Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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I don't know, what drug makes you look like this?richie.webp
Would it be better to ask what drugs dont?
what did the drug say when the kid said no to it?
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Was it, "I am your master, puppet?"
Who is the Puppet Master?
Who are they a puppet of, surely not the people?
Didn't Michael Jackson ask the same thing?
Are you sure it wasn't Spiderman?
What does spider-man have to do with Michael Jackson?
Is that an actual true question or not?
do you mean that there are false questions?
Falsum in uno, falsum in omnibus?
Does not the word "true" have several meanings?
Is that true?
are you asking if he is straight?
Straight as in "planking" straight?

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What is the point of planking?
Do you know what "planking" means? It doesn't have anything to do with walking the plank, does it?
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