attention?
Or attention where you are simply more aware than normal?
doesn't that beg the question?
How would a person potentially benefit from begging for a question?
Why is it always about benifitiality?
Is that like the dog food "Beneful?"
would that be served in a Yamaka bowl?
Does that depend on the size of the dog eating from it?
would a smaller dog pay less attention to size?
Would a larger dog pay more attention to it?
isn't it really the span of the attention that matters?
In matters both large and small or rather, quantum in size?
wouldn't a given span be a quantum regardless of it breadth or girth, let alone its length or depth?
What if a probability wave hit the digital data associated with the answer to that right before it was given?
deja vu?
Qu'est ce que tu as déja vu?
Does anyone here understand French enough to respond?
Could I have responded to my own question?
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