
I edited the posts to be more serious.
For those that disagree with me or have other points of view... I don't judge because I know you will work it out on your own time frame either in this life or the next or the next. You are playing a specific role and an important one. For you just highlight my points through demonstrating the opposite. I just challenge these people to read my words and understand what I am saying. If then you disagree, no problem - go your own way.

Do you dismiss a different point of view simply because you don't understand it?

Our actions will be judged.

Know that there is Judgement.

No matter how much spiritual knowledge they may give, Judgement seems to be the one thing that is left out of the picture.

This loose standard of truth... this all inclusive one world religion, this fabled transparency, the new peaceful world, the lack of judgement... these are lies.

Be honest with yourselves and do not lie...
It is not acceptable to deceive your own heart.

This world will pass away... it is fading fast.

Humble yourselves before The Most High
Seek His Face
Salvation is in Him through His Son, Yeshua the Messiah...

The witness of this truth is within us. This is the truth. Do not deceive yourselves!

Today, if you will hear his voice, do not harden your hearts to anger Him.
Awareness is growing from what I can see in my little world.

This morning I noticed a person post something on my facebook for the first time in a long long time. From what I know of this person I was surprised at what she put out there. It was a notice on a book talking about what our US government allows to go on- supports even - within this country that is violent/dark/harmful to all of us. It's called Farm Sanctuary:

In 1986, after rescuing a live sheep from a pile of dead animals in a stockyard, the author founded Farm Sanctuary, an organization that rescues discarded living animals from stockyards, slaughterhouses and factory farms; provides shelters for them; and advocates for humane animal treatment.

It was extremely gratifying to see that she was waking up to the reality around us. She was waking up from the 'feel good with buying things' fuzzy warm sleeping daydream of our lives.

Then...another person posted an article where people are not buying into the current government pulling the wool over our eyes - in a profound way.

It seems that a movement is going around the country where Schools are opting out of the Standardized Testing dogma. Of all places - a very large city in TX said no more standardized testing in their schools. They realize it's pure bull...

In fact...I'm noticing a lot more people starting to post statuses that involve something/someone outside of their direct lives. They are starting to look outward into the world further and further beyond what they're having for dinner or watching on TV that night.

I am dancing in the streets over this!:dance:
Do you dismiss a different point of view simply because you don't understand it?

Our actions will be judged.

Know that there is Judgement.

No matter how much spiritual knowledge they may give, Judgement seems to be the one thing that is left out of the picture.

This loose standard of truth... this all inclusive one world religion, this fabled transparency, the new peaceful world, the lack of judgement... these are lies.

Be honest with yourselves and do not lie...
It is not acceptable to deceive your own heart.

This world will pass away... it is fading fast.

Humble yourselves before The Most High
Seek His Face
Salvation is in Him through His Son, Yeshua the Messiah...

The witness of this truth is within us. This is the truth. Do not deceive yourselves!

Today, if you will hear his voice, do not harden your hearts to anger Him.
Actually, religion would not be around at all in the Christian belief.
Revelation:21 said:
22I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple.
Temple / Church / Religion

What if spiritual knowledge is what you're judged for? Would not your actions be directly linked to how much spiritual knowledge you have? At the very least, the more spiritual knowledge you have, the more you're aware of judgement. Just because youre Christian, or Jewish, or Muslim, or Buddhist doesnt mean you shouldnt try to understand other beliefs (and even your own!!) and think they are wrong. No matter how wrong someone is in doing something, it is not your place to judge, because there is a larger game afoot; understanding and acceptance should be practiced instead of conversion. Less you think you should judge them and fix them. Imperfect as we may be, there is perfection is us all.

Who wants to try to understand a religion where the people practicing it just want to be "right" and possess the "one truth?" If someone feels like youre telling them they're wrong, they'll shut down to your ideas-- because youre not even trying to understand them, or accept them. You're right, an imperfect human, and you posses the one truth: not their own connection to the spirit! That is how you get truth, from your own link to "God" or "Within."
Last edited:
Authors Note: This post may appear disjointed and convoluted. If so, whatever. Skip down to the bottom where I put it into two nice little bullet. This entire mass of contextual text mess is just to try and explain the two bullets to my fullest ability.

Editors Note: Pardon the various typos, he wrote this while multi tasking with other stuff.
For those who asked, I'm putting this here.

I didn't necessarily mean to offend with my previous posts. What I meant to show was almost a literal caricature of sorts. Its the fact that in general, but not inclusively to any one person/or groups of people - this forum tends to have a very strange attitude towards thought processes of any sort. People here are very for "freedom of thought," if you would, and they champion the right for everyone to believe what they would like. But this is only the case if you want to be more 'open' to things. If one were to say "I'm thinking that I've been too careless with etc. etc. etc. I believe that I am right in this one thing, but all others are wrong" then the forum turns and says "how dare you?"

This is not to say that its outrageous or wrong to say "how dare you say everyone else is wrong?" But it can create problems. I have come to understand this forum consensus is due to the Ni influenced life style here. Though my Ni is only auxiliary, and I love what it gives me, but I'm glad for this forum for it shows me the dangers of it. (Don't take "dangers" as condescending, its not). For if you are truly open minded, to the exact definition of our colloquial take on the term — then you are floating, or drowning I guess in a sea of currents that only gets stronger with time. There will will always be something new to take and mold you to it, but you must decide for yourself if it is good. When approached with another view or view point, the closest we can get to openmindedness is through —gasp- Jesus, for in Jesus there is grace. There is reconciliation, and there is in a sense, compromise. When we come across a point where our road meets another, to say “that road is not right” according to the forumites, is wrong. However then you can say “that road is not right for me, but it is right for you if you want it to be” Well this is then just the epitome of the blind leading the blind, you may know the dangers lying down that road for you’ve experienced them, or seen them. To simply say “ok then have a nice day,” as I’ve seen proposed in this topic is sending them to their certain death by pitfall, passion or vice.

This is why I continue to be on this forum, despite me not getting along with a lot of people here. (Though there are a lot who are near and dear to my heart.) People have told me I should go hang out at other forums with similar tastes than me because all I do here is bitch and moan about how everyone is different than me. But this is not the case, diversity is the spice of life and I crave it. I hate forums where everyone agrees/thinks the same as me, because it doesn't allow new thought processes in, it just turns into algae and stains the glass of my computer screen. Think Finding Nemo. Though I don't agree with anyone now on many things, that's not to say I won't in the future. A caveat is I do believe Jesus Christ is Lord, and though I used to be ashamed to say that I'm not anymore. So I will not budge in the belief that other religions are wrong, but that's not to say I don't 'appreciate the thought.'

I am of the belief that there is always another side to an argument, another view, and it is infinite possibility in the vastness of each. What I've come to understand however, through introspection - and only quite recently is that while there is to be perhaps infinite sides/views to anything and everything in existence, there must then be two stipulations that arise from such a thing. One, is that due to the fact there is more than one side/view/etc then that means one side must end, where the other begins. Now I don’t know how to communicate the following properly though speech, not that it’s a feeling, but its more the words I may choose might seem contradictory, though they are not. Heh. I like to imagine everything in life as a Dungeons and Dragons di, use it landed on an 18, but that doesn’t mean 20 doesn’t exist, and if it does, and if it landed on 20 it would be just as good. As one view/side/opinion etc is ended by a line dividing so does one more side begin. What became clear to me is so what? So there is always another side, another meaning, another route — but what does THAT mean? It doesn’t have to mean anything, the fact that more than one view exists does not lend validity to any direction.

I believe humans project themselves into the world — this is common knowledge and has been for some time now. We think dogs are the most smart and witty little things when all they know is “tall human brings food/don’t pee on carpet get food” and their thoughts are probably more basic than that. We project our ideas and expect Nature to pragmatize itself to our needs. I.e. some of us feel guilty about all the times hairspray ran in theaters before it was shut down — and all that excess spray and also excess hollywood bullshit then created a whole in the ozone. Well… Ok. The issue is how do we know? Yes we have data. But how do we know the data applies? This is why I am usually against statistics, they provide data, but only on one side of the issue. Just BECAUSE we’ve gotten warmer over the past few years and are CO2 has shot up doesn’t MEAN anything. Hell, correlation doesn’t at all imply nor is connected to causation. That’s what my psych teacher told me. 20 minutes before hating on Bush saying after every Dem we have a surplus and every Repub a debt (that’s when I dropped the class — great job Socrates).

