
Its cool i understand that we both want to see a better world (that's the monk talking) and don't worry i don't feel belittled or foolish (that's the warrior talking!)

I see our current reality as the product of a matrix of false perceptions that for the most part people are inculcated in from birth

If you challenge these perceptions people often get very defensive despite the fact such perceptions are often the cause of the problems that they themselves are talking about

People are discussing countless problems here on the forum. But the way i see it is that the majority of the problems are as a result of the false matrix of perceptions and that is why i am so focussed on challenging that. Some people get it and some people don't

I seem to spend a lot of my time saying 'no that's not what i said'....i think this is an indicator that some people often project; interestingly it seems that it is the same people who are completely bound up in the constructed matrix of false perceptions who also project. These people also seem to be very unhappy.....i'm seeing patterns here

The pattern is that a consumer culture relies on people being insecure. That is why the media works so hard on making people insecure whether it is the fear mongering news that never discusses the 'why's' or whether it is the airbrushed images of models and actors everywhere or the extrovert ideal that is pushed on us or the fake love pushed by hollywood or countless other ways in which the system leaves people feeling unfulfilled.

What i am advocating is that people need to stop looking at this fear inducing system and look within for answers. These answers will then steer them through the system. Steering through the system also requires having ones eyes wide open as to what is going on to avoid the pitfalls.

I'm not making great claims about myself but i do feel that i have some perceptions that others might find useful because they have been useful to me.

Absouletly agree. I think perhaps we are just approaching the problem from different angles. But at then end of the day it all comes down to looking within, understanding perceptions and breaking through the matrix to build a better reality
Think of the enlightenment as the use of the word AND alot. It's about inclusion not exclusion. Let me explain.

What is the truth? Christianity or Islam or New Age or Buddhism or (name your religion)
The answer is, ALL are paths to God and neither one is more right than the other. So Christianity and Islam and New Age and Buddhism and (name your religion) are truth.

Our world is full of duality - opposites. Pro-life/pro-choice, Republican/Democrat, This or that, and it goes on and on. Who is right? What is right. Would you be surprised to believe that both are right? It depends on the individual person and how they interpret what is best for them.

The amount of emotional energy that goes into proving who is right and who is wrong in the world (and in our day to day lives and relationships) causes extreme segmentation and seperation. And in my opinion this emotional straining causes alot of the problems in the world.

Don't think of truth as this illusive very detailed small point that you have to search for somewhere in the eithers. Truth is a wide swath that encompases many many things. This allows you to be less emotional. People worry because they think "am I doing it right or wrong?" You doubt yourself which can cause alot of depression and angst. If you realize that truth and goodness is a wide swath, then chances are you are doing it right. So lighten up on yourself and others. Go out and do whatever it is you do, and do it with confidence.

The power of ignoring is highly underate. If there's someone that bothers you or something then ignore it and it will go away miraculously. It will dissapear from your reality. Giving something or someone attention is your choice. Letting people into your life is your choice.

Vilku, love yourself AND love others...

each are constructions for Se users mostly, Ne directed "religions" have teaching instead of regulation/manipulation focus. in that sense, we could say some religions are wrong since they perform at their task worse than others. religions, their point is to describe Pe in a manner which pleases its user, and for some religions also weakens its users to be ready for manipulation. like a constructed package, ready to serve you.

so yes, its crucial to develop your religion if you care for your peers at all.

there is perfect, its maintainable. but only, if your perception is well developed.

also i wouldnt call Ni as god, but then.. im an Ne, i live in a whole different world. we experience more of asian religion like connection to the whole existence when the two functions connected to Ne are high. (in asia, for thousands of years Ne religions have dominated. whereas in middle east and europe Se religions, for the contrast to compare.)

