Are we as a society being kept from discussing the big issues?

Yeah, for sure. I've always had that voice in the back of my head questioning every little thing I've been 'taught'. It brings about all kinds of questions and the more and more you look into it, do your research and understand...There's just so much more than that veil put over your eyes during 'school' and well, throughout many parts of our lives.

I find it sickening. Crafting all of these negative and left brained mentalities in order to bring about a form of control is wrong on so many levels to me.

You're definitely right about this being exciting times haha. Just so much going on and at such a rapid pace.

Here's a question; Can you tell me about any other means 'they' are using in which to bring about this control over us? I've always known a couple, but...There may be one or two you know that I've been clueless about.

Thanks, muir!
Yeah, for sure. I've always had that voice in the back of my head questioning every little thing I've been 'taught'. It brings about all kinds of questions and the more and more you look into it, do your research and understand...There's just so much more than that veil put over your eyes during 'school' and well, throughout many parts of our lives.

I find it sickening. Crafting all of these negative and left brained mentalities in order to bring about a form of control is wrong on so many levels to me.

You're definitely right about this being exciting times haha. Just so much going on and at such a rapid pace.

Here's a question; Can you tell me about any other means 'they' are using in which to bring about this control over us? I've always known a couple, but...There may be one or two you know that I've been clueless about.

Thanks, muir!

if you have grasped this by 22 you are WELL ahead of the game!

and its always nice to meet other people who can see it:


the tricky part is keeping a lid on things while around people who can't see it yet because it can draw hostility

I think we also have to keep one foot on the ground whilst we explore possibilities to avoid blowing our own minds too much too soon!

The internet is a good medium for discussing this stuff because there you won't lose friends, relationships, jobs etc from being on a totally different wave length from a lot of other people

The thing is though that the genie is out of the bottle...there is no going back

We cannot go back to that frequency so there is only one way forward now which is for the rest of society to raise their frequency to come up and join us!

I'll try and put some thoughts together regarding what you asked about
A warning on the ritchie allan show that the data of people is open to manipulation by the state and that people could be set up by the state for speaking out about certain issues

Before that he shows a clip of tim berners lee explaining that no data is secure


[h=1]Poroshenko Hands Over Roshen Share to Rothschild Under Trust Deal[/h] © Sputnik/ Alexander Vilf
Europe17:07 05.06.2015Get short URL

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko confirmed on Friday his decision to sell his businesses and transfer his stake in the Roshen confectionary corporation under a trust agreement to Rothschild Investment Company.

© Sputnik/ Maksim Blinov
Poor-oshenko: Ukrainian President Triples Asking Price in Roshen Sale

“I signed a deal with the world-famous and the world’s best Rothschild Company, which is now looking for buyers. Three such potential buyers have already stepped forward and are analyzing the company’s legal status and financial performance,” Poroshenko said during a news briefing devoted to his annual address to parliament. “The transfer will be done so that my name is not mentioned among Roshen’s owners,” Poroshenko added.
One of the world’s main confectionery producers, Roshen Corporation annually turns out around 450,000 tons of chocolate and jelly sweets, caramel, chocolate, biscuits, waffles, and cakes.
Roshen has factories in Ukraine, Lithuania, Hungary and Russia.
During his presidential campaign in 2014 Petro Poroshenko promised that, if elected, he would sell the Roshen Company, which remains his largest business asset.

Here's a question; Can you tell me about any other means 'they' are using in which to bring about this control over us? I've always known a couple, but...There may be one or two you know that I've been clueless about.

there are so many which is leading to people speaking about a 'full spectrum attack on humanity'

A paper surfaced called 'quiet weapons for silent wars' which was a blueprint for attacking people energetically as a way to suppress them

if you can keep people: distracted, tired, poor, confused, weak, in ill health, depressed, working all the time, stressed, fighting among themselves, fearful and prejudiced then you can control them pretty easily

So to attack peoples body/mind computer they use various technologies for example chemtrails (geoengineering) which is spraying heavy metals that are being absorbed into the human body, vaccines, toxic food additives, flouride in the water, RF frequency electro smog eg wifi, phone masts, radiation and so on to constantly throw us off balance

Then they are waging an information war through all the corporate media they have bought up to distract people from the key issues and to weave false narratives of reality that people then believe

They also seek to keep people distracted for example through mass entertainment like violent computer games, movies, pop music, sports, consumerism, soap operas, reality TV and so on

They also control the education system which is geared to encourage left brain thinking and to look down on and deride right brain thinking

They are using the system itself to act as a way to make our passage through reality difficult for example: beaurocracy, taxes, parking tickets, ineffective transport infrastructure, congestion, automated phone messages and a host of uneffective and inefficient systems in all areas of life

They are collecting all our data to create models to predict our behaviour and to feed into their AI programmes

They are using legalese and legal smoke and mirrors to tie us to a legal 'person' that is our strawman and not a real person

They are controlling the money supply to control peoples wealth and they create artificial boom and bust cycles to take peoples homes, businesses and assets off them and they control the tax system and between those levers they are able to keep most people on or near the breadline

They create divisive political and racial narratives and they stoke tensions and prejudices in the public through their media. Part of this process is the two party system that never delivers on any of its promises but keeps the public believing falsly that they live in a 'democracy' whilst also getting them all to fight among themselves

Their police brutalise the public and push them around and harass them and impede their progress

They use synthetic drugs to suppress the symptoms without looking at the actual problems

I mean you can go on and on and on as they have dreamed up so many ways to basically pull people down its unreal!