That all again ties into the main belief in this post: If we project ourselves into the world, who is to say we don’t project ourselves into the spiritual world? This is the issue I’m coming to terms with and finally realizing the full potential of this… Epiphany is too esoteric of a term for this, but this epiphany is that simply because being open minded in the practical and very much so concrete world is not the same as being open minded in the spiritual realm. Because in the world there are di, you can flip the sides and have something totally different — and yet ok, but in the spiritual world there is no di, there is no view, there is no opinion that has any validity that comes from anywhere but our fear of death. There only is. When you die only one thing will happen to you, so think — and believe in whatever you want, but simply saying “I’m just going to be a good person and that will spare me for any and all religions” is foolish. The spiritual world (I’m using that term in order to encompass all possibilities and different after life scenarios this forum associates with) isn’t going to care —as far as you know- about what you do. Does that make sense? That’s not what I mean, but I hope that the meaning transcends the voluptuous vomit of text I’m writing.

You have to take stock and be entirely sure that what you believe in IS what’s going to happen. We can switch sides in this world, we can change our minds, we can control our environment — in our minds — but, the world moves on as it always has not caring about us, rock steel and limber knows not of the hands that touch it, kill it, and harvest it — just that it is what it is and then it is no more. This is the reality of the spiritual world found in the reality of the concrete world. How can you say “I believe in reincarnation but if I’m wrong then hey I’ve become enlightened so when I die I will reach nirvana”

Ok. How do you know? And how can you bet that? I guess perhaps all I’ve become through this thought process is a convoluted blowhorn of pascalian wagers but I hope I’ve made clear not only my thoughts on this forum, but my thoughts on this subject. Because I love to write, and thus write pages and pages and pages of text I will truncate it into the following:

-While this forum may preach openmindedness, it is only openmindedness if you want to open your mind. This ablates the entire reason for openmindedness, and why true “open mindedness” is not only nigh impossible to reach, it is foolish to reach. For you will lose your grounding in this world, and the next. Be fair, but be principled.
-Everyone has their own belief, and their own thoughts, and their own feelings. Amen. I absolutely believe in giving people the “freedom” to believe what they want, however the fact that they believe what they believe holds no grip on what the actual truth is.
-So, leading off of the 2nd one, simply saying “God can be anything, who says you know???” is an argument only to propagate those who do not want to consider the fact that there is/”could be” one cold hard truth. Not every road leads to Jerusalem, some lead to Golgatha and some lead to the Mediterranean.

-I'm not getting into the whole "ok but how do you know your god is more right than mine" drama llama, because that's on HNL ('hole 'nother level)

I that pretty much condensed that ENTIRE FRIGGEN 2 PAGE post into. I am a very verbose person.
Saru Inc. I appreciate you editing your post. You speak very well and clearly about your beliefs and I appreciate that. I find it interesting that you have very strong beliefs of right and wrong, true and untrue, but your soul longs for diversity and other opinions. I just think it's because you like to argue and stir the pot. Thats a good thing! For you are learning new things underneath all the debate and arguments.

The seeds of change take a long time to take root and grow. I think we are still at the very beginning stages, planting seeds. We might not even see the fruits of all of this in our lifetimes. It takes generations to die and be born so that old ideas fade away and allow for the new.

Let me explain a little more why I feel that all religions are a path to God - The I AM. First of all, it is a mistake to humanize God. Humans have done this in the past because it is very challenging to grasp God in our physical minds. It's almost beyond our comprehension, and so we project human qualities on God like jealousy and judgement. If you truly pray and feel God then you know he's much bigger and grander than any of these rules and regulations where we put God in a box. God does not fit in any box. But all humans are not ready to be free with this point of view. It scares them and they fight back. They think chaos will ensue. They think social structure will fall apart without a set of mutually agreed upon rules that everyone agrees are right. This is why I write on INFJ forums... because I think they are a little more open minded to a world without boundaries. It will take a long time but this is where we are going.

Every person in the world grows up in a culture with a religion. Those people that grow up, live and die and never even hear of Jesus... are they damned to hell like you say? What about Ghandi? Is Ghandi suffering in hell after he freed almost a billion people from tyranny?

This is the way God thinks about us. Whatever you need to do, whatever you believe, if it allows you to connect with God - that is what he wants. The qualities of an enlightened human being are empathy, trust, integrity, understanding. Just spend time and connect with your soul. So open up to him either on the pews at church, 5 times a day under a minerette, or through meditation.
There will not be a one world religion just like there will never be a one world language. With the diverse cultures around the world, ideas and beliefs spring up and will continue to do so. Right now, all world religions are going through a tough time. Islam has an image problem. Catholic church is suffering massive exodus with the child molestation case and others. Why? Because they are not changing. This is a period of change. The worlds great religions will have to change as the people do or their members will leave in droves. This is a culling period for the world religions. They will learn lessons, change, and come back stronger than ever but this time with a greater world view, view of personal freedom, and one of serving the people and connecting them with God in a more personal manner.

The same thing is happening right now with financial industry and the governemnt. They are going through a rough period where they will have to change, integrate new and better systems, or they will not survive. This is why, even though the recession is very tough on people, it's a necessary rough patch and will lead to smart and advanced solutions that serve the world better and the people better. So we can all be positive about the future while at the same time doing our best to help create the new world that we want to have - religion, government, business.

That's why I think INFJs are so important. Because they are creative, likable, behind the scenes leaders, who can implement quiet and peaceful change.
Saru Inc. I appreciate you editing your post. You speak very well and clearly about your beliefs and I appreciate that. I find it interesting that you have very strong beliefs of right and wrong, true and untrue, but your soul longs for diversity and other opinions. I just think it's because you like to argue and stir the pot. Thats a good thing! For you are learning new things underneath all the debate and arguments.

The seeds of change take a long time to take root and grow. I think we are still at the very beginning stages, planting seeds. We might not even see the fruits of all of this in our lifetimes. It takes generations to die and be born so that old ideas fade away and allow for the new.

Let me explain a little more why I feel that all religions are a path to God - The I AM. First of all, it is a mistake to humanize God. Humans have done this in the past because it is very challenging to grasp God in our physical minds. It's almost beyond our comprehension, and so we project human qualities on God like jealousy and judgement. If you truly pray and feel God then you know he's much bigger and grander than any of these rules and regulations where we put God in a box. God does not fit in any box. But all humans are not ready to be free with this point of view. It scares them and they fight back. They think chaos will ensue. They think social structure will fall apart without a set of mutually agreed upon rules that everyone agrees are right. This is why I write on INFJ forums... because I think they are a little more open minded to a world without boundaries. It will take a long time but this is where we are going.

Every person in the world grows up in a culture with a religion. Those people that grow up, live and die and never even hear of Jesus... are they damned to hell like you say? What about Ghandi? Is Ghandi suffering in hell after he freed almost a billion people from tyranny?

This is the way God thinks about us. Whatever you need to do, whatever you believe, if it allows you to connect with God - that is what he wants. The qualities of an enlightened human being are empathy, trust, integrity, understanding. Just spend time and connect with your soul. So open up to him either on the pews at church, 5 times a day under a minerette, or through meditation.

Hows that box working out for ya
You believe truth is a wide swath and you champion the wisdom of ignoring...

This itself is a dangerous, deadly, corrupt teaching.

Open mindedness does not mean that we must accept everything everyone says or does.

All paths do not lead to God... This is anti-christ, this is of the spirit of the false messiah.

Prayer and meditation are not interchangeable!
Apparently you are not aware of the difference.

Your concepts of God, of religion and of society are misguided and fundamentally flawed.

How can one see the error of his way if he denies the very possibility of error?

How is it possible for him to turn from the error if he will not first be truthful with himself?

It is not acceptable to say "good luck, Go Your Own Way, you'll eventually see it My Way, perhaps in some other lifetime".