Fe + Se creates manipulation based religions.. why cant you all Fe's combine your power into one superior religion without controversial morals?
whenever i look at Se + Fe religions, i cant help but wonder.. are these people supposed to get morals from THESE!? =O.. its like reading the satanic bible, only they wont tell you become a devil by following self contradicting morals. (ahem, bible, islam -.- .. maybe those two are just too primitive examples?)

world would be a better place if this planet was cut half between Te's and Fe's. but wait.. it already is. western countries = Fe, asia = Te. and what of africa? O.o..
[MENTION=86]Entyqua[/MENTION], [MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION], [MENTION=2259]Kmal[/MENTION], You are enthusiastic! Great posts! Shifts happen when they are needed in the universe... For some time spirituality was considered a luxury now spirituality is taking priority with many people... It is amazing you understand that there is a single consciousness that every one is connected to... This understanding and meditation is the key to realise many more truths about life, self and one's full potential... whence there is no stress, no botheration, energy flowing freely (i.e. no mind, no thoughts) toward whatever needs done... Keep it up!
For some time spirituality was considered a luxury now spirituality is taking priority with many people... It is amazing you understand that there is a single consciousness that every one is connected to... This understanding and meditation is the key to realise many more truths about life, self and one's full potential... whence there is no stress, no botheration, energy flowing freely (i.e. no mind, no thoughts) toward whatever needs done... Keep it up!
Yes! And some will say we are not humans having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. The fire within is becoming increasingly important because of the understanding that one would not like to be left out in the cold, dark woods without a torch. People are waking up from the safe dream world that is modern day society and realizing their understanding was inside-out. The inner fire is what allows the outside to exist, so focus shifts from the outside to the inside! The results are that both increase in splendor and we act as if we are creating God's kingdom.
to be honest it looks like man kind is descending and going further away from what they should be headed towards ,everyone trying to pretend to be someone their not, and i don't mean as take parts and make them your own, no i mean they want to be the people from the reality shows altogether because someone give's them a complement of something similar to someone who displays ignorance and no moral code and false values types people they wish to emulate,

its the age of plastic and consumerism, everything is plastic in some form and everything this buy buy buy, it not like the days of old if they ever were , where things were built of marble and stone and so like the people rooted still to the earth , people i hate to say have grown weak on all side like cattle and sheep, but on the other hand perhaps that is the point break them down, let them fall from grace and reflect, as like why i choose the picture i did of Lucifer to represent me, is because i find him misunderstood i feel he loved god to much and didn't do what he was told is all, but with that being said outside of my childhood life story i still stood strong and followed one of the principals my mother gave to me to treat people how i wanted to be treated, but nobody played fair,

so with my dad telling me not to let anyone punk me, when ever the beast in me came out i treated them how they treated me, because if some part of them was following the rule treat people how they wanted to be treated and their actions was treating people like shit then that must have been how they felt about themselves projected outwards, but even still i have felt deep guilt about doing so even if it was in defense , even thought they played unfair perhaps it was because i hit harder in whatever tactic they through at me which is why it was all more of them against one of me, anyhow from that i grew a little dark ,

self hatred about being me having no one to mirror and tell me it was okay i had to protect myself , they provoked me i was trying to be nice and they took that for a weakness and were surprised when they challenged me on it, either way from that i fell into hell you could say and from all that is where i found the light because after fall and after fall i started to learn and you my ti and see perhaps this all was for a reason perhaps i have been falling of my path to try to please everyone else, and i awaken to me again ,so perhaps that's the point of all these events and many other horrible things , to make them appreciate life and find themselves.

Do forgive me if i made it to much about me , its the only way i could explain and a way to extend myself to anyone who wishes to write me privately , and thank you to for putting this post
@Rex_morningstar yes, everything happens to lead you further toward wholeness. now, whether you burn the events for fuel or hold on to them and let them weigh you down is up to you. you've already said that reconnecting with your heart, as doing what is right for you is causing to you to awaken. awakening is simply getting connected with your heart and your spirit. people all over the world have seen finding a balance between their heart, spirit, and the world is desirable.
as for those outside of you which you are concerned about- you cant make them do what is right for themselves, or 'you can lead a horse to water, but you cant make him drink.' that saying in mind, would you want to show people where a beautiful crystal clear spring is? you've found the path to it by doing what is right and just by your heart. take anyone who will go with you and run hard to that spring so you all will be thirsty and find satisfaction.
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thank you kmal, tis be true i cant save everyone especially those that don't wish to be saved. it's one of my biggest struggles, it's just sad especially with what bill gates has planned for control population , by vaccination of neutralization on the people from procreating and also to kill those to weak to survive it , in his words there are too many people . He's not the only one in power that feels this way either, because we have to many consumers and not enough producers . I Don't fully agree but i see the point. Kill a few to save the many , but that rabbit hole of a conversation runs to deep, but that's one of those leading a horse to water conversation's , so hopefully the mention will be enough to lead the curious minds to it .
Awakening to the reality of spirit is one thing...
Believing you are on the ascension path is another thing...

