Are you vaccinated for Covid-19 | Page 13 | INFJ Forum

Are you vaccinated for Covid-19

Are you vaccinated for Covid-19

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 71.7%
  • No

    Votes: 15 28.3%

  • Total voters
I wish there were more vaccines so I could take them all. Hooray for science!
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I wish there were more vaccines so I could take them all. Hooray for science!
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Oh gosh, thanks, but no thanks.

I tried watching one on the food industry, and the amount of misinformation was staggering enough to make me want to sever heads.

I don't look good in orange.

You now want to make my points! Thank you!! That and $2.50 will get you a cup of coffee. So easy solution. Watch the documentary, watch it until they offer a fact you believe to be false. Stop watching and research it! Easy peasy.
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Maybe you're a Russian bot here to spread discord among the INFJ population and this is the real conspiracy.

I'm looking for a rebel news article to confirm my suspicions.

What is with you intellectually lazy leftists? If I am as full of shit as you suggest, than it would be VERY easy to DOCUMENT as much. Instead of rationalizing, minimizing and resulting to insults educate your self.

(I haven't had time yet to respond to your earlier post.....patience).
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You now want to make my points! Thank you!! That and $2.50 will get you a cup of coffee. So easy solution. Watch the documentary, watch it until they offer a fact you believe to be false. Stop watching and research it! Easy peasy.
I cannot imagine it offers any information that I haven't researched to death already, but I'll try to find the time to humor you, after looking into it further. Thank you for finally eating that snickers @Rit4lin gave you. ;p

Here's another, and a steaming cup of coffee to boot. :tearsofjoy:

snickers.jpg steaming cup of coffee.jpg
Could you explain the conspiracy to me in your own words and understanding?

OK then. I will indeed take your challenge! There are however a few stipulations.

1. This is not a genuine request, you are simply trolling me to find a word or phrase I use to take exception to fall back on the tried and true use of mockery, insults, minimization and denial.

2. If you were genuinely interested on either the truth (you are most certainly not) you would take 15 minutes and check my ideas or denying my ideas again you'd do the research yourself.

3. Regardless of motivation this is the usual intellectually lazy method of operation.

So here is the information you wanted to make your point(s) by among other methods of ridiculing me.

Some are suggesting this current group started in 1971 with the Club of Rome (which if you weren't so lazy you could have found on your own). I would contend it pre-dates that organization.

Pretty much EVERYTHING one way or the other goes back to the Rothschilds. Most likely you are unaware that the ONLY countries that don't have a Central Bank the is controlled by the Rothchilds are: Cuba, North Korea and Iran. That the IMF is wholly owned by the Rothchilds. The World bank is owned by several
super rich families with the Rothchilds at the top. The U.S. Federal Reserve (the entity that prints our money) is owned by the Rothchilds, Rockefellers and Morgans. The World Economic Forum is very intellectually dishonestly promoting the great idea of universal government (which isn't working for the E.U.)

The Criminal Appeals Chamber in Peru found Bill Gates, George Soros and several Rockefeller members responsible for the advent and spread of the China virus. Gates and Fauci have ties that go back multiple years. Fauci has been doing morally reprehensible (and in a number of cases illegal in the U.S.) research. Which if the left had any ethics would be and should be up in arms. If orange man bad had even looked in that direction they would ALL be his fault and yet another fake Impeachment would ensue.

Snark away!
What is with you intellectually lazy leftists? If I am as full of shit as you suggest, than it would be VERY easy to DOCUMENT as much. Instead of rationalizing, minimizing and resulting to insults educate your self.

(I haven't had time yet to respond to your earlier post.....patience).

Have you considered that I may have actually read all of your posts and followed your links and watched the videos you've suggested and I simply just made a joke?

It sounds like you're under some stress. I hope you can rest soon and find your sense of humour again.

I forgive you for insulting me.
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I cannot imagine it offers any information that I haven't researched to death already, but I'll try to find the time to humor you, after looking into it further. Thank you for finally eating that snickers @Rit4lin gave you. ;p

Here's another, and a steaming cup of coffee to boot. :tearsofjoy:

View attachment 84607 View attachment 84608

Humor me? No thanks, educating yourself however could prove useful. Since you have researched these issues to death...the Six Corporations that control virtually all human consumable food products? The number of Corporations that own all of main stream media?
I ask again why do those of you that dis-agree with an opinion think that childishly trying to negate some one is either appropriate or useful? You don't begin to know a tenth of what you think you do. Who funded the American Revoultionary war and why? Who funded Bonaparte? What was the goal of Sal Alinsky?
Who is buried in Grant's Tomb? Save yourself the grief and don't start again.

