Are we as a society being kept from discussing the big issues? | Page 74 | INFJ Forum

Are we as a society being kept from discussing the big issues?

[h=1]Cashless Society Will Make BANK RUNS Impossible as Nations Begin to Collapse![/h]

Chuck Norris agrees with me that the government military exercise in Texas is aimed at taking control of the state

[h=1]Chuck Norris: Texas Ranger warns of potential US government plot to take over Lone Star State[/h]

[h=3]Veteran actor and conservative said US military exercise might not be innocent
Andrew Buncombe

New York

Tuesday 05 May 2015

Chuck Norris is racing to the rescue once again.

The 75-year-old actor, martial arts expert and upholder of conservative causes, has suggested that a US military exercise planned for later this summer may in fact be nothing less than a rascally plot to take over his home state of Texas.
Writing in his column on the right-wing website WorldNetDaily, Norris, suggested there was potential for Jade Helm 15, a US military training exercise planned for July and August, to turn into an occupation.
Earlier this year, Chuck Norris announced his support for Benjamin Netanyahu
“If you haven’t heard about Operation Jade Helm 15, you need to. The US government says, ‘It’s just a training exercise’,” wrote Norris, who for many years starred in the TV series Walker, Texas Ranger.
“But I’m not sure the term "just" has any reference to reality when the government uses it. It’s neither over-reactionary nor conspiratorial to call into question or ask for transparency about Jade Helm 15 or any other government activity.”
Jade Helm 15, which is held across public and private land in six states, has long attracted the concerns of those who have little truck with the federal government’s potential for overreach.
Indeed, both the governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, and US senator Ted Cruz, a Republican candidates for president, have publicly voiced their purported concerns about the event. Mr Abbott said he would have the Texas state guard monitor the event.
"I’m glad Ted Cruz is asking the tough questions of the Pentagon. Particularly because its ‘exercises’ come too near to my ranch’s backdoor as well, at least according to the map," he wrote.
“It’s pretty sad and bad when major military ops are ordered in a large, fiery state like Texas and not even the governor or its senators know the specifics.”
Norris, who earlier this year urged the citizens of Israel to vote for Benjamin Netanyahu, has long been a favourite of conservatives.
He added: “To those who merely think we should check our brains at the door of the White House and trust what the government does, I would reiterate to you the words of one of our government’s primary founders, Benjamin Franklin, who said, “Distrust and caution are the parents of security”.”
''Chuck Norris agrees with me'' ah ha ha ha!

[h=1]#TexasAttack What You Are Not Being Told![/h]

[h=1]No to ‘Fast Track,’ No to Trade Treachery[/h]


I heard recently the Human Being was crafted from 22 different races DNA.

I have also heard the Moon is used as a base. Bashar told us that last year.

Hahahaha....he makes it clear he ain't no kind of "ee". LOL

I have also heard there are entities living underground.

So far all of this resonates as true for me and the game I've been sent here to play. Cool! :)
I heard recently the Human Being was crafted from 22 different races DNA.

I have also heard the Moon is used as a base. Bashar told us that last year.

Hahahaha....he makes it clear he ain't no kind of "ee". LOL

I have also heard there are entities living underground.

So far all of this resonates as true for me and the game I've been sent here to play. Cool! :)

It's all more to weave into the puzzle that's for sure!

Whether people see these entities as real solid beings or ethereal inter-dimensionals or aspects of our own psyche the fact remains that enough people are talking about this experience of dealing with these entities throughout history whether they are talking about: fearies, elves, ET's, angels, demons, djinns, archons, little green men, leprachuans, inter-dimensionals or whatever

So if you listen to people who have taken dimethal tryptimine DMT ( a substance already created in our brain that induces dreams and near death experiences and out of body experiences eg tunnels of light and so forth) describe meeting entites for example balls of light which can be friendly or hostile and sometimes the hostile ones are intrusive matching the accounts of 'alien' aduction where probes are inserted into people and so on, sometimes people describe the beings as being 'reptillian' in appearance

One of Graham hancocks videos describes an ayahuasca experience where he enters a temple type building and meets a crocidile figure there that he identifies as the egyptian god 'sobek' which of course is a reptillian type being!