Let us be truthful with ourselves and with each other.

Help a brother out, help a sister!

I speak out of love for you, though I hate all the works of evil.

Do not settle for some smug feeling or for any substitute for the Truth.

As long as we deceive ourselves, we are our own worst enemy.

Honesty, integrity, sincerity, humility. The Most High God sees all things and judges every heart.
I trust Him alone to judge justly. He will examine every one of us.
When we accept the truth in our hearts, we acknowledge Him and His Son, The Messiah.

Our Heavenly Father is set-apart from the world, He exists in the unseen realm and is greater than any of us in this flesh can comprehend, He Is Holy.
He loves us. He desires for us to know Him and to turn from our self-centered way, to turn from idol worship.

To express His unconditional love for us He showed us the way of life, the way back to Him, through the Messiah, His Only Begotten Son.
Read his words, consider the testimony of his disciples and apostles.

Do the thing which is so necessary for us pride filled people to do, humble yourselves before Him.
Seek His face.
Do not ignore the conviction which comes to you.
Do not harden your hearts...

He loves those whom he disciplines, like any good Father would.
If you will sincerely humble yourself and seek Him... If you would accept the truth in your heart,
If you will turn from your sin, He is just and faithful to forgive us for all of our sin.

I cannot endorse anything but this Truth.
He loves us all so much more than we can understand.

As for all those who never hear of Jesus, I trust Him to rightly judge their hearts. He sees and knows all, nothing is hidden from Him.
21It is not everyone that says to me, 'My Lord, my Lord'', who enters the Kingdom of Heaven, but whoever does the will of my Father who is in Heaven.

Matthew 7
1You shall not judge, lest you be judged.
2For with the judgment that you judge, you will be judged, and with the measure that you measure, it will be measured to you.
3Why do you notice a chip that is in your brother's eye, and you do not observe the plank that is in your own eye?
4Or how do you say to your brother, 'Let me cast out the chip from your eye', and behold, a plank is in your eye?
5Hypocrite! First cast out the plank from your eye, and then you will see to cast out the chip from your brother's eye.6Do not give a sacrifice to dogs; neither throw your pearls before wild boars, lest they trample them with their feet, and return to run you through.
7Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock, and it will be opened to you.
8For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it is opened.
9And who is the man among you whose son will ask him for bread and will hand him a stone?
10And if he will ask him for a fish, will he hand him a snake?
11If therefore you who are evil know to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in Heaven give good things to those who ask him?
12Everything whatsoever you desire that people should do for you, do likewise for them, for this is the Law and The Prophets.
13Enter the narrow gate, for the gate is wide and the road is spacious which leads to destruction, and many are those who are going in it.
14How narrow is the gate and strict the way that leads to life, and few are those who find it!
15Beware of false Prophets who come to you in lambs' clothing, but from within they are plundering wolves.
16But by their fruit you will know them. Do they gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles?
17So every good tree produces good fruit, but a bad tree produces bad fruit.
18A good tree is not able to produce bad fruit, neither a bad tree to produce good fruit.
19Every tree that does not produce good fruit is cut down and falls into the fire.
20Therefore by their fruit you will know them.
21It is not everyone that says to me, 'My Lord, my Lord'', who enters the Kingdom of Heaven, but whoever does the will of my Father who is in Heaven.
22Many will say to me in that day, 'My Lord, my Lord, have we not prophesied in your name, and in your name have cast out demons, and have done many mighty works in your name?'
23And then I will confess to them, 'I have never known you, remove yourselves far from me, you workers of evil.'
24Everyone therefore who hears these my words, and does them, will be likened to the wise man who built his house on solid rock.
25And the rain descended and the floods came and the wind blew, and they rushed against the house and it did not fall, for its foundation was laid on solid rock.
26And everyone who hears these my words, but does not practice them, will be likened to the foolish man who built his house on sand.
27And the rain descended and the floods came, and the wind blew, and they rushed against that house, and it fell, and its fall was great.”
28And when Yeshua had finished these words, the crowds were marveling at his teaching.
29For he was teaching them as one having authority and not as their Scribes and the Pharisees.

I am grateful for the opportunity to share these things on a public forum.
My hope is that all would realize the Good News of Yeshua the Messiah.

The new age/ascension business is twisted truth. A new age is indeed coming, and an ascension will also occur, but it is not by the artificial way that is being sold today!
The Messiah warned us of these times, of the last days, of many false teachings and false prophets. He warned us not to be deceived!

Know the Truth and accept no substitutes.

We either hold on to Our Will, unto death, or yield to His Will and gain Life.

(to be continued)
"myself" I am not judging you and never will... so at least I am getting one of your commandments right "Judge not, lest you will be judged." But you seem to be judging me. Nonetheless, I can take it :) and harbor no ill will. I grew up going to church three times a week. My parents are very devout Christians and I understand every word that you say and have heard it multiple times and read it multiple times in the Bible.

If Yeshua sent his son so that now we no longer have to sacrifice goats and lamb, but can trust that Jesus was the one true sacrifice... If God changed his rules then, who's to say he/she cannot change his rules again over 2000 years later? The irony is that God never changes... just the human's understanding of God - thus the rules of the game change.

No doubt Jesus was the son of God, but aren't we all children of God? Therefore we are Jesus' brother in this analogy. In other words, we can be like him. The problem is, when someone who is as holy as Jesus walks this earth and says, you can be like me, he causes such a backlash - because it's so different and unbelievable that it causes resentment and anger in the people. Thus, they usually kill the messanger. And they ultimately humanize the true message creating impuraties within the pure gold. And now there is a lump of gold intermixed with laces of granite and sandstone, and black obsidian - yet it is preached and sold as if it was all gold.

True story, my best friend from high school always knew he wanted to be a minister. He preached at the local Methodist church once a month. After he graduated college he went to Duke semenary school and graduated. While at Duke, he met and fell in love with an Indian girl who was Hindu. He then went back to his hometown and preached two years, but you cannot have a Hindu wife and be a Methodist minister. So he quit the church, married the hindu girl, went to Carnagie Mellon got his MBA and now works in the business world.

He found that true love was more enlightening than the current system of biblical rules and regulations. He found out through his studies that God was bigger than any religious sect or creed. And so even though he knew the bible frontwards and backwards - he found the gold within the impuraties and understands that God is love.

I ask to the hardcore Christian believers out there... How come more people have died in the name of so called God than for any other reason? Can you explain if the golden rule is "Love thy neighbor as thyself," then why is history filled with Christian religious war and conflict? Perhaps because the Christian religion preaches more from the granite, obsidian and sandstone than from the pure gold.
The enlightenment IS the second coming of Christ. But now that society is more evolved, we do not need just one prophet to show us the way. Its a massive amount of people that will be like Christ. Does that scare you now? If there were a few million people on this earth that were like Christ, please, I would love to hear how that would be a bad thing! How that would be the anti-christ! Haha And I would love for you to explain to this board how this would be a bad thing for society!

Who are the pharasees and the scribes in this analogy? Would it not be the ones who are threatened that their power would be lessened. Interestingly enough it's power of right and wrong that religions crave. Power to tell the people what to do and how to do it. And as we all know, power is corruptable and it has proven itself to be this way throughout history. "Here, we will intercede to God for you, for a nominal weekly charge." Jesus gave away all his possessions. Do you think Jesus took money from the people? (Now I am not saying money is a bad thing at all. We all need to earn a living and provide for ourselves and our families.)

This is why I do not judge you. Because people need to know what right and wrong is, before they can understand that there is no right or wrong. At this time, in this life you are learning right and wrong. You are no less of a person or soul than I am or anybody else. We are all equal in the sight of God.
The enlightenment IS the second coming of Christ. But now that society is more evolved, we do not need just one prophet to show us the way. Its a massive amount of people that will be like Christ. Does that scare you now? If there were a few million people on this earth that were like Christ, please, I would love to hear how that would be a bad thing! How that would be the anti-christ! Haha And I would love for you to explain to this board how this would be a bad thing for society!