Knowing who you are and where you are going is another thing entirely.

Ascension/Awakening might sound nice and people may have good intentions but you know how that goes...
From my understanding enlightenment isn't something that just happens one day, it's a God damn bloody mess. You can get there through your own will, and preservation, but it is not something that just one day happens. I don't believe in the possibility of it happening on a mass scale. People are too lazy, they think they will just lay back and the 2012 stuff will wipe clean their consciousness or something. Seems like just another year to me (I'm assuming this is what all this is about.) You really want to know what all that is about? go to the "New age" section of your local book store and see how many times you see 2012 printed on book spines. Cha-ching $

I agree with This (haha). I think December 21st will come and go and when nothing happens, people will stop and say "what gives?!" Maybe the fact nothing happened will cause people to change their behavior but most likely not.

I really want to believe something will happen, but it seems funny that there's a VERY specific date and time for it.
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if your interested in also your health and physical being check this out, because to be a true enlighten being and to ascend you must connect all parts of self , it's more then just the spirit ,because the body is a product of the spirit and mind , to neglect even the slightest part , make's room for disappointment and question's to why didn't i ascend , like i said it's simple you must bring all aspect of self into one and become a whole being...good luck everyone , be prosperous in conquering the self , your fear's and insecurities , and remember the journey is the best part

if your interested in also your health and physical being check this out, because to be a true enlighten being and to ascend you must connect all parts of self , it's more then just the spirit ,because the body is a product of the spirit and mind , to neglect even the slightest part , make's room for disappointment and question's to why didn't i ascend , like i said it's simple you must bring all aspect of self into one and become a whole being...good luck everyone , be prosperous in conquering the self , your fear's and insecurities , and remember the journey is the best part

Yeah here's gates talking about how he sees vaccinations as a good way to reduce population size and also how his foundation is doubling its spending on vaccinations to roll them out across the world

So one minute he is saying vaccinations will save millions of lives and the next he is saying vaccinations will reduce population how does that work exactly.....saving millions will cut the population?

Or he's talking shit about it saving lives and actually it is about culling the population for example by depressing the immune system and/or cutting fertility

isn't that deep , if you have ever seen that movie city of men , that's where we are heading i hope we are not the last ,because i had some plans of making a family :m201:

i just didn't want to bring them in the world until it's better but maybe that's a dream i have to give up, like saving the world, well maybe we will turn into something like the x-men universe , in the cartoon they said they didn't know how mutants came about as hank mccoy said perhaps pollution ,tv, radiation who know's perhaps these vaccination are part of it . forgive me i'm just trying to find the light in it all .
Yeah things appear pretty grim from one angle but they look hopeful from another angle

The vast majority of people are just going about their day. They're not looking to cause trouble or rule over anyone and are usually happy to help out another person in need. I think most people just want a fair reward for a fair days that's a hopeful thing, because it means that most of humanity are basically decent

The problem we have is that there is a minority of people who are aggressively dominant. Where we have failed as a society so far is that we haven't found a system that can contain that aggression. Capitalism is a disaster because it allows those sort of people a free rein to do what they fact they are encouraged by the philosophy behind capitalism which is the ideal of profit before people. They can dismiss any claims of their harsh behaviour by saying 'its just business' as if that excuses everything

So what we need, imo, i a system whereby everyone has a say over things and not just a small and dominant elite. What this would allow is the opportunity for the many to outvote the aggressive few and allow policies that would benefit the many and not the few.

In an ideal world, such a system would find someway for the aggressive dominant types to use their energy for the betterment of their community without allowing them to exercise control over it.....but that could be difficult to do!

