Ah, yes, me. ;D Sorry I didn't see this thread before.
I am an INFJ male dating an INTJ female, and I like it very much.

I'm not sure what I can say that hasn't already been said, and a lot of what I have to say has to be taken with the information that neither she nor I are extreme examples of our types. I, for example, am fairly balanced on the T/F scale; I tend to rely on my Ti more than many INFJs, I think.
In terms of emotions, patience is key. On
both sides. She's patient with me when I have to leave the room because of some embarrassing thing happening on television, and I'm patient with her if she's a little slower to express how she feels than I am.
I have to stress that it's just a matter of expression. I think anyone who claims that an INTJ feels any less intensely cannot back up such a claim. They just express it less intensely.
We've never actually had a fight, in terms of yelling or attacking one another, though we have disagreed on things. We see eye to eye or the vast majority of issues, but the few things we can't come to a consensus on, we just don't argue about much. For example, I am an atheistic materialist, whereas she is more of a pantheist. We just disagree on this, but it doesn't affect our lives, so it's not really an issue.
There's a lot of things I like about her, that would be difficult to find in other types. For example, I don't have to me a macho man with her, and she doesn't have to be a ultra-feminine girly girl with me. It's quite amusing, actually, how we reverse gender roles in many ways.

We both know how to enjoy silence, and share the same values.
I'm having a hard time coming up with any real complaints... hmm. There is a small one, and that is that she needs to be right a lot of the time. Sometimes, it's better just not to pursue a point in an argument. This doesn't mean say "Ok, you're right," which I've never done unless I meant it, but rather to just... let the argument slip away, so to speak. Don't challenge the point in some cases.
That's a very minor thing, though; I'm very pleased with the relationship overall.