
Continued... My suggestion for all the doubters is this...

1. Don't think that the end of the world is coming. Every 5-10 years someone finds some predition that the end of the world is near. The end of the world actually just means "Change." Are we going to see change in 2012? Probably. What that will be no one really knows yet.
2. Don't listen to conspiracy theories like aliens are taking over or illuminati or especially Alex Jones. He is a fear mongerer. This is not enlightenment. This is fear based thinking which is rediculous. Entertaining maybe... listen and laugh but don't believe these people. Beleive people who look for peace, togetherness, understanding, solutions, etc...
3. Scientology is just another religion. Enlightenment does not require formal rules. It is not a religion. There is no leader. You are your own leader. Find your own truth. Don't listen to someone else (including me.) Find out for yourself.

Here's an advanced concept for all those enlightenement doubters. The reality that you think will happen - will happen. So if you belive it's shit, then thats what you will get - shit until you open up to the truth. As INFJs you have the ability to see beyond what people say is truth.

Hi Edward

I agree with your posts above

I also agree that we do to a certain extent create our own realities. This concept i managed to get to grips with recently whilst in a slightly altered state of consciousness. Of course we are bound by the rules of nature so we do not have total can't blame a starving child for starving because they lack a positive attitude for example.

I'm told repeatedly by a friend that the way to change the world is to change ourselves and that change should start with oneself.

I can't however turn a blind eye to what you have termed 'fear mongering' because there are certain painful realities on the material plane. I do understand that our perceptions create reality and that this occurs both on a conscious and an unconscious level.

For example people in the 'modern' age see UFO's because they have become archetypal in the collective unconscious. The corporate media seeks to mould our conscious and unconscious perceptions for example by demonising its enemies and glorifying its friends.

So there is a difficult balance to be struck between increasing awareness (which we are both trying to do by posting these sort of ideas) while not creating a paralysing sense of fear in readers

I do however feel that an awareness of the processes at work in society help people because it is better to be aware of certain unpleasantries in order to be able to act appropriately and become an active player in the great drama than it is to be ignorant and a passive victim. This might not be seen as the ultimate goal (non duality) but it may well represent a step in the process of evolving perceptions.....a certain sense of ego expansion or empowerment as a way of shaking off old shackles in order to strike out on ones own path

What i mean is that for a person to set out on their own intuitive spiritual journey and to question ones own societal conditioning and to get to grips with ones own complexes a person must first be dissollusioned with the status quo on a conscious level.

Unconscious dissolusionment with the status quo, i believe manifests in many ways in people and for them to then become cogniscant of actual things that are worthy of dissolusionment enables a person to then make conscious what was once unconscious........after all individuation is the process of reconciling these two in pursuit of balance

What i'm trying to say is that i think it is beneficial for people to acknowledge that there are bad things happening and not dismiss everything as merely 'fear mongering' as this acknowledgement is in itself a step out of ones current predicaments

The 'devil' i see as anything that roots us to the material yes fear can be the devil but ignorance also can be the devil as can wordly desire be.
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Very inciteful muir... We all have our own challenges. That's why we are here on earth. But enlightenment is "rising above" the earthly drama. I don't mean to turn a blind eye. But I mean not to let it take hold of you and drive your mood and feelings on a daily basis. The painful realities as you say such as government coruption and injustice (and many more) cannot be changed through frustration and anger because those systems will fight to maintain thier power and influence with furver. These systems must be changed at a higher level by people creating ideas and systems that are so clearly better that they would be foolish not to evolve and change. I like to watch both the Tea Party and the Occupy Movement because they are both trying to do the same thing. But they don't come up with encompassing real concrete solutions and ideas. They are just protesting through idealism. They are saying, "this is wrong, that is wrong." They aren't saying, this x,y,z is a better way and here is the data why it's better for everyone.

Here's a story... two people are bitter rivals. They cannot remember why they originally started to disagree and how it got so bad. But now, they cannot even be around one another without arguing, fighting, and yelling at one another. Neither side will budge an inch. If one person has an idea, the other person has the opposite idea just to spite the other and dissagree. Both fight to survive and fight for relevancy and power in the relationship. Both sides think they are right and the other is wrong.

