Are we as a society being kept from discussing the big issues?


[h=1]'Spy services feed info to whistleblowers to keep tabs on site visitors'[/h]

[h=2]Greville Janner update[/h] May 30, 2015 — 26 Comments
[h=3]Francis Carr Begbie[/h]

The Lord Greville Janner affair shows no signs of winding down despite the best efforts by the authorities to kick it into the long grass. Each week brings new revelations about the former President of the British Board of Jewish Deputies, who is suspected of at least 22 cases of child sexual abuse.
Up until now the scrutiny has mainly focused on how, although said to be too ill with dementia to be tried, the 86-year-old founder of the Holocaust Education Trust was able to take part in parliamentary debates, collect a hundred thousand pounds in expenses, and was compos mentis enough to sign over his property deeds to his children thereby putting them out of range of any damages litigation.
The Director of Public Prosecutions decision not to prosecute was equally baffling given that there are well-established and regularly used court procedures for dealing with suspects who have lost their faculties. The DPP’s decision is now to be reviewed.

But even now, after all this has been raked over, there are still some curious omissions in the coverage, and perhaps one involves Lord Janner’s propensity to groom senior police officers on behalf of various Jewish organisations. This is best illustrated by an evening at Covent Garden Opera House some years back when three black-tied men strode onto the empty stage after the main performance and launched into a spirited rendering of “A policeman’s lot is not a happy one” to the uproarious laughter of their guests.
The three included the then-serving Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police John Stevens, the former president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and suspected child rapist Lord Janner QC himself, and Gerald Ronson, a billionaire property dealer who was imprisoned for his part in the huge “Guinness” financial fraud in 1991.
What the three men had in common, apart from a love of opera, was they all sat on the advisory committee of a charity called the Community Security Trust, a private investigation agency run out of the British Board of Jewish Deputies and which has been chaired by Gerald Ronson since he left prison.
This lavishly funded organisation claims to fight anti-Semitism with a physical street presence and undercover and infiltration work. It is known to have close working relations with Scotland Yard and the Home Office. It is said, in 2009, to have pulled in £5 million in donations, and has 64 employees including some of the highest paid executives in the charity sector. But it has attracted a lot of criticism from within its own community for its method of drumming up business: ramping up ‘anti-semitism’ scares.
One left-wing Jewish blogger described it as “pretty secretive and sinister organisation. It goes to great lengths to hide the names of those in charge of it, having managed to persuade the Charity Commission that uniquely its trustees should not be named on the CC website.”
Despite its controversial nature, the CST has managed to enjoy senior police officer approval. Another former Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Paul Condon said: “There is no other country of which I am aware that has such a sophisticated developed and disciplined community-based security organisation. Be proud of it and nurture it.”
According to Janner’s own memoir, the ad-hoc Gilbert and Sullivan performance must have taken place after the first police investigation was derailed. There is no suggestion that John Stevens — who has since been ennobled — did anything improper, but it is still strange that the media has not found anything interesting in the head of Scotland Yard’s night at the opera with the suspected child rapist and jailbird billionaire.
Indeed ‘A policeman’s lot is not a happy one’ could hardly be said to apply to Lord Stevens whose career has blossomed since he took a close interest in the welfare of the Jewish community. After leaving the role of Commissioner in 2005, he became chairman of a ‘corporate intelligence, investigations and risk mitigation’ outfit called Quest alongside some of the most prominent Jewish figures from the City of London as well as a former Director of Mossad and a former deputy director of the CIA.
But it will add to the suspicion that it was Greville Janner’s prominence as the public face of the Jewish community and his leadership in so many sensitive national organisations, that rendered him immune from prosecution.
While the judiciary squirm in embarrassment, Janner has even been abandoned by his own former House of Commons colleagues, 78 of whom have called for his case to go to court.
Neither the members in the House of Commons nor the British media have any reason to feel proud of their role in the Greville Janner affair, for as we shall see they were all fully made aware of all of the crucial details 20 years ago — and chose to do nothing.
In 1995, a twenty-three page booklet revealing the full inside story on the Greville Janner case began arriving in the mail at newspapers and television company offices across Britain.
Professionally written and laid out, the booklet, entitled “Is Greville Janner QC above the law?,” gave a full and accurate account of the Frank Beck paedophilia case to which Janner’s name had become inextricably linked. Apart from fulsome notes, the booklet contained as an appendix, a four-page pamphlet which had been published in 1992 headed “Janner FAILS to answer ‘sex with boy’ evidence.”
The booklet stuck rigidly to what had been said in court. It showed how at the beginning of Beck’s trial at Leicester Crown Court, the Judge made an unprecedented ruling that the names of prominent people mentioned in evidence given by witnesses could not be reported by the media. The judge even interrupted one witness to prevent mention of Janner’s name. Even as Beck’s trial proceeded, the judge’s “gagging order” against the media was overturned by the High Court in London. Such a sequence of unusual legal proceedings should have alerted the media to the fact that something sinister was being perpetrated, but these matters went largely unreported.
The pamphlet described how a former child resident of a care home, Paul Winston, had boasted of being a “rent boy with friends in high places.” The 13 year-old first met Janner when on a school outing to the House of Commons. Janner singled him out and invited him to visit the Commons again on his own, sending him the train ticket. Winston stated that he was taken to bed by Janner where they “cuddled and fondled each other.”
Despite the gravity of the central allegation, the pamphlet was measured and restrained:
“It is important to remember that the person on trial at Leicester was Frank Beck, not Greville Janner. None of the above constitutes proof that Janner committee grave sex crimes against a child nor it is our intention to assert that he is guilty of such offences.
“….It is however, our purpose to demonstrate that Greville Janner’s statement on these matters in the privileged environs of the Commons did not constitute a full answer to the charges against him; they were merely a cunningly scripted general denial.”
The pamphlet had been produced at considerable expense and many hundreds were sent out. It contained all the salient facts of the case laid out in a professional, digestible and easily checkable format. Thus the full details of the case could not have come more easily than if they had been delivered in a pink box tied up in ribbons.
It was sent to all 650 members of the House of Commons. It was also sent to such media luminaries such as David Frost, Jonathan Dimbleby and the veteran TV children’s rights campaigner Esther Rantzen who received two copies.
Copies were also sent to the hard core investigative units such as the Sunday Times Insight team and the specialist television programs such as ITV’s World in Action, BBC’s Panorama and Channel4’s Dispatches.
And which of these brave media outlets or prominent journalists picked up the story — apart from a few paragraphs in Private Eye magazine. Not one. Only one copy that was sent to MPs has since turned up.
As with the children involved in the Rotherham rape epidemic, the Janner accusations involved children from local authority care homes. As with Rotherham, Britain’s media seem to have taken a collective decision that the well-being of such children was of no account compared to the risk to the reputation of such an eminent member of the Jewish left-wing establishment.
For all its self-image as fearless seekers after truth, Fleet Street is totally conformist, and in the mid-nineties the thought of pursuing the former President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews was more than they were willing to take on, no matter how strong the evidence.
So who did produce this devastating pamphlet? Now the identities can be revealed. It was a duo of British nationalists who had followed the case closely and were outraged at how Britain’s media was giving its most prominent Jewish politician a pass.
They were Martin Webster, National Organiser of the National Front, and a retired entomologist turned successful Chelsea art dealer, Ken Guichard. As organiser of the National Front, Martin Webster had become a household name and had led nationalist opposition to mass immigration in the late seventies and eighties. He could be usually seen at the front of mass demonstrations where the National Front marchers were attacked by the left.
Ken Guichard had, in his professional life, been an entomologist specialising in locust control whose efforts had saved countless lives and whose services had been secured by numerous Middle East governments. His exhibits of various species of Lepidoptera (butterflies) could be found in museums and universities across the world. It was his frequent visits to the Arab lands and the affection he developed for ordinary rural Arabs, especially the Bedouin nomads, which prompted his sympathy for the Arab/Palestinian cause and his anger at what was being done in Palestine.
Upon retirement he became an art dealer of some renown and had discovered an unknown painting by the 18th-century artist George Stubbs which had sold in the 1970s for £300,000.
What brought this pair together was an enthusiasm for nationalist politics and a sense of outrage that justice had not been done. Martin Webster:
I felt that Greville Janner’s prominence not only as a peer and QC but as former President of the Board of Jewish Deputies had protected him. While Frank Beck was sent to prison for 30 years, Janner had been protected by his status within the Jewish community while he had — allegedly — done the same thing.”
We were careful not claim that he was guilty of anything. We merely showed that there was a lot of evidence and that he had a strong case to answer.
He had to be exposed. Here was a man who was essentially an alien in our land, who had rode roughshod over our laws, who was at the centre of a huge establishment cover-up. And it was personal too. Janner was a leader of a community who through his organisations had done much to illegally sabotage our efforts. Through the Labour Friends of Israel, he had helped form an alliance with another Jewish-run organisation known as the Socialist Workers Party to set up a third front organisation — the Anti Nazi League which inflicted great violence on our members during marches and elsewhere.
For Martin Webster the silence of the media merely confirmed long-standing suspicions. “With our booklet, they now had all the information. They could have made the programmes, asked the questions, confronted Janner and so on. Why didn’t they do it? The implications are almost as shocking as what Janner is alleged to have done. It was a demonstration that any criticism of Jewish power cannot be countenanced. It really is as simple as that.”
Six years after the Beck court case in which Greville Janner’s name was first mentioned in connection with child abuse, he was ennobled, and Janner entered the House of Lords as Lord Janner of Braunstone.