Have you considered that I may have actually read all of your posts and followed your links and watched the videos you've suggested and I simply just made a joke?

It sounds like you're under some stress. I hope you can rest soon and find your sense of humour again.

I forgive you for insulting me.

Fair enough! I sincerely apologize and take your point. Stress is that J am actually working while attempting to reply. Secondly, it gets tiresome to be repeatedly attacked with most folks drivel.

Again I am sorry and with your explanation that as irony is quite humorous.

Thank you for both the initial post and particularly the explanation, it is indeed appreciated!
Fair enough! I sincerely apologize and take your point. Stress is that J am actually working while attempting to reply. Secondly, it gets tiresome to be repeatedly attacked with most folks drivel.

Again I am sorry and with your explanation that as irony is quite humorous.

Thank you for both the initial post and particularly the explanation, it is indeed appreciated!
No problem.
OK then. I will indeed take your challenge! There are however a few stipulations.

1. This is not a genuine request, you are simply trolling me to find a word or phrase I use to take exception to fall back on the tried and true use of mockery, insults, minimization and denial.

2. If you were genuinely interested on either the truth (you are most certainly not) you would take 15 minutes and check my ideas or denying my ideas again you'd do the research yourself.

3. Regardless of motivation this is the usual intellectually lazy method of operation.

So here is the information you wanted to make your point(s) by among other methods of ridiculing me.

Some are suggesting this current group started in 1971 with the Club of Rome (which if you weren't so lazy you could have found on your own). I would contend it pre-dates that organization.

Pretty much EVERYTHING one way or the other goes back to the Rothschilds. Most likely you are unaware that the ONLY countries that don't have a Central Bank the is controlled by the Rothchilds are: Cuba, North Korea and Iran. That the IMF is wholly owned by the Rothchilds. The World bank is owned by several
super rich families with the Rothchilds at the top. The U.S. Federal Reserve (the entity that prints our money) is owned by the Rothchilds, Rockefellers and Morgans. The World Economic Forum is very intellectually dishonestly promoting the great idea of universal government (which isn't working for the E.U.)

The Criminal Appeals Chamber in Peru found Bill Gates, George Soros and several Rockefeller members responsible for the advent and spread of the China virus. Gates and Fauci have ties that go back multiple years. Fauci has been doing morally reprehensible (and in a number of cases illegal in the U.S.) research. Which if the left had any ethics would be and should be up in arms. If orange man bad had even looked in that direction they would ALL be his fault and yet another fake Impeachment would ensue.

Snark away!
Ok but to what end? This virus and then the vaccine are supposed to bring about the NWO?
How? I just want to hear it from a true believer I don't have time to read a bunch of wacky blogs and watch these documentaries.

Attack me all you want, though it does make me question if you are sincere in the first place. But I'll sift through your insults to try to get to the point.
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You know it's actually quite difficult to really research this stuff for oneself, so that accusation is more than a little undeserved.

While there may be good reason to be skeptical about things, a lot of disciplines (like epidemiology) really are full time jobs, and anyone pretending to know what they're talking about simply because they've read a few articles on an alarmist news website really ought to stop pretending. You're sat at the dark end of the Dunning-Kruger curve; you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about.

It's very unfortunate, on the other hand, that confidence in institutions is so low that we can't simply trust in the concert of opinion of an academic profession, but I suppose that this is the fault of genuine political corruption and a history of real, verified conspiracies in the United States in particular.

Conspiracy theorists might appear wacky, but what do you expect? They've grown up in a country which has literally exposed its people to radioactive materials without their knowledge or consent for research purposes; who've worked for companies who have knowingly poisoned their water supplies (DuPont), and all the rest.

On this occasion I think they're wrong, but I can't really hold the sensitivity and mistrust against them.
Ok but to what end? This virus and then the vaccine are supposed to bring about the NWO?
How? I just want to hear it from a true believer I don't have time to read a bunch of wacky blogs and watch these documentaries.

Attack me all you want, though it does make me question if you are sincere in the first place. But I'll sift through your insults to try to get to the point.
Like you, I have a problem with linking the COVID epidemic to a possibly real illuminati type of organisation focused on world domination. Just to play with it a bit to see where it goes ....