So I ask you this... how will things change when there's a stalemate like this? In the past, each person would create havoc, destroy the other, frame the other's family, seek revenge, potentially kill the other person or someone in their family. Something so bad that after it happens both sides look at one another and says, "ok that was just so bad, that we need to quit this, we need to get over this and reconcile our differences or we are going to distroy everything. Problem solved.

Now, the other way for things to change is that one of them or both rises above their differences, forgives and forgets, looks at the positive side of the other. Demostrates love toward the other. Understands that just because someone is different doesn't mean they are a bad person. They come up with solutions that benifit both people. They find common ground. They realize that they have much more in common than they could have imagined. They become friends. They both thrive and are very successful and abundant in life and help each other achieve their dreams.

These are the decisions that we face now. Are we going to go back to the old paradigm of war and seperation? Or are we going to come together and understand one another and live exciting, happy, abundant lives?

The idea of a suffering child is this. Their soul choses to go through this reality for two reasons. One is to learn and experience that reality and two, to raise awareness and teach others that the world needs to change. So that suffering child is both learning lessons and teaching lessons to the rest of the world. A very noble pupose indeed.
Continued... My suggestion for all the doubters is this...

1. Don't think that the end of the world is coming. Every 5-10 years someone finds some predition that the end of the world is near. The end of the world actually just means "Change." Are we going to see change in 2012? Probably. What that will be no one really knows yet.
2. Don't listen to conspiracy theories like aliens are taking over or illuminati or especially Alex Jones. He is a fear mongerer. This is not enlightenment. This is fear based thinking which is rediculous. Entertaining maybe... listen and laugh but don't believe these people. Beleive people who look for peace, togetherness, understanding, solutions, etc...
3. Scientology is just another religion. Enlightenment does not require formal rules. It is not a religion. There is no leader. You are your own leader. Find your own truth. Don't listen to someone else (including me.) Find out for yourself.

Here's an advanced concept for all those enlightenement doubters. The reality that you think will happen - will happen. So if you belive it's shit, then thats what you will get - shit until you open up to the truth. As INFJs you have the ability to see beyond what people say is truth.

I totally agree with you.

In addition to your statement - I think of all of the types out there - INFJs have the ability to be the spiritual leaders we need to bring people out of the darkness of their judgment and fear and into the light of Joy and Compassion. INFJs can tap into the power of emotions filled with Love and Peace and temper it with their ability to see all sides of any issue. This natural skill coupled with their tendency to practice self introspection is most effective towards the concept of "Do No Harm".

...that is if they can get themselves out of the mire of seeking happiness outside of themselves....
Very inciteful muir... We all have our own challenges. That's why we are here on earth. But enlightenment is "rising above" the earthly drama. I don't mean to turn a blind eye.

I think you mean 'insightful'...although to be fair i suppose i am trying to incite as well...peaceful incitement but incitement nontheless!

Yeah i understand what you are saying here about the aim being to rise above the earthly drama. The reality is that most of us simply are not at that stage yet. We are all very much bogged down in the earthly drama.

To be at a stage where you are consciously seeking to rise above all the earthly related behaviours/views/perceptions etc is to be at a certain stage of awareness. Part of that awareness is undertstanding that there is duality in the first place and that reality is composed of duality.

To seek to end cycles of karma requires an understanding that there are cycles of karma

This 'great work' as the alchemists called it of trying to seek samadhi or union with universal consciousness requires dedication; that's why the alchemists often sought rich patrons to support them whilst they attempted to stimulate their pineal glands by telling their rich patrons that they were actually trying to create physical gold that would make their patron rich!

The point i'm trying to make is that to seek 'enlightenment' is difficult in a consumer culture and in order to put ones outer world into alignment with ones inner will is a difficult thing that is helped by understanding what one is up against in the first place.

But I mean not to let it take hold of you and drive your mood and feelings on a daily basis. The painful realities as you say such as government coruption and injustice (and many more) cannot be changed through frustration and anger because those systems will fight to maintain thier power and influence with furver. These systems must be changed at a higher level by people creating ideas and systems that are so clearly better that they would be foolish not to evolve and change. I like to watch both the Tea Party and the Occupy Movement because they are both trying to do the same thing. But they don't come up with encompassing real concrete solutions and ideas. They are just protesting through idealism. They are saying, "this is wrong, that is wrong." They aren't saying, this x,y,z is a better way and here is the data why it's better for everyone.