Multi-Dimensional Beings With Reflections in the Spirit World

Julie Henderson, Contributor
Waking Times The spirit world, also known as the mirror world, is the authentic underlying truth of humanity’s collective evolution. It contains humanity’s truest feelings, ideas, beliefs, and sacred consciousness. The subconscious of humanity was placed inside of beings who are dreamers, people who are capable of holding space and making life sacred again. These are the mamas and the papas, the sacred indigo children, the seers, the navigators, the creators, and the lovers of life. These are the dancers of space and time that shake rattles in their eyes and bring you back to life when they crack a smile.
Each and every human being, every plant, animal, or element of creation has a mirror world/spirit world identity. We exist as multidimensional beings with interior and exterior landscapes. We are capable of manifesting the sacred dream, of transforming nightmares into journeys through bliss gardens, and of healing ourselves above and below, within and throughout our eternal beings. Contained within the authentic mirror world are the spiritual imprints and collective light and dark of every individual human being. These gather together to create actual dimensions that encapsulate emotions, feelings, thoughts, imagery, and events.
The dimensions within these spirit worlds can be journeyed to and through in meditation, and they can be studied and used as tools for an individual’s continued evolution and growth. Within each dimension are contained the coordinates of heavens and hells, of gravity or zero gravity, of grace and forgiveness, of darkness and despair. We are traveling to and through heavens and hells moment to moment. Life and death are part of the same continuum. We are not born and we do not die; instead, we exist as eternal beings participating in an ongoing epic evolution. This evolution is sustained by the spiritual mirror worlds which are paramount to the renewal and resurrection of humanity and nature.
Heaven and hell are not realms that we approach at the moment of death or near death. They are accessed with every imprint that your thoughts and feelings create on life as you journey about your day from place to place, from person to person. We have the potential to create heaven on earth only because we breath gravity and life force into the dimensions and realms that we inhabit with our collective energy output or input. As we change our interior landscape to match the vibrations and frequencies of celestial places, we change our external landscape. We alter the field, we change the course or the wave of humanity’s collective evolution, and we find that we are contributing to something greater than ourselves.
Mind your thoughts and feelings, as they form the path-less-traveled that carries you safely home to a warm embrace, a soft kiss, sunlight on tender skin, water running over sacred stones, and the breath of life that sustains you… moment to moment.

About the Author

Julie Henderson is a native to the San Francisco Bay Area whose journey and writing has appeared in anthologies, literary magazines, and online journals including In addition to writing, she is a 3-D installation artist, photographer, singer/songwriter, metalsmith, and urban Taoist. Find her on the web here,, and here,
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.
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[h=1]Sleep Paralysis 101: Waking Up And Being Unable To Move[/h] By Steven Bancarz May 29, 2015 Fringe, Science, Self Discovery, Self Help, Spirituality

- See more at: http://www.spiritscienceandmetaphys...nd-being-unable-to-move/#sthash.zZGtAz29.dpuf

By Steven Bancarz| Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night terrified and been unable to move? Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon that occurs when a person wakes up from a sleep being unable to move, speak, or react. It usually occurs as a person is about to fall asleep or as they are about to wake up out of sleep, and is usually accompanied with breathing difficulties.
This may not sound like a big deal for those who haven’t experienced it, but it can be terrifying at times. You are totally paralyzed and unable to wake yourself up. When you are in a state of paralysis, it is the brains natural response to think that you are under attack, so your brain naturally enters into a state of “flight” mode.