The aggressive few are currently looking to centralise their power further which will of course disenfranchise the regular person on the street who will then be even further away from the decision making process and will have basically no say in the running of their community

It needs for enough people to become aware fo this that a peaceful opposition can be made (which can be made in any number of ways), but to be most effective it needs to be coordinated, which requires people to be organised. Trade Unions and protest movments need to coordinate, educate the population and then coordinate their efforts with popular support to undermine the aggressive few that would make serfs of us all again

Here's gates himself admitting that he wants to control the worlds population numbers....he is also looking to bribe government officials around the world into forcing forced vaccinations onto their public.....that should set alarm bells ringing for people....but most can't see past the surface lie that vaccinations are only about stopping disease

Its very diffcult to get people to face upto harsh realities because it is not pleasant....but if they don't then we are all going to sleep walk into a situation that is going to be hard for oursleves to collectively extract ourselves from, because technology is becoming more and more sophisticated and the elite are using it in every way they can to entrench their power against the working people
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i see you point muir, and i agree fully that the main problem with the other side of things is that lack of organization , but as far as disese goes if anyone know's science , then there is no need for the vaccationations to get rid of disese, because that means they will inject a dead virius in the body, so it can built anti bodies agasint it,

but the thing is the body will do that on its on, as it can heal it's self. These doctor's have clamin themselves gods and people willingly worship them , but see everyone is notbuilt the same and what can help someone might kill another yet no one take's account of that , because anyone not on the elities side are just labrats for the elite, like that movie the island.

for example the whole hiv testing, now they say when they do the test they are looking for anitbodies in the blood to determin who positive and who's not ,but again anyone who has any knowledge in science & biology know's thats full of shit because if you somehow have anit-bodies to somethign then that means your immune to it , not the other way around so why would you pump chemo therapy pills into a heathy person , outside trying to kill them .

or even better because like the drugs they used ,one for example azt was originly used for cancer patiants but was found to strong so they had to shelf it, but because of how much money they put into it, and in the beautiful money hungry world we are in, they decided rather then watse it, to use it to get rid of the outcasts.

at the end its all about money and greed , so that's what it's all about money profit , not about helping humankind, but i agree again with you that there is always a upside to it , but for me i see that light only in faith , But i'm not completly sure if there really is a upside ,but i would like to belive it, my thoughts might be a little scattered right now ,because there are deeper levels to this i wish to discuss but you get my point,
i didn't read the earlier posts but i'd just like to know if anyone has been experiencing anything odd and new (regularly) recently?

I remember more than a year ago on this forum, people would talk about an energy they feel, things speeding up..
Has anyone noticed it seems to come in spurts?
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Its simple, our mind over-complicates. When ones ego stops being afraid of ones consciousness does ones changes start. I was super afraid of Bali lady, it was my ego. I went there and was shaking and I was going wtf. She is super pretty and my ego was shaking, omgosh!

I was afraid to lose myself, afraid to be honest and totally surrender to myself, my ego wanted, wanted her sexually, WANTED to continue being in control instead of accepting consciousness to start filling. And so by the act of wanting I was putting so much energy in maintaining my mind that I forgot that all I needed to do was stop wanting to change and I started to change. hahaha.

Stop attaching to the idea, intellectual, emotional, whatever of the nature of the beast, for it feeds the energy and places a loop that ego loves. Its a battle of wills that comes from the mind and the only victory here is stagnation. Fluidity stops, for ones assemblage points fix to a certain point and loop like a circuit, finding all the back doors to continue feed the mainframe. Instead of draining the mainframe and restarting the system like brand new.

Its easy to say though its something that is hard to do.

SamE is not here anymore. He's off having the human experience of being married and having children at the last time we spoke. But I had this bookmarked and felt the urge to visit here and I am using him to talk to...

When you first wrote this.... what? - a year and a half ago? .... I did not have much of an understanding of what you were trying to describe. Now ...I think I have more understanding. It is what I am facing right now.