Yes they become embroiled in the cycle of pain which is exactly where the elites want them to be

I think there are people within those movements who are producing data though but they are just finding their feet and are aligned against an opponent that is very organised, very wealthy and very ruthless.

They could change their approach to one of switching people on spiritually so that people simply stopped engaging in the cycle of pain but as i've hinted at already most people are already bogged down in the mundane. The profit driven system we live in is designed to keep people hooked into and dependent on it so that they have neither the time, energy, money or inclination to pursue personal enlightenment.

I do agree however that if the inner is taken care of that the outer will then change accordingly...hence my signature: 'free your mind and your ass will follow!'

So growing awareness is a way to help people to inner change which in turn will then manifest as change in the outer world ('as above so below')

I do however think that there are people in the occupy movement who are operating within the current of love

Here's a story... two people are bitter rivals. They cannot remember why they originally started to disagree and how it got so bad. But now, they cannot even be around one another without arguing, fighting, and yelling at one another. Neither side will budge an inch. If one person has an idea, the other person has the opposite idea just to spite the other and dissagree. Both fight to survive and fight for relevancy and power in the relationship. Both sides think they are right and the other is wrong.

So I ask you this... how will things change when there's a stalemate like this? In the past, each person would create havoc, destroy the other, frame the other's family, seek revenge, potentially kill the other person or someone in their family. Something so bad that after it happens both sides look at one another and says, "ok that was just so bad, that we need to quit this, we need to get over this and reconcile our differences or we are going to distroy everything. Problem solved.

I've put the idea out elsewhere on the forum that there is an imbalance in our society relating to an overdependance on a left brained view of the world. By this i of course mean a leaning (orchestrated by the elites through education and media) towards seeing the world in terms of categorisation and seperateness and cold rationallity and that the right brain view of connectedness, intuition, creativity and compassion is being deliberately ignored, penalised or derided

Now, the other way for things to change is that one of them or both rises above their differences, forgives and forgets, looks at the positive side of the other. Demostrates love toward the other. Understands that just because someone is different doesn't mean they are a bad person. They come up with solutions that benifit both people. They find common ground. They realize that they have much more in common than they could have imagined. They become friends. They both thrive and are very successful and abundant in life and help each other achieve their dreams.

These are the decisions that we face now. Are we going to go back to the old paradigm of war and seperation? Or are we going to come together and understand one another and live exciting, happy, abundant lives?

The idea of a suffering child is this. Their soul choses to go through this reality for two reasons. One is to learn and experience that reality and two, to raise awareness and teach others that the world needs to change. So that suffering child is both learning lessons and teaching lessons to the rest of the world. A very noble pupose indeed.

I understand what you are saying....i really perceptions are at a point at the moment where i believe that there is a deliberate and coherent move by people in power to increase antagonism and seperateness and to manufacture both consent and dissent as and when it pleases them.

This puts us in a very difficult position because it is not as simple as us forgiving the bankers at the top of the current economic drama because the bankers (the ones at the very top who are using occult means to achieve their goals) are not interested in reconciliation only in control

Yes there are those who are simply leaning too much on left brained thinking who might be able to gain more balance but i think there are some who are simply not going to move themselves towards balance. It then falls to us to bring about change ourselves proactively.

I think spirituality is key to that process in terms of inner change on both an individual and a societal scale whether this is due to empirical reasons such as leading by example or whether it is due to something metaphysical or the fractal nature of the universe, the hundredth monkey, transcendental meditation, hacking into the matrix...whatever......but to 'turn on, tune in, drop out' requires a certain level of awareness just to break out of the consumerist mindset in the first place and that sometimes requires facing upto unpleasant realities

I have enjoyed reading your posts by the way and i do agree with what you're's nice to hear someone making the points you're making :)
Very inciteful muir... We all have our own challenges. That's why we are here on earth. But enlightenment is "rising above" the earthly drama. I don't mean to turn a blind eye. But I mean not to let it take hold of you and drive your mood and feelings on a daily basis. The painful realities as you say such as government coruption and injustice (and many more) cannot be changed through frustration and anger because those systems will fight to maintain thier power and influence with furver. These systems must be changed at a higher level by people creating ideas and systems that are so clearly better that they would be foolish not to evolve and change. I like to watch both the Tea Party and the Occupy Movement because they are both trying to do the same thing. But they don't come up with encompassing real concrete solutions and ideas. They are just protesting through idealism. They are saying, "this is wrong, that is wrong." They aren't saying, this x,y,z is a better way and here is the data why it's better for everyone.