Sometimes, sleep paralysis is accompanied by hallucinations or the feeling that there is an intruder in the room. Some people even claim to sense the presence of demonic entities that sit on their chest, or aliens that stand over top of them. In fact, the Chinese used to call this experience “Gui Ya” which means “ghost pressure”, and they believed that a ghost would come sit on your chest as you sleep and paralyze you.
What is the scientific reason reason this is happening? Well, there isn’t any confirmed theory out there yet. The most plausible scientific explanation is that it is thought to occur when the mind wakes up out of REM sleep while the body is still in a state of atonia to prevent sleepers from acting out their dreams. I would agree with this for the most part, but I have experienced sleep paralysis with my eyes open as I was sitting up in bed after waking up from a sleep, so I know for a fact my brain was not in a REM state of sleep because I had already been awake for several minutes.
In this article, we will look at what to do to stay calm during sleep paralysis, how to prevent it from happening, and how to use it to your own spiritual advantage.
[h=2]What to do when you can’t move[/h]

I have had a great deal of experiences with sleep paralysis, and have now reached a point where it no longer bothers me anymore. The first time it happened to me, I tried to fight it and forcefully wake myself up from it. This only caused me fear and anxiety and was completely ineffective. If you wake up and realize you are in a state of sleep paralysis, don’t resist it. The minute you resist it, you will start freaking out. Accept it, and treat it as an opportunity to practice patience and peace of mind.
Conscious breathing really helps keeping your mind from entering freak-out mode. Breathe in slowly and consciously, and exhale slowly and consciously. Don’t panic. Make it your mission when you are in sleep paralysis to be as calm as you can, and treat it as a chance to be fully present within your body. Enter a meditative state of mind, and it will shortly pass with time.
There have been times where I have heard voices in my ear while being paralyzed, but I remained calm by meditating and practicing conscious breathing. It’s kind of like taking psychedelic drugs. You can give yourself a bad experience by what you choose to think about and where you allow your mind to wander.
It can only have power over you if you give it your power. Keep your attention inside your breath. Pretend that you chose you would experience sleep paralysis at that time, and full embrace the experience with peace of mind.
Prayer has also brought many people peace during scary experiences of sleep paralysis, so if you feel comfortable calling out to God or Jesus, that will only help bring you more comfort.
[h=2]Preventing sleep paralysis[/h] There are several factors that have been identified as increasing your chances of experiencing sleep paralysis. Some of these include physical fatigue, under-sleeping, and erratic sleep schedule, stress, and an overuse of stimulants. For me personally, oversleeping is what has caused most of my sleep paralysis experiences. Most of the happen when I choose to go back to sleep even when I am rested, or when I take a nap throughout the day.
So a big way to prevent paralysis from happening is to have a proper sleep schedule. Healthier sleep habits is the best thing you can do to avoid this experience. Another big way to prevent sleep paralysis is to not sleep in supine position. This is what supine position looks like:

When you sleep flat on your back in supine position, your soft palate is more likely to collapse and obstruct your breathing. This causes you to wake up out of deep sleep while your body is still in a state of atonia from REM sleep. Sleeping on your stomach (in prone position) or on your side is a good way to prevent this from happening.
[h=2]Using sleep paralysis to your spiritual advantage[/h]

Sleep paralysis can be a burden for some, and an opportunity for others. Not only can you treat it as a test to see how present and calm you can become, you can also use it a chance to try to initiate an out-of-body experience or a lucid dream. Remember, some part of you remains in REM sleep while your waking mind is alert and attentive. What if this REM atonia is a sort of toolbox that enables you to use your will, intention, and visualization to leave your body and enter into new worlds?
Affirm to yourself that you are going to have an out-of-body experience, and visualize yourself hovering over top of your own body. Feel yourself starting to leave your body, and stay calm in your mind knowing that you will soon be outside of your body. Many people claim that they try to induce sleep paralysis on purpose as one of the beginning stages of astral travel.

Don’t think if yourself as a victim to a scary experience. Think of yourself as a pioneer on the edge of a world of lucid dreams and astral travel and create the experience you want for yourself. Science tells us that we are literally at the brink of the world of sleep and dreams and the world of waking life. Why not use it to your spiritual advantage and experiment a little bit?
The truth is, there is really nothing to be scared of. Nobody has ever died or been injured from being in sleep paralysis, and it usually doesn’t last for more than 30 seconds. Work with it, practice presence, clean up your sleep schedule, and if you feel like you’re up to it, use is as a launching pad for the exploration of other dimensions.
About the author:
My name is Steven Bancarz, and I am the creator of ‘Spirit Science and Metaphysics’. Thank you for reading this article! If you are interested in staying connected, feel free to subscribe to my newsletter HERE.
- See more at: http://www.spiritscienceandmetaphys...nd-being-unable-to-move/#sthash.zZGtAz29.dpuf
[h=3]$275,000 PICKUP TRUCK[/h]
Our beloved government leaders are so proud of their glorious victories on the battlefield in Iraq. The Iraqi army runs away and allows the U.S. created ISIS army to walk into Ramadi. But our glorious leaders feel the need to put out propaganda films of their Airforce destroying a fucking 10 year old pickup truck with a Brimstone missile.

A quick investigation reveals that one Brimstone missile costs $250,000. You can surely add another $25,000 for the cost of having the Tornado GR4s patrol the skies over Iraq. We are spending $275,000 to blow up one pickup truck that we can’t even prove is an enemy pickup truck, because we have no fucking idea who the enemy is.

But it doesn’t matter. MBDA (UK) Ltd, Lostock, the arms dealer who made that missile, will just produce another one driving up their profits and pumping up the UK economy. It’s all good. They’ll make a contribution to Cameron’s party and put him on their Board of Directors when he is done as Prime Minister. It’s the military industrial complex circle of life.


