my thoughts on the 4th of July. . I, you, we. . do not belong here. tRump put on a racist dog whistle display last night. the black hills belong, yes belong to the Sioux. .I belong in Scotland. . whites came here, killing and stealing a land that is not ours. we bought blacks to build a country. we built it on a land sacred to the Native. I am ashamed today. . .
on the subject of police brutality. . . I worked my whole life in a maximum security mental hospital, then a prison. I have been threatened, hit, kicked, spit on, hit with pool cues, broken bottles, you name it. I was called to manage this without hurting anyone. yes it was dangerous, and I knew that. . but no one got hurt because that was my job. these pigs that use carotid restraint, and are killing people are simply thugs. . there is no excuse, none for the police killings by neck restraint. . this argument of the police being in danger is a bullshit argument. .there is no excuse to kill to restrain. . nurses don't kill dangerous people we manage them because it's our job, just like it is their job. .the police are out of control. . they are to what? protect and what? serve. . beating and killing is thug behavior, and that's where we are. .