I too feel that both of them are trying to accomplish the same goals. Muir has often pointed out that it's to the advantage of the power elite(corporate media/banking/governments/etc) to keep those two parties stirred up and fighting each other. I had hoped by pointing these realities out to people mired down in the trenches of each party - they'd wake up - and step back. But it's rare that anyone does see what is happening around them. Still... it is thrilling to see the dawn of awareness spark in their eyes when they do begin to see.

Over time I have pulled back further and further from the arena of trying to raise awareness with regard to the fight. I have begun to see that by my participation in the fight - I am promulgating the endless cycle - and the power elite still win. There has got to be a better way. That is what I seek. I hope by giving encouragement to the idea of acceptance and love - I will calm and allay the fears in people. When people are afraid - they cannot think clearly - and as you say - we desperately need new and creative ideas if we're going to change the world.
Here's a story... two people are bitter rivals. They cannot remember why they originally started to disagree and how it got so bad. But now, they cannot even be around one another without arguing, fighting, and yelling at one another. Neither side will budge an inch. If one person has an idea, the other person has the opposite idea just to spite the other and dissagree. Both fight to survive and fight for relevancy and power in the relationship. Both sides think they are right and the other is wrong.

So I ask you this... how will things change when there's a stalemate like this? In the past, each person would create havoc, destroy the other, frame the other's family, seek revenge, potentially kill the other person or someone in their family. Something so bad that after it happens both sides look at one another and says, "ok that was just so bad, that we need to quit this, we need to get over this and reconcile our differences or we are going to distroy everything. Problem solved.

Now, the other way for things to change is that one of them or both rises above their differences, forgives and forgets, looks at the positive side of the other. Demostrates love toward the other. Understands that just because someone is different doesn't mean they are a bad person. They come up with solutions that benifit both people. They find common ground. They realize that they have much more in common than they could have imagined. They become friends. They both thrive and are very successful and abundant in life and help each other achieve their dreams.


I see your reasoning with this story. But I would argue that if they were capable of rising above their differences after an ongoing war - then they would have been able to resist an ongoing war in the first place.

How do you propose to get generations of hatred and fear to change to love and compassion? I am not being derisive. I am genuinely interested in an idea.

Take Israel and Pakistan for example. There are innumerable generations living who have had hatred/racism/and fear of each other pounded into them. Yet I've seen documentaries showing how a few people amongst both sides are starting to work with each other - to demonstrate love and compassion towards each other as human beings. Those in power continue to barrage the populace with fear propaganda because it benefits them. This triggers the old hatred and fear deeply ingrained in the populace and the cycle continues.

Humans everywhere on this planet are being used against each other for the profit of those at the top.

How can we get people to stop buying into the propaganda?

The idea of a suffering child is this. Their soul chooses to go through this reality for two reasons. One is to learn and experience that reality and two, to raise awareness and teach others that the world needs to change.

So that suffering child is both learning lessons and teaching lessons to the rest of the world.

A very noble purpose indeed.

[smile] I love this! I know (really know) maybe two people in the whole wide world who ascribes to these concepts. It is a pleasure to meet another. :nod:

Ok. So...I get that I chose to be here and experience my suffering for my own reasons.

I've pondered the idea that we created hell here on earth in order to experience the pain and hurt of suffering - because in order to create one must tear apart - and that is usually accompanied by pain. Yes? I have pondered the idea that we are all creators as we are OF the god creator. Stability and creation is born of Chaos. Chaos is painful. Chaos hurts. We all have seen how some of the most creative artists have all been born and/or suffered through the fire of pain.

Are we supposed to make the Earth a place of joy and compassion and peace and harmony?
The idea is that no one is here to suffer. That is a misconception by the Catholic church that you must suffer in order to be a true Christian just like Jesus suffered. This is not true. Suffering is man-made or a choice of the individual.

Let's take a look at choice. It's much more of a deeper meaning than let's say chosing one ice cream flavor over another. Tangentially, choice has to do with Karma. Karma is the idea that you are drawn to certain things to teach you lessons in life. People might be drawn to abusive relationships, attracted to those types of people that would treat them with harm. You would say, they would never chose to be with someone like that, yet they continue to go back to that person or those types of people. They make a choice. Yes maybe it's a baffling one, but they still chose.

