Sorry, but if you are carrying a torch and marching along side Neo-Nazi’s holding Nazi flags and shouting anti-semitic chants then you may as well call yourself a Nazi.
The rest is semantics.
I am well aware of the military industrial complex and monopoly money, so please don’t insult me by insinuating “I don’t seem to realize”...such assumptions from you when we talk.
I am well aware of the huge portion of our taxes that gets funneled to them and how much gets wasted...hourly.
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Yes, I along with others are aware that the racial divide and discontent is being purposefully done as a smoke screen.
That doesn’t mean that people should just sit at home and let fucking racist assholes drive their cars through crowds of people, sorry but I don’t just say - oh, it's a’s backed by Trump and his words, his words have emboldened people to commit violent racially motivated acts and emboldened them to act like assholes to people who are not white.
Not okay even if it’s meant to be a distraction.
I’m not that apathetic or naive thanks.