Continued... My suggestion for all the doubters is this...
1. Don't think that the end of the world is coming. Every 5-10 years someone finds some predition that the end of the world is near. The end of the world actually just means "Change." Are we going to see change in 2012? Probably. What that will be no one really knows yet.
2. Don't listen to conspiracy theories like aliens are taking over or illuminati or especially Alex Jones. He is a fear mongerer. This is not enlightenment. This is fear based thinking which is rediculous. Entertaining maybe... listen and laugh but don't believe these people. Beleive people who look for peace, togetherness, understanding, solutions, etc...
3. Scientology is just another religion. Enlightenment does not require formal rules. It is not a religion. There is no leader. You are your own leader. Find your own truth. Don't listen to someone else (including me.) Find out for yourself.
Here's an advanced concept for all those enlightenement doubters. The reality that you think will happen - will happen. So if you belive it's shit, then thats what you will get - shit until you open up to the truth. As INFJs you have the ability to see beyond what people say is truth.
Hi Edward
I agree with your posts above
I also agree that we do to a certain extent create our own realities. This concept i managed to get to grips with recently whilst in a slightly altered state of consciousness. Of course we are bound by the rules of nature so we do not have total can't blame a starving child for starving because they lack a positive attitude for example.
I'm told repeatedly by a friend that the way to change the world is to change ourselves and that change should start with oneself.
I can't however turn a blind eye to what you have termed 'fear mongering' because there are certain painful realities on the material plane. I do understand that our perceptions create reality and that this occurs both on a conscious and an unconscious level.
For example people in the 'modern' age see UFO's because they have become archetypal in the collective unconscious. The corporate media seeks to mould our conscious and unconscious perceptions for example by demonising its enemies and glorifying its friends.
So there is a difficult balance to be struck between increasing awareness (which we are both trying to do by posting these sort of ideas) while not creating a paralysing sense of fear in readers
I do however feel that an awareness of the processes at work in society help people because it is better to be aware of certain unpleasantries in order to be able to act appropriately and become an active player in the great drama than it is to be ignorant and a passive victim. This might not be seen as the ultimate goal (non duality) but it may well represent a step in the process of evolving perceptions.....a certain sense of ego expansion or empowerment as a way of shaking off old shackles in order to strike out on ones own path
What i mean is that for a person to set out on their own intuitive spiritual journey and to question ones own societal conditioning and to get to grips with ones own complexes a person must first be dissollusioned with the status quo on a conscious level.
Unconscious dissolusionment with the status quo, i believe manifests in many ways in people and for them to then become cogniscant of actual things that are worthy of dissolusionment enables a person to then make conscious what was once unconscious........after all individuation is the process of reconciling these two in pursuit of balance
What i'm trying to say is that i think it is beneficial for people to acknowledge that there are bad things happening and not dismiss everything as merely 'fear mongering' as this acknowledgement is in itself a step out of ones current predicaments
The 'devil' i see as anything that roots us to the material yes fear can be the devil but ignorance also can be the devil as can wordly desire be.
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