People who chose suffering are similar. They are attracted to those situations where they feel some kind of pain or suffering. You are so powerful, and God loves you so much, that you even have the ability to create negative or difficult situations for yourself. But this is not the purpose of life. The purpose of life is to live happily with abundance and adventures and in harmony with people and nature. But people CHOSE to live in conflict and in survival mode.

The idea of the power elite, illuminati is that they believe they are trying to do the right thing by making decisions for everyone. The irony of the whole situation is that almost everyone is good, and trying to do good. Whether it be, providing for their family, supporting their friends, trying to be a good subordinate, trying to make a profit for shareholders and on and on. Im not saying they are right... just the way they think.

For the enlightened, it doesn't matter if they have the billions or the power. As long as we have freedom to live and believe the way we want. Let me ask you this. What do you want to do that you can't do? Do you want more money, more power, more influence? You cannot control others or force them to believe the way you do. Not government, not the illuminati, not corporate America, and definitely not your average Joe. Bottom line, in America, you can do pretty much what you want to do. Yes the work environment is very competitive and you have to bust your ass. But if you want it enough, then prove it.

Do I get upset? Yes, all the time. The thing that gets me are the prescription drug commercials because they are making record profits off of keeping people sick and trying to teach people they need drugs and pills. They will be one of the next industries to go down, just like the cigarrette companies. Because they don't serve the people.

Here's another story. 150 years ago if you had a disagreement over politics or a girl, you resolved your conflict with a duel of pistols. Several of our founding fathers did. I believe Thomas Jefferson and others. Could you imagine if Obama challenged one of his rivals to a pistol duel? Of course not! That would be barbaric! In the same way, we will look back 150 years from now and war will be looked upon as barbaric, as an old solution to social problems. Now the end of war, wouldn't that be called enlightened change? This is what the enlightenment is about. a gradual change of people from conflict and survival mode, to understanding commonalities and abundance.
Your example of Isreal and Palistine. It's a classic case of the juggernaut. Many people believe that peace is impossible there. "How will they coexist? How will they end all the suffering?"

People in the enlightenment/ascention movement believe that the young people in these nations are much more peaceful than their elder statesmen who are now in control. This has to do with the freedom of information through social networks and the interent, as well as freedom of movement between societies like never before. The young are much more understanding of other cultures. Just look at the Arab Spring. Amazing youth standing up to controlling governemnts. Once the powers that be pass, we will see more and more peaceful solutions. When this happens, it will be a real wake-up call to everyone. If they can do it, then we can do it kind of thing.
oh yes, spirituality is coming again. the age of the self is almost over. love others as you love your self and you will further the process.

ah.. that would .. not be a good idea for me.
i have to learn to love myself as i love others.

or i dont know who im loving.


no, i have no i idea.

maybe its the existence itself i love? we are parts of it, just as much as everything else is.
oh.. i guess thats my challenge, to figure what it is im loving if i cant perceive it in the first place?

im currently on the brink of sleep deprivation, will have to read all the pages which i had not, later, as well as to focus making more progress on my ability to perceive time in the future.. -.-
Think of the enlightenment as the use of the word AND alot. It's about inclusion not exclusion. Let me explain.

What is the truth? Christianity or Islam or New Age or Buddhism or (name your religion)
The answer is, ALL are paths to God and neither one is more right than the other. So Christianity and Islam and New Age and Buddhism and (name your religion) are truth.

Our world is full of duality - opposites. Pro-life/pro-choice, Republican/Democrat, This or that, and it goes on and on. Who is right? What is right. Would you be surprised to believe that both are right? It depends on the individual person and how they interpret what is best for them.

The amount of emotional energy that goes into proving who is right and who is wrong in the world (and in our day to day lives and relationships) causes extreme segmentation and seperation. And in my opinion this emotional straining causes alot of the problems in the world.

Don't think of truth as this illusive very detailed small point that you have to search for somewhere in the eithers. Truth is a wide swath that encompases many many things. This allows you to be less emotional. People worry because they think "am I doing it right or wrong?" You doubt yourself which can cause alot of depression and angst. If you realize that truth and goodness is a wide swath, then chances are you are doing it right. So lighten up on yourself and others. Go out and do whatever it is you do, and do it with confidence.

