AntiFA, the newest terrorist organization.

You referred directly to the U.S Code of Federal Regulations in your prior post, a credible source, especially in defining a nuanced term like "terrorism."

Will you give me a source as credible to define the phrase "terrorist organization?"
You are adding conditions and I am not getting paid.
You are adding conditions and I am not getting paid.
I asked you to define the phrase "terrorist organization" on one condition: a credible source.

We can't have a productive conversation without an explicit definition of our topic.

Am I clear?
Words are what matters, not actions.... :/
I'm not sure where you are going with this.
If an organization tells it's members it's policy is murder. That matters even if those who put that into words do not commit to the action themselves.
Would you agree?
I asked you to define the phrase "terrorist organization" on one condition: a credible source.

We can't have a productive conversation without an explicit definition of our topic.

Am I clear?
But I am not interested in this enough to continue pursuit so I turn you back over to your search.
I'm not sure where you are going with this.
If an organization tells it's members it's policy is murder. That matters even if those who put that into words do not commit to the action themselves.
Would you agree?
Where I'm going with this is that most people would say actions matter more than words. But you claimed the opposite.

If you are saying that inciting murder is important than yes. But it's not on par with doing the murder unless there is authority or something meaningful associated with the inciter
But I am not interested in this enough to continue pursuit so I turn you back over to your search.
Advice for the future: define your terms when discussing nuanced topics. This conversation could and would have likely been brief if you defined the topic at the discussion's start.
Where I'm going with this is that most people would say actions matter more than words. But you claimed the opposite.

If you are saying that inciting murder is important than yes. But it's not on par with doing the murder unless there is authority or something meaningful associated with the inciter
In some instances it should be weighted the same in my opinion. Take for example the girl recently convicted of inciting her boyfriend to kill himself.
As for the other you've taken it out of context. I was trying to better define the previous response to my previous post. Action is more important than words.
Advice for the future: define your terms when discussing nuanced topics. This conversation could and would likely have been brief if you defined the topic at the discussion's start.
I understand. In the future should you choose to respond to me, please only use either yes or no. Not both, only one at a time. Now that this is established), our conversations should be more fluid.
I understand. In the future should you choose to respond to me, please only use either yes or no. Not both, only one at a time. Now that this is established), our conversations should be more fluid.
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Antifa and skinheads just seem like the white persons version of the crips and bloods.
Antifa and skinheads
Yes they're terrorists. They are a bunch of self entitled toddlers that are mad at their Dads and have never worked for anything in their lives. Most of them are probably college students that will eventually grow out of this shit when they have to pay taxes. I don't think the government will do anything about it though. Well, not much anyway.

Now I can just sense that youre itching to say something like "see, this is evidence that the government is out to get rid of Republicans". And all I have to say to that is no! Just no! Don't go there.
Yup I've seen all that.

Terrorists don't grow out of terrorism. You either shoot them or imprison them for a very long time. Which do you suggest?

Neither. This sort of problem isn't solved by sending people to prison. What you have to do is figure out what is behind the violence. Or rather "who" is behind it. Who is organising and orchestrating these mass riots? As it turns out, the man behind the madness is George Soros. The video I posted explains why this matters so much.