Are you vaccinated for Covid-19 | Page 14 | INFJ Forum

Are you vaccinated for Covid-19

Are you vaccinated for Covid-19

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 71.7%
  • No

    Votes: 15 28.3%

  • Total voters
I love this video about mRNA vaccines. The science is pretty sound and they are safe, which means nothing coming from lil ole me. I just believe that most of the scientists all over the planet, from different cultures and a variety of different governments are all doing sound science. They are good people, trying to do some good in a planet we are fucking up, and for people in this life.They deserve our trust and respect.

Science is perhaps the most democratic branch of epistemology in the history of mankind. The process itself brings about constant new understanding of workings of this beautiful universe.
I respect your perspective, and I think most scientists are genuinely doing their best, despite the shit the governments are trying to pull.
Or to look at it another way, Credit Suisse estimates the total value of world assets typically in the region of $250+ trillion, meaning that the Rothchilds are alleged to possess twice as much property as is currently present on Earth.
My numbers were a bit old there. Their 2020 estimates are just over US$400 trillion.

Still, it would mean that they somehow possess more than a whole other Earth's worth of assets.
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Alinsky's Rules for Radicals is a treatise on how to destroy the U.S. from within.
I had a look at this. It's a book detailing strategies for how low-income communities can organise and agitate for political change; a 'protest manual', essentially.

In any case, I don't know what's so shocking about an edgy book - you can find these all over the place. Alinsky's book is a pretty tame example, frankly.
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My latest Obama link was him expressing how people are too small minded to govern themselves.
In this case, Obama's comments were edited and taken out of context (he was actually referring to the *enemies* of democracy who believed that people were too small minded to govern themselves).

EDIT: If the Reuters debunking isn't enough for you, here is the speech in its entirety:

The libelous edits were assembled from this passage, which you can find from 01:24 to 03:33:

'We meet here in a moment of testing for Europe and the United States; and for the international order that we have worked for generations to build. Throughout human history societies have grappled with fundamental questions of how to organise themselves; the proper relationship between the individual and the state; the best means to resolve inevitable conflicts between states. And it was here in Europe, through centuries of struggle - through war and Enlightenment; repression; and revolution - that a particular set of ideals began to emerge. The belief that through conscience and free will each of us has the right to live as we choose. The belief that power is derived from the consent of the governed, and that laws and institutions should be established to protect that understanding. And those ideas eventually inspired a band of colonialists [I cringed at this; surely it must have been written as 'colonists'] across an ocean, and they wrote them into the founding documents that still guide America today, including the simple truth that all men and women are created equal.

But those ideals have also been tested - here in Europe and around the world. Those ideals have often been threatened; by an older, more traditional view of power. This alternative vision argues that ordinary men and women are too small-minded to govern their own affairs; that order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all-powerful sovereign... [he goes on].'
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Gates and the Rothchilds are on record for depopulation.
This seems to be from another quote taken out of context:

Gates probably has too much power and influence on his own - he should not be able to unilaterally influence Indian agricultural policy, for instance - so I'm not sure why it's necessary to lie about him in top of that, lol.

A lot of what you're reporting seems to come from sensationalist Facebook edits - I'd wager that these are your principal sources, not original primary sources, no?
Soros has stated publically he wants to destroy the U.S.
This looks like a complete fabrication (again, propagated on Facebook):

There were quite a few claims in your Gish gallop, there, but I think I got them all. Blame insomnia, lol.

I think it would be more ideal if you limited your claims to one or two at a time that people could reasonably research and respond to, but I understand that you're just trying to express yourself here rather than asking to be critiqued.

Even so, it is of some democratic import that the misinformation and libel you're spreading here is kept to a minimum.
Humor me? No thanks, educating yourself however could prove useful. Since you have researched these issues to death...the Six Corporations that control virtually all human consumable food products? The number of Corporations that own all of main stream media?
I ask again why do those of you that dis-agree with an opinion think that childishly trying to negate some one is either appropriate or useful? You don't begin to know a tenth of what you think you do. Who funded the American Revoultionary war and why? Who funded Bonaparte? What was the goal of Sal Alinsky?
Who is buried in Grant's Tomb? Save yourself the grief and don't start again.
Intriguing. I'm willing to learn about most anything, Larry. Are you willing to remain civil with me, and accept my humor about snickers not as an insult to you, but as a little poke that we started off in an awkward way? I am listening. I've been reading your posts for weeks now, not just now swooping in to say things. I had been doing research to form a better stance before commenting and before making a decision on vaccination. Or, did you want me to just come in to comment without doing my due-diligence?