The UK Ministry of Defense released footage of airstrikes carried out on May 27, purportedly against positions of the self-proclaimed Islamic State in northern Iraq. The recording shows Tornado GR4s from RAF Akrotiri targeting an allegedly armed pick-up truck and destroying it using a Brimstone missile.
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[h=1]Kincora child abuse victim calls for wider inquiry[/h]
ISIS handed more and more US weapons


Athens Defies Washington: Greece to Join Russia’s Turkish Stream Pipeline Project

By Stephen Lendman
Global Research, June 02, 2015

Plans call for it to supply natural gas from Russia through Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia and Hungary – bypassing Ukraine.
Moscow’s original South Stream project was scheduled to transit through Bulgaria. US-manipulated destabilization blocked it.
Washington tried the same stunt in Macedonia – attempted color revolution destabilization to replace its government with one it favors – so far with no success.
It pressured Greece to stick with a Western-backed Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) instead of the Turkish Stream.
State Department Special Envoy and Coordinator for International Energy Affairs Amos Hochstein stated ”Turkish Stream doesn’t exist.”
“There is no consortium to build it. There is no agreement to build it. So let’s put that to the side, and wait until there’s some movement on that and see if that’s relevant or not relevant and in the meantime focus on what’s important – the pipeline we already agreed to, that Greece already agreed to.”
Greek Energy Minister Panagoitis Lafazanis responded saying “(w)e are backing (Turkish Stream) because” it’s a better deal for Athens.
Earlier in May, Putin told Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras Russia will consider providing financial support for Greek companies joining the project.
Tsipras confirmed his government’s willingness to participate. It’ll make Greece an important European gas distribution center – earning lucrative transit fees, providing a badly needed economic boost and revenues to service debt.
Last December, Gazprom’s CEO Aleksey Miller announced plans to construct Turkish Stream – with an annual capacity of 63 billion cubic meters for European markets.
On June 1, Tass reported Greek plans to sign a Turkish Stream memorandum of support at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF-2015) scheduled for June 18 – 20. It’s held annually under the auspices of the President of the Russian Federation.
“It gathers the leading decision-makers of the emerging economic powers to identify and deliberate the key challenges facing Russia, emerging markets, and the world at large, while engaging communities to find common purpose and establish frameworks to forge solutions which will drive the growth and stability agenda.”
Lafazanis said “(a)s far as the economic forum to be held in St. Petersburg is concerned, right there we will try to sign an agreement, a so-called ‘memorandum’ on the political support of the said gas pipeline between Greece and Russia. We will be proactively drafting a document containing a provision on the political support…”
According to Russia’s permanent EU envoy Vladimir Chizhov:
“I believe this project has a fairly good chance to become the basis for gas supply not only in the Balkan region but also for the whole of Europe.”
Gazprom and Turkey’s Botas signed a memorandum of understanding last December on building the pipeline’s offshore section across the Black Sea.
Gazprom Russkaya will supervise pipeline construction. Despite US-orchestrated attempted internal destabilization in Macedonia for regime change and to subvert the project, Prime Minister Nicola Gruevski said:
“Our position is that when Brussels and Moscow reach an agreement on this project, we would take part in it.”
“Our eyes are set on the Euro-Atlantic community, and we make decisions of strategic importance on the basis of this goal.”
Policies relying on carrots, not sticks, have a better chance for longterm success – a lesson Washington never internalized.
The US Senate on Tuesday passed United States’ most significant surveillance reform since 1978 and the first piece of legislation to reform post 9/11 surveillance measures, the USA Freedom Act that would halt the National Security Agency’s dragnet of telephone data from millions of Americans who have no connection to terrorism, in vindication for NSA whistleblower, Edward Snowden. The Freedom Act had already passed the House of Representatives. US President Barack Obama, signed the bill into law as soon as he got it.
The truth finally now breaking out into the UK mainstream media...and it's just as i have been saying all this time

Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq


Seumas Milne

The sectarian terror group won’t be defeated by the western states that incubated it in the first place

Illustration by Eva Bee Contact author


The war on terror, that campaign without end launched 14 years ago by George Bush, is tying itself up in ever more grotesque contortions. On Monday the trial in London of a Swedish man, Bherlin Gildo, accused of terrorism in Syria, collapsed after it became clear British intelligence had been arming the same rebel groups the defendant was charged with supporting.
The prosecution abandoned the case, apparently to avoid embarrassing the intelligence services. The defence argued that going ahead withthe trial would have been an “affront to justice” when there was plenty of evidence the British state was itself providing “extensive support” to the armed Syrian opposition.
That didn’t only include the “non-lethal assistance” boasted of by the government (including body armour and military vehicles), but training, logistical support and the secret supply of “arms on a massive scale”. Reports were cited that MI6 had cooperated with the CIA on a “rat line” of arms transfers from Libyan stockpiles to the Syrian rebels in 2012 after the fall of the Gaddafi regime.
Clearly, the absurdity of sending someone to prison for doing what ministers and their security officials were up to themselves became too much. But it’s only the latest of a string of such cases. Less fortunate was a London cab driver Anis Sardar, who was given a life sentence a fortnight earlier for taking part in 2007 in resistance to the occupation of Iraq by US and British forces. Armed opposition to illegal invasion and occupation clearly doesn’t constitute terrorism or murder on most definitions, including the Geneva convention.
But terrorism is now squarely in the eye of the beholder. And nowhere is that more so than in the Middle East, where today’s terrorists are tomorrow’s fighters against tyranny – and allies are enemies – often at the bewildering whim of a western policymaker’s conference call.
For the past year, US, British and other western forces have been back in Iraq, supposedly in the cause of destroying the hyper-sectarian terror group Islamic State (formerly known as al-Qaida in Iraq). This was after Isis overran huge chunks of Iraqi and Syrian territory and proclaimed a self-styled Islamic caliphate.

The campaign isn’t going well. Last month, Isis rolled into the Iraqi city of Ramadi, while on the other side of the now nonexistent border its forces conquered the Syrian town of Palmyra. Al-Qaida’s official franchise, the Nusra Front, has also been making gains in Syria.
Some Iraqis complain that the US sat on its hands while all this was going on. The Americans insist they are trying to avoid civilian casualties, and claim significant successes. Privately, officials say they don’t want to be seen hammering Sunni strongholds in a sectarian war and risk upsetting their Sunni allies in the Gulf.
A revealing light on how we got here has now been shone by a recently declassified secret US intelligence report, written in August 2012, which uncannily predicts – and effectively welcomes – the prospect of a “Salafist principality” in eastern Syria and an al-Qaida-controlled Islamic state in Syria and Iraq. In stark contrast to western claims at the time, the Defense Intelligence Agency document identifies al-Qaida in Iraq (which became Isis) and fellow Salafists as the “major forces driving the insurgency in Syria” – and states that “western countries, the Gulf states and Turkey” were supporting the opposition’s efforts to take control of eastern Syria.
Raising the “possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality”, the Pentagon report goes on, “this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran)”.
American forces bomb one set of rebels while backing another in Syria
Which is pretty well exactly what happened two years later. The report isn’t a policy document. It’s heavily redacted and there are ambiguities in the language. But the implications are clear enough. A year into the Syrian rebellion, the US and its allies weren’t only supporting and arming an opposition they knew to be dominated by extreme sectarian groups; they were prepared to countenance the creation of some sort of “Islamic state” – despite the “grave danger” to Iraq’s unity – as a Sunni buffer to weaken Syria.
That doesn’t mean the US created Isis, of course, though some of its Gulf allies certainly played a role in it – as the US vice-president, Joe Biden, acknowledged last year. But there was no al-Qaida in Iraq until the US and Britain invaded. And the US has certainly exploited the existence of Isis against other forces in the region as part of a wider drive to maintain western control.
The calculus changed when Isis started beheading westerners and posting atrocities online, and the Gulf states are now backing other groups in the Syrian war, such as the Nusra Front. But this US and western habit of playing with jihadi groups, which then come back to bite them, goes back at least to the 1980s war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, which fostered the original al-Qaida under CIA tutelage.
It was recalibrated during the occupation of Iraq, when US forces led by General Petraeus sponsored an El Salvador-style dirty war of sectarian death squads to weaken the Iraqi resistance. And it was reprised in 2011 in the Nato-orchestrated war in Libya, where Isis last week took control of Gaddafi’s home town of Sirte.
In reality, US and western policy in the conflagration that is now the Middle East is in the classic mould of imperial divide-and-rule. American forces bomb one set of rebels while backing another in Syria, and mount what are effectively joint military operations with Iran against Isis in Iraq while supporting Saudi Arabia’s military campaign against Iranian-backed Houthi forces in Yemen. However confused US policy may often be, a weak, partitioned Iraq and Syria fit such an approach perfectly.
What’s clear is that Isis and its monstrosities won’t be defeated by the same powers that brought it to Iraq and Syria in the first place, or whose open and covert war-making has fostered it in the years since. Endless western military interventions in the Middle East have brought only destruction and division. It’s the people of the region who can cure this disease – not those who incubated the virus.