The point is that the power priest/magickal caste has always dealt with these entities throughout human history for example the aztecs sacrificing people to the serpent gods (reptillian)

The bible of course equates the serpent in the bible (reptillian) with deception etc (although many people have differing interpretations of that with some viewing the serpent as sexual allegory or as a bringer of knowledge etc)

So just as it has always gone on so too do the secret societies in their inner orders still deal ie communicate and synche with these entities

It appears that the entities can be both friendly and hostile

So if there has been tampering with the human DNA does that occur in a kind of hollywood type way where a promethean alien comes down in a spacecraft and sets up a genetic lab or does it work in a less tangible way through energetic manipulation via the interfusing of dimensions and the flow of PRANA backwards and forwards between realms of consciousness?

This then is the inner core of the so called 'conspiracy' when you dig deeper than all the surface stuff about banks and governments and trade agreements and so on it always boils down to sorcerers in secret societies working with altered states of consciousness

As individals we must decide what kind of things we want to resonate with. Do we embrace the animal nature and seek out the carnal and base in order to entrain ourselves with those energetic manifestations or do we seek balance of the heart, mind and generative organs in order to awaken our latent intuitive faculties and start being a conduit for compassion in order to act as fountain springs for that into the 'physical' world, thereby purifying this realm?

[h=1]Climate change a UN-led ruse, says Tony Abbott's business adviser Maurice Newman[/h] Date May 8, 2015 - 8:06

[h=3]Lisa Cox[/h]

Maurice Newman doubts the science and politics behind climate change. Photo: Rob Homer
Climate change is a hoax led by the United Nations so that it can end democracy and impose authoritarian rule, according to Prime Minister Tony Abbott's chief business adviser.
Maurice Newman, the chairman of the Prime Minister's business advisory council, has written in The Australian that scientific modelling showing the link between humans and climate change is wrong and the real agenda is a world takeover for the UN.
This is not about facts or logic. It's about a new world order under the control of the UN
Environment Minister Greg Hunt said Mr Newman's position was not a view "I have or would express".
Prime Minister Tony Abbott with Maurice Newman, the chair of his business advisory council. Photo: Andrew Meares

But he said "individuals are entitled to their views".
Mr Newman's column was written to coincide with an Australian visit by the head of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Christiana Figueres.
It follows a piece Mr Newman wrote last year in which he said governments had been hijacked by "green gesture politics" and the world was not prepared for the problem of "global cooling".
"It's a well-kept secret, but 95 per cent of the climate models we are told prove the link between human CO₂ emissions and catastrophic global warming have been found, after nearly two decades of temperature stasis, to be in error. It's not surprising," Mr Newman wrote on Friday.
"Why then, with such little evidence, does the UN insist the world spend hundreds of billions of dollars a year on futile climate change policies? Perhaps Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the UN's framework on climate change, has the answer?"
Mr Newman continued that global warming was a "hook" to install a new world order.
"Figueres is on record saying democracy is a poor political system for fighting global warming. Communist China, she says, is the best model," he said.
"This is not about facts or logic. It's about a new world order under the control of the UN."
He then urges the Abbott government to oppose a regime that was against "capitalism and freedom" by resisting the next global climate treaty in Paris, which countries hope to reach in December.
Mr Newman adds that, like Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Mr Abbott should resist the UN's calls for coal to stay in the ground.
The vast majority of the world's scientists, including most of the world's scientific academies, agree humans are causing climate change.
Among them, the Academy of Science, the Bureau of Meteorology and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change say greenhouse gas emissions from human activity are affecting the climate.
Ms Figueres said during her visit this week that Australia would ultimately have to move away from coal for both environmental and economic reasons.
Mr Newman is a former chairman of the ABC and the Australian Securities Exchange.
At a media conference on Australia's renewable energy target in Melbourne on Friday, Labor's environment spokesman Mark Butler was asked whether the opposition thought Mr Newman should stand down.
"I've never been particularly clear why Maurice Newman holds the position he does hold given how central climate change is to the future economic prosperity of Australia," Mr Butler said.
"As the senior business adviser what Maurice Newman said in The Australian newspaper this morning is no different to the sorts of things he's been saying for years about this incredibly important policy.
"That ultimately, though, is a matter for the Prime Minister."
Mr Hunt said the government's approach was to work constructively with all international parties.
"I met this week with Christiana Figueres. Our goal is to be part of a constructive post- 2020 agreement," Mr Hunt said.
"We want to address the problem, we're working with other countries and the international organisations.
"Individuals are entitled to their views. Our approach is to work constructively with all international parties."
Mr Newman's other thoughts on climate change:
"Man-made 'carbon pollution' has become the shorthand rallying cry that unites global warming believers. The notion is a figment. It is made up. It is rooted in anti-capitalist, anti-growth green ideology that, for too long, has been bullied into our consciousness as science." – The Australian, March 27, 2015
"Back in the real world, the poor are dying of the cold while the political elites and their friends bask in the warmth of cosy conferences, taxpayer subsidies and research grants.They seem indifferent to the hardship that their actions, based on dubious science, impose on the world's underprivileged." – The Australian, February 6, 2015
"The political left has seized on climate change as the new Marxism. It rejects empirical evidence which is inconvenient and promotes dubious and sometimes fabricated science as proven. In true totalitarian style it seeks to shut down debate and ruin the careers and reputations of those who dare to oppose the orthodoxy." – The Australian, January 20, 2015
"[Christine] Milne's prescription for a vibrant Australian economy includes 'keeping the renewable energy target at 41,000 gigawatt-hours', 'stopping new coalmines', 'no coal-seam gas' and 'no new ports'. 'Jobs will come from green energy,' Milne assures us. She could have added, there are fairies at the bottom of her garden." – The Australian, November 7, 2014
"At the same time, like primitive civilisations offering up sacrifices to appease the gods, many governments, including Australia's former Labor government, used the biased research to pursue 'green' gesture politics. If the world does indeed move into a cooling period, its citizens are ill-prepared." – The Australian, August 14 2014
It's all more to weave into the puzzle that's for sure!