Who are the pharasees and the scribes in this analogy? Would it not be the ones who are threatened that their power would be lessened. Interestingly enough it's power of right and wrong that religions crave. Power to tell the people what to do and how to do it. And as we all know, power is corruptable and it has proven itself to be this way throughout history. "Here, we will intercede to God for you, for a nominal weekly charge." Jesus gave away all his possessions. Do you think Jesus took money from the people? (Now I am not saying money is a bad thing at all. We all need to earn a living and provide for ourselves and our families.)

This is why I do not judge you. Because people need to know what right and wrong is, before they can understand that there is no right or wrong. At this time, in this life you are learning right and wrong. You are no less of a person or soul than I am or anybody else. We are all equal in the sight of God.

There are two different CHristianities then in this topic. One that you believe in, where apparently the World is the God, and the wages of Sin is not death but.... Nothing.. Ok... Moving on... Then there's the other religion, the one that has been defended by the thousands who have died to protect it - the one that I believe in.

We are all equal in the eyes of God, but why? WHY. WHY. WHY. WHY. Because 2,012 years ago a man who was of God, died, took all of the sins of my father, my self, my son, and my grandsons and his lineage with him. The wages of sin is death. But Jesus died so we may live. There is a consequence for everything in this world, we have been spared by grace and mercy for so if we do believe in the One God, we shall be spared.

The whole thing of " Because people need to know what right and wrong is, before they can understand that there is no right or wrong" is nothing more than a lie of Satan. Look at the world around you, what do you see? You see choice and consequence. What is right and wrong? Right and wrong, two forces that influence everything in this world. But, what IS right and wrong? Its actually quite simple if you can boil it all down to one:

Life, and death.

If a flower dies, it is wrong because it did no wrong yet simply didn't acquire enough nutrients to live. So the flower may not be at fault, but it is still death. Wrong is anything that leads one to death. That is why sin is wrong, because it will lead you to death. The Lord is amazing and loving being, but because he is so pure, he cannot be with sin, for they are the quarks of our world, matter and anti matter. If we have sin and we come before we will die. You cannot be a Christian and not believe that. People ask "how do you know that? How do you know what GOD wants?"

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. [SUP]2 [/SUP]He was with God in the beginning. [SUP]3 [/SUP]Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. [SUP]4 [/SUP]In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. [SUP]5 [/SUP]The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[SUP][a][/SUP] it.
[SUP]6 [/SUP]There was a man sent from God whose name was John. [SUP]7 [/SUP]He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. [SUP]8 [/SUP]He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.
[SUP]9 [/SUP]The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. [SUP]10 [/SUP]He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. [SUP]11 [/SUP]He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. [SUP]12 [/SUP]Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God — [SUP]13 [/SUP]children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.

Well, there you go.

I gtg do my Sociology homework now.
The idea is that no one is here to suffer. That is a misconception by the Catholic church that you must suffer in order to be a true Christian just like Jesus suffered. This is not true. Suffering is man-made or a choice of the individual.

A choice of the individual? Are you talking about a choice made before someone incarnates or a choice someone living makes about where/how to allocate their emotional/psychic energies?

Are you saying, like a view i have heard from someone from the Theosophical society, that we are given lives by the cosmic heirarchy or galactic federation or that we choose an experience here on the material plane to learn something.....or are you saying that we are all part of the same consciousness experiencing itself subjectively in order for the whole to learn?

Let's take a look at choice. It's much more of a deeper meaning than let's say chosing one ice cream flavor over another. Tangentially, choice has to do with Karma. Karma is the idea that you are drawn to certain things to teach you lessons in life. People might be drawn to abusive relationships, attracted to those types of people that would treat them with harm. You would say, they would never chose to be with someone like that, yet they continue to go back to that person or those types of people. They make a choice. Yes maybe it's a baffling one, but they still chose.

Are you saying they make a conscious choice here to suffer or an unconscious choice or are you saying they have chosen that life experience before they even incarnated?

I think that people are not conscious of certain things sometimes. I don't think someone in an abusive relationship should be written off because she is exercising her ability to choose to stay in such a relationship....i think she is doing it because she is not in dialogue with her unconscious self...she's imbalanced and might well benefit from the right kind of guidance which might help her to look within for the answers

I also think that such an abusive relationship might well be the product of an abusive system which is all of our collective responsibility

People who chose suffering are similar. They are attracted to those situations where they feel some kind of pain or suffering. You are so powerful, and God loves you so much, that you even have the ability to create negative or difficult situations for yourself. But this is not the purpose of life. The purpose of life is to live happily with abundance and adventures and in harmony with people and nature. But people CHOSE to live in conflict and in survival mode..

No people are not always consciously aware of why things are happening or why they themseoves are evn doing certain things

people will live happier lives if they become more individuated and the more people who become individuated the more society will improve. The aim of the illuminati is to prevent people from becoming individuated

They are 'black lodge'.....they want to use the knowledge they possess for their own selfish ends. They are not interested in helping themselves or others to become enlightened

The idea of the power elite, illuminati is that they believe they are trying to do the right thing by making decisions for everyone. The irony of the whole situation is that almost everyone is good, and trying to do good. Whether it be, providing for their family, supporting their friends, trying to be a good subordinate, trying to make a profit for shareholders and on and on. Im not saying they are right... just the way they think. .

No they don't think they are doing the right thing for humanity they are doing what they think is the right thing for themselves.

They knew that there was carcinogenic dioxins in the agent orange that they sprayed all over vietnamese people and their crops and water supplies which have left generations of children deformed. They knew that the nuclear radiation from the weapons they tested at bikini atoll would harm people and they did....they poisoned mothers so that 'jellyfish' babies were born without bones in their bodies. They knew that the depleted uranium shells that they littered Iraq with would poison children, they knew that bombing an iraqi factory producing babies milk and imposing sanctions would cause the starvation of hundreds of thousands of children, they knew that children would be poisoned in Bhopal, they knew that lowering the standards of education will disempower children, they knew that the anti personel mines and the cluster bombs that they mass produced would litter the ground of many countries that they helped to destabilise and they knew that children would end up picking up those items or stepping on them.

Those people are not doing what they think is best for humanity. I'm not sure you really understand how those people think.

For the enlightened, it doesn't matter if they have the billions or the power. As long as we have freedom to live and believe the way we want.

We don't have freedom to live and think the way we want. We are bombarded with propaganda designed to mould how we view the world. We are actively discouraged from thinking for ourselves by talking heads on the TV who tell us what is supposedly going on and that we must not 'entertain outrageous conspiracy theories' (george bush)

Things work on a conscious and an unconscious level. People don't always have a choice because people are often distanced from their unconscious mind. That process is deliberate and has been carried out systematically by the judeo-christian establishment/illuminati who have destroyed any peoples who they found had a relationship with their unconscious mind

They have forced a material god on the world. An external god intent on telling you what to do and who demonises looking within yourself. They have corrupted the teachings of balance and have moved people away from the belief that the kingdom of heaven is within

Let me ask you this. What do you want to do that you can't do? Do you want more money, more power, more influence? You cannot control others or force them to believe the way you do. Not government, not the illuminati, not corporate America, and definitely not your average Joe. Bottom line, in America, you can do pretty much what you want to do. Yes the work environment is very competitive and you have to bust your ass. But if you want it enough, then prove it.

No you cannot do what you want to do there are restrictions everywhere and there are more and more restrictions all the time

I am not interested in forcing anyone to do anything. I am interested in a process going on across the world right now.

This process is one of increasing awareness. It is a process where we are all learning and sharing what we have learned. It is a process of evolving perceptions with the hope that this might increase the number of people seeking individuation in the hope that this will then in turn improve our society.
This process is happening faster and faster due to technology such as the internet. We can all play a part in this incredible process however large or small. For example you could make a post on an internet forum which contains the word 'individuation'. Someone who is reading the post who has never heard of the word 'individuation' before might be intrigued and they might then go and read about the word 'individuation' to find out more about it.

In their research they might find new perceptions/new tools to work with to help them navigate their way through what is a pretty crazy world. Tools that might help them make more sense out of what is going on and why people do certain things and why they themselves feel the way they do at certain times and about certain things.

