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Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake? – 6 Examples of Media Manipulation

The world of television and modern media has become a tool of de-evolution, propaganda and social control. Since the reign of Edward Bernays and the rise of the Tavistock Institute in the early 20th century, nearly unlimited resources have been applied to understanding how to manipulate the human psychethrough television and other forms of mass media. What we have today is an increasingly sophisticated full-spectrum assault on free will and psychological well-being, and we have come to a point where it is no longer even necessary for media institutions to attempt to hide their blatant work of manipulating public opinion, manufacturing consent, and creating winners and losers in the minds of the already brain-washed public.
Here are 6 examples where truth reveals that the impression the media is conveying to a dumbed-down, unsuspecting public differs greatly from what is actually happening behind the scenes. By looking at these examples in a single location, it is easy to see how the mainstream media is pushes ulterior motives on the public, and how important it is to be vigilant when consuming consumer info.
1. Time Magazine sanitizes their covers for American consumption – Time Magazine is considered a leader in national news, yet they consistently portray a dumbed-down, frivolous image of life in America while presenting an entirely different message to the rest of the world. In the two examples below, their magazine covers feature a different cover story for Americans while sending different messages to the rest of the world.

2. CNN is the leader in fake war new coverage - Here are just 2 examples of how CNN has scripted and staged live war coverage to create a sense of drama and danger around people who were not in harm’s way.
Anderson Cooper fakes Syria war footage by dubbing in sound effects and playing chaotic video next to a Syrian correspondent. In the video you can see how in one tape the correspondent is a safe environment, then you see the footage aired by CNN with dubbed in theatrical effects:
In this CNN clip of coverage of the first Gulf War in the 1990′s, anchorman Charles Jaco makes a joke of war coverage in Saudia Arabia and demonstrates how the news is overly sensationalized for American audiences, and how hosts pretend to be in danger when they are not. At 7:00 in this clip Jaco quickly puts on a ridiculous gas mask for obvious theatrics while talking to a guest:
3. The Biggest Loser – Americans should by now already know that ‘reality shows’ are staged. The popular TV show, Biggest Loser, where overweight people compete to lose the most weight for the entertainment benefit of the rest of the world, lies about the circumstances of the training and weighing regimen of their contestants while using underhanded methods to generate phony emotional responses from their contestants.
It turns out that many of the so-called ‘reality’ shows are actually scripted theatrical presentations that count on the viewer’s suspension of disbelief to garner ratings. More info on the many fake ‘reality’ shows can be found here, and here.
4. Nationally scripted local ‘news’ – The comedian and talk show host Conan O’Brien has done a service for America by compiling overtly ridiculous cases of local ‘news’ broadcasts that were simultaneously repeated verbatim in dozens of markets nationwide. This is proof that you simply cannot trust the authenticity of what you are seeing on news broadcasts. Watch these stunning and blatant examples of this in the following videos:
5. Manipulating Images as War Propaganda - There are many examples of how newspapers around the world photoshop images of war in order to influence public opinion. All sides in a conflict will do this as propaganda, so it is important to remember this when consuming news on international conflicts and to be alert for phonies. The images below of the recent conflict in Syria show how easily images are manipulated for the purposes of propaganda:
Image Source
6. Advertising Industry ‘Touches Up’ Images of People – The practice of digitally ‘touching up’ actors and models in images and videos is an overt industry standard. Yet most people, whether they’re aware of image manipulation or not, still process television and print images on the sub-conscious level as if they were, primarily because everyone is doing it, and our bias for ‘normal’ has been socially reconstructed to adopt advertising lies as normal.
This process is demonstrated in the following video where an ordinary looking woman is transformed into a lusty beauty queen for the purposes of selling more products to consumers.