Whether people see these entities as real solid beings or ethereal inter-dimensionals or aspects of our own psyche the fact remains that enough people are talking about this experience of dealing with these entities throughout history whether they are talking about: fearies, elves, ET's, angels, demons, djinns, archons, little green men, leprachuans, inter-dimensionals or whatever

So if you listen to people who have taken dimethal tryptimine DMT ( a substance already created in our brain that induces dreams and near death experiences and out of body experiences eg tunnels of light and so forth) describe meeting entites for example balls of light which can be friendly or hostile and sometimes the hostile ones are intrusive matching the accounts of 'alien' aduction where probes are inserted into people and so on, sometimes people describe the beings as being 'reptillian' in appearance

One of Graham hancocks videos describes an ayahuasca experience where he enters a temple type building and meets a crocidile figure there that he identifies as the egyptian god 'sobek' which of course is a reptillian type being!

The point is that the power priest/magickal caste has always dealt with these entities throughout human history for example the aztecs sacrificing people to the serpent gods (reptillian)

The bible of course equates the serpent in the bible (reptillian) with deception etc (although many people have differing interpretations of that with some viewing the serpent as sexual allegory or as a bringer of knowledge etc)

So just as it has always gone on so too do the secret societies in their inner orders still deal ie communicate and synche with these entities

It appears that the entities can be both friendly and hostile

So if there has been tampering with the human DNA does that occur in a kind of hollywood type way where a promethean alien comes down in a spacecraft and sets up a genetic lab or does it work in a less tangible way through energetic manipulation via the interfusing of dimensions and the flow of PRANA backwards and forwards between realms of consciousness?

This then is the inner core of the so called 'conspiracy' when you dig deeper than all the surface stuff about banks and governments and trade agreements and so on it always boils down to sorcerers in secret societies working with altered states of consciousness

As individals we must decide what kind of things we want to resonate with. Do we embrace the animal nature and seek out the carnal and base in order to entrain ourselves with those energetic manifestations or do we seek balance of the heart, mind and generative organs in order to awaken our latent intuitive faculties and start being a conduit for compassion in order to act as fountain springs for that into the 'physical' world, thereby purifying this realm?

I have heard the 4th frequency (dimension) which sort of bleeds into our own 3rd frequency was almost taken over by the malevolent entities when the Annunaki basically left Earth (above ground). The found a way to influence humans living on earth to do their agenda. I have also heard the energy they need - or represent - is no longer able to do I describe what I'm seeing in my mind...nurture them and their energy cannot manifest there at the 4th level anymore due to changes in the game. Pretty soon the Fear based energies used for control will no longer be able to manifest here at 3rd frequency level....for the same reasoning. Those illuminati guys are no longer able to be supported by their "masters from elsewhere".

The game has changed.

As I understand it - if one wants or needs to live out a life committing atrocities to other humans and creating pain - they will need travel to another planet which supports that kind of energy. Earth will no longer support a 3rd frequency level for that.