Tonight I committed to training with a Shaman I have been working with over the phone. He lives out in CA and I'm all the way over here in TX. It is both strange and familiar. Thankfully I have had some "sessions" with [MENTION=2873]Eirene[/MENTION]. She's a wonder.... :)

When the Shaman asked me if I was ready to commit - I paused for many seconds - and then blurted out Yes. He laughed....and I started laughing then challenged him by saying "Don't you go laughing at me....You know this is scary shit!"....and he laughed more. Both of us know the level of commitment to walk this path is not easy. Mostly because of a. one is alone most of the time and b. one has to surrender the Ego. Just like you said in your post - I am afraid to lose myself and my Ego is scared shitless because it is not in control when I'm one with Spirit. Ahhh....poor little ego. I will hug it when I finish this post.

I learned two lessons tonight that I found to be engaging and productive. I look forward to doing them daily with the goal of morning practice. I think it will help me get mental clarity and feel loved first thing every day. I can think of no better way to start my days by clear thinking and love in my heart.

So yes...when you speak of stop attaching to the idea ...I can easily understand that now.

The Shaman said something that helped me...He said when it comes to the world of energy spirit it doesn't make sense. In other words it can't be readily translated into words from the mind. It doesn't make sense because it's not supposed to make sense. For some reason I found that comforting. I suppose I have been fighting letting go into this experience because from a logical point of view - it's so far from logical it's off the map of reasoning. I swear my Ego literally throws up scary images and thoughts to assail me and push me off balance so it can regain control. [shakes head no]

Hah! I'm nervous and elated at the same time. I've found my teacher! .....and I'm on the path of the Healer Shaman Sage.

(moved from Kgal thread)

Kgal do you know what this was?

A few weeks ago I experienced a very intense feeling (positively) twice, and I don't know where it came from or what it was, and I want to know if you had experienced this and if you have managed to initiate it yourself, or even adopted it to a consistent move of thought.

This was what happened both times, almost exactly the same feeling, although the 2nd time was less "intense."
I was overcome with an intense feeling of joy and happiness. Not my standard today is a good day, but for 20 or so minutes I felt centered and content. It was a wave of euphoric emotional stimulation that had me up to the point of tears. For that brief period of time I felt the closest to truly happy as I ever had in my whole life at least from what I remember.

I don't know if there's a specific term for this, it was just so spontaneous. My mood that day had been exactly the same and nothing out of the ordinary had happened.
Of course, I was sober, haha! Just wondering if you had any input

Hmmm....[thinking about how to say it]

Hah! I can't think about what is happening without getting swept up in that same intense emotional surge of Joy myself....:bounce:....and then tears well up for all kinds of reasons...some of which I do not comprehend....

Whew...well...the words that come floating up from my intuition are:

Free from the vibrational constraints that kept us locked in a materialistic world in 3D.
Free from the slavery of those few who on this planet who sought to keep us down in misery and fear. Well...they WERE in power. They are on their way out.
Freedom from fear.
Freedom to move forward on the spiral of ascension.

Integration of your self - the one that is here now - with your eternal Soul self....your Authentic Self.... your Over Soul...and then moving towards being One with All of creation.

I suspect there is a hidden part of you that recognizes this momentous occasion and knows what's coming for you....
...which... is unbridled Unconditional Love.

In the coming days and years it will become clear to humanity that the Heart is the center of all that is - not the rational thinking Mind. Compassion and Unconditional Love is blossoming all of the globe heralding the end of the old earth and the beginning of the new one.

Vibrationally the Earth herself has shifted her frequency to a higher one. This is termed going from 3D to 5D. Ignore the old definition for 3D dimensions. That's not what we're talking about here.

About 3 weeks ago the Earth made the final transition and now every literal thing on this planet is being affected by the increase in vibrational frequency. It is a most important time for us as humanity to shift our intentions towards acceptance - to forgive others and ourselves - and to co-create a beautiful world for all. We have the freedom to let go of the old paradigm - the old stories - the old beliefs - and to begin anew.

I am absolutely delighted to see you experiencing intense Joy!!!! :love: Isn't it wonderful and awesome?????? [MENTION=4956]charlene[/MENTION] is going though this too.

Wow....there is just so much I could say....but I do not know your level of understanding so I will stop for now.