Another way to approach this that might be more positive would be to identify some of the hurdles they throw up by looking at my possible solutions thread as that will not only identify the barriers but also look at solutions to them

Perhaps the biggest thing they do is create a false sense of identity in all of us which stops us all from relating with each other and keeps us divided through fear and prejudice rooted in false belief systems
Banned documentary about the murder of princess diana and the subsequent cover up is now on youtube:


Britain's £100bn-a-year money-laundering problem: out of 14,000 tip-offs, police acted forcefully on seven[/h]

[h=3]Police 'lack resources' to carry out money-laundering investigations
Jim Armitage

City editor

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Britain is failing to prosecute corrupt officials and criminals laundering their money through front companies, banks and luxury houses here, because the police lack the resources and the legal processes are woefully inadequate.

That is the conclusion of a report from the biggest anti-corruption NGO, Transparency International, into why so few money-laundering investigations and asset seizures happen in the UK despite Britain’s status as one of the biggest centres in the world for the cleaning of ill-gotten gains.
TI revealed for the first time that, while banks, stockbrokers and other companies supply law enforcement agencies with 14,000 tip-offs each year about their customers, last year the police acted forcefully on only seven of these “suspicious activity reports”. Nick Maxwell, head of research at TI, said: “The law enforcement approach in the UK is simply not fit for purpose.”
[h=5]Read more:
HSBC pays out £28m settlement in money-laundering case[/h]The TI report comes as Britain and other rich Western nations have been embarrassed that it took the US, where soccer is not the most popular sport, to launch the first meaningful investigation into corruption at Fifa. It recommends that a far more proactive, US-style regime is adopted here, one that will have what it takes to crack Britain’s money laundering problem.
The US has also been much more active in pursuing banks, imposing a record $1.9bn fine on HSBC in 2012 for its part in helping Mexican drug cartels launder money through New York.
Report: Pfizer ‘Hid Link’ Between Anti-Depressants and Birth Defects

Something we've been reporting on for years



by Anthony Gucciardi
Posted on June 9, 2015

Pharmaceutical mammoth Pfizer faces more than 1,000 lawsuits from victims who say that the company knew about the relationship between birth defects and their #1 best-selling anti-depressant. A claim that Pfizer has, of course, battled against.
Now, however, new reports have surfaced that Pfizer’s own scientific advisers were warning of the deadly link for more than a year. Something that my team told you in 2012 was already going on. According to Bloomberg:
“A Pfizer Inc. report shows a scientist warned executives last year about a potential link between the anti-depressant drug Zoloft and birth defects and recommended changes to the medication’s safety warning.
The document from a Pfizer drug-safety official might complicate the company’s efforts to fend off lawsuits brought by parents of children with malformed hearts. Pfizer has consistently rejected suggestions Zoloft caused newborn abnormalities and said Monday the document was taken out of context by lawyers suing the company.”
In other words, Pfizer likely employed a popular Big Pharma tactic: ignore any science that reveals serious side effects, and instead choose to pay some relatively meager fines for the damages. After all, paying a few million (or billion) in fines is often nothing compared to the profits from drugs like Zoloft, which rakes in around $2.9 billion per year alone.
After all, Pfizer has a familiar history with government fines. It was in 2009 when the corporation paid one of the largest health care fraud settlements of all time, shelling out $2.3 billion for “the intent to defraud or mislead” consumers with their painkiller Bextra. Again, a fine that is less than the sales of Zoloft for a single year.
As we read further down into the Bloomberg report, yet again it seems that research indicating serious side effects was simply ignored:
“Pfizer researchers also acknowledged in a 1998 report, which has been introduced into evidence in the Philadelphia trial, they’d found more than a dozen side-effect reports about babies’ birth defects for which their mothers’ Zoloft use couldn’t be ruled out as a cause.”
Sadly, this is nothing new for the mega pharmaceutical conglomerate. Eli Lilly & Co., the manufacturers of Prozac, did their best to hide the link between Prozac and increased risk of suicide for a number of years. Ultimately, it took a Harvard psychiatrist to proclaim that Americans were being treated like ‘guinea pigs’ by Eli Lilly & Co.’s Prozac for real public interest.
Will Pfizer end up paying a couple billion or less in fines for leading to an unknown number of life-threatening birth defects? It is the most likely outcome, for which the company is quite thankful. As long as they can write off the settlement loss and continue to take in the yearly profits, the company will get over it quickly.

[TABLE="class: author_bio"]
[TD] About Anthony Gucciardi:
Google Plus Profile Anthony is a natural health and self-development author, speaker, and activist whose writings have appeared in #1 USA Today and Wall Street Journal Best-Selling books and top 100 websites. As the Co-Founder of NaturalSociety, Anthony's writings on the subject of health and wellness have reached tens of millions of readers worldwide. A proponent of an organic lifestyle, the growth of alternative news, and a dedication to aiding various non-profit organizations, NaturalSociety was Anthony's next step in what he calls "highlighting what you won't be hearing about on the major news networks." Anthony has appeared on both grassroots and established platforms alike, including routine appearances on Drudge Report, Daily Mail, RT, The Blaze, Infowars, Michael Savage's Savage Nation, Coast to Coast AM, and many others.[/TD]

This is simply one of the best articles i've read in a while:

Living Magically: The Art of Chewing Life Up and Spitting it Out

Gary “Z’ McGee, Staff Writer

Waking Times
“The Universe is saying: Allow me to flow through you unrestricted, and you will see the greatest magic you have ever seen.”Klaus Joehle

You’ve probably heard the now common cliché, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” How true it is. But it’s not enough to know it with your head. You need to understand it with your heart; with your mind, body, and soul, in order to create magic with it. You need to be proactive about it, in order for it to really have an impact in your life. Like Daniel Pinchbeck said, “Deep down, nobody wants a job to occupy his or her time. We want a mission that inspires us.”

