- Enneagram
- 5w6
PS: You got your apology aaages ago. You just didn't like it.
Checked his pm box and reputations and mentions: Not according to my records.
meritocracy > racism
PS: You got your apology aaages ago. You just didn't like it.
meritocracy > racism
meritocracy > racism
Checked his pm box and reputations and mentions: Not according to my records.
You're looking in the wrong place.
I cannot see sin bin threads.
But how do you equalize it, so it's fair and not random, and how do you create a system that allows for talent alone without prejudicial assumptions? That is a hard one; I don't think there's a great answer for it.
Well, I can tell you what the answer isn't: affirmative action.
I can quote you, but I don't want to do that because it's private information. But I can send your exact quote to your email.
Well, I can tell you what the answer isn't: affirmative action.
It would be more tactful for you to suggest sending it to my pm box instead of my email. Boundaries are important for a reason. Now you've reminded me that I need to change my email address.
I'm always amazed that people really don't consider that giving preference to someone simply because they are female or not white is not sexist or racist.
It's like... 1 + 1 = 3. Personally I think they know these well enough but have alternative motives, that being anything but equality.
That's the ultimate question, though - there has to be something to replace it. AA is probably the lesser of two evils, as long as it's done properly. I don't think it's the best answer either, but it's only game in town. Either with or without it, there probably will be companies that don't hire qualified candidates, but at least with AA in place people can have precedence to sue.
I wish there was a better system in place. I honestly do.
Perhaps we can discuss this more in depth when I have the time - but for now, let me suggest that the problem lies with attempting to eliminate racial bias from a system where competition (based on greed and a profit motive) is the guiding principle. You're asking someone to help you win a game that can only be played when it is rigged against you.
So while I support the theory of AA, I reject it in application. It simply isn't practical. The best bet for anyone (which includes a large number of us at this point - regardless of race) is to stand up and kick the game off the table and re-write the rules. Cause I think we can come up with a better strategy than asking someone to help us lick their ass better than the next guy.
Think about it.
But what is equal? Let me see if I'm hearing you correctly: Are you saying a middle-class White male has fewer privileges and opportunities than other genders or races? That sounds like what you're saying, but feel free to elaborate.
Are you saying that there are no middle-class white males who have had fewer opportunities than other genders or races?
Do you see what it is yet pumpkin?
Of course, apple-baby, but I think you're mixing ideas here.Sure, there are middle-class white males who have had fewer opportunities. But the majority of White males have more opportunities - that's why they're not minority citizens. Maybe it's different in Scotland. But in the States, we do have some deep racial divides, and statistically speaking White males here have far more privileges than any other gender or race in the United States.
Racial divides are strong and prevalent in the United States. Many try to avoid playing into the game, and I'm lucky enough to live in an incredibly diverse community (and have my entire life), but popular culture generally perpetuates the myths and stereotypes many of the more "sheltered" Americans hold. Discrimination against age/sex/race/ability/everything-else can be found at almost every level of education and employment in the United States. However, I am against AA, and for different reasons than what have been expressed here.
1.) It does little to combat what I see as the cause of the misunderstandings/stereotyping. Generally it ignores scocial-economic disparity in the US. Sure, such things are recognized in the process, but the outcome does little to combat the root cause, and thus "need", for AA. It helps those who most likely would have already "succeeded" even without AA, although perhaps at a slightly less high level (not so prestigious school)
2.) It devalues the achievements of minorities. A 4.0 =/= a 4.0 anymore when one gets a 3.75 fudged to a 4.0 Those who earn their 4.0 are looked at as if they were "helped" because of their differences.
3.) Minorities are again exploited to teach the dominant culture. The expectation is that the minority will teach the majority so everyone can become more "cultured". However, only the majority are advantaged by such a thing. The minority is already highly aware of the dominant culture, and thus become expected to be "educators" of their cute little culture so the majority, the already advantaged, can become even more well-rounded citizens.
AA comes from the right place, but does very little in my opinion, and can actually cause more harm than good in some situations. It's a horribly misguided practice in equality that does very little, if anything at all, to produce equality.
Cool graph. Does very little to show actual racial differences by percentage in the countries. Considering somewhere around 75% of our country can only trace back their nativeness a few hundred years (if that), and somewhere around 13% come from a population forcibly relocated here, current immigration pales in comparison to our actual ethnic make-up.Crumble cake, you are now complaining that the reason you must be racist is because of a broken system thus adding to net racism, I call this making excuses. I suggest fixing the broken system first munchkin then the inherent double standards don't exist for anyone.
Also consider this diagram before talking down Sweden:
Not everything is what it appears on first glance, 17% aren't born in Sweden. By comparison about 12% of American's aren't born in America.
I'm amazed you fell for that one snugglepoo.
Crumble cake, you are now complaining that the reason you must be racist is because of a broken system thus adding to net racism, I call this making excuses. I suggest fixing the broken system first munchkin then the inherent double standards don't exist for anyone.
Also consider this diagram before talking down Sweden:
Not everything is what it appears on first glance.