As far as the DNA goes.... the human body DNA was tampered with because we had become a danger to ourselves and others. The Earth energy grid was changed as well limiting us to lowest 3rd frequency level and virtually limiting us from being able to easily contact source - should we have awakened to that idea. In the last several thousand years we've been programmed to ignore and/or deny that capability even existed. Pish...who in their right mind would ever think they were connected TO god? Right? You must be talking to Devil to ever think such a thing. You need the Pope to tell you what god says...and so on and so on. Anyway - even if one woke up to the idea this was an illusion and we were one with source energy - it was still very very difficult to get through the 4th frequency level and connect with one's higher self in 5th.

This allowed the dark entities to wreak havoc and create massive amounts of pain and human suffering on this planet. Limited access to the Light. Generation and after generation of human oppression and suffering. It got totally out of hand as it ingrained in the human collective psyche. "What fires together wires together" neuroscientists have stated for years now.

So I agree with you that the heads of the Elite - and many of their minions down the ranks - made connections - on purpose - with the dark entities available to them.

Each of us is a Sovereign Being responsible for our world by the choices we make. Do we choose in Fear? or do we choose in Love?
I have heard the 4th frequency (dimension) which sort of bleeds into our own 3rd frequency was almost taken over by the malevolent entities when the Annunaki basically left Earth (above ground). The found a way to influence humans living on earth to do their agenda. I have also heard the energy they need - or represent - is no longer able to do I describe what I'm seeing in my mind...nurture them and their energy cannot manifest there at the 4th level anymore due to changes in the game. Pretty soon the Fear based energies used for control will no longer be able to manifest here at 3rd frequency level....for the same reasoning. Those illuminati guys are no longer able to be supported by their "masters from elsewhere".

The game has changed.

As I understand it - if one wants or needs to live out a life committing atrocities to other humans and creating pain - they will need travel to another planet which supports that kind of energy. Earth will no longer support a 3rd frequency level for that.

As far as the DNA goes.... the human body DNA was tampered with because we had become a danger to ourselves and others. The Earth energy grid was changed as well limiting us to lowest 3rd frequency level and virtually limiting us from being able to easily contact source - should we have awakened to that idea. In the last several thousand years we've been programmed to ignore and/or deny that capability even existed. Pish...who in their right mind would ever think they were connected TO god? Right? You must be talking to Devil to ever think such a thing. You need the Pope to tell you what god says...and so on and so on. Anyway - even if one woke up to the idea this was an illusion and we were one with source energy - it was still very very difficult to get through the 4th frequency level and connect with one's higher self in 5th.

This allowed the dark entities to wreak havoc and create massive amounts of pain and human suffering on this planet. Limited access to the Light. Generation and after generation of human oppression and suffering. It got totally out of hand as it ingrained in the human collective psyche. "What fires together wires together" neuroscientists have stated for years now.

So I agree with you that the heads of the Elite - and many of their minions down the ranks - made connections - on purpose - with the dark entities available to them.

Each of us is a Sovereign Being responsible for our world by the choices we make. Do we choose in Fear? or do we choose in Love?

The battle for middle earth

They have been sabotaging the earths energy grid even as recently as the last century through a whole host of means most recently using distortive technologies such as radio masts, wifi etc
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[h=1]Zimbabwe ‘vampire killer’ accused of murdering 12 women and drinking their blood[/h]

[h=3]Alois Nduna told police he was initiated into a Satanic cult
Kashmira Gander

Tuesday 12 May 2015

A man dubbed the “vampire killer” who allegedly brutally murdered at least 12 women before sucking his victims’ blood in Zimbabwe has appeared in court accused of killing another.

Alois Nduna, 26, last week confessed to raping and killing 12 women after drinking their blood like a vampire in the areas of Midlands, Bulawayo and Masvingo in central and southern Zimbabwe.
He was arrested in a nightclub in Mvuma, central Zimbabwe.
Police told Zimbabwe’s Chronicle newspaper that Nduna used several identities to carry out his crimes.
Appearing before Masvingo provincial magistrate Langton Ndokera on Friday, Nduna claimed that he sucked blood because his church told him it “would make me a strong person.”
Describing his brutal attack against Beauty Hove, 26, to police statement, he said he “grabbed” her and “bit her on the neck after which I started sucking her blood until she lost consciousness.”
Last month, two other women who
Nduna has been remanded in custody until 26 May.
Police are now investigating if Nduna is the culprit behind a swathe of murders in Masvingo and other areas.
The senate blocked the TTP (trans pacific partnership) which is good news!