Do I get upset? Yes, all the time. The thing that gets me are the prescription drug commercials because they are making record profits off of keeping people sick and trying to teach people they need drugs and pills. They will be one of the next industries to go down, just like the cigarrette companies. Because they don't serve the people. .

I hope you are right about that. But what will take them down is that the people are becoming more AWARE of the negative effects of and nefarious nature of big pharma because they are communicating with each other on the internet and becuse more and more people are NOT AFRAID TO SPEAK OUT

Here's another story. 150 years ago if you had a disagreement over politics or a girl, you resolved your conflict with a duel of pistols. Several of our founding fathers did. I believe Thomas Jefferson and others. Could you imagine if Obama challenged one of his rivals to a pistol duel? Of course not! That would be barbaric! In the same way, we will look back 150 years from now and war will be looked upon as barbaric, as an old solution to social problems. Now the end of war, wouldn't that be called enlightened change? This is what the enlightenment is about. a gradual change of people from conflict and survival mode, to understanding commonalities and abundance.

The actions of todays politicians are no less barbaric than the actions of previous politicians. In fact the industrial age has seen killing on an industrial level.

President Jackson was involved in a number of duels. He also fought against the banks and managed to stave off the control of the international bankers. Later sadly other politicians did not stay strong against their efforts and they allowed the formation of a central bank which allowed greater centralisation of power which in turn saw massive world wars between pockets of centralised power ('nation states')

The people are beginning to recognise their common humanity around the world warts and all. The internet is bringing people together but the pockets of centralised power are seeking to control the internet in order to control the people. A growing awareness of this struggle is what offers hope to humanity.

Rising above the drama doesn't, i believe, mean disingaging from it. Because what will happen if you do is that the black lodge will gain increased traction and while you are sitting inactive they will come along and plug you straight into the borg.

I think that the very quest for individuation itself is enought to give someone more purpose in life. I belief that purpose and meaning are far more important for a persons wellbeing than comfort.

I think it is better to strive to seek greater self knowledge and to share what you learn in the hope that all may benefit than to numb ones brain from painful realities.

Balance is to recognise that 'too much strength is but cruelty and oppression, whilst too much mercy but aids and abest evil'

MBTI is not all that we are. Yes we have left brained and right brained mindsets but we also have our shadows. We have our monk side and our warrior side. One is about compassion and the other commands respect. They are both valid. they are tools to be applied to situations in life.

If however we rely too heavily on one side or the other then it will not produce the correct results. The warrior side is often fuelled by anger or fear. The illuimanti are all warrior and no monk. They act out of fear and not out of compassion.

We each have our own struggles between all these aspects of our being and the human psyche is the battle gorund for our society because what happens within us, will as sure as night follows day, manifest in our outer world.

The aim, as i see it, is to seek individuation and the alignment of the conscious and the unconscious, our male and female aspects, our warrior and our monk. Because the more people who can balance out the more balanced our society will be and that requires an increase in awareness.

This awareness is one of our internal processes but also of how they manifest in the outer world. The cruelty exhibited by the illuminati is an indicator of their imbalance.

Ultimately their power rests on certain foundations. On the material plane it rests on money. In the unconscious realms it rests on their ability to keep people unconscious of many things. They need to be secretive because if people become aware of them then like the wizard of oz being revealed they lose their power.

'the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist'. There might not be a horned goatman running around the world but there are arch manipulators and in order to have a choice as to how you want to engage with that reality you first have to be conscious of it.

There's been a number of posts relating to religion on this thread expressing different perspectives on it. I think Carl Jung has some interesting things to say about that subject:

'' Man today is painfully aware of the fact that neither his great religions nor his various philosophies seem to provide him with those powerful animating ideas that would give him the security he needs in face of the present condition of the world.

I know what the buddhists would say: Things would go right if people would only follow the 'noble eightfold path' of the dharma (doctrine, law) and had true insight into the Self. The christian tells us that if only people had faith in god, we should have a better world. The rationalist insists that if people were intelligent and reasonable, all our problems would be manageable. The trouble is that none of them manages to solve the problems himself.

Christians often ask why god does not speak to them, as he is believed to have done in former days. When I hear such questions, it always makes me think of the rabbi who was asked how it could be that God often showed himself to people in the olden days while nowadays nobody ever sees him. The rabbi replied: 'nowadays there is no longer anybody who can bow low enough.'

This answer hits the nail on the head. We are so captivated by and entangled in our subjective consciousness that we have forgotten the age-old fact that god speaks cheifly through dreams and visions. The buddhist discards the world of unconscious fantasies as useless illusions; the christian puts his church and his bible between himself and his unconscious; and the rational intellectual does not yet know that his consciousness is not his total psyche. This ignorance persists today in spite of the fact that for more than 70 years the unconscious has been a basic scientific concept that is indispensible to any serious psychological investigation.'' Man and his symbols-Carl Jung

The judeo-christian establishment with their codified dogmas such as the ones imposed by Roman emporer Constantin at the council of nicea where Arius was punched in the face to silence him and his interpretation of jesus's words, spread out across the world destroying any cultures that had shamens that worked with the unconscious mind. In fact it went hand in hand with slavery and imperialism.

As PM of Kenya, Jomo Kenyatta, said: "When the white man came we had the land and they had the Bible. They taught us to pray with our eyes closed and when we opened them, they had the land and we had the Bible."

Or as Chief Seattle of the americas said:

To us the ashes of our ancestors are sacred and their resting place is hallowed ground. You wander far from the graves of your ancestors and seemingly without regret. Your religion was written upon tablets of stone by the iron finger of your God so that you could not forget. The Red Man could never comprehend or remember it. Our religion is the traditions of our ancestors — the dreams of our old men, given them in solemn hours of the night by the Great Spirit; and the visions of our sachems, and is written in the hearts of our people.

Religion has been used by left brained dominants who are conduits only for the warrior spirit to make people divided within themselves.

We have an opportunity with the creation of the internet to seek and find alignment within ourselves and without and to help others as they strive for the same.

“This we know. The earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the earth. This we know. All things are connected like the blood which unites one family. All things are connected.” Chief Seattle
Once again, like I said before, the idea is that you get what ask for. If you want there to be a group of Bond villains sitting in volcanoes scheming out how to take everyones money and you convince yourself that's going on, then you will deal with that everyday. It's that literal! So if you believe and preach how the illuminati are controling the world, you are giving power to them - you are bringing lots of fear to the situation, causing people to worry. This is what you will get, a group of people including yourself who sit around and talk about how we are slaves, etc... I personally don't think that's very healthy or good advice to people.

You might say, But it's true! How do you ignore reality! How do you ignore the injustice! Let me explain. The illuminati are like bullies. They seek control of you but this can happen only if you give it to them. How? By being scared of them and thinking they have power. Remember, power is an illusion. It takes two people... one person to think they have power and the other to allow them acknowledge their power. How do you stand up to bullies? Either you 1. Do something about it and confront them personally or 2. Ignore them, don't let them have power over you. Don't be afraid and live your life with joy. If someone tries to bully you and you laugh in his or her face and de-escalate the situation, they will be disengaged. I know this is not a conventional or easy to understand. But think about it. Read the words and consider them.

The best way to handle the "illuminati" is to use your creativity and intellegence to come up with better solutions to our worlds problems. Something that's win-win. Something that is smart and designed to allow everyone to have freedom, abundance, and a good life. Then the people will incorporate your ideas and we will then live in a better world without the need for the illuminati. Who do you think gave the illuminati the power in the first place? Of course, we did.

Here's another question for you on the illuminati. If the illuminati are so in control, and are looking to own the world, then why do you think the markets have tanked so hard? Why are we in recession? Why have the financial banking, insurance, governments, energy, and most major industries in the world tanked in the last several years? The elite are scrambling to figure it all out. They are not in control of this. The people are! The people are the ones who no longer trust in the markets. They are no longer duped into buying stupid gimick items. So until these industries serve the people we will remain in a recession. The military-industrial complex will go down soon. The Euro is going down at this moment. These are all good things. Now we will see a Paula Abdule situation as I like to call it haha. One step forward, two steps back... The three steps forward, one step back... two steps forward one step back, etc... But the idea is that it's progress. We are slowly moving from a negative society overall to a positive one.