Demons and the Defense Department

In November 1991, a Nebraskan priest named Ray Boeche had a clandestine meeting with a pair of physicists working on a top secret program for the U.S. Department of Defense. Both men were deeply worried and were looking for advice and guidance from Boeche on the project in which they were immersed.

The classified operation, Boeche was told, revolved around attempts by certain elements of the DoD to contact what were termed “Non-Human Entities,” or NHEs.
Most people might call them extraterrestrials, aliens, or in terms of the field of Ufology and popular culture — “the Grays.”

For a while, the DoD referred to them in those terms, too.
But not for long.

As Ray Boeche listened carefully to what his Deep Throat sources told him, he came to realize that the Pentagon was dabbling in decidedly dangerous areas.
The scientists explained to Boeche that the contact with the NHEs was not achieved on a face to face basis, but, rather, in mind to mind fashion.

Telepathy, ESP, and channeling were the primary ways via which interaction occurred.
But, as the program progressed, something ominous occurred: it was as if a dark cloud descended on all those tied to the program.

Bad luck, illness, and even death, blighted the team.
Such was the extent of the negativity that surrounded the operation the DoD came to a startling and disturbing conclusion.


Although the DoD had initially assumed the entities they were dealing with were extraterrestrial, Boeche was informed that over time that view changed significantly and dramatically.

Indeed, the scientists on board eventually came to believe that they were not dealing with aliens from far away galaxies, after all, but with highly dangerous, deceptive, manipulative demons — as in literal demons from a literal Hell.

The UFO presence on our planet, the Pentagon group believed, was designed to seduce us into believing aliens were amongst us, when the reality — as they saw it, at least — was that we were being led to accept that belief as a means to allow Satan’s minions to get his claws into us.

Such was the concern on the part of the DoD about their actions — namely opening a door or a portal to something monstrous and malignant — they began digging deep into the distant past for the answers to the UFO puzzle.

It was ancient demons, rather than ancient aliens, that tasked the finest minds of the Pentagon.
As incredible as it might sound, those attached to the Pentagon program consulted numerous early texts and books that addressed the field of demonology, chiefly to try and figure out the extent to which the UFO phenomenon — some of it or, perhaps, even all of it — was the result of demonic activity and attendant satanic deception.

A great deal of time was spent studying numerous books on ancient and modern demonology, including John Deacon and John Walker’s 1601 work, Dialogical Discourses of Spirits and Devils and R. Campbell Thompson’s The Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia.


The Deacon and Walker book presented to its readers a long and complicated history of demonology, the means by which demons could get their grips into easily manipulated people, and the deceptive nature of these unholy creatures — all of which was worryingly familiar to the Department of Defense team.

As for R. Campbell Thompson’s book, this was the one title, more than any other, which deeply influenced the mindset of the Pentagon project.
Of fascination to Thompson were the stories he collected of predatory, supernatural entities that invaded the bedrooms of the ancient Babylonians.

Thompson noted that practically all cultures had their own equivalents, most famously the incubus and the succubus: malevolent entities that can take on male or female form, they sexually violate their victims in the dead of night.

For the Pentagon, this was very familiar territory: they saw deep parallels between the ancient incubus-style encounters and today’s so-called alien abductions, which also predominantly occur in the dead of night, and which have major sexual components, too.

Today’s allegedly intergalactic abductors, the DoD unit concluded, were really the incubus and the succubus of old, remodeled and camouflaged for a new era, but with the same agenda: to use, abuse, deceive, and manipulate the Human Race.


The magicians have always been close to the throne...always...throughout history...they're always there

They are still there. We don't get to see them like we get to see politicians because they work in the shadows

A famous example would be John dee who of course was court astrologer to queen elizabeth 1st. John Dee was contacting what he called 'enochian angels'

As the article you posted said these entities work 'mind to mind'. This is what the gnostic intell tells us....this is 2000 year old information and it tells us that the greys or 'archons' as the gnostics called them are MIND PARASITES

They cannot stay here on earth for long but they can REMOTE VIEW our world and they can hack into our consciousness and manipulate us

They can manifest in various forms and they'll often take a form from the collective unconscious or even from the consciousness of the perceiver

When people talk about fairies or elementals they are speaking about other dimensions that exist within the same space as ours but which we cannot perceive in the same way that many TV stations are beaming through the air but our TV set is only tuned to receive one channel at a time

Our body computer is tuned to recieve (ie decode) this reality that you and I are currently perceiving but if we change our resonance we can not only change how our DNA behaves (and DNA is a receiver and transmitter of information) but we can re-tune our consciousness to start shifting into another dimension. We can do this through meditation, chanting, drugs, fasting etc

We can then communicate with entities in their dimension

So there is communication going back and forth between dimensions and there has been for millenia

The demons are summoned through ceremonial magick. This is like a hack in the matrix which will patch you through to them. A demon will come and then the ceremonial magician will make a bargain with them

The demon will agree to assist the magician here in this dimension during their life in return for the magician then becoming their servant after they die

Death as we are told by things like the tibetan book of the dead is not the end it is just our consciousness moving from this body computer. There's a whole area of research looking at what happens at that point and some people believe the archons are controlling the reincarnation process by feeding souls back into the matrix

Anyway...this is why these super rich cretins who are behind all these wars and banking scandals and so on are always so reluctant to die for example david rockefeller is on his sixth heart!!!