[h=1]Senate votes against fast-tracking TPP[/h] Published time: May 12, 2015 19:01
Edited time: May 13, 2015 07:02 Get short URL
US President Barack Obama delivers remarks on trade at Nike's corporate headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon May 8, 2015 (Reuters / Jonathan Ernst)

Lawmakers in the United States Senate have thrown a wrench in a plan that would have given President Barack Obama “fast track” authority to advance a 12-nation trade deal between the US and Pacific Ring partners.
In a 52-45 vote on Tuesday afternoon, the Senate opposed moving forward for now on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. A procedural vote required at least 60 “ayes” in order to let the Senate host discussions on whether or not to give the president so-called “fast track” authority on the matter. Failure to reach that threshold puts the future of the trade agreement in jeopardy.
Had the vote gone the other way, lawmakers would have hosted a debate to decide whether to give President Obama the power to approve the potential deal on his own, before asking Congress to either ratify or reject any agreement. Ahead of Tuesday’s vote, Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, told Reuters the possibility of expediting the process as the White House had requested “may be dead” due to lack of support soon after the procedural vote failed.
“In the future, if we see a sharp decline in US agriculture and manufacturing,” Hatch said after the votes were counted, “...people may very well look back at today’ events and wonder why we couldn't get our act together.”
“I’m already thinking that: why couldn't we get our act together?” he asked. “I have no doubt some will come to regret what went on here today, one way or another.”
Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), the majority whip of the chamber, added on the Senate floor that he was disappointed that Democratic lawmakers refrained from voting for the fast-track authorization, but said he was willing to “work with anybody, including the pres of the United States, to try to get our economy growing again.”
President Obama has been touting the TPP as a catalyst for the domestic jobs market and an enabler of workers’ rights abroad, and last week he pitched the deal at the main office of footwear giant Nike.
“If I didn’t think that this was the right thing to do for working families then I wouldn’t be fighting for it,” Obama told the crowd at Friday’s event.
In the wake of the vote, Obama met with Senate Democrats in order to try and chart a path forward that would allow more Democrats to drop their opposition to the legislation.
"The president convened a meeting today with Senate Democrats, including members who have publicly indicated their support for advancing a TPA bill, to discuss a path forward for this legislation," an unnamed US official told Reuters.
Hatch, meanwhile, said it could be another day or two before a new version of the fast-track bill comes to a vote, as lawmakers debate over which amendments to package.
But while the White House says passage of the bill would encourage businesses in the US and put in place much needed labor regulations in partner countries, critics have taken aim at the backroom negotiations involved in drafting the deal, which have largely prevented details from becoming public.
In seeking fast-track authorization, the White House had hoped to be given blanket approval by Congress in hammering out multinational trade deals. Only after an agreement is reached would lawmakers be allowed to weigh in by either voting for or against the measure.
Meanwhile, public disclosures about the in-the-works agreement have been few and far between, and in many instances provided by the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks.
Earlier on Tuesday, Senator Barbara Boxer (D-California) raised concerns on the Senate floor over the Obama administration's lack of transparency with regards to what’s being discussed by TPP participants.

“Let me tell you what you have to do to read this agreement. Follow this: you can only take a few of your staffers who happen to have a security clearance — because, God knows why, this is secure, this is classified. It has nothing to do with defense. It has nothing to do with going after ISIS,” Senator Boxer said, according to the Intercept.
Last week, the president said: “There’s no fast track about this. This is a very deliberate track which will be fully subject to scrutiny.”
TPP partners currently include the United States, Japan, Mexico, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Chile, Singapore, Peru, Vietnam, New Zealand and Brunei.

“If I didn’t think that this was the right thing to do for working families then I wouldn’t be fighting for it,” Obama told the crowd at Friday’s event.
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[h=1]The NWO CERN Movie: Interdimensional Beings/ Time Shifting Gateway[/h]


[h=1]EVIDENCE: CERN Was Waiting for the Planet Saturn to be Closer![/h] Sponsored Ad


Please scroll down to watch the video(s)
May 11, 2015 - If this does not clearly illustrate the connection between CERN and Saturn nothing else will. CERN was “reactivated” according to the celestial movement of the planet Saturn. In fact, I believe CERN was waiting to be restarted until Saturn would be closer and aligned with the earth and sun! When studying wormholes you will see two points established and then time/space is bent to make the journey instantaneous. For a planetary target it would be wise to wait until it is closest to the earth, right?