I also find it interesting that Traditional Christians tend to believe in miracles that happened and angels that came to earth 2000 years ago but dismiss anything mystical that happens now. Mother Theresa even said in her book that she always talked to God but God never talked back to her. Why is this? I believe it's because she was so close to the perfect human and so in touch with God that her consious thoughts WERE God's thoughts. So when she prayed there was nothing else there. She alligned herself with God and they were one.

But I think everyone, even the hardcore religious can agree that we are more than just a human. We have a soul that is eternal right? But you think out of trillions x trillions x trillions of years (and more) of eternity that God would stick you on this earth for 75 years without prior knowledge of his "rules and regulations" and judge you for the rest of eternity by sending you to either heaven or hell. That seems very short minded don't you think when you take eternity into context. And if you are eternal what do you do the rest of the time? This is the most logical explanation for reincarnation. Look up near death experiences. Is it a coincidence that they all have very similar explanations of what happens when you die? Do you think it's a conspiracy?

Ok here's another advanced concept. I said there was no judgement, but that is not quite accurate. The only judgement is your judgement. After you die, you complete a life review where you can feel what you have done good or bad to others. Then you judge yourself and figure out what themes and lessons you want to learn for the next life. So those traditional Christians who believe so much in judgement are actually just judging themselves both in life and death. It's ok if you don't believe it. But that doesn't mean it not actually happening that way.
Let me explain some more very advanced concepts. Those Traditional Christians out there will love this b/c it will allow them to put me in a box, which is what they have been wanting to do since the first post haha! Interestingly enough, I consider myself a Christian and enjoy going to church. I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. But I believe we are all children of God... so that makes us basically all brothers and sisters of Jesus. You might say I am wrong, but according to your rules, I am saved correct? Or will you come up with another rule to damn me since I am different?! Ok here goes...

Here's a more advanced explanation of choice. Before you enter the physical world, you create themes that you want to experience in life. You have a soul family which you meet up with life after life in different scenarios. Some have called it a pre-life contract, but that's not actually correct. You have the power to change and adjust your life themes as you see fit in this life. So it's not predetermined. We are living in a multi dimensional universe. There are actually unlimited dimensions. All probablities exist simultaneously. Time is the concept of shiftinging from dimension to dimension billions of times per second. Every billionth of a second we are creating, but we create it in a liniar fashion so as to make sense in our physical minds. So the concept of choice is deciding which dimension that you want to live in. This is why the future cannot be predicted, only potentials of the future. Psychics have the ability to analyze your current situation (and energy) and determine a "likely" future for you. But that's up to you! Your potentials might change and that prediction could come true or not come true.

Your unconscious mind does decide alot for you, and yes I agree we need to get in touch with it. Your unconscious mind is actually just your body. Take a second and try to get in touch with it. Do you feel it's coming from inside you, in your gut and heart? Hence the expression, "that gut feeling." We have been taught that all we are is a brain. The brain controls everything. But this is not true. Our body thinks as well and since we have neglected it, we haven't developed the ability to acknowledge and tap into what it's actually doing and that we can actually control it.

So the blind people you are talking about, are not in touch with their whole self, mind-body-spirit... the holy trinity. They are only reactionary. They do not understand they have the power to create the reality they chose. Each individual is living in their own reality. This is why everyone is soooo different. Sometimes people chose to share realities (like I am doing with my fiance), but all of our experiences and choices in a given day cause us to think differently about many things.

Ok here's another advanced concept. How do religions come about and why? Let's take one of the newest religions and examine it. The mormons, Joseph Smith. What actually happened to him? South Park is a really funny short clip on it! Check it out on Youtube. Joseph Smith DID see an angel/spirit/alien or just call it a being of advanced consciousness just like Moses did on Mt. Saini. The new American contenent was ripe for a new religion for a new people. The angel came to Joseph Smith and explained many of the same principles that were explained to Moses. It was how the individual human interpreted it that causes the differences in religions. These concepts are very advanced and the people were not ready for it. So Joseph Smith combined some of the principles that people were ready for, some of the things he didn't completely understand. So he "dummed it down" so the people wouldn't think he was crazy. Someone might be offended by this explanation. The mormon religion is actually very advanced if you compare it to many sets of beliefs people have.

Someone once explained the first commandment to me. In fact they weren't commandments at all but more like recommendations on how to live life. Humans translated it into "if you don't do it, then you are WRONG!" The first commandment is "I am the Lord thy God, though shalt have no other gods before me." What really was said by God or the advanced consciousness is, "I am the one God, all other gods that are worshiped are aspects of The One!"

We are in this physical reality by choice. You and I have chosen to be where we are for a reason, each person in their own reality. However we are all connected. Seperation is a physical illusion. We can be compared to water. Water can be in a vaper (which coincidently life is compared to in the bible), solid-which is ice, and liquid. Our true self is the vaper however we chose to enter this physical body from which our spirit/soul is engrained into our cells.

Some people have said, "we are stuck in the matrix." The matrix is actually our social programming into our brains from the day we are born. Parents teaching you what their parents taught them. Society teaching you, friends teaching you and programing you. Religions teaching you "do this or you will go to hell." Teachers grading you on your ability to "fit" into society. They grade you on how well you can memorize a history they want you to believe. You don't even realize it... but after a while you have been programed away from your true powerful/holy/creative self. Is this a conspiracy? Of course not!! This is just what people do! This is why people are so depressed and stressed. Because they know... They KNOW! they are more special and more important than what "reality" is reflecting back at them. They know that deep inside they have a heart of gold that shines brightly, that is capable of miracles, of doing great things. But "society" sucks it out of them. The whole idea of enlightenment is that society will step out of the way and let people become their greatest selves.
Once again, like I said before, the idea is that you get what ask for. If you want there to be a group of Bond villains sitting in volcanoes scheming out how to take everyone's money and you convince yourself that's going on, then you will deal with that everyday. It's that literal! So if you believe and preach how the illuminati are controlling the world, you are giving power to them - you are bringing lots of fear to the situation, causing people to worry. This is what you will get, a group of people including yourself who sit around and talk about how we are slaves, etc... I personally don't think that's very healthy or good advice to people.

You might say, But it's true! How do you ignore reality! How do you ignore the injustice! Let me explain. The illuminati are like bullies. They seek control of you but this can happen only if you give it to them. How? By being scared of them and thinking they have power. Remember, power is an illusion. It takes two people... one person to think they have power and the other to allow them acknowledge their power. How do you stand up to bullies? Either you 1. Do something about it and confront them personally or 2. Ignore them, don't let them have power over you. Don't be afraid and live your life with joy. If someone tries to bully you and you laugh in his or her face and de-escalate the situation, they will be disengaged. I know this is not a conventional or easy to understand. But think about it. Read the words and consider them.

The best way to handle the "illuminati" is to use your creativity and intelligence to come up with better solutions to our worlds problems. Something that's win-win. Something that is smart and designed to allow everyone to have freedom, abundance, and a good life. Then the people will incorporate your ideas and we will then live in a better world without the need for the illuminati. Who do you think gave the illuminati the power in the first place? Of course, we did.

Here's another question for you on the illuminati. If the illuminati are so in control, and are looking to own the world, then why do you think the markets have tanked so hard? Why are we in recession? Why have the financial banking, insurance, governments, energy, and most major industries in the world tanked in the last several years? The elite are scrambling to figure it all out. They are not in control of this. The people are! The people are the ones who no longer trust in the markets. They are no longer duped into buying stupid gimmick items. So until these industries serve the people we will remain in a recession. The military-industrial complex will go down soon. The Euro is going down at this moment. These are all good things. Now we will see a Paula Abdule situation as I like to call it haha. One step forward, two steps back... The three steps forward, one step back... two steps forward one step back, etc... But the idea is that it's progress. We are slowly moving from a negative society overall to a positive one.

Sometimes it takes a person's Fear to wake them up. Perhaps that is what muir is trying to utilize in his attempts to increase awareness out there in the populace.

