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How can you tell someone is not being serious when they offer prayer? "Some" evangelicals, or even some people, would have sounded much truer.
I opened this thread and realized my previous answer to this sucked (just a few posts above this one). I probably wrote it while doing 50 other things which is how I tend to be on this forum. Trying again:
Some evangelicals are well meaning when they say this -- no doubt. I've said it myself and prayed for people in my own vaguely pantheistic way. "I'll pray for you" can be a beautiful sentiment when one evaluates the intent behind the words rather than the words themselves. What I'm talking about are evangelicals (or even run-of-the-mill Christians) who are unable to convince another party of the legitimacy of their views / beliefs. They'll fall back on "I'll pray for you" because it gives them an escape hatch of sorts; they don't have to concede or do the hard work of examining inconsistencies in their doctrine. It's lazy and condescending. What it really means is: "awww, I'm sorry you're wrong but I'm such a good person I'll still love you in spite of your moral blindness."
Anyway, a lot of evangelicals in the church of wokeism have a similar escape hatch when their "arguments" -- emotive, accusatory slobbering hurled in the direction of anyone who doesn't agree with them -- fails to provoke the typical reaction of bristling defensiveness in those who are the targets of their invective. When it happens, they stall out just like we've seen earlier in this thread and elsewhere on the forum. They won't back up their words or attempt to explain why they used them because they can't or ostensibly don't want to (lol at the "I won't do your emotional labor" types). They never did, they just wanted to basically talk shit from an assumed position of moral superiority, pat themselves on the back for doing so and leave it at that. When actually challenged, they'll slink out of the metaphorical room or double down on outrage as if screaming even louder and being more accusatory furthers their argument. It's pathetic.