This is a great compilation on CERN and it will make you think!

I believe CERN’s phantom application is to connect to a target and create a window (wormhole) between targets. In this case, it will be the planet Saturn. Why these satanist are so transparent to well researched truth seekers is beyond me! Just by placing the Shiva statue in front of CERN is another connection to Saturn.

This is why I believe the rebellious angels are there and they obviously need help from mankind to “ease on down the road.” Shiva is directly affiliated with the planet Saturn! CERN was really designed to interface with the planet Saturn. This is an ancient plan which the ancient order patiently waited for technology to bring the ancient plan to reality.

In Vedic myth, it’s heralded as the annual moment when the lord of destruction, Shiva, descends to the earth for evolutionary and transformative human gain. In Vedic astrology, it’s a time when the planets, most notably Saturn (and all the planets under its influence), transit potent constellations that are said to elevate consciousness.​

We are not just talking about a “wormhole” here either folks! There are other ramifications many in the media are not discussing. What happens if an influx of Saturn energy pours through the window into our world? The horny goat man Pan (he is also associated with Saturn’s energy) of the ancient times represented sexuality out of control. He would not just have sexual intercourse with other animals but with humans as well!


What a CERN to Saturn bridge might look like?

We might see a greater transition into sexual exploration and we are already seeing reports of “animal brothels” in the United Kingdom. This is something to keep our eyes on after CERN operations have been reviewed. We cannot discount the plausibility of Saturn energy being a variable and catalyst for transformation of the people of earth. Read the quote below and see if any bells or whistles go off when you are done!

This optimal positioning occurs when Saturn is almost directly opposite the Sun in the sky. Since the Sun reaches its greatest distance below the horizon at midnight, the point opposite to it is highest in the sky at the same time.

At around the same time that Saturn passes opposition, it also makes its closest approach to the Earth – termed its perigee – making it appear at its brightest and largest.

This happens because when Saturn lies opposite the Sun in the sky, the solar system is lined up so that Saturn, the Earth and the Sun form a straight line with the Earth in the middle, on the same side of the Sun as Saturn. May 22, 2015, Saturn will be at its closest point to earth (READ MORE)​

Every wormhole drawing you have ever seen are two points lined up and then folded to touch. There are obvious celestial mechanics included as variables into the equation. When it comes down to it, CERN is manipulating energy in harmonics with celestial objects like Saturn and the Sun. In essence, the correct “chord” or “key” must resonate at the Saturnian frequency for the bridge to form in sequence with the other variables.

MUST SEE: Great research and insight into CERN and Biblical connections!

This is why they waited on Saturn to not just be at its closest point to the earth but in line with the earth AND the sun! Now that is some fallen angel shiitake for you! Yes folks, CERN is more than some international nerds getting together to smash particles together. With all of the Saturn connections you should understand Saturn IS the target!


What can we expect now that CERN is interfacing with Saturn? We should see traceable global behavior changes and/or increased spiritual activity. There should not be any immediate new faces on the global scene or will there be? Remember the “man of perdition” has yet to be revealed, meaning he is hidden until his time. How do we prepare?

Well, you should use your own discernment for that answer. We all have different roles and gifts in this spiritual war. If you are studying to show yourself approved to the Most High; answers to your questions will arrive to you. I am not quite sure what I can do to stop any of this and more importantly this is all a part of Biblical prophecy. Meaning it must unfold and all in the right time according to His Will.

What we can count on and expect from the mind of Satan is a counter measure to the prophecy of the Most High. Satan knows some of things the Most High is going to do based on prophecy and he is delusional enough to believe he is going to win. In his mind, breaking one of the Most High’s prophecy will make the Most High imperfect.

Isaiah 13:5

They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, even the LORD, and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land.​

According to Isaiah 13:5, the Most High will be sending in an offensive attack descending from space. This is a powerful army and Satan knows he must match this power. Is the satanic army housed in Saturn? Did Star Wars tear a page out of Satan’s playbook with the clone army hidden away on another planet?

The Large Hadron Collider is an incredible undertaking with a massive 27 kilometer radius. That is almost 17 miles in diameter. This is an extremely powerful machine. There is always a dual purpose for technology. One is for public consumption and the other is for a private agenda. This “agenda” is private for a reason.


Is this the goal? To transport a satanic army to earth? So much to learn!