This will probably require getting a little “crazy,” a little bit “nuts.” In order to make your life more magical, you may need to take a non-dogmatic leap of faith. Let yourself go mad. Let yourself be weird. Like Kurt Vonnegut said, “We are here on Earth to fart around, and don’t let anybody tell you any different.” Farting around is making a big stink, it’s laughing at the all-too-serious human condition, and it’s falling in love with impermanence.

You are a magical creature, even if you’re not consciously aware of it. Your inner-child wants desperately to come out and play, even if you have suppressed it; even if it has been oppressed by a sick society. Jump into the angry abyss with a smile on your face. This is how magic has always been created, from shamans to Shakespeare. Get out there and live! Look for the magic within things. Look for the magic within you. Like William Butler Yeats poetically articulated, “The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”

Dreamer of Dreams
“Not to dream boldly may turn out to be irresponsible.”George Leonard
Haters gonna hate, lovers gonna love. And the best place to start loving, is to start dreaming your love into being. Dream of cathartic thunder resonating between lonely hearts. Dream of lightening in a jar drank to the dregs by humorless men desperately trying to regain their sense of humor. Dream of chaotic empathy usurping orderly apathy. Dethrone the parochial by dreaming God and Satan are playing tennis, and no matter how much they play, the score is always love-love. Like George Bernard Shaw said, “You see things, and you say ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were, and I say, ‘Why not?’”

Between wakefulness and dreams there is a third thing: metamorphosis. Dreams don’t stand still: they move; they change; they dissolve and crumble and coalesce and regroup. As a dreamer of dreams, you must do the same. And if your dreams are “flying south for the winter,” then that’s probably where you should be heading. Turn your dreams into a quest, into a journey of the most high. Whether it’s the quest for health, truth or love, “quest” is the key word, and the journey is always the thing.

Forget logic and reason for a time. Let unreason and magic shine. Then bring logic and reason back in for a little tidying up. Do it with high humor, and the magic that comes from being the dreamer of dreams will not elude you. Like Carl Jung said, “Reason and understanding must unite with unreason and magic.” Let them unite within you in perfectly imperfect recognition.
The Greek word Thumos is the desire for prestige. It is the dream of the perfect recognition, when all that is great within ourselves synergizes perfectly with all that is eternal in the cosmos in harmonic synchronicity.

Mythmaker of Myths
“Dream the myth forward.”Carl Jung
The greatest magic is transmuting the passions. And nothing is as powerful, alchemically, at transmuting the passions than myth.
Joseph Campbell described mythology as having four basic functions:

  • The Mystical Function: experiencing the awe of the universe,
  • The Cosmological Function: explaining the shape of the universe,
  • The Sociological Function: supporting and validating a certain social order, and
  • The Pedagogical Function: how to live a human lifetime under any circumstances.

As far as being a myth-maker is concerned, the mystical and the pedagogical functions are the most important. This is because the primary method of myth is sensual, not verbal. Language is secondary, and only because it is the only way we have to communicate the mythic vision. But by relearning this, sensual, nonverbal language (what Derrick Jensen calls “a language older than words”), we open ourselves up to the majesty of the cosmos and allow for the inner-workings of nature to rethread herself through us.

Our tool is myth. Our goal becomes, as Thomas Berry said, “to move the human community from its destructive presence on the planet to a benign or mutually enhancing presence on the planet.” The myths we harbor can work for or against us. Our current myth is a violent, exploitative, dog-eat-dog system. Unfortunately, we’ve swallowed this myth: hook, line, and sinker. Our duty, if we have the courage, is to update this outdated, unsustainable myth by becoming mythmakers who have the audacity to create a contemporary, sustainable system that meets violence with laughter, exploitation with expiation, and the dog-eat-dog system with a human-support-human system.

Mythology is an ever-present, ever-receding horizon mediated through the creative imagination of individuals and cultures and venerated through art and cosmology. As Louis G. Herman wrote, “The retelling of mythology helps access the creative energy of the ancient past within the present. In this understanding, past, present, and future become separate faces of a single reality,” or, as Jean Gebser put it, an “ever-present origin.”

If we can step back every once in a while and think like an outsider. If we can let go of the “story,” and release the myth. If we can think past it, around it, inside and out of it. If we can accept it for what it is, and then let our imagination run rampant all over it. If we can take the frame of our yester-life and reshape it, widen it, rebuild it out of rubber-bands, or weaponry turned livingry, or desertification turned greenery. If we can break it, if need be. If we can do that, then we can prevent the frame from ever becoming a locked safe. And if it ever happens to become a locked safe, it’s never too late. We know the combination. And if for any reason we should lose that combination, then we must have the courage to shatter the lock. Like Tony Robbins said, “Passion is the genesis of genius.” Being a mythmaker is having the passion to shatter outdated locks with updated sledgehammers.
Jokester of Jokes
“Life should be lived to the point of tears.”Albert Camus
Nature loves audacious courage. Commit to nature and she responds by removing obstacles from your path. This is how magic is done. This is the art of chewing life up and spitting it out. This is the shamanic dance in the abyss.

One of the most amazing things that courageous people discover on their journey is how fulfilling the self-made path is, especially when they don’t know where it might lead. The awesome realization that if the path were clear, and everything ahead of us were known, it simply would not be fulfilling. Even if we cannot admit it to ourselves, we yearn for astonishment. We long to be surprised, to be in awe, to be taken aback by the majesty of the Great Mystery.