You mention coming up with creative ideas to solve problems.

Wouldn't you agree a person has to be aware of the problem before they can come up with a solution?

In looking around you would you not agree that most people have to become afraid they are going to lose "something" before they begin to take action?

From my own look at my life I can see where there have been times when I finally saw what was going on I was horrified/shocked. When that wore off I then became fearful. It took time to work through my fear. During that phase all of my creative solutions were mired down in trying to stave off the fear - prevent the fear - and I was extremely attached to my ideas because I couldn't see past my fear.

So yes - in that regard I can see your stance on how being Fearful essentially accomplishes nothing.

It wasn't until I let go of my Fear(s) that I was able to see a more balanced and all inclusive perspective. My solutions to the world's problems have drastically changed because of it.

Fear has it's place in the process - though. It is inherently human and intrinsically bound in our nature.

Ignoring a Bully will not make them go away as long as others do not see them for what they are. So attention must be called to them at first. They need to be identified. Unfortunately - many - many - people do not react because the bully hasn't hurt them - Yet. I am of the opinion that those people who understand and recognize the Bully should take efforts to make them known - to neutralize them - so their affects on the community are not propagated.

Yes I agree that to ignore them is best. But if ignoring them allows them to wreak trauma on others who do not have the capability to ignore them - then it is up to the warrior in me to take action to neutralize them. And for that to happen then I must confront them. But... I must do this without being in a place of Fear or hatred or anger in me. I must do this from a neutral perspective and to realize that mitigating bully tactics results in mitigating Fear in my community. In the long run this will have far greater impact for the common good than ignoring a bully.

So you see it is a tangled web that one must sort through.

You can love and not judge others all you want. But in the current paradigm - one must be willing to take on either mantle - of Love or Warrior - as the situation calls for.

I have been the Warrior - out of balance - in my life. I have been the Lover - out of balance too.

Now...when I put on the mantle of the Warrior - I do so reluctantly - with the realization that sometimes there just isn't a clear good choice...there are only choices.
kgal, I really like your post. I am not trying to say muir is wrong, though my words are pretty passionate and might seem that way. I also went through these stages of shock and fear and had to work through them. I am still learning and growing. I believe in my truth. But it doesn't mean it's everyone elses truth or reality. As I have said, everyone is living in their own reality. But Im just trying to express how we have the power to create the reality that we choose, the reality that we want. And it doesn't have to wait. We do not have to fear.

Fearing something, causes one to place alot of energy onto that idea and it draws it into their reality and potentially the reality of others. The idea that we are creating every second and moving into different dimensions every second is that people that don't acknolwedge it's existence, it's not literally part of their reality. Religions teach you to Fear God. Why? Because by fearing something you give up your power to them.

I understand your process of shock, fear, understanding, progress. But since we are all more powerful than we can fathom, you can go from shock to progress and skip all in between. That is what I am trying to pertray.

Ignoring a bully, and by ignoring I mean "not even acknowledging their existence" will make them go away. By ignoring I don't mean (a high school analogy), walking down the hall, looking at them, walking to the other side of the hallway and hoping they will not see you. I mean, not even noticing that they exist in the universe. They do not affect you on a daily basis. They do not affect your mood, happiness, or feelings. They cannot touch you. Bullies feed on fear, and if everyone does this, they will not exist. There will be no fear to feed off of and they will disapear.

Why do some people get bullied in high school and others dont? Another fun analogy, I remember girls in high school that I thought were cute and maybe wanted to ask out, but they didn't even notice I existed. So I couldn't even talk to them! I couldn't approach them, because there was no connection there. I did not exist in their reality - literally! I didn't even cross their mind haha. This is the basis for most of the 90's high school movies.

In this way, you can use against bullies or the illuminati or whatever is bothering you. By ignoring the power of the illuminati, it gives YOU the power to beat them.
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kgal, I really like your post. I am not trying to say muir is wrong, though my words are pretty passionate and might seem that way. I also went through these stages of shock and fear and had to work through them. I am still learning and growing. I believe in my truth. But it doesn't mean it's everyone elses truth or reality. As I have said, everyone is living in their own reality. But Im just trying to express how we have the power to create the reality that we choose, the reality that we want. And it doesn't have to wait. We do not have to fear.

Fearing something, causes one to place alot of energy onto that idea and it draws it into their reality and potentially the reality of others. The idea that we are creating every second and moving into different dimensions every second is that people that don't acknolwedge it's existence, it's not literally part of their reality. Religions teach you to Fear God. Why? Because by fearing something you give up your power to them.

I understand your process of shock, fear, understanding, progress. But since we are all more powerful than we can fathom, you can go from shock to progress and skip all in between. That is what I am trying to pertray.

I am in total agreement with you there.
We do have the power to create the reality we choose.
Living in Fear is using a lot of one's energy in a place that is non productive. [shrug]

But in my experience I have yet to see an individual go from shock to progress and skip the Fear in between. It is one of the most powerful emotions we experience and it needs to be addressed and acknowledged. Not encouraged - but nevertheless - validated.

When you tell people that their fear of God is because another man wants control over them - you are negating their fear - discounting it - accusing them of make believe - and therefore naive and child like. It is insulting to their intelligence. In working with alcoholics and addicts I've come to understand one of the roles "God" plays in the lives in humans. Whether one believes or not - it is sacred to them because they make it so - and their belief saves their lives.

I'm telling you this because I sense you are one of those people who will draw students to them. When they come to you - and they will - try to see deeply into them and recognize their fear(s). Honor it. Help them to honor it. This will greatly enhance their ability to work through it and free them from it's control. the empty tea can begin to pour in the knowledge they need in order to gain their Wisdom.
kgal, yes I understand that these are some very advanced concepts and everyone is not ready for them. Probably most people are not ready for them. Everything I have expressed has been in a loving manner. Everyone is in different stages on this earth and this is why nothing is truly wrong. The alcoholic that needs to be saved is completely justified in believing in fearing God. Because in his case, he needs an external force to help him understand right and wrong and how to live in this life. There is no judgement.

I've used these forums to express what I have learned over the last 3 years or so over some very intense study and contemplation and another many years of searching for truth in the midst of chaos. I rarely bring up these concepts in my day to day life as they always seem rather silly when I start talking about them out loud. I wrote because this was an awakening/ascension forum and people were dismissing it as kooky and idiotic. I do not write these things to convince anyone of anything. If someone reads these words when they are searching and it resonates with them, that's great. If not, then that's okay too. More than anything, I wanted to express the great potential that we all have of creating a better reality for ourselves, our society, and our planet.

The most enlightened person is that individual who you may run into at work or at church and just by seeing them you start to feel better. They bring joy into others lives just with a touch on the arm. You cannot help but feel better around them. They lift you out of pain and misery just by being in their presence. My grandmother was this person for me. She didn't know about ANY of the concepts I have talked about, yet she was pure light. So I do not plan to teach any of this, but I will try to integrate these concepts so that I can be like my grandmother - a lighthouse in the darkness.
Once again, like I said before, the idea is that you get what ask for. If you want there to be a group of Bond villains sitting in volcanoes scheming out how to take everyones money and you convince yourself that's going on, then you will deal with that everyday. It's that literal! .

I don't want that reality. I am not creating that reality they are. I could put my psychic/emotional energies elsewhere for example i could switch off entirely from world events, but just like the amazonian indians who have never had any interaction with the 'outside' world it will unfortunately intrude on their reality in many ways.

You can repeat as a mantra 'the illuminati don't exist, the illuminati don't exist' but you will still live in a world in a global economic depression which the illuminati has brought about

So if you believe and preach how the illuminati are controling the world, you are giving power to them.
No i don't believe that the US east coast establishment weild large amounts of influence i KNOW that they do

I am not giving power to them by increasing awareness..... their secrecy has been their greatest weapon. There is increasing resistance to them because people are becoming increasingly aware of them

I don't believe that they are controlling the world i believe that they are trying to shake the world up so that they can then create the world that they want to see

However i agree that their power is an illusion....please see the post i have made in the syrian massacre post in the news and politics section to see my views on this. In a nutshell i believe that their power on the material world is largely dependent on money and fiat money is an illusion of value as it has no intrinsic worth. If we all agree not to recognise it then they lose their power over night.