I'm not really here to assume things, and I'll admit that I don't know all there is to know about these things you've mentioned in this comment specifically, but if you want to speak on these things, perhaps we could consider that this isn't the thread for it? I don't wish to deviate from the main purposes of the thread itself, which are purely Covid related as it relates to individual choices. Granted, I admit that I contributed to that deviation by posting here on the data. I also appreciate that you read through the posts I wrote, and the data I gave. I want to be clear where I stand. I don't negate there being a cause behind the inconsistencies in the data reporting, and the suppression of it, as well as the continuation of media misrepresentation of reporting, and governmental influence. I do not negate that this is evident; however, I cannot definitively point to the why specifically because there is no verifiable proof who is behind it or what their motivations are beyond hypothesis. Does it really matter who, if we know that the data is being suppressed? Can we not consider this to be justification for rational and critical thought regarding the vaccinations, and a hesitancy in decision making? I think your stance for you as an individual is justifiable given the amount of inconsistencies we are seeing in reporting.

In any case, I'll look into the documentary, and some of the other things you've linked here.
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@larry806q, coming from one whose sense of things is somewhat close to yours (save my worldview is likely even more sinister and conspiratorial than your own), I think you have written things inappropriately harsh to @Anomaly at the least. Just seems needlessly provocative at times.
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This would be about five or six times the global GDP.

Or to look at it another way, Credit Suisse estimates the total value of world assets typically in the region of $250+ trillion, meaning that the Rothchilds are alleged to possess twice as much property as is currently present on Earth.

Where and how is this wealth 'stored'? How would they even spend a fraction of it without nuking the entire global economy?

I don't know how it's possible to seriously maintain that there is somewhere somehow two other Earths full of assets that nobody has ever noticed.
You could be a lot more conciliatory with @larry806q's high-level point.

Do you understand private central banking? Basically, a few incredibly wealthy folks, seemingly with no nationalism, issue notes (and it is important to know what a note is) for the cost of printing. These notes are iou's LENT to the government. This means that a nation's entire money supply is owed to the issuer (the central bank) and even that is not enough to pay them off as interest is charged on every note issued.

Once this is understood, the idea of a vast conspiracy becomes compulsory. And we haven't even drilled into the sensibilities of a Mayer Amschel Bauer (renamed Rothschild).

So, while I can see merit in calling @larry806q to task for his 500 trillion dollar claim (though I am not certain it is untrue even given your contributions such as an estimate of the earth's net worth), to make note of this while being utterly silent with respect to the big picture (how private central banking works and the fact that essentially the entire world is monetarily enslaved to its owners) is hugely indicting.

I cannot fathom anyone with a high-level grasp prioritizing this critical subject as you have. Critique what may be an inaccurate account of Rothschild wealth while being astonishingly and completely silent with respect to private central banking and the level to which it essentially steals from us all.

The only explanation I can surmise is that you are woefully ignorant and thus not qualified to competently engage in this discussion.
One example of a seeming lack of nationalism.

Mayer Amschel Bauer had five sons. Each managed a European nation's private central bank (owned by them). Son Nathan operated the Bank of England. Rothschild intelligence was informed that England defeated France (Waterloo). That day, Nathan sold English bonds. So everyone thought England must have lost the war and started selling. At a certain point, Nathan bought all the notes at pennies on the dollar and essentially purchased England.

And this was the guy who managed England's money system. No allegiance to nation's whatsoever.
The plandemic (and yes, it was planned - it was conceived at least as far back as 1954) can be looked at from so many perspectives and the one that really has me going presently is some awareness of the number of folks injured by the jabs coupled with the Covid survival rate of children coupled with the advice to get children as young as 5 jabbed.

We are talking perhaps the greatest crime perpetuated on the human race and there is no way around it.
John, I think you and I are both in the middle, and given our difference of orientation in regards to timelines and location in life, we've had to come to the best possible decisions for ourselves based on the science available to us. I know you're a rational thinker too, and reasonable at that.

