What a lovely way to burn...
- Intui
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- Thinking
I haven't been following the story super closely, but I think he has "only" admitted to giving women sedative type drugs as part of a consensual sex act. Repugnant and suspicious yet, but this is not an admission to the outright sex assaults he is accused of. Like I said, I'm not up on this, so maybe you are referring to a different admission that I am not aware of.
He admitted under oath to giving a woman quaaludes and then having sex with her. She filed a lawsuit against him for sexual abuse, therefore I think it's safe to assume it wasn't consensual.

This omission (which he thought would never see the light of day $$$) gives credibility to other women's claims of being drugged and sexually assaulted by Cosby. These women weren't privy to what went down in that court preceeding, yet, the scenerio that was described was strikingly similar to their encounters. It was another telling glimpse into his modus operandi.
And I agree with you. Just because 50+ women have accused him of sexual abuse doesn't make it any more true than if one woman did. But one legitimate omission is all it takes to be guilty.
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