Seriously, Infowars?Feds slap extremist anti-Trump group with domestic terror label
Paul Joseph Watson | JULY 3, 2017
The Department of Homeland Security in New Jersey has officially listed Antifa as a domestic terrorist organization after a rash of violent attacks by the group targeting supporters of Donald Trump.
Under the heading ‘Anarchist Extremists: Antifa’, the website characterizes Antifa under the designation of “domestic terrorism”.
“In the past year, Antifa groups have become active across the United States, employing a variety of methods to disrupt demonstrations,” states the advisory, before going on to list a number of violent disruptions, including Milo Yiannopoulos’ speaking event at the University of California Berkeley on February 1st, which was cancelled after members of Antifa violently attacked free speech advocates
Terrorists invoke terror, not moderate disdain. It is dissonant to call them terrorists then talk about them like they're no more than bratty children throwing a tantrum because they've been impressed upon by some mastermind. Pick one or the other.
So all the Neo-Nazi, Alt-r, Tiki torch waving, anti-semitic, racist of whom mowed down innocent people in a crowd with his car - that isn’t considered “Domestic Terrorism”?The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations defines terrorism as "the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives"
They are both terrorists and bratty whores that hate their fathers. Anyway, however you choose to classify them is beyond uninteresting. What matters is what they do, and why they do it. In this case, what does George Soros have to gain from starting mass riots. Any thoughts? do you really feel?
And now Soros is the puppet master?
I hope you never have to make a stand on something that seriously impacts your life and grow so frustrated with everything you find yourself in a protest.
So far, the right has been the instigators of such riots - take Phoenix last night...both Congresspeople asked him not to come, the Mayor asked him not to come - the reason was because of exactly what happened.
People are not going to stand idly by while Trump spouts his dangerous rhetoric that clearly supports the right over those “violent” folks in the streets.
Which side is walking around with “open carry” assault rifles and handguns?
Swastikas, white polos, and red “Make America Great” hats...marching along side the Nazi’s and the KKK...chanting anti-semitic rants.
Yes...the violence can be done without...but I am not going to call people fighting against Nazi’s “bratty whores that hate their fathers”- wtf?
This is starting to feel like the ghost of Muir.
I prefer William of Ockham.You should read Noam Chomsky. He's spent his entire life exposing neo liberalism and capitalism. He explains who really benefits from these protests.
I prefer William of Ockham.
It's safe to say the terrorist organization is still pretty.much in it's infancy.
Glad to see you understand.Yup I've seen all that.
Terrorists don't grow out of terrorism. You either shoot them or imprison them for a very long time. Which do you suggest?
Antifa is a good cause, if not a little misguided. "Nazis" are evil, yes I agree. But are these white nationalists really Nazis? Are the calling for genocide? Are they calling for a massive expansion of government power? No they're not! At he moment, "Nazi" is just a term the left is using to wage an ideological war. Do I agree with the White Nationalists? No! Absolutely not. I think they're all brainwashed. But no more than the Antifa protesters.
Not only are white nationalists not really Nazis, they aren't even the root cause of any major problems. Neither are the Antifa protesters. You're all victims of the same lie: that "the other side" is the reason there is so much injustice. What you and Evenhorizon don't seem to realize -- and I've said this over and over -- is the real cause of all your problems is: the military industrial complex and the monetary system. The truth is, so long as you keep fighting over things that don't really matter, you will be too distracted to see what is right in front of your face.
What's incredible is that you all keep falling for the same trick. Divide and conquer is not new, yet you can't see through it
Best get back under your troll bridge and hide, 'eventhorizon.' Antifa and anonymous probably know your name by nowIt's safe to say the terrorist organization is still pretty.much in it's infancy. What should be done? Should the US goverment log and round up all it's members as terrorist threats to American interests? Should members and those who associate with its members be labeled as terrorist entities?
Seems as if the government thinks differently and between you or them. I'll go with their assessment.Best get back under your troll bridge and hide, 'eventhorizon.' Antifa and anonymous probably know your name by now![]()