The world of television and modern media has become a tool of de-evolution, propaganda and social control. Since the reign of Edward Bernays and the rise of the Tavistock Institute in the early 20th century, nearly unlimited resources have been applied to understanding how to manipulate the human psychethrough television and other forms of mass media. What we have today is an increasingly sophisticated full-spectrum assault on free will and psychological well-being, and we have come to a point where it is no longer even necessary for media institutions to attempt to hide their blatant work of manipulating public opinion, manufacturing consent, and creating winners and losers in the minds of the already brain-washed public.
Here are 6 examples where truth reveals that the impression the media is conveying to a dumbed-down, unsuspecting public differs greatly from what is actually happening behind the scenes. By looking at these examples in a single location, it is easy to see how the mainstream media is pushes ulterior motives on the public, and how important it is to be vigilant when consuming consumer info.
1. Time Magazine sanitizes their covers for American consumption – Time Magazine is considered a leader in national news, yet they consistently portray a dumbed-down, frivolous image of life in America while presenting an entirely different message to the rest of the world. In the two examples below, their magazine covers feature a different cover story for Americans while sending different messages to the rest of the world.

2. CNN is the leader in fake war new coverage - Here are just 2 examples of how CNN has scripted and staged live war coverage to create a sense of drama and danger around people who were not in harm’s way.
Anderson Cooper fakes Syria war footage by dubbing in sound effects and playing chaotic video next to a Syrian correspondent. In the video you can see how in one tape the correspondent is a safe environment, then you see the footage aired by CNN with dubbed in theatrical effects:
In this CNN clip of coverage of the first Gulf War in the 1990′s, anchorman Charles Jaco makes a joke of war coverage in Saudia Arabia and demonstrates how the news is overly sensationalized for American audiences, and how hosts pretend to be in danger when they are not. At 7:00 in this clip Jaco quickly puts on a ridiculous gas mask for obvious theatrics while talking to a guest:
3. The Biggest Loser – Americans should by now already know that ‘reality shows’ are staged. The popular TV show, Biggest Loser, where overweight people compete to lose the most weight for the entertainment benefit of the rest of the world, lies about the circumstances of the training and weighing regimen of their contestants while using underhanded methods to generate phony emotional responses from their contestants.
“They want the drama, the tears, the fights, the tears, the triumphs and the tears. Producers would push you to cry because that’s what makes good TV. They continually asked questions like “Do you miss your kids?” Needless to say, I broke down more than once…
Have you ever wondered how the contestants manage to lose a staggering 12 kilos in a single week? We don’t. In my series a weekly weigh-in was NEVER filmed after just one week of working out. In fact the longest gap from one weigh-in to the next was three and a half weeks. That’s 25 days between weigh-ins, not seven.” -Andrew ’Cosi’ Costello, former contestant
Source: Courier MailHave you ever wondered how the contestants manage to lose a staggering 12 kilos in a single week? We don’t. In my series a weekly weigh-in was NEVER filmed after just one week of working out. In fact the longest gap from one weigh-in to the next was three and a half weeks. That’s 25 days between weigh-ins, not seven.” -Andrew ’Cosi’ Costello, former contestant
It turns out that many of the so-called ‘reality’ shows are actually scripted theatrical presentations that count on the viewer’s suspension of disbelief to garner ratings. More info on the many fake ‘reality’ shows can be found here, and here.
4. Nationally scripted local ‘news’ – The comedian and talk show host Conan O’Brien has done a service for America by compiling overtly ridiculous cases of local ‘news’ broadcasts that were simultaneously repeated verbatim in dozens of markets nationwide. This is proof that you simply cannot trust the authenticity of what you are seeing on news broadcasts. Watch these stunning and blatant examples of this in the following videos:
5. Manipulating Images as War Propaganda - There are many examples of how newspapers around the world photoshop images of war in order to influence public opinion. All sides in a conflict will do this as propaganda, so it is important to remember this when consuming news on international conflicts and to be alert for phonies. The images below of the recent conflict in Syria show how easily images are manipulated for the purposes of propaganda:

6. Advertising Industry ‘Touches Up’ Images of People – The practice of digitally ‘touching up’ actors and models in images and videos is an overt industry standard. Yet most people, whether they’re aware of image manipulation or not, still process television and print images on the sub-conscious level as if they were, primarily because everyone is doing it, and our bias for ‘normal’ has been socially reconstructed to adopt advertising lies as normal.
This process is demonstrated in the following video where an ordinary looking woman is transformed into a lusty beauty queen for the purposes of selling more products to consumers.
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