In closing, it is highly unlikely CERN restarted during the time Saturn would be closest to the earth. On May 22, 2015, Saturn will be at its closest point to the earth and the sun. If CERN is activated on this day; and after the alignment with the earth and sun, we might see evidence! There are so many Saturn references from CERN it must have been designed to interface with the planet Saturn. Since the ancient times there is a constant relationship between gods and Saturn. Please note I wrote “gods” and not God.

This is because I believe the gods can be traced back to the rebellious angels over vast epochs of time. Technology is now congruent with ancient blueprints and can be assembled to achieve ancient schemes. Now is the time to be still and pray for directions. You will not be able to hear if you are emotionally distracted. Use your own dis-cern-ment. Also, remember this is a spiritual war and we might only find spiritual evidence. Peace be with you all.
[h=1]Insight into CERN's Time Machine[/h]


[h=1]Anti-depressants and other psychiatric drugs do more harm than good, says expert[/h]

[h=3]Doctors could stop prescribing psychiatric drugs without causing harm, claims Professor Peter Gøtzsche
Kashmira Gander

Wednesday 13 May 2015

The negative effects of psychiatric drugs, including those used to treat depression and dementia, outweigh the positives, an expert on clinical trials has suggested.

Professor Peter Gøtzsche, the director of the Nordic Cochrane Centre at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, has argued that the “minimal” benefits of psychiatric drugs are not enough to justify the deaths of more than a million people aged over 65 in the Western world each year.
In a controversial article in the British medical Journal (BMJ), he went on to say that drug trials do not accurately evaluate the side effects of taking many types of medication at once, and said that deaths in such trials are under-reported.
Citing a study by the US’ Food and Drug Administration (FDA), he said he estimated that there are 15 times more suicides among people than is claimed.
He added that his own trial of dementia patients, whom he studied because they are likely to take less drugs than other patients, showed the death rate was 1 per cent higher than those who took a placebo.

Professor Gøtzsche went on to express his concerns of three classes of drugs - antipsychotics, benzodiazepines, and antidepressants – which he said were responsible for 3,693 deaths every year in Denmark.
By scaling up this figure to relate to the US and the EU combined, he estimated that 539,000 people die annually because of these medications.
[h=5]Read more: 'He was the last person I expected to take his own life'
Understanding depression: the myths and facts
How to over come effects of panic attacks and anxiety[/h]“Given their lack of benefit, I estimate we could stop almost all psychotropic drugs without causing harm - by dropping all antidepressants, ADHD drugs, and dementia drugs (as the small effects are probably the result of unblinding bias) and using only a fraction of the antipsychotics and benzodiazepines we currently use,” he wrote.
He added: “This would lead to healthier and more long lived populations. Because psychotropic drugs are immensely harmful when used long-term, they should almost exclusively be used in acute situations and always with a firm plan for tapering off, which can be difficult for many patients.”
[h=5]Read more: Porn and video games leading to 'masculinity crisis'
Let GPs offer mindfulness meditation to patients, say experts[/h]However, Allan Young, professor of mood disorders at King's College London, and psychiatric patient John Crace said psychiatric drugs are as beneficial as other treatments used for common, complex medical conditions.
“More than a fifth of all health-related disability is caused by mental ill health, studies suggest, and people with poor mental health often have poor physical health and poorer (long-term) outcomes in both aspects of health,” they wrote in the BMJ.
The pair also insisted that psychiatric drugs are “rigorously examined for efficacy and safety, before and after regulatory approval”.
Additional reporting by PA

What kind of world is it where to speak the truth gets you called 'crazy'?

ha ha!