I am an optomist. I believe this is a struggle that can be won, but for people to win it they have to be aware of what is going on or they will simply be pawns in the great drama rather than be consciously aware of every moment they are having in this life experience (reality/nuit)

- you are bringing lots of fear to the situation, causing people to worry. This is what you will get, a group of people including yourself who sit around and talk about how we are slaves, etc... I personally don't think that's very healthy or good advice to people..

Wrong i'm bringing determination to the situation. I'm encouraging discearnment and decisiveness while you seem to be encouraging people to adopt the head in the sand approach

''None are more hopelessly enslaved then those who falsely believe that they are free'' Goethe

"A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude." Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

"The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.
The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank . . . sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world." Carroll Quigley, "Tragedy and Hope", pg 324

I am not creating this reality, they are! Here's an article from today in the UK press about this years Bilderburg meeting. How many people even know about the Bilderburg Club? Well more and more do know about it and it is that awareness that takes away the power of these secretive groups:

"There is no such thing in America as an independent press, unless it is in the country towns. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dare to write his honest opinions, and if you did you know beforehand they would never appear in print. I am paid $150 a week for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for doing similar things. If I should permit honest opinions to be printed in one issue of my paper, like Othello, before twenty-four hours, my occupation would be gone.

The business of the New York journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his race and his country for his daily bread. You know this and I know it, and what folly is this to be toasting an 'independent press'! We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping-jacks; they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes." -- John Swinton, New York Times editor, speech to journalists at the Twilight Club in New York City, 1883-04-12
(source: George Seldes, "The Great Quotations", Lyle Stuart, New York, 1960. P. 671.)

- You might say, But it's true! How do you ignore reality! How do you ignore the injustice! Let me explain. The illuminati are like bullies. They seek control of you but this can happen only if you give it to them. How? By being scared of them and thinking they have power. Remember, power is an illusion. It takes two people... one person to think they have power and the other to allow them acknowledge their power. How do you stand up to bullies? Either you 1. Do something about it and confront them personally or 2. Ignore them, don't let them have power over you. Don't be afraid and live your life with joy. If someone tries to bully you and you laugh in his or her face and de-escalate the situation, they will be disengaged. I know this is not a conventional or easy to understand. But think about it. Read the words and consider them...

Number 2 will not work because these particular bullies have a game plan and if people do not wake upto it then they will achieve it

You cannot ignore these bullies they are the ones affecting the economy.

- The best way to handle the "illuminati" is to use your creativity and intellegence to come up with better solutions to our worlds problems. Something that's win-win. Something that is smart and designed to allow everyone to have freedom, abundance, and a good life. Then the people will incorporate your ideas and we will then live in a better world without the need for the illuminati. Who do you think gave the illuminati the power in the first place? Of course, we did.

This is exactly what the occupy movement is doing right now...they are coming up with creative solutions and the power elites are scared

Here's a brief clip of someone discussing this in the press today:
Paradanmellow started a thread elsewhere on the forum called 'Challenge with a prize, y'all'. It contained the following passage by Zizek which deals with the modern 'let's pretend its not happening approach':

"What both Wallace's critique on television and Žižek's insight into modern ideology hold in common is the very concept that we, in a fit of liberal education, are aware of the very systematic ideology that confronts us on a day to day basis; but, through our cynical adaptation of our daily lies, through a comical irony, we have convinced ourselves of our innocence and inculpability in relation to this “system”--in a truly cynical sense, we have convinced ourself of a lack of guilt even in our own actions. This cynicism comes with an unhealthy dose of zen-like apathy in which the inner journey of meditation and peace is justified by the refutation of “actual” actions through a mental distancing–in an absurd reversal of Sartre's citation of the waiter and his “bad faith”, modern cynicism seems to have eradicated any notion of freedom or choice at all, but not in a deterministic sense, simply in a nihilistic sense: almost as if the mind has given up to the corporate nature of reality, playing along with it . . . but when the cynicism is obvious (take Sartre's waiter or Wallace's example of TV viewer “Joe Briefcase” who sees the falsity of a commercial, feels rewarded for realising the irony of it, but still ACTS as Audience) we are culpable, guilty of “Bad Faith” at a far worse level than our parents and grandparents who may have been excused to a more “provincial” viewpoint (not yet cynical, but in Direct Belief) in Modern and Pre-Modern periods. "

- Here's another question for you on the illuminati. If the illuminati are so in control, and are looking to own the world, then why do you think the markets have tanked so hard? Why are we in recession? Why have the financial banking, insurance, governments, energy, and most major industries in the world tanked in the last several years? The elite are scrambling to figure it all out. They are not in control of this. The people are! The people are the ones who no longer trust in the markets. They are no longer duped into buying stupid gimick items. So until these industries serve the people we will remain in a recession. The military-industrial complex will go down soon. The Euro is going down at this moment. These are all good things. Now we will see a Paula Abdule situation as I like to call it haha. One step forward, two steps back... The three steps forward, one step back... two steps forward one step back, etc... But the idea is that it's progress. We are slowly moving from a negative society overall to a positive one. .

I have never said the illuminati control the world i have only said that they want to control the world and therefore we need to be vigilent.

Many empires have come and gone and they are no trying to create their own empire. All the wars being fought by the neoliberal countries are part of a larger geopolitical strategy of control. It is designed to bully and force all the peoples of the world into the control of the neoliberal club

The markets are failing (as i have been saying they would for years) because neoliberalism is unsustainable because of the inequality that it causes. Also the markets do not take into account externalities such as human suffering or environmental damage which is another reason it is not sustainable.

You have however said something correct here 'the people are no longer duped'....YES the people are waking up to who the bullies are and what they are doing and the rest of the kids in the playground are now figuring out what they are going to do about the bullies because AWARENESS is growing

- I also find it interesting that Traditional Christians tend to believe in miracles that happened and angels that came to earth 2000 years ago but dismiss anything mystical that happens now. Mother Theresa even said in her book that she always talked to God but God never talked back to her. Why is this? I believe it's because she was so close to the perfect human and so in touch with God that her consious thoughts WERE God's thoughts. So when she prayed there was nothing else there. She alligned herself with God and they were one.

But I think everyone, even the hardcore religious can agree that we are more than just a human. We have a soul that is eternal right? But you think out of trillions x trillions x trillions of years (and more) of eternity that God would stick you on this earth for 75 years without prior knowledge of his "rules and regulations" and judge you for the rest of eternity by sending you to either heaven or hell. That seems very short minded don't you think when you take eternity into context. And if you are eternal what do you do the rest of the time? This is the most logical explanation for reincarnation. Look up near death experiences. Is it a coincidence that they all have very similar explanations of what happens when you die? Do you think it's a conspiracy? .

I don't agree with the christian concept of hell either. I think that christianity inherited ideas from older systems such as the egyptians who talked about the process of people facing judgement after death when anubis weighs their heart.

People today still talk about the process of dealing with their karma after taking libations. The egyptians took libations and herodotus even spoke of a place off north africa where people consumed blue lotus plants for narcotic effects. A friend of mine says he experienced death after taking a libation....he also went on a UFO

I'm very open to the possibility of reincarnation

The only conspiracy i see relating to this particular issue is what i see as a very manufactured version of christianity that i see as having been packaged for the masses by the roman elites in order to keep them looking outwards instead of inwards.

- Ok here's another advanced concept. I said there was no judgement, but that is not quite accurate. The only judgement is your judgement. After you die, you complete a life review where you can feel what you have done good or bad to others. Then you judge yourself and figure out what themes and lessons you want to learn for the next life. So those traditional Christians who believe so much in judgement are actually just judging themselves both in life and death. It's ok if you don't believe it. But that doesn't mean it not actually happening that way.

I'm open to this possibility and i think Dante dealt with this process in his epic poem the divine comedy

Life, death and rebirth are old themes and are dealt with by the christian rebirth god and in the first three degrees of freemasonry

What we are told by esoteric groups is that we can go through this process of cleansing right now in this life