They are reluctant to die because the afterlife for them is going to involve slavery to a demon

So what they do is they turn vampire. They literally drink the blood of the young which has been found to rejuvenate people. This is also where the old stories of werewolves comes from

These black magicians might also have to provide energy to the demons as part of their pact. So they will ritually murder children and the demon will suck up the PRANA or lifeforce of the child through the magician...using them as a conduit

The part in the article about bad luck blighting the team is typical of occult practices...when you start tweaking the matrix weird shit happens

I was once witness to a mgickal ceremony on a power vortex and afterwards i saw some abnormal electrical phenomena

People start drifting into your life and other bizarre coincidences occur and so on

Crowley famously did the abramelin working in a house he had bought in the scottish highlands on the shores of loch ness called 'boleskin'. This is on a leyline and there are old legends about that area for example Glen Urquart was said to be full of witches and folk there spoke the oldest and purest form of gaelic in the whole country. The witches there were all said to be black witches and the castle (now frequented by tourists looking for nessie) is said to have two vaults one of which contains treasure and the other the plague!

So anyway...lets just say the old fucker picked his spot to do his working. The abramelin working is in my opinion basically what jesus is said to have done in the desert except jesus did an abbreviated version as the abramelin working takes 6 months. Of course jesus too raised demons in the desert and famously battled with old nick himself

Crowley stopped the working half way through and ran off to paris to take care of some sort of business. he claims he later finished the work somewhere else. But its said that he left unfinished business at boleskin. The house was later bought by occultist jimmy page of led zepplin

However jimmy sold the place after bad things started happening in his life....his daughter was in a car crash for example and this shook him up

So anyway...yeah...when people start knocking on the door to the netherworld they are inviting in raw chaos into our world

The succubus mentioned are often said to take the seed of magicians and then use it to spawn beings in another dimension. many shamans say they have whole families in the spirit world and their wives in this world can sometimes get quite jelous!

Foolishly i used to sleep over at a friends in an area he used for magickal purposes and i did have a very......strange dream on one occaision!

So yeah many of these malevolent entities are the gnostics would tell us 'archons' who most definately do want to deceive the human race

The gnostic intell (john lash tells us) says that the archons are envious of our world. 'Envy' is the desire to destroy that which we cannot have for ourselves

Some believe that the archons are terraforming our world for example with all the radiation spills to try and make our dimension a more sympathetic resonance with their own so that they can manifest more strongly here

The leylines certainly are being manipulated and i've seen ample evidence to that effect. This ties in to the manipulation of human DNA and also in controlling the decoding of dimensional frequencies. Vaccines too might be aimed at affecting certain bloodlines DNA
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Rand Paul is trying to get pages of the 911 investigation declassifed which have never been revealed to the US public

This is becasue of the truth about 911 was ever revealed it would expose that the israeli mossad, the house of saud and the US shadow government all colluded to stage that false flag attack

They even stated the need for a 'pearl harbour' style attack in a paper in one of their think tanks a year before the attacks

The paper was called 'the project for a new american century' and it was written by right wing, neo-con think tank The Rand Corporation

The day before 911 neo-con donald rumsfeld publically announced that over 2 trillion dollars of the defence budget had just gone missing. Of course people forgot this immediately as the attack unfolded

[h=1]Rand Paul seeks to tie Pentagon funding to release of classified 9/11 docs[/h] Published time: June 06, 2015 01:58 Get short URL

The Kentucky Senator and GOP presidential candidate Rand Paul filed an amendment to a military funding bill, demanding the release of 28 pages from the 9/11 report that have been classified since 2002 and allegedly link Saudi Arabia to the attacks.
Paul originally submitted a separate bill, titled the “Transparency for the Families of 9/11 Act” (S.1471), earlier this week, with the backing of Senators Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-New York). On Friday afternoon, however, he said there would also be an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) – a bill funding military operations for the next fiscal year.

“For over 13 years, the family members of the victims of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks have been deprived of the details surrounding the redacted 28 pages of the 9/11 Congressional Inquiry,”
Paul said. ”I firmly believe the American people deserve a government that instills trust and a restoration of their sense of security, and think my amendment is a step in the right direction.”

While the wording of the amendment is not known, Paul says it would “require” the President to declassify the pages within 60 days of the NDAA’s adoption.
Icke: The world is an illusion


06.05.155:15 AM ET
[h=1]Hollywood’s Pedophilia Epidemic Exposed in ‘An Open Secret’[/h]Oscar-nominated documentary filmmaker Amy Berg explores the seedy underbelly of Tinseltown in her eye-opening exposé—which includes a shocking on-camera confession.
It’s been almost a year since Bryan Singer managed to weather the storms of scandal after his most public accuser dropped his lawsuits alleging years of predatory underage sexual abuse against the X-Men director and several other Hollywood players.
This month, as the Duggar family’s sex abuse revelations spark a national conversation on molestation, victimization, and accountability, Singer and Co. should batten down the hatches again.
In the new scorched earth exposé An Open Secret, Oscar-nominated documentarian Amy Bergthrows the curtains wide open on the alleged pedophilic ring of convicted and accused molesters linked to lavish, drug-fueled parties at the Encino mansion headquarters of now-defunct dot com web TV company Digital Entertainment Network (DEN) almost two decades ago.
Drive over the hill into Burbank and you pass the Oakwood Apartments, a sprawling 1,100-unit haven known for housing out-of-town child actors, wannabes, and their families. I always wonder how many ghosts of dreams past must still haunt the hallways at Oakwood, where a recent Deadline Hollywood investigation discovered two registered sex offenders convicted of crimes against minors were living this year.
Berg earned an Oscar nod for exposing similar pedophilic abuses within the Catholic Church in the affecting Deliver Us From Evil. Here, she’s forced to rein in the glare of her excoriating gaze on Singer despite that Michael Egan, the man who sued Singer for abusing him during trips to Hawaii in 1999 when Egan was a minor, is one of the film’s primary subjects.
In a moment of doc magic, Harrah actually admits to molesting Colman when he was a minor. “It’s something that I shouldn’t have done,” he says calmly.