It is within the labyrinth of our own journey, with its twists and turns, ups and downs, hidden demons and thrashing thresholds, where we find true fulfillment. Not on the clear path of others, with their wide-open and clearly forecasted ways, their all-too-noticeable signs, their spoon-fed morsels of already-lived life, and their parochial paradigms handed down piecemeal from shrunken comfort zones. In the adventure of our own labyrinth, there is no such thing as dead ends. There is only the illusion of dead ends. On the already-lived-path-of-others there are always dead ends, especially if you don’t do things as “they” did, or as authority commands.

This is not to say that we should not stand upon the shoulders of giants. We definitely should. But we ought to make such standing a part of our journey rather than an end to it. If we can allow ourselves to be individuated voyeurs, peeking in on the paths of others, borrowing the magic that works and discarding that which insults our soul, all while using it to see further than they could, then we make our journey our own while learning from those who came before us. And the best part is we don’t get stuck, because we’re simply borrowing an egg or two (of knowledge) from their baskets, rather than placing all our eggs into any single basket.

By living the self-made labyrinth of our own journey, we turn the tables upon the cosmic joke itself. Instead of being the butt-end of the joke, we become the almighty jokester, the personified trickster, transcending seriousness with a humor of the most high. We become the one who laughs instead of the one who is laughed at. We liberate ourselves to laugh at it all, to poke holes in makeshift ideologies (especially our own), and to usurp outdated thrones with updated humor.

The paths that came before us pale in comparison to the paths that lay within us. Similarly, the dogmatic seriousness that came before us pales in comparison to the humorous sincerity that lies within us. Their old magic is no match for our new magic. I beseech you, you who would live a magical life of adventure and self-discovery, your path begins at the perceived limits of your comfort zone. Authentic love begins with genuine humor. Dream the dream forward. Dream the myth forward. Dream the joke forward. Laugh, and laugh hard, especially at stagnate dreams, outdated myths, and parochial gods. The world doesn’t need more obedient followers, sycophants, and bootlickers. It desperately needs more disobedient dreamers, mythmakers, and jokesters.

“In conclusion, there is no conclusion. Things will go on as they always have, getting weirder all the time.”
Robert Anton Wilson
About the Author

Gary ‘Z’ McGee, a former Navy Intelligence Specialist turned philosopher, is the author of Birthday Suit of God and The Looking Glass Man. His works are inspired by the great philosophers of the ages and his wide awake view of the modern world.
Rand Paul asks why the US police are being given bayonets and says the 'militarisation of the police' is 'out of control'

Last edited:
One year old news, I don't know has someone posted this already here but I wanted to share this. Kind of interesting...

Nasa-funded study: industrial civilisation headed for 'irreversible collapse'?

Natural and social scientists develop new model of how 'perfect storm' of crises could unravel global system


This Nasa Earth Observatory image shows a storm system circling around an area of extreme low pressure in 2010,
which many scientists attribute to climate change. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

A new study partly-sponsored by Nasa's Goddard Space Flight Center has highlighted the prospect that global industrial civilisation
could collapse in coming decades due to unsustainable resource exploitation and increasingly unequal wealth distribution.

Noting that warnings of 'collapse' are often seen to be fringe or controversial, the study attempts to make sense of compelling historical
data showing that "the process of rise-and-collapse is actually a recurrent cycle found throughout history." Cases of severe civilisational
disruption due to "precipitous collapse - often lasting centuries - have been quite common."

The independent research project is based on a new cross-disciplinary 'Human And Nature DYnamical' (HANDY) model, led by applied
mathematician Safa Motesharrei of the US National Science Foundation-supported National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center,
in association with a team of natural and social scientists. The HANDY model was created using a minor Nasa grant, but the study based on
it was conducted independently. The study based on the HANDY model has been accepted for publication in the peer-reviewed Elsevier journal,
Ecological Economics.

It finds that according to the historical record even advanced, complex civilisations are susceptible to collapse,
raising questions about the sustainability of modern civilisation:

"The fall of the Roman Empire, and the equally (if not more) advanced Han, Mauryan, and Gupta Empires, as well as so many advanced Mesopotamian
Empires, are all testimony to the fact that advanced, sophisticated, complex, and creative civilizations can be both fragile and impermanent."

By investigating the human-nature dynamics of these past cases of collapse, the project identifies the most salient interrelated factors which explain
civilisational decline, and which may help determine the risk of collapse today: namely, Population, Climate, Water, Agriculture, and Energy.

These factors can lead to collapse when they converge to generate two crucial social features: "the stretching of resources due to the strain
placed on the ecological carrying capacity"; and "the economic stratification of society into Elites [rich] and Masses (or "Commoners") [poor]"
These social phenomena have played "a central role in the character or in the process of the collapse," in all such cases over "the last five thousand years."

Currently, high levels of economic stratification are linked directly to overconsumption of resources, with "Elites" based largely in industrialised
countries responsible for both:

"... accumulated surplus is not evenly distributed throughout society, but rather has been controlled by an elite. The mass of the population,
while producing the wealth, is only allocated a small portion of it by elites, usually at or just above subsistence levels."

The study challenges those who argue that technology will resolve these challenges by increasing efficiency:

"Technological change can raise the efficiency of resource use, but it also tends to raise both per capita resource consumption and the scale of resource
extraction, so that, absent policy effects, the increases in consumption often compensate for the increased efficiency of resource use."

Productivity increases in agriculture and industry over the last two centuries has come from "increased (rather than decreased) resource throughput,"
despite dramatic efficiency gains over the same period.

