- Enneagram
- 9w1
I know, it is horrible when people are given things like clothes, food, shelter, and the means to care for ones self.Im sorry you dont understand. I used far less words than you though I am not sure more will help. My point is this. Give everyone 5 million dollars and what happens? 5 million dollars then becomes worthless because EVERYONE has it. You cant just give things to people.
Give e everyone a house, car, food etc... why would anyone ever go to work? Who would take your trash away? Until we live in a world where everything is free and sustainable (far far far far future) (EDIT: Why is it in the far far future???), capitalism is what works and putting limits on how much you get to have is BS. Human nature is what it is, it will never change. For society to function, there must be have and have nots. ....
I think you mean for this society to function there must be haves and have nots. Based on your post here, I take it that your ideal world is one where everything is free and sustainable, yet you are defending the status quo. I don't know how we can improve our current situation when the dreamers keep defending the status quo.
Sports players get paid so much money because they have the monopoly on their particular skills.Why the hell, and how the hell to sports players get paid so much money?