When Egan dropped his lawsuit against Singer last year—and then lost more cred when he was indicted for fraud on unrelated federal charges—his narrative was edited out of the film. Now, An Open Secret merely implicates Singer by association with DEN (in which he was an investor).
That association alone is still pretty damning according to the film, which has plenty of other big fish to fry—like Singer associates and DEN founders Marc Collins-Rector, Chad Shackman, and The Mighty Ducks child actor Brock Pierce, and Brian Peck, the Nickelodeon producer and convicted sex offender who had a cameo in Singer’s X-Men and inexplicably accompanied his buddy on the film’s commentary track. These men and others like them, the film argues, preyed on wide-eyed, ambitious youngsters and tantalized them with parties, drugs, and promises of stardom.
The personal testimonies of five former child actors/models gives An Open Secret its gut-punching impact, as many detail the terror and confusion they felt falling victim to the managers, publicists, and agents they trusted. They recall the uncertainty of not knowing how to defend themselves against the older predatory mentors who were also helping guide their careers, many of whom spent years “grooming” the youngsters and their parents to earn their trust.
All of the now-older victims report feeling distraught, intimidated, traumatized, and even suicidal. Many of them turned to drugs and alcohol to deal with the abuse, or quit the industry altogether to sever ties to their poisoned dreams.
Actor and musician Evan H., the film’s unspoken hero, tells of the first time his manager, convicted sex abuser Marty Weiss, molested him in a park after taking him and several young boys out for a game of basketball.
“He was really immature and we were all immature back then, he would crack sex jokes and I didn’t think anything was wrong with it,” Evan says of the talent manager who’d ingratiated himself into his family gatherings and helped him land early gigs. “We would play basketball and he would make weird jokes like, ‘Evan, do you know what a blowjob is?’”

Years later, Evan H. secretly recorded Weiss confessing to his park assault on tape, only to have Weiss insist that the then-11-year-old was asking for it.
More famous actors who had brushes with Hollywood pedophiles and lived to tell also pop up in the film. Corey Feldman appears in archival footage railing against the Hollywood pedophiles who molested him and the late Corey Haim, as detailed in his 2013 memoir.
Diff’rent Strokes star Todd Bridges, who went public in 2010 with his own childhood sexual abuse at the age of 11 by his own publicist, describes begging to be written out of the show’s very special pedophile episode “because I had myself gone through that, and watching it happen on the show it was like reliving that all over again.”
But Berg’s impassioned exposé is also a flawed piece of nonfiction cinema. She opens the film with the story of “Mark R.,” an enthusiastic teen from Cincinnati with boy band good looks who dreamed of making it big in California, as told by his parents. The kicker to Mark R.’s saga of abuse, alcoholism, and tragedy lands like a sucker punch, injecting an already affecting personal tale with unnecessarily distracting cinematic manipulation.
It makes you wonder about Berg including her own line of on-camera questioning with Michael Harrah, a children’s talent manager who’s introduced as just another industry-expert talking head.
“Many of the kids that I worked with couldn’t have even been able to take advantage of being in the industry had they had their families move here with them,” says the now semi-retired Harrah, who was known to have his young clients move in with him without parental supervision.

Sitting for a separate interview, former child actor Joey Colman rings Harrah as the cameras roll. They trade polite pleasantries before Colman asks after Bob Villard, the manager whose client roster included Tobey Maguire and Leonardo DiCaprio. Villard was also known to take suggestive, half-nude pictures of young boys and sell them online.
Colman asks Harrah about the stories of Villard’s documented crimes against children. “I take these things with a grain of salt,” says Harrah, credited as a founder of the Screen Actors Guild’s Young Performers Committee. “I’m not sure how horrible they really are.”
In a moment of doc magic, Harrah actually admits to molesting Colman when he was a minor. “It’s something that I shouldn’t have done,” he says calmly.
“These are not Pollyannas. These are smart guys,” says ex-NYPD cop and investigative journalist John Connolly, who details for Berg his extensive research into the seedy underbelly of DEN.
Some of them are powerful, too. Connolly should know; after writing and fact-checking his own massive expose for Details magazine, editors killed his story.
The film ends on a PSA-style note, with a theme song titled “A Call to Arms,” a pledge to donate all proceeds to charity for sex abuse victims, and a sentiment calling for more dialogue around the taboo topic: “If we don’t speak out about this, then we are part of the problem.”
Christian Zionism BRAINWASHING


Christian Zionism is a belief among some Christians that the return of the Jews to the Holy Land, and the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, is in accordance with Biblical prophecy. The term began to be used in the mid-20th century,

A contemporary Israeli historian suggests that evangelical Christian Zionists of the 1840s "passed this notion on to Jewish circles", helping to encourage Jewish political Zionism.

Some Christian Zionists believe that the gathering of the Jews in Israel is a prerequisite for the Second Coming of Jesus

The idea that Christians should actively support a Jewish return to the Land of Israel, along with the parallel idea that the Jews ought to be encouraged to become Christians

In 1844, George Bush, a professor of Hebrew at New York University and the cousin of an ancestor of the Presidents Bush, published a book titled The Valley of Vision; (he published a monthly magazine called Hierophant, devoted to the elucidation of scriptural prophecies)

Jerusalem Declaration on Christian Zionism

Main article: Jerusalem Declaration on Christian Zionism
The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem (Catholic), the Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, in 2006 published the Jerusalem Declaration on Christian Zionism, which rejects Christian Zionism as substituting, in its view, a political-military program in place of the teachings of Jesus Christ.[SUP][42][/SUP] It criticizes Christian Zionism as an obstacle to peace and understanding in Israel-Palestine.

United States

The General Assembly of the National Council of Churches in November 2007 approved a resolution for further study which stated that the "theological stance of Christian Zionism adversely affects:

  • justice and peace in the Middle East, delaying the day when Israelis and Palestinians can live within secure borders
  • relationships with Middle Eastern Christians (see the Jerusalem Declaration on Christian Zionism)
  • relationships with Jews, since Jews are seen as mere pawns in an eschatological scheme
  • relationships with Muslims, since it treats the rights of Muslims as subordinate to the rights of Jews
  • interfaith dialogue, since it views the world in starkly dichotomous terms"[SUP][43][/SUP]
Although many Christian Zionists believe that conversion of the Jews to Christianity is a necessary adjunct of the Second Coming or the End of Days, conversion of the Jews is not part of the theology of prominent Christian Zionists such as John Hagee and was not thought to be required by the nineteenth century restoration advocate William Eugene Blackstone.[SUP][citation needed][/SUP]
Both pro-Zionist and anti-Zionist schools of Christian thought may be influenced and motivated by the description found in Revelation:3-9:
Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you.
This description is often offensive to Zionist Jews who otherwise find some common ground with Christian Zionism in their support of an ethnic Jewish state in the Holy Land. Nonetheless, it forms one of the foundational ideas underlying some support for Christian Zionism[SUP][citation needed][/SUP] and plays a definitive role in its eschatological script of prospective events.