Modelling a range of different scenarios, Motesharrei and his colleagues conclude that under conditions "closely reflecting the reality of the world today...
we find that collapse is difficult to avoid." In the first of these scenarios, civilisation:

".... appears to be on a sustainable path for quite a long time, but even using an optimal depletion rate and starting with a very small number of Elites,
the Elites eventually consume too much, resulting in a famine among Commoners that eventually causes the collapse of society. It is important to note that
this Type-L collapse is due to an inequality-induced famine that causes a loss of workers, rather than a collapse of Nature."

Another scenario focuses on the role of continued resource exploitation, finding that "with a larger depletion rate, the decline of the Commoners occurs faster,
while the Elites are still thriving, but eventually the Commoners collapse completely, followed by the Elites."

In both scenarios, Elite wealth monopolies mean that they are buffered from the most "detrimental effects of the environmental collapse until much later than
the Commoners", allowing them to "continue 'business as usual' despite the impending catastrophe." The same mechanism, they argue, could explain how
"historical collapses were allowed to occur by elites who appear to be oblivious to the catastrophic trajectory (most clearly apparent in the Roman and Mayan cases)."

Applying this lesson to our contemporary predicament, the study warns that:

"While some members of society might raise the alarm that the system is moving towards an impending collapse and therefore advocate structural changes to society
in order to avoid it, Elites and their supporters, who opposed making these changes, could point to the long sustainable trajectory 'so far' in support of doing nothing."

However, the scientists point out that the worst-case scenarios are by no means inevitable, and suggest that appropriate policy and structural changes could avoid collapse,
if not pave the way toward a more stable civilisation.

The two key solutions are to reduce economic inequality so as to ensure fairer distribution of resources, and to dramatically reduce resource consumption by relying on less
intensive renewable resources and reducing population growth:

"Collapse can be avoided and population can reach equilibrium if the per capita rate of depletion of nature is reduced to a sustainable level, and if resources are distributed
in a reasonably equitable fashion."

The NASA-funded HANDY model offers a highly credible wake-up call to governments, corporations and business - and consumers - to recognise that 'business as usual' cannot
be sustained, and that policy and structural changes are required immediately.

Although the study based on HANDY is largely theoretical - a 'thought-experiment' - a number of other more empirically-focused studies - by KPMG and the UK Government Office of Science
for instance - have warned that the convergence of food, water and energy crises could create a 'perfect storm' within about fifteen years. But these 'business as usual'
forecasts could be very conservative.

Dr Nafeez Ahmed is executive director of the Institute for Policy Research & Development
and author of A User's Guide to the Crisis of Civilisation: And How to Save It among other books. Follow him on Twitter @nafeezahmed

  • This article was amended on 26 March 2014 to reflect the nature of the study and Nasa's relationship to it more clearly.

One year old news, I don't know has someone posted this already here but I wanted to share this. Kind of interesting...

Nasa-funded study: industrial civilisation headed for 'irreversible collapse'?

Natural and social scientists develop new model of how 'perfect storm' of crises could unravel global system


This Nasa Earth Observatory image shows a storm system circling around an area of extreme low pressure in 2010,
which many scientists attribute to climate change. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

A new study partly-sponsored by Nasa's Goddard Space Flight Center has highlighted the prospect that global industrial civilisation
could collapse in coming decades due to unsustainable resource exploitation and increasingly unequal wealth distribution.

Noting that warnings of 'collapse' are often seen to be fringe or controversial, the study attempts to make sense of compelling historical
data showing that "the process of rise-and-collapse is actually a recurrent cycle found throughout history." Cases of severe civilisational
disruption due to "precipitous collapse - often lasting centuries - have been quite common."

The independent research project is based on a new cross-disciplinary 'Human And Nature DYnamical' (HANDY) model, led by applied
mathematician Safa Motesharrei of the US National Science Foundation-supported National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center,
in association with a team of natural and social scientists. The HANDY model was created using a minor Nasa grant, but the study based on
it was conducted independently. The study based on the HANDY model has been accepted for publication in the peer-reviewed Elsevier journal,
Ecological Economics.

It finds that according to the historical record even advanced, complex civilisations are susceptible to collapse,
raising questions about the sustainability of modern civilisation:

"The fall of the Roman Empire, and the equally (if not more) advanced Han, Mauryan, and Gupta Empires, as well as so many advanced Mesopotamian
Empires, are all testimony to the fact that advanced, sophisticated, complex, and creative civilizations can be both fragile and impermanent."

By investigating the human-nature dynamics of these past cases of collapse, the project identifies the most salient interrelated factors which explain
civilisational decline, and which may help determine the risk of collapse today: namely, Population, Climate, Water, Agriculture, and Energy.

These factors can lead to collapse when they converge to generate two crucial social features: "the stretching of resources due to the strain
placed on the ecological carrying capacity"; and "the economic stratification of society into Elites [rich] and Masses (or "Commoners") [poor]"
These social phenomena have played "a central role in the character or in the process of the collapse," in all such cases over "the last five thousand years."

Currently, high levels of economic stratification are linked directly to overconsumption of resources, with "Elites" based largely in industrialised
countries responsible for both:

"... accumulated surplus is not evenly distributed throughout society, but rather has been controlled by an elite. The mass of the population,
while producing the wealth, is only allocated a small portion of it by elites, usually at or just above subsistence levels."

The study challenges those who argue that technology will resolve these challenges by increasing efficiency:

"Technological change can raise the efficiency of resource use, but it also tends to raise both per capita resource consumption and the scale of resource
extraction, so that, absent policy effects, the increases in consumption often compensate for the increased efficiency of resource use."