This, I respect immensely in you, for you haven't sought to attack individuals who rely purely on the science, and you have demonstrated an understanding which others seem entirely incapable of without insult or sarcasm about the legitimacy of concern.
Positive skepticism is a philosophy that has a very important place in my values. This is an essential understanding that very little, if anything, I think or believe is true in an absolute sense, but is always open to question, always enriched by exploring new perspectives and angles. That doesn't mean I think these things are totally false either and that would actually be another aspect of absolutism that I want to avoid. I like to treat the different perspectives I find in the world like I do a good novel - while I'm reading the LoR I'm living it, and it's true, but I then let it go and change it for another reality when I pick up a detective story. We can treat the real world like this too, and hold several different but conflicting perspectives on it at the same time, all of them competing truth candidates. I find it sad when people lock themselves into their closed room of beliefs and logic without seeing what the world looks like from all the other perspectives - for me that would be like shutting myself into a cellar, making myself blind and closing off a major way that I gain insight. It's really great fun, and full of learning to allow for the uncertainties, and the open multiplicity of the world's possibilities. It's not for me to say that anyone else is right or wrong in what they hold dear - I enjoy seeing the world through their eyes and gain insights that way which wouldn't come naturally to me. I have my preferences of course, and I'm only human, so sometimes I get locked too firmly into a particular perspective and can become contentious, but that's not where I want to be. And of course, there are perspectives which seem to me to carry the risk of harm to people if carried through with - or even worse show evidence of actually harming people. My attitude to these is complex because they are still worthy of seeing and understanding from the inside, but opposing carefully and flexibly when it comes to implementation.

The views in this thread are fascinating examples of differences in perspective with very different interpretations of what is happening in the real world. It's very interesting to look through the eyes of each one and get a feel for it. One that intrigues me is @larry806q 's concerns about a conspiracy. My own gut feeling is that the likelihood of there being one quite like that is low (though there's always a small chance there really is a secret cabal) - but my gut tells me that the likelihood powerful people will seek to gain clandestine political and material advantage at the expense of individual freedom and welfare, from COVID and other current worldwide crises, is high. For me, his perspective is a steppingstone to an important insight.
Can we keep on topic, instead of going on about conspiracies, daddy Roth and why the Queen is an alien?
If you want to talk conspiracy, that's fine. Do it in the appropriate thread. This one is primarily centred around covid-19 discussion (although namely, vaccinations). There are likely threads already on the subject somewhere, if people interested in the topic wish to perform some necromancy.
OK, the VAERS results as of this writing are in the neighborhood of 15,000 killed. The Medicare database has ~50,000 of 19% of the US population killed.

Now check this out (please and emphasis via bold-text is mine).

Hundreds of thousands of covid vaccine injuries BACKLOGGED and not yet entered into VAERS … far greater numbers of injuries and deaths are still to come

On the latest episode of “Doctors and Scientists,” Dr. Brian Hooker Ph.D., P.E., interviewed Dr. Jessica Rose, Ph.D. to discuss the failures of the vaccine injury surveillance system that was set up by the CDC and FDA over thirty years ago. Dr. Rose is an expert in bio-mathematics and molecular research.

In January of 2021, she utilized her skills as a computational biologist and began analyzing data in the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). Each week, she downloaded publicly-available data sets from VAERS, comparing inputs week-to-week. She discovered that vaccine injury reports went missing from one week to the next. Each week, the data is updated in the VAERS system. She found that some of the data is overwritten, vanished from the system. She also found that “hundreds of thousands” of covid vaccine injury reports were backlogged and did not appear in a timely manner to alert healthcare professionals to serious issues with the vaccine.

Hundreds of thousands of vaccine injury reports backlogged in VAERS
In the interview, Dr. Rose discussed the systemic flaws of the VAERS system, flaws that stop the passive reporting system from working in the public’s interest, as was originally intended. The pharmacovigilance system was set up in 1990 to detect issues with vaccines, to alert regulatory agencies and the public about serious adverse events and contraindications for specific vaccines. The data is managed by the Department of Health and Human Services. Healthcare professionals input the data into the system, and have a narrow thirty-minute window to complete the report. In 2021, healthcare workers have been overwhelmed with vaccine injury reports and have not had the time to enter them all into the system. Many medical concerns associated with the covid vaccine are overlooked, discarded or discounted as coincidental or normalized reactions to the vaccine.

The hundreds of thousands of adverse event reports that have been filed paint a grisly picture of medical malfeasance. These serious public health issues have yet to be addressed by any regulatory agency or judicial process. In the past, vaccines were pulled from the market if the VAERS system documented more than fifty deaths from a single vaccine. In 2021, there have been more than 20,000 deaths recorded in just ten months. Up to 97 percent of these issues are coming from the new mRNA covid vaccines, not the rest of the vaccine supply. Instead of pulling the deadly products from the market, the federal government has issued unlawful mandates, coercing individuals to take part in the depopulation experiment. This might be the biggest flaw with the system yet: The agencies that are supposed to oversee the data and alert the public to medical atrocities are the same entities trying to push a narrative forward – that vaccines are “safe and effective.” (Related: COVID vaccine experiment causes monstrous spike in vaccine injuries and deaths, serious adverse events under-reported by a factor of eight.)

