Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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Do people feel that as time goes on there will always be more questions than answers?
Is it the feeling that is intriguing?
Wouldn't you rather eat a steak than feel how good it must be?
Can I eat a lobster instead?
Isnt this a question only you can answer?
don't judgements require expectations?
How harshly do you judge when your expectations aren't met?
Shall I not judge properly when acquainted with my expectations' not being met?
is that a verse from Judges?
Left foot or right foot?
Is that like the well-known bunny footing of cats when they wish to disembowel their prey sometimes also known as your arm?
can you break that down for me?
Can you break dance that way down on the floor for me?
Dance way on the floor?
As opposed to dance way not on the floor?
Doesn't Lionel Richie Dance On The Ceiling?
What drug did he take to do that?
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