Productivity increases in agriculture and industry over the last two centuries has come from "increased (rather than decreased) resource throughput,"
despite dramatic efficiency gains over the same period.

Modelling a range of different scenarios, Motesharrei and his colleagues conclude that under conditions "closely reflecting the reality of the world today...
we find that collapse is difficult to avoid." In the first of these scenarios, civilisation:

".... appears to be on a sustainable path for quite a long time, but even using an optimal depletion rate and starting with a very small number of Elites,
the Elites eventually consume too much, resulting in a famine among Commoners that eventually causes the collapse of society. It is important to note that
this Type-L collapse is due to an inequality-induced famine that causes a loss of workers, rather than a collapse of Nature."

Another scenario focuses on the role of continued resource exploitation, finding that "with a larger depletion rate, the decline of the Commoners occurs faster,
while the Elites are still thriving, but eventually the Commoners collapse completely, followed by the Elites."

In both scenarios, Elite wealth monopolies mean that they are buffered from the most "detrimental effects of the environmental collapse until much later than
the Commoners", allowing them to "continue 'business as usual' despite the impending catastrophe." The same mechanism, they argue, could explain how
"historical collapses were allowed to occur by elites who appear to be oblivious to the catastrophic trajectory (most clearly apparent in the Roman and Mayan cases)."

Applying this lesson to our contemporary predicament, the study warns that:

"While some members of society might raise the alarm that the system is moving towards an impending collapse and therefore advocate structural changes to society
in order to avoid it, Elites and their supporters, who opposed making these changes, could point to the long sustainable trajectory 'so far' in support of doing nothing."

However, the scientists point out that the worst-case scenarios are by no means inevitable, and suggest that appropriate policy and structural changes could avoid collapse,
if not pave the way toward a more stable civilisation.

The two key solutions are to reduce economic inequality so as to ensure fairer distribution of resources, and to dramatically reduce resource consumption by relying on less
intensive renewable resources and reducing population growth:

"Collapse can be avoided and population can reach equilibrium if the per capita rate of depletion of nature is reduced to a sustainable level, and if resources are distributed
in a reasonably equitable fashion."

The NASA-funded HANDY model offers a highly credible wake-up call to governments, corporations and business - and consumers - to recognise that 'business as usual' cannot
be sustained, and that policy and structural changes are required immediately.

Although the study based on HANDY is largely theoretical - a 'thought-experiment' - a number of other more empirically-focused studies - by KPMG and the UK Government Office of Science
for instance - have warned that the convergence of food, water and energy crises could create a 'perfect storm' within about fifteen years. But these 'business as usual'
forecasts could be very conservative.

Dr Nafeez Ahmed is executive director of the Institute for Policy Research & Development
and author of A User's Guide to the Crisis of Civilisation: And How to Save It among other books. Follow him on Twitter @nafeezahmed

  • This article was amended on 26 March 2014 to reflect the nature of the study and Nasa's relationship to it more clearly.


The people behind the militarisation of the police also control NASA

they are the ones destroying the environment with THEIR corporations

They are then using the damage that THEY create to justify arguing for changes to society that THEY want to make which take our powers away and give them all to THEM

It is that group of people and their activities that we as a society now need to be examining

Their paper money system most definately is going to collapse, but we need to not let them replace it with another of their redundant systems

Monday, June 8, 2015

Bilderberg 2015: Implementation of the A.I. Grid

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[TD="class: tr-caption, align: center"] Regina’s All-Seeing Eye.[/TD]
By Jay Dyer

The plan to integrate nations into continental trading blocs is not a new idea. In Dr. Carroll Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope, reference is made to the plan of the Third Reich to create global trading blocs, which itself is an older British Royal Society plan. Daniel Estulin, in his The Bilderberg Group and Shadow Masters provides detailed investigations into both Bilderberg and its many-headed Hydra organization, exemplified in Captain America 2: Winter Soldier. Founded by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, as well as numerous other Atlanticist elites like David Rockefeller, Paul Van Zeeland and numerous other media barons, corporate heads, bankers, and countless other people better than us.

Bilderberg, operating under the guise of “free market capitalism,” represents instead the complete culmination of banking corporate world control. Presented as yet another debate forum, the secretive meetings instead have been revealed in numerous cases to have driven global policy. The most shining example is the 1955 Bilderberg meeting’s plans for the creation of the “European Common Market” and “European Union (Unity) shown below. It is important to recall that the European Common Market came into play some three years later in 1958, while the European Union itself was supposedly founded in 1993. With this in mind, we can see how the TTIP is simply a further extension of the same strategy of economic integration, from the EU to NAFTA.

[TABLE="class: tr-caption-container, align: center"]
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[TD="class: tr-caption, align: center"] 1955 Bilderberg document highlighting the coming European Union reproduced in Estulin’s Shadow Masters.[/TD]
In other words, what the banksters planned in secret in 1955 was made public in 1993, having been implemented in gradual, incremental stages. Indeed, it was the post-World War II era that created all these entities – the U.N., Bretton Woods and the IMF and World Bank, etc. All of these entities, including Bilderberg, are part of the same power structure that coordinated the last century’s wars for the sole purpose of a world government, all of which is spelled out in Quigley’s CFR archives-based tome, Tragedy and Hope. Thus, while the populations still think their national governments are at war with other nation-states and market economies are driving economic surplus, the reality is that most nation-states are subsidiaries of the Atlanticist power bloc whose sights are set on the dismantling of Russia, as Estulin’s Shadow Masters details.