The power of ignoring is highly underate. If there's someone that bothers you or something then ignore it and it will go away miraculously. It will dissapear from your reality. Giving something or someone attention is your choice. Letting people into your life is your choice.

Vilku, love yourself AND love others...
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I have a lot on at the moment but i'd like to reply to some of these over the next few days. Hopefully speak to you soon
Think of the enlightenment as the use of the word AND alot. It's about inclusion not exclusion. Let me explain.

What is the truth? Christianity or Islam or New Age or Buddhism or (name your religion)
The answer is, ALL are paths to God and neither one is more right than the other. So Christianity and Islam and New Age and Buddhism and (name your religion) are truth.

Our world is full of duality - opposites. Pro-life/pro-choice, Republican/Democrat, This or that, and it goes on and on. Who is right? What is right. Would you be surprised to believe that both are right? It depends on the individual person and how they interpret what is best for them.

The amount of emotional energy that goes into proving who is right and who is wrong in the world (and in our day to day lives and relationships) causes extreme segmentation and seperation. And in my opinion this emotional straining causes alot of the problems in the world.

Don't think of truth as this illusive very detailed small point that you have to search for somewhere in the eithers. Truth is a wide swath that encompases many many things. This allows you to be less emotional. People worry because they think "am I doing it right or wrong?" You doubt yourself which can cause alot of depression and angst. If you realize that truth and goodness is a wide swath, then chances are you are doing it right. So lighten up on yourself and others. Go out and do whatever it is you do, and do it with confidence.

The power of ignoring is highly underate. If there's someone that bothers you or something then ignore it and it will go away miraculously. It will dissapear from your reality. Giving something or someone attention is your choice. Letting people into your life is your choice.

Vilku, love yourself AND love others...

Truth is a wide swath?

The power of ignoring?!

Your statements are not correct, much less true.

Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism are not all the same.

All paths do not lead to God.

Wouldn't it be comfortable for us all, if this were so?

The message you preach is twisted and misleading.

All paths are not truth! Only a liar would say such things.
[MENTION=963]myself[/MENTION] whos truth are we speaking about? ;)
Thank you [MENTION=2578]Kgal[/MENTION], [MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION] and [MENTION=5539]Edwardjd3[/MENTION]

I was having a bad day because I cant stop thinking about the suffering of people and how people dont want to help because they are too afraid too change. It has made me feel a lot better reading these posts. I love knowing that there are people that know and care. We can get through this and we will. Bless you all
Continued... My suggestion for all the doubters is this...

1. Don't think that the end of the world is coming. Every 5-10 years someone finds some predition that the end of the world is near. The end of the world actually just means "Change." Are we going to see change in 2012? Probably. What that will be no one really knows yet.
2. Don't listen to conspiracy theories like aliens are taking over or illuminati or especially Alex Jones. He is a fear mongerer. This is not enlightenment. This is fear based thinking which is rediculous. Entertaining maybe... listen and laugh but don't believe these people. Beleive people who look for peace, togetherness, understanding, solutions, etc...
3. Scientology is just another religion. Enlightenment does not require formal rules. It is not a religion. There is no leader. You are your own leader. Find your own truth. Don't listen to someone else (including me.) Find out for yourself.

Here's an advanced concept for all those enlightenement doubters. The reality that you think will happen - will happen. So if you belive it's shit, then thats what you will get - shit until you open up to the truth. As INFJs you have the ability to see beyond what people say is truth.

I'm editing this post.

I don't believe in the 'we are all gods' schema, it simply isn't plausible. I also find it to be existentially exhausting and primitevely darwinian. Religions do not change. The people who worship them do. Back in the day, the government would use Religion to tell the people what to do. That doesn't mean that Christianity changed, it simply meant how it was viewed by the masses changed.

And to the argument that how can one religion be right, when there are 50,000 different ones?

Simple. How can anything be right? Its simply that easy of an answer. I do believe that the world has some 'definite' gray areas, but somethings are black and white. Christianity is right, all other religions are wrong. Does that mean I'm close minded? No. Does that mean I'm blind to the other truths? No. Can it? Yes.

What it depends on is how did I get to this? Did I just say "DANG IT CHRIST IS LORD AND EVERYONE ELSE IS IDIOTS" No. I questioned my faith, and my questions have been answered.