One reason I have a problem is that in such a context the epidemic becomes just a sideshow. The COVID problem is a much smaller one than that would be posed by such a clandestine oligarchy - the threat from COVID is immediate and short term, while the latter would be a much larger problem over a much longer term. For example, we could conjecture that the illuminati, or whoever they are, are actually generating the threat of global warming as their long term tool for overturning the world order in their favour; and that they have introduced COVID merely as a diversion - to keep the real change agent off the political and social agenda for a year or two as part of a plan of delaying concerted action until it's too late. Of course getting populations habituated to being afraid and so accepting hardships and loss of civil liberties would also be a benefit. On that basis it would be better for us to focus attention on COVID as a sideshow, and deal with it on it's practical and messy intrinsics, while tackling the possible longer term and more insidious threats of the secret superclass on a different battleground. In fact I can't see it would help their real aims directly to kill a few tens of millions of people with COVID or with alleged flawed remedies for it - it's just noise on the long term global stage, and a very blunt tool too. Global warming is another matter entirely, and offers unlimited opportunities for worldwide political, industrial and economic fears, threats and crises that could open the door for an oligarchy to dominate for centuries if they play their cards well in a long term game. That's where I'd be putting my efforts if I were one of them.

But @larry806q all this sounds like something out of a James Bond film, so it doesn't feel credible to me. If there is such an organisation, it seems to me that COVID is not the place to confront it, but wherever it is most likely to really achieve its long term goals.
I cannot imagine it offers any information that I haven't researched to death already, but I'll try to find the time to humor you, after looking into it further. Thank you for finally eating that snickers @Rit4lin gave you. ;p

Here's another, and a steaming cup of coffee to boot. :tearsofjoy:

View attachment 84607 View attachment 84608
This was also a joke. Obviously, this is where humor goes to die.
@Anomaly many thanks for all these thoughts and information - I think what you are saying really does show how complex and unstable the situation is in terms of information and policy. I very much agree that this can't be a time for taking a hard-edged view one way or another because the situation can change so easily. The disease itself might start to behave differently, new effects of the various interventions may emerge, we may start to see results in the statistics that weren't apparent before. It wouldn't surprise me if the published figures are inconsistent as well - I'm sure the UK has over-recorded COVID deaths in the way you suggest, but other countries might well have under-recorded deaths from COVID in a similar way, particularly in parts of the world with limited medical services or a political investment in under-recording.

Like you and others say here, the emergence of more effective treatments makes a difference too - there was a big splash about the effectiveness of a new one, Ronapreve, in the UK recently, which is a monoclonal antibody treatment.

At the moment, the UK Government seems to be taking the policy that you mentioned of learning to live with COVID rather than going into civil restrictions again. It's betting on the vaccines and the anti-viral treatments to keep the load down on our hospitals. They can't say it of course, but I think they are fairly happy for the rate of infections to be on the high side as long as people aren't getting seriously ill, because that reinforces immunity in the population. I think it was reasonable to go into lockdowns when the thing wasn't understood, and the hospitals were just days away from having to turn away crash victims because they were full of elderly emergency COVID patients and almost overwhelmed. For goodness sake let's not go back to lock downs though, or the death rates will eventually start to rise from an economic and social disaster which could be even worse than the illness in its effect. If we are really at that point now where we can start to live with it, we shouldn't have any worse a time than we do with flu.

In fact one of the side effects of the lockdowns that we should be worried about if they do continue is the lack of exposure to winter bugs like colds and flu and a drop in natural resistance to them - the last thing we need is to lay down the foundations for the next major flu epidemic by trying to contol COVID.
John, I think you and I are both in the middle, and given our difference of orientation in regards to timelines and location in life, we've had to come to the best possible decisions for ourselves based on the science available to us. I know you're a rational thinker too, and reasonable at that.

This, I respect immensely in you, for you haven't sought to attack individuals who rely purely on the science, and you have demonstrated an understanding which others seem entirely incapable of without insult or sarcasm about the legitimacy of concern.
I think a lot of the frustration stems from many of the posts here relying on conjecture with little to nothing backing up their claims from the science or statistics (from either side of it). Mixing the data with personal testimony, muddles things, and puts people off the actual science (even if some of the science certainly points to those theories/speculations or testimonies). Mixing the science with insults and political ideology is also going to turn people away. Many people are getting vaccinated with mRNAs, not knowing the risks because they are choosing to remain willfully ignorant (and they aren't hearing anything against their position due to staying in their own media bubble and trusting others to tell them (which is certainly their choice)). I can't really fault them and I certainly do NOT think it is due to laziness as has been suggested by some here, but due to a trust in systems which are supposed to be for the people, but instead seek to divide and incite people. Regardless, what is NOT okay, is pressuring other people to view their choice as somehow based on scientific data (when many of them can provide none whatsoever, and likely haven't done any research that wasn't repeated to them from some random source site) or as some justification for insult because other people are not wanting to put themselves at the same level of risk that they chose for themselves.