Like last year’s Bilderberg meeting, the whispers are this year will discuss the implementation and rollout of artificial intelligence. 2015 has seen a tremendous push for the acceptance of automation, from robots in the workplace, to driverless cars, to implantable microchips. Transhumanism is now a buzzword, and we in the alternative media community have been vindicated countless times in calling attention to the unified agenda of selling the masses on the acceptance of the new religious ideology. JaysAnalysis has highlighted this takeover plan from older Pentagon documents, as well as its selling point in countless Hollywood blockbusters (and here).


This year, former DARPA head turned Google exec, Regina Dugan will be speaking, vindicating JaysAnalysis’ identifying Dugan as a key player to watch back in 2012. In 2013, Dugan gave a talk telling the audience the future of the microchip will be an ingestible form, as well as tattooed RFID tracking. Dugan’s Ted Talks and lectures detailed the technological side of the pyramid’s plans for rolling out the “Smart” drones, and when read in convert with IBM CEO Ginny Rommety’s lectures on SmartCities and “pre-crime,” we can see the unified plan of the technocrats. Detailing hundreds of similar examples, what is most difficult to convey is the unified nature of the overall plan, from economic “reform” and “free market shock therapy austerity,” to the implementation of the Smart grid/A.I. takeover, to the bio-chemical dysgenics operations, the Atlanticist plans are unified, strategic, and full-spectrum. They cover the entire domain of human experience, as well as the entire biosphere. The transition to SmartCities is the ultimate goal of the Green/Agenda 21 plan, as the below UK think tank Forum for the Future propaganda video demonstrates:


All of this arrives on the heels of Jenner’s trans-formation into a “woman,” despite the obvious absurdity of this idea given male and female chromosomes, as well as Ray Kurzweil’s claim that by 2030, humans will be cyborg hybrids. Kurzweil stated:
Kurzweil predicts that humans will become hybrids in the 2030s. That means our brains will be able to connect directly to the cloud, where there will be thousands of computers, and those computers will augment our existing intelligence. He said the brain will connect via nanobots — tiny robots made from DNA strands. “Our thinking then will be a hybrid of biological and non-biological thinking,” he said. The bigger and more complex the cloud, the more advanced our thinking. By the time we get to the late 2030s or the early 2040s, Kurzweil believes our thinking will be predominately non-biological. We’ll also be able to fully back up our brains. “We’re going to gradually merge and enhance ourselves,” he said. “In my view, that’s the nature of being human — we transcend our limitations.”​

The over-arching plan is the complete trans-cending of limitations, be they law, gender, nature, time and space. However, while this unified agenda has all the weight of the Fortune 100 and transnational banksters behind it, the Gospel of the transhumanists has one big problem – as long as humans are a finite mind with a limited point of focus in the psyche, there will always be limitations. Man’s Promethean desire to overcome limitations through alchemical techno means is all predicated on naturalism, and naturalism isn’t true. Transhumanist “immortality” is a deception that, even as life extension (an actual, positive goal) becomes more advanced, will not be offered to the masses. The same people meeting at Bilderberg desiring immortality are the same people behind mass dysgenics, global drug running and the rigging of global markets. Why would you trust liars to give you eternal life? Truly people will believe anything.

The unified plan is also outlined in one of its architect’s most famous dystopian novels, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. In his 1932 work, the future envisioned is entirely under technocratic control, where breeding is controlled by the state through cloning, sterilization, and the abolition of monogamy, property history, tradition and culture. Huxley’s famous Berkeley speech outlines the strategy – the very thing Bilderberg desires to implement, and even describes mass mind control, brainwashing, and the mass pharmacological neutering of the future genderless Morlock masses. Huxley referred to it as the “final revolution” – the revolution against man himself. It is a unified plan.


You can read more from Jay Dyer at his site Jay's Analysis, where this article first appeared.

This article may be re-posted in full with attribution.
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[MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION] Very interesting to read it! Thanks for sharing. I've heard of those ''microchips'' before, sounds so creepy. o.o Yeah, I think that the current money system will collapse at some point, lots of economical crisis' everywhere already...

THEY = Illuminati? :m075:
@muir Very interesting to read it! Thanks for sharing. I've heard of those ''microchips'' before, sounds so creepy. o.o Yeah, I think that the current money system will collapse at some point, lots of economical crisis' everywhere already...

THEY = Illuminati? :m075:

Yeah you could use the term 'illuminati'

they work through many organisations though so they have many heads like the hydra!

However when you look at the size of humanity we are basically looking at a very small number of people who are controlling society from the top down

They have been given other names though for example the 'military industrial complex' because they also control all the corporations that drive the wars because they profit from them

for example they control the big banks who provide war loans to governments, they control the big oil corporations which provide the fuel for war and exploit the oil resources of the countries they invade and they control the corporations who make all the bombs and bullets and war hardware

they are a network of people exhibiting a psychopathic level of uncaringness towards the rest of humanity and they meet in various forums like bilderburg, the trilateral commission, the council on foreign relations, chatham house and so on

A crazy cabal who need to be brought out into the light by the public, scrutinised, understood and then neutralised

[h=1]All we see & seem is but a dream within a dream[/h]

[h=1]Prescription antidepressants, tranquilizers and painkillers all increase risk of murder[/h] Sunday, June 07, 2015 by: David Gutierrez, staff writer

People taking antidepressants, tranquilizers and painkillers are all significantly more likely to kill another human being than similar people who are not taking those drugs, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Karolinsksa Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden, and published in the journal World Psychiatry on June 1.