[h=1]Feel Lost, Disconnected, No Passion or Purpose? You Are Expanding[/h]
Michael Forrester, Prevent Disease
Waking Times For those of you have unexplained symptoms of physical or emotional pain, know that you are not alone. Feeling lost, disconnected, without passion or purpose? You are on a path of self discovery. You are riding a wave of new energy. What you are feeling at this very moment is a transition–only one step of many on this grand journey of ascension on this planet that is progressing every second. Much of what you still see in the world and in your experiences is illusion and it is competing heavily with what the heart knows to be true. It’s time to start listening to what matters most and embracing that you are now in an accelerated state of expansion.
The 6 shifts in consciousness are being realized. The spring equinox has brought a fascinating wave of expansion throughout the planet. It is pushing people outside of their comfort zone and that is manifesting in some very interesting ways inside and outside the body.
Outside the body, electronic devices are behaving erratically. Your mobile phone, television, computer, network devices or even internet connection may not be functioning as they have in the past. You may experience unusual and unexplained downtime, yet there is nothing wrong with the actual devices because the problem is not the devices. The problem is your energy not properly grounding to where it needs to be. For some others the problem is appearing in their motor vehicles. They are all signs of what is happening in and around you.
Inside the body, unexplained symptoms, pain and illness may have surfaced in the last 3-6 months. Sleep patterns, fluctuating biorhythms, changes in blood pressure, intense pain in joints, headaches, changes in blood sugar and even more serious illnesses may have presented themselves. Although many of these symptoms are prolonged, rest assured they are not permanent.
The cellular structure is currently being recoded in the human body and in the process it is purging and letting go of predominant resident frequencies that are being eliminated. For this energy to clear, the immune system and actually all systems within the body must be effectively weakened. So while the body may appear to be in a state of illness, it is more or less in a state of clearing.
Unfortunately, this is the only way you will be able to prepare and move into the energy that is coming in the next 18 months–an energy critical for the Earth in the next decade. If the body fails to make the upgrade it will stop functioning entirely. The important thing is to recognize that you can change every single symptom that appears with the appropriate intention. Do not fall into negative patterning with assumptions that it is your own negative thoughts that have created these symptoms or that you must “fix” the problem. Focus on the fact that you are realigning your body to where it needs to be. Avoid statements to yourself such as: “I’m in pain…I’m sick…I’m ill”. Focus on: “I am healing…I am realigning…I am clearing my energy.” You are not broken, so there is nothing to fix. Accept what is and move forward while welcoming the wonderful changes that are leading to the new you.
The reason more people are feeling disconnected and without a sense of purpose is they are still holding on to old programming. “It’s not safe”, “I fear for my future or my family’s”, “people don’t understand me”, “the world is doomed”, and any other self defeating things you tell yourself which are based on fear, not reality. With practice and repetition, you are breaking out of this patterning at the subconscious level and consciously creating a different reality. Consciously directing energy is far more powerful than subconscious directives and this is part of what humanity is now transitioning to.
The media and engines of deception that control your world understand exactly what is happening so they are attempting to condition the public further with mass mind manipulation which is failing on a grand scale since so many people are now awakened. This unfortunately is causing more separation between those who are ascending and those who have chosen not to, as each in their own right will be true to their path and each will be exactly where they need to be.

If you could comprehend how many battles are being won right now, how many terrorist events are being stopped in their tracks, how many wars are being averted simply by the changing energy, you would see what is happening in the world in a very different light. These events are now daily, all because intention is spurring from the heart and more than ever before. Lower frequency experiences are being rejected worldwide.
The dominant masculine energy on Earth no longer has a hold on humans as it once did. You can no longer create from masculine energy alone which is how your society is structured.
The feminine energy is being grounded everywhere. It now surrounds the planet and it is allowing humanity to nurture and integrate benevolent experiences at all levels. The most efficient manifesters moving forward will be those who are attentive to calming, opening and receiving information in a way that allows it to pass through the feminine filter.
Again, those who still feel the need to control global governments are in full manipulation mode and they understand these processes operating at different dimensional levels. So they will place a female president in 2016 in the United States in an effort to capitalize on this wave of feminine energy. Unfortunately, this person will not have benevolent intentions and the world will realize it very quickly, but her role will be significant in the sense that she will serve as a symbol of global acceptance of the feminine divine. The irony is that because she will largely manifest from the masculine divine, she will fail miserably as leader in a country that can no longer be conditioned by fear. The next 18 months are truly a defining period of change for the United States and the rest of the world.
It’s imperative to connect with children and their energy at this time. If you have children, be involved with them as much as possible. If you don’t have children, then seek a loved one who does and learn as much as you can from a child’s energy. They have the ingredients so many adults are missing at this time.
Come to terms with how important your life is right now on the time space continuum. You are on the Earth at possibly the best time EVER in the history of the human species. You are integral in the consciousness equation moving forward and you’re inspiring others in ways you cannot imagine. Any feeling of insignificance, disconnection, fear, anger, loneliness are simply illusions because you are nothing but significant, connected, loved and could not be alone if you tried.
You complete the Earth and you matter, so wake up each and every morning with one thought…”I am here and I am making history,” and never think for a second that your contribution, no matter how small, is not important, because it is significant.

[h=6]About the Author[/h] Michael Forrester is a spiritual counselor and is a practicing motivational speaker for corporations in Japan, Canada and the United States.