Further, On the opposite end, those who are pushing conspiracies as justification not to get the vaccination with mRNAs (which is the better choice than nothing for those with comorbidities-- since many hospitals are refusing to treat them with what they know cures it). The science itself, if researched from all reliable data sets, does a very clear job of justifying the decision against mRNAs for those without comorbidities, all on its own without any need for mention of conspiracy. The what if game is also troubling, since it relies on projections from data that is non-existent and only hypothesized or projected (this is a factor many don't seem to be getting). We can play the what-if game all day. What if we all die from a comet in two weeks? We don't know because we don't have the information. Saying that people are going to continue dying in droves with mRNAs is the same as saying that mRNAs are completely reliable (we simply do not know either way other than the data that we currently have). What we do know about the virus is demonstrated in the things I've already said and linked to with statistics and graphs from scientists and the government (with caveats mentioned).

Saying that you should get the vaccination because hospitals are full, is still not justification to push an ideology onto other people when it is their life and their risk to take. Also, the reason a lot of hospitals are full is because they aren't giving people the choice of treatment so that they can go home. So, it's easy to say, well the hospitals are full, but if you don't look at the true cause, then it further perpetuates the myth that is has anything to do with people not being able to recover, but everything to do with the actions of the hospitals in choosing not to allow treatment that they know is a cure. Regardless of whatever ridiculous claims are made against such treatments. We know for a fact that monoclonal antibodies are effective, yet they aren't being administered here, and it doesn't make logical sense to demonize individuals who would rather not inject themselves with a vaccine that hasn't been thoroughly tested, and further demonize them because hospitals are making a choice not to treat the virus and keeping patients in hospital.

So, ultimately, we have to base our choices off what we know and research on an individual basis with consideration to our own health and the risks we are willing to take either way. All while, respecting other people's right to live freely, especially since we know that the virus is spreading and mutating with or without vaccination. Calls to emotion shouldn't be the answer when you're dealing with your own health decisions; things which we should have a personal choice over without being demonized for it given no substantiation.
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I love this video about mRNA vaccines. The science is pretty sound and they are safe, which means nothing coming from lil ole me. I just believe that most of the scientists all over the planet, from different cultures and a variety of different governments are all doing sound science. They are good people, trying to do some good in a planet we are fucking up, and for people in this life.They deserve our trust and respect.

Science is perhaps the most democratic branch of epistemology in the history of mankind. The process itself brings about constant new understanding of workings of this beautiful universe.
Ok but to what end? This virus and then the vaccine are supposed to bring about the NWO?
How? I just want to hear it from a true believer I don't have time to read a bunch of wacky blogs and watch these documentaries.

Attack me all you want, though it does make me question if you are sincere in the first place. But I'll sift through your insults to try to get to the point.

OK, so I will apologize and take your offering at face value.

The easy answer to your first question is yes. The other problem with ALL of this is that relying on me for the information is more than likely not going to provide the depth of depravity of these sick bastards. It has taken me years to develop an understanding of the depravity and communication this group has. One can carp about Orange man bad kind of money but compared to the truly elite he is chump change. The world's, yes the WORLD'S finances are in the complete control of the Rothchilds. Elon Musk kind of money is not a lot compared to Rothchilds. The guess that the Rothchilds net worth is in the neighborhood of 500 T-R-I-L-L-I-O-N dollars. Soros has stated publically he wants to destroy the U.S. Gates and the Rothchilds are on record for depopulation. My latest Obama link was him expressing how people are too small minded to govern themselves. Alinsky's Rules for Radicals is a treatise on how to destroy the U.S. from within. These are most certainly NOT conspiracy theories. Trudeau is doing a very good job destroying Canada. The Australians are potentially worse off than pre World War II Germans. England has slipped a long distance down the slope of losing their rights. China is getting ready to crush Taiwan.
And Davos is how that crowd organizes and communicates it plans to one another. The information is available if one looks.
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The guess that the Rothchilds net worth is in the neighborhood of 500 T-R-I-L-L-I-O-N dollars.
This would be about five or six times the global GDP.

Or to look at it another way, Credit Suisse estimates the total value of world assets typically in the region of $250+ trillion, meaning that the Rothchilds are alleged to possess twice as much property as is currently present on Earth.

Where and how is this wealth 'stored'? How would they even spend a fraction of it without nuking the entire global economy?

I don't know how it's possible to seriously maintain that there is somewhere somehow two other Earths full of assets that nobody has ever noticed.
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