Ronald Reagan
, then Governor of California, told state legislators in 1971:
"Ezekiel tells us that Gog, the nation that will lead all of the other powers of darkness against Israel, will come out of the north. Biblical scholars have been saying for generations that Gog must be Russia. What other powerful nation is to the north of Israel? None. But it didn’t seem to make sense before the Russian revolution, when Russia was a Christian country. Now it does, now that Russia has become Communistic and atheistic, now that Russia has set itself against God. Now it fits the description of Gog perfectly."[SUP][59][/SUP]

Post Cold War-millenarians still identify Gog with Russia, but they now tend to stress his allies among Islamic nations, especially Iran.[SUP][60][/SUP] For the most fervent, the countdown to Armageddon began with the return of the Jews to Israel, followed quickly by further signs pointing to the nearness of the final battle–nuclear weapons, European integration, Israel's seizure of Jerusalem, and America's wars in Afghanistan and the Gulf.[SUP][61][/SUP] In the prelude to the 2003 Invasion of Iraq, President George W. Bush told Jacques Chirac that Gog and Magog were at work in the Middle East: "This confrontation is willed by God," he told the French leader, "who wants us to use this conflict to erase his people's enemies before a New Age begins."[6

Members of the Council on Foreign Relations

Late in his junior year he was, like his father Prescott Bush (1917), initiated into the Skull and Bones secret society. He graduated as a member of the Phi Beta Kappa from Yale in 1948 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics.[

Prescott Sheldon Bush (May 15, 1895 – October 8, 1972) was an American banker and politician. He was a Wall Street executive banker and a United States Senator, representing Connecticut from 1952 until January 1963. He was the father of George H. W. Bush (41st President of the United States) and the grandfather of George W. Bush (43rd President of the United States) and Jeb Bush (43rd Governor of Florida).

during World War I, also a federal government official in charge of coordination of and assistance to major weapons contractors.

According to Skull and Bones lore, Prescott Bush was among a group of Bonesmen who dug up and removed the skull of Geronimo from his grave at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, in 1918.[SUP][2][/SUP] According to historian David L. Miller, the Bonesmen probably dug up somebody at Fort Sill, but not Geronimo

Bush was a founding member and one of seven directors (including W. Averell Harriman) of the Union Banking Corporation (holding a single share out of 4,000 as a director), an investment bank that operated as a clearing house for many assets and enterprises held by German steel magnate Fritz Thyssen.[SUP][6][/SUP][SUP][7][/SUP] In July 1942, the bank was suspected of holding gold on behalf of Nazi leaders.[SUP][8][/SUP] A subsequent government investigation disproved those allegations but confirmed the Thyssens' control, and in October 1942 the United States seized the bank under the Trading with the Enemy Act and held the assets for the duration of World War II

According to journalist Joe Conason, Prescott Bush's involvement with UBC was purely commercial and he was not a Nazi sympathizer.[SUP][9][/SUP] The Anti-Defamation League[SUP][10][/SUP] and historian Herbert Parmet[SUP][7][/SUP] agreed with that assessment.

He was involved with the American Birth Control League as early as 1942, and served as the treasurer of the first national capital campaign of Planned Parenthood in 1947.

Bush often agreed with New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller. According to Theodore H. White's book about the 1964 election, Bush and Rockefeller were longtime friends. Bush favored a Nixon-Rockefeller ticket for 1960
Any idea how long this has been going on, @muir ? And I guess the most important question here...How do we collectively tackle this?

Sorry if I'm de-railing this thread, but it's kinda all connected. Can talk via PM if you prefer.

yeah...this is the is all connected!

I get accused of speaking about 'conspiracy' stuff on a bunch of different threads but it's because all those issues all lead back to this thing

How far back does it go? long have you got?

Obviously i can fill in much more detail in the more recent events but then going further back things get hazier and hazier and more speculative

But this occult technology they are using is old.

If you take the pyramids at giza for example, madame blavatsky reckoned they were supposed to symbolically represent the tree of life with its roots in the heavens but i think they were used as a place of initiation and possibly as some sort of amplifier

But anyway the offical line on the pyramids dates them to about 5000 years old but intuitive commentators like graham hancock reckon they could be considerably older or at least i think he thinks the sphinx might be much older

So right there you have an occult use of the pyramid symbol dating back at least 5000 years

But anyway the granite blocks above the 'kings' chamber are not structural and the builders were far too competent to make an error like that so i think the granite had another use. Granite has crystals in it and has certain resonance properties so it may have been used to create an amplifying effect

So....what was placed in the granite 'sarcophagus'? Possibly some sort of device that was used to communicate with other intelligences or the initiate themself

History is indeed rewritten all the time so who knows what's possible?

For example people have always been taught that christopher colombus 'discovered' the americas but we know now from archeology that the vikings were there long before he was

Then there is a map of the polar cap without the ice on it so how old must that be?

Archeology is finding a more advanced settlement at catal hoyuk than was previously thought possible

The ice man in the french alps was thousands of years old and has what appear to be acupuncture tattoos suggesting that acupuncture was present i europe thousand sof years ago

Basically we have been lied to about...well....everything and there has been a systematic cover up of our true history

But hey....that's ok...because now we have the fun task of rediscovering our world and our history and the truth about who we are, what we are and where we come living in our very own detective novel with ourselves as the protagonist!

There is now more talk in mainstream scientific press about the holographic universe idea so even the fundamentals about what the very nature of reality is are all being overturned and understood with new eyes

Very exciting times to be alive!

So i'd say the occult knowledge is at the very least thousands of years old and some trace it back much further

Concerning the US i think a very good documentary that traces the history of banking from biblical times upto the present day is 'the money masters'

So it's possible to trace the rise of the rothschild banking empire and then the corporate takeover of the US leading upto the creation of th efederal reserve bank and then the deregulation of recent years

It has all been rolled out in stages

What are global crises like world wars and depressions are invariably created by the cabal and then used by them to not only profit but to seize more power in the wake of them

The question is what is the next manufactured crisis going to be tht they are hoping will be the stepping stone to their new world order?

Some predict the collapse of the global economy, some world war 3 with russia and china and so on

The sooner this group of people are exposed and their insane plans thwarted though the better it will be for all of us

Personally i'd rather not see us all suckered into another global crisis of some sort