Serious adverse events and fatalities are occurring at magnitudes greater than what is recorded in the VAERS system
After analyzing missing data in the VAERS system, Dr. Rose came to the conclusion that serious adverse events and fatalities following covid vaccination are much higher than what is recorded in the VAERS system. Some issues are under-reported by a factor of thirty-one, and other, more common side effects can be under-reported by a factor of one hundred. By September, Dr. Rose attended the FDA’s Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee meeting, bringing attention to under-reporting problem in the VAERS system. Her research is titled, “Critical Appraisal of VAERS Pharmacovigilance: Is the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) a Functioning Pharmacovigilance System?” and was published in Science, Public Health Policy and Law.

Her paper concludes that “hundreds of thousands” of adverse events are backlogged and waiting to be entered into the system. “The most important thing I found in my determination is whether or not this tool — which can be a pharmacovigilance tool — is being used as such,” Dr. Rose said.
Sources include:
Can we keep on topic, instead of going on about conspiracies, daddy Roth and why the Queen is an alien?
If you want to talk conspiracy, that's fine. Do it in the appropriate thread. This one is primarily centred around covid-19 discussion (although namely, vaccinations). There are likely threads already on the subject somewhere, if people interested in the topic wish to perform some necromancy.
This is the appropriate thread because these are the psychos carrying out the agenda at the highest of levels.
You could be a lot more conciliatory with @larry806q's high-level point.

Do you understand private central banking? Basically, a few incredibly wealthy folks, seemingly with no nationalism, issue notes (and it is important to know what a note is) for the cost of printing. These notes are iou's LENT to the government. This means that a nation's entire money supply is owed to the issuer (the central bank) and even that is not enough to pay them off as interest is charged on every note issued.

Once this is understood, the idea of a vast conspiracy becomes compulsory. And we haven't even drilled into the sensibilities of a Mayer Amschel Bauer (renamed Rothschild).

So, while I can see merit in calling @larry806q to task for his 500 trillion dollar claim (though I am not certain it is untrue even given your contributions such as an estimate of the earth's net worth), to make note of this while being utterly silent with respect to the big picture (how private central banking works and the fact that essentially the entire world is monetarily enslaved to its owners) is hugely indicting.

I cannot fathom anyone with a high-level grasp prioritizing this critical subject as you have. Critique what may be an inaccurate account of Rothschild wealth while being astonishingly and completely silent with respect to private central banking and the level to which it essentially steals from us all.

The only explanation I can surmise is that you are woefully ignorant and thus not qualified to competently engage in this discussion.
If you would like to engage with me, you must first address all the points I have raised.

You must take a position, make a statement or concession about each discrete point, and so far you have missed several (mostly the debunkings). These will be numbered as we go on.

It is simply unfair to put people on the Gish gallop merry go round where you introduce more and more claims which you expect people to research, without ever addressing the work that they are putting into discussing these matters with you.

The burden of proof is not, actually, on the shoulders of those who do not believe such conspiracies, and yet it is you who continually expect your claims to be engaged with and researched.

Your characterisation of central banking is of course highly 'idiosyncratic', let's say, but you have several points to address before you are permitted to introduce that.

While this is different from the terms of a normal conversation, they are my terms, conceived in order to protect myself from - again - the 'Gish gallop' - and if you aren't willing to agree, then I'm afraid that I can't be a participant in any such debate with you.
This is the appropriate thread because these are the psychos carrying out the agenda at the highest of levels.
I'm telling you it isn't. Stay on topic to this thread.
So, I appreciate the desire to not speculate, but speculate we must. It is insane to base one's worldview on the VAERS totals. The Medicare db information tears those numbers to shreds.

250,000 deaths and who knows how many injuries is much, much more likely.

Now add to that:

1. Deliberate censoring of information from the masses by the masters.

2. An agenda to jab CHILDREN.

3. The high survival rate of children, something like 99.99%.

There is only one explanation. This is a global elitist assault on the people with a number of intents, one being the greatest crime ever perpetuated on children in the history of the planet.

Quick search.

The left-leaning WSJ article...

A tremendous number of government and private policies affecting kids are based on one number: 335. That is how many children under 18 have died with a Covid diagnosis code in their record, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Yet the CDC, which has 21,000 employees, hasn’t researched each death to find out whether Covid caused it or if it involved a pre-existing medical condition.

My research team at Johns Hopkins worked with the nonprofit FAIR Health to analyze approximately 48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with Covid in health-insurance data from April to August 2020. Our report found a mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia. If that trend holds, it has significant implications for healthy kids and whether they need two vaccine doses. The National Education Associationhas been debatingwhether to urge schools to require vaccination before returning to school in person. How can they or anyone debate the issue without the right data?