Black Lives Matter and Systemic Racism

I want to fuck some shit up. .I want white folks to answer the question,"would you change places with a black man". . I want to know what you are gong to do about it. . "I'm not a racist" is doing nothing. . .we perpetuate racism with our silence, with our ignorance. . you can't sit this one out, you can't agree to disagree. .if you do not actively act as an anti-racist, you are a racist. .
Racism is polarizing. We've come to a time in these United States where they're either stand against it or you admit that you're for it
I see where you're coming from, for sure ('all that evil needs to flourish is for good men to do nothing, &c.'), but I worry that this kind of hectoring tone would drive people into the other camp who would otherwise be 'allies', even passive ones.
By some of your "standards", I must be racist. I have quite a few friends and treat them all as they deserve to be treated. Because of your "movement", I am now calling some of my friends "black". They wanted to stop being called ni66er and wanted to be called negro. No problem. African Americans. No problem. Black. No problem. Equal? Now, all of my friends are people. The Bible? "There is no difference." Now, I have to change again and call my friends a black man or a black woman.

Police brutality? What about cop-killers? What about resisting arrest? What about shooting police when they pull you over? There are a lot of folk out there fighting battles we know nothing of. Go to a domestic dispute call and become targets. "Oh, I'm sorry someone called the police because you two were fighting and breaking things. I'm sorry I was called. Truth is, one of them could have ended up dead or beat badly without the police. What about black on black crime? Ever look at the stats?
"Gun!" Police take action. Add self preservation to their job. A black man gets shot. Spread it like jelly all over the www and news. Run in the streets and shout your disgraceful attitudes. Yes, there is racism. Yes, there is hatred. Fix yourselves before you cast stones.

A young woman at Ft. Hood is found in a shallow grave. Another young woman is arrested for it. Bet none of you know HER name. It just doesn't fit into your agenda. Defund? Riot in the streets and loot: overtime for LEOs. Where does all that money come from? Shooter on a rooftop? Where does all that money come from? You wrecked your little car...who fills out the paperwork? Black activists?

So, I'll go back to calling you a black man. I may add a few adjectives in there, but you asked for it. When are you going to start burning books in the streets? Take a long look at yourselves. I'd rather call you a man like I HAVE BEEN DOING.
As for me? I'll be at work paying taxes.
my thoughts on the 4th of July. . I, you, we. . do not belong here. tRump put on a racist dog whistle display last night. the black hills belong, yes belong to the Sioux. .I belong in Scotland. . whites came here, killing and stealing a land that is not ours. we bought blacks to build a country. we built it on a land sacred to the Native. I am ashamed today. . .
on the subject of police brutality. . . I worked my whole life in a maximum security mental hospital, then a prison. I have been threatened, hit, kicked, spit on, hit with pool cues, broken bottles, you name it. I was called to manage this without hurting anyone. yes it was dangerous, and I knew that. . but no one got hurt because that was my job. these pigs that use carotid restraint, and are killing people are simply thugs. . there is no excuse, none for the police killings by neck restraint. . this argument of the police being in danger is a bullshit argument. .there is no excuse to kill to restrain. . nurses don't kill dangerous people we manage them because it's our job, just like it is their job. .the police are out of control. . they are to what? protect and what? serve. . beating and killing is thug behavior, and that's where we are. .
You can't seriously be promoting nativism in the name of anti-racism.

Utterly absurd.