Following high-profile school shootings in the United States and Finland, commentators have wondered whether antidepressants being taken by the shooters might have played a role in their actions.

"It has been repeatedly claimed that it was the antidepressants used by the persons who committed these massacres that triggered their violent behavior," researcher Jari Tiihonen said. "It is possible that the massive publicity around the subject has already affected drug prescription practices."

Shockingly, however, the new study found that painkillers were actually the drugs most strongly linked to homicide, with non-prescription painkillers showing the strongest link.

[h=2]People on painkillers three times more likely to kill[/h]For the new study, the researchers collected data from the Finnish Homicide Database of the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy on 959 people convicted of homicide. They then consulted the Finnish Prescription Register of the Social Insurance Institution of Finland to see whether the murderers had used any prescription drugs during a seven-year period (2003-2011) prior to committing homicide. The researchers also reviewed police reports to see if the convicted killers had been reported to be intoxicated at the time of the killings.

Each convicted killer was matched with 10 other people of the same age and gender who lived in the same town but had not been convicted of homicide, and these 9,590 people were also looked up in the Prescription Register.

The researchers looked at prescription drugs including antidepressants, antipsychotics, benzodiazepines (tranquilizers, used for anxiety and insomnia), epilepsy drugs, addiction control drugs and painkillers.

Among psychiatric drugs, there was no connection between antipsychotic use and the chance of killing someone. Antidepressant use, in contrast, raised the risk of becoming a killer by 31 percent. Tranquilizer use increased it by 45 percent.

Surprisingly, these effects were dwarfed by the effects of drugs not typically considered psychiatric in nature: painkillers. People who took opioid (narcotic) painkillers were 92 percent more likely to kill someone, while those taking prescription anti-inflammatory drugs were a shocking 206 percent – that is, three times – more likely to kill someone.

The effects were even more striking among those under the age of 26. In this age group, the use of benzodiazepine tranquilizers increased the risk of committing a homicide by 95 percent, while the use of narcotic painkillers increased the risk by 223 percent.

[h=2]Drugs weaken impulse control, emotional processing[/h]Of course, the study proves only that there is a correlation between the use of certain drugs and homicide, not that the drugs actually cause their users to kill people. But the findings are certainly cause for concern, especially since the drugs in question are all known (indeed, designed) to disrupt the function of the brain.

Although antidepressants were, as suspected, associated with a higher risk of committing homicide, Tiihonen emphasized the greater risks found with other drug classes.

"If anything, we should be concerned about prescriptions of high-dose benzodiazepines and opioid painkillers for people with substance abuse," he said.

Tiihonen noted that many of the killers studied had been long-term users of high-dose tranquilizers before committing their crimes.

"Benzodiazepines can weaken impulse control, and earlier research has found that painkillers affect emotional processing," he said. "Caution in prescribing benzodiazepines and strong painkillers to people with a history of substance abuse is advisable."



[h=1]Jim Marrs: "Secret Societies Have Been Manipulating Events Since Time Immemorial!"[/h]

[h=1]Three charts that show Iceland's economy recovered after it imprisoned bankers and let banks go bust - instead of bailing them out[/h]

[h=3]"It is dangerous that someone is too big to investigate - it gives a sense there is a safe haven."
Hazel Sheffield

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Iceland’s finance minister has announced a 39 per cent tax on investors looking to take their money overseas.
The country has imposed the tax to prevent it hemorrhaging money as it loosens bank laws imposed six years ago, when Iceland made the shocking decision to let its banks go bust.

Iceland also allowed bankers to be prosecuted as criminals – in contrast to the US and Europe, where banks were fined, but chief executives escaped punishment.
The chief executive, chairman, Luxembourg ceo and second largest shareholder of Kaupthing, an Icelandic bank that collapsed, were sentenced in February to between four and five years in prison for market manipulation.

Iceland allowed bankers to be prosecuted as criminals – in contrast to the US and Europe, where banks were fined, but chief executives escaped punishment (Getty)
"Why should we have a part of our society that is not being policed or without responsibility?" said special prosecutor Olafur Hauksson at the time. "It is dangerous that someone is too big to investigate - it gives a sense there is a safe haven."
[h=5]Read more: Iceland: The economy that came in from the cold?[/h][h=3]Bailing on bail out[/h]While the UK government nationalised Lloyds and RBS with tax-payers’ money and the US government bought stakes in its key banks, Iceland adopted a different approach. It said it would shore up domestic bank accounts. Everyone else was left to fight over the remaining cash.
It also imposed capital controls restricting what ordinary people could do with their money– a measure some saw as a violation of free market economics.
The plan worked. Iceland took a huge financial hit, just like every other country caught in the crisis.
This year the International Monetary Fund declared that Iceland had achieved economic recovery 'without compromising its welfare model' of universal healthcare and education.
Other measures of progress like the country’s unemployment rate, compare just as well with countries like the US.
[h=3]Iceland's unemployment rate compares well[/h]
Source: IMF
Rather than maintaining the value of the krona artificially, Iceland chose to accept inflation.
This pushed prices higher at home but helped exports abroad – in contrast to many countries in the EU, which are now fighting deflation, or prices that keep decreasing year on year.
This year, Iceland will become the first European country that hit crisis in 2008 to beat its pre-crisis peak of economic output.
With the reduction of capital controls – tempered by the 39 per cent tax – it continues to make progress.

"Today is a milestone, a very happy milestone," Iceland’s finance minister Bjarni Benediktsson told the Guardian when he announced the tax.

[h=1]NOW: Hawaii becomes Ground Zero for largest mass casualty exercise in history[/h]