I become outraged when people say "as long as you believe in a God you will go to heaven" because it is a lie from Satan to turn souls away from Jesus. Jesus is the way the truth and the light, and through him you shall not perish, but have everlasting life.

Not through allah,
Not through nirvana (which btw is nothingness.. not peace orr calmness or a grunge band from the 90s)
Not through Richard Dawkings
Not through Steven Hawkings
Not through any of the 8000 hindu gods and goddesses
Not through Hoodoo
Not through Voodoo

It does not matter what good you do in this life, if you do not have Jesus. Why? Because no matter how much good you do, if you sin but once, you are doomed for the wages of sin is death. People say "thats unfair" "god is mean" Well... No. This is why Jesus is here, he soaks up the Sin so we are clean again. When the saying comes around that people will be judged by the light inside of them, that is referring ONLY to people who have never heard of Jesus/God, whether due to being completely isolated or.... Well yea completely isolated in any sense of the word. Then, since they cannot hear his story, I believe they will be spared by the light in their hearts.

You can be an atheist, you can be the nicest atheist on earth. But if just ONCE in your life you sin, you will be put to death on Judgement day.

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Don't listen to Conspiracy theories?


Also this comes from the man who is apparently high on pcp, go chew someones face off.

When people say things like "if god doesn't change then why do religions change????" it just makes me so glad i'm prejudice, i can say "you're an idiot" and not even feel bad about it.

Because that is retarded. Also flawed.

Jesus petes.

When a person reacts to a different point of view - in such a highly insulting manner like this - I know they're afraid....
I get facebook feeds from a group called "The Choice Point". Today they posted this short video with Terrence McKenna talking. He sums up the current situation of the world very well....and to me....shows another aspect of the increasing awareness happening all around us.

For those that disagree with me or have other points of view... I don't judge because I know you will work it out on your own time frame either in this life or the next or the next. You are playing a specific role and an important one. For you just highlight my points through demonstrating the opposite. I just challenge these people to read my words and understand what I am saying. If then you disagree, no problem - go your own way.

Jesus' story was written hundreds of years after his death. In a similar way (obviously not the exact same) we holify our Founding Fathers like George Washington and Abe Lincoln. We make up stories about them such as the cherry tree story which is more than likely not true. These stories help us prop up our heros, our ansestors, to the point where they did no wrong. The point Im trying to make is the story was written by men and men are not perfect.

When Jesus said "Follow me" he really meant "Be like me."

Religion is a social contract to keep people on the strait and narrow. This is why religion changes, because society changes. Do you still believe in burning people at the stake or dowry's (paying money to the church to go to heaven)? Of course not. But those were standard practices 500 years ago. So by someone saying, "of course only one religion is correct!" Those people really mean, of course only one society is doing it right. No surprise they think it's their own society who is in the right and everyone else is in the wrong. It's a survival mechanism. It's the reminance of "tribalism."

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven." Now let me explain why I think the enlightenment is happening and why it's important. Through the advent of the information age and world travel, and instant translations services, and teleconferencing, and mass media, wikileaks and on and on, the world is closer and more integrated than ever before. Economies are interlinked making us interdependent on each other (which is a good thing). People can relate to other cultures like never before and by actually talking to other cultures and understanding other cultures, big surprise we see that they are not some blood thirsty barbaric tribe. They are people just like us.

Also we have the power right now to destroy ourselves like never before. We are 7 billion people and growing. Nuclear weapons, biological weapons, and much more. Both the good and bad of humanity are stronger than ever.
But that is the challenge we have now on earth... to integrate very different societies in a peaceful way. And that can be very scary! Because many people don't want to associate with other cultures or understand other cultures. Also solve the problems that we face in an enlightened way. Out of the box solutions that are win-win for everyone including the earth.

Here's a positive to be excited about... because of the mass media, wikileaks, and other organizations that are rooting out corruption its much more difficult for organizations to keep things hidden than ever before. Everyone has a tape recorder and camera in their pocket. Transparency of organizations and their practices will win because people will trust them more. So we can be relieved that the movement is already cleaning up the corruption.
Edward, your post shows many, many, and I mean many logical flaws, and plain old inaccuracies. Thus I won't debate it. To be fair though, I won't mock it either - but please, please consider your words carefully for we all have the power in us. The power in us to destroy ourselves, and our world around us.

And wikileaks is nothing but a scam.
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