Black Lives Matter and Systemic Racism

lol@ Aneirin LARP'ing as a member of the intelligentsia, taking a hard line against multiple racists on the forum. It's like an L Rob Hubbard devotee declaring they've made it to Operating Thetan and are auditing me so I can get clear on The Bridge To Total Freedom.

If I wanted that kind of goofy religious bullshit, I'd go hang out with the mormons.

See if you can grok this: I care about black lives, but Black Lives Matter can go fuck itself.
my thoughts on the 4th of July. . I, you, we. . do not belong here. tRump put on a racist dog whistle display last night. the black hills belong, yes belong to the Sioux. .I belong in Scotland. . whites came here, killing and stealing a land that is not ours. we bought blacks to build a country. we built it on a land sacred to the Native. I am ashamed today. . .
on the subject of police brutality. . . I worked my whole life in a maximum security mental hospital, then a prison. I have been threatened, hit, kicked, spit on, hit with pool cues, broken bottles, you name it. I was called to manage this without hurting anyone. yes it was dangerous, and I knew that. . but no one got hurt because that was my job. these pigs that use carotid restraint, and are killing people are simply thugs. . there is no excuse, none for the police killings by neck restraint. . this argument of the police being in danger is a bullshit argument. .there is no excuse to kill to restrain. . nurses don't kill dangerous people we manage them because it's our job, just like it is their job. .the police are out of control. . they are to what? protect and what? serve. . beating and killing is thug behavior, and that's where we are. .

What methods did you use to physically restrain resistant patients?
What methods did you use to physically restrain resistant patients?
ok. . there are methods taught all around the country for one, two and four person containment that do not use pain or cutting off oxygen as both are deadly. . and btw, "excited delirium" is not a real thing. . it was invented by the folks that make tasers to sell their products. .and tasers are banned in most of the world as a torture device
it appears that I have offended, so I will keep still
Or fight your corner, concede in the face of superior argument, or otherwise engage in the discourse you've provoked.

You don't have to submit or hide every time you face resistance - that response doesn't seem to match the strength of your convictions in any case.
it appars that I have offended, so I will keep still
Or fight your corner, concede in the face of superior argument, or otherwise engage in the discourse you've provoked.

You don't have to submit or hide every time you face resistance - that response doesn't seem to match the strength of your convictions in any case.

I agree. No need to be still.
it appars that I have offended, so I will keep still

You're fine, just processing the info and figuring out how I wanna respond. I know banning chokeholds has been thrown around a bit so if there is indeed a less lethal alternative I'm all ears.

If you were referring to Hos and others, I don't think they don't want to hear from you, I think it's a matter of communication differences. Don't worry about it too much, just change angle a little bit. :)
Aneirin - if that is directed at me, I am not offended.

If you're holding back, stop. If anyone wants to say anything to me, including invective they truly believe is warranted because of what I've said, do it. Drive the point home with as much force as you want and scrutinize my character according to your value system. Put it out there and let's evaluate it. I'm sure I will learn something.

You don't have to submit or hide every time you face resistance - that response doesn't seem to match the strength of your convictions in any case.

It's more religious bullshit.

When forced to go off-script or presented with someone else who is, they stall out. Evangelicals do this by being evasive and saying: "I'll pray for you".
Looking at this from the perspective of nursing has been pretty interesting:

This part in particular seems relevant:

"Research has highlighted the influence of unit philosophy and culture, treatment philosophy, staff attitudes, staff availability, staff training, ratios of patients to staff and location in the United States on either the disparity in the incidence of seclusion and restraint or the perpetuation of the practice of secluding and restraining psychiatric patients"
It's more religious bullshit.

When forced to go off-script or presented with someone else who is, they stall out. Evangelicals do this by being evasive and saying: "I'll pray for you".
I was thinking that - that there might be some justificatory mechanism by which he could stand aside and still feel superior, or noble, or whatever. 'Turn the other cheek', &c.

There are a lot of these mental structures people load themselves up with today in order to avoid their worldviews being challenged, and it can be a pain to navigate all the eggshells they scatter about in front of themselves. The identitarian left will simply brand someone a 'racist'; the 'positive thinking' movement will label all heretical thoughts and people as 'negative' (and therefore not to be engaged), &c. &c. ad infinitum.

@Aneirin I'm not offended either, we just disagree.
Lol, I just read this in an entirely different context:

'Cursed be he that removeth his neighbour's landmarks'
- Deuteronomy 27:17
40% of the US isn't just going to become reasonable once Trump is out of office... Whether it's next January or in another 4 years. Canadians just don't seem as crazy.

But my posts here have been off topic and so probably don't even belong in this thread! I'm just commenting on how fucked up we are in general. Carry on.
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40% of the US isn't just going to become reasonable once Trump is out of office... Whether it's next January or in another 4 years. Canadians just don't seem as crazy.

Yeah, your post just reminded me of this, haha. I think Americans harbor a lot of hatred in general, and it saddens me. I don't see a lot of mainstream movements that actually really address the root cause (i.e. if you hate a group of people and are willing to act violently on it, you have a mental health problem).
It's more religious bullshit.

When forced to go off-script or presented with someone else who is, they stall out. Evangelicals do this by being evasive and saying: "I'll pray for you".

How can you tell someone is not being serious when they offer prayer? "Some" evangelicals, or even some people, would have sounded much truer.
How can you tell someone is not being serious when they offer prayer? "Some" evangelicals, or even some people, would have sounded much truer.

I don't know for sure. Mostly context, though -- inflection, eye contact, body language, patronizing expressions, etc.
Do you think we live in a world where blacks are systemically targeted for demise?

Yes, black people (not "blacks") absolutely are being targeted, and it takes an enormous amount of privilege to even pose that question.

After the Civil War, the Jim Crow laws went into effect. Under these laws, black people were arrested on fake charges and sent to work for prisons, meaning slavery effectively continued in this country long after its supposed end. What they don't tell you in school is that this went on until the 1960's, and even today we still have a massive number of black people incarcerated. Read The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander to learn more about systemic discrimination that goes on. Discrimination occurs in other areas as well: healthcare, education, housing.

Last I checked, income inequality between white and black people in this country is worse than it was in apartheid South Africa as well. Don't take my word for it though. Drive around just about any major American city and you'll see the wealthy parts of town are predominantly white while the poorest areas are usually predominantly black.
...and what does that have to do with anything? I grew up on the poor side of town. My Dad was told they had no need for his job any longer after working in a paper mill 26 years. He didn't make much. Our side of town was multi-colored. He couldn't find a job. They later divorced. Only way out for us was my Mother married a man that had a small business and worked his butt off. I started helping at age 14. I could then go play the pinball machine.

I worked my butt off during my younger years, and anyone that does that and has a little brains can move along. Expecting the government to give you everything because you feel inferior is a cop out. Everyone knows white guys can't jump, right?
Some folk get a break and some don't. I spent everything taking care of parents and a wife, so back to work for nothing again. I'm thankful for what I get, and don't boohoo about it. God will provide. Not everyone has faith in that, either.

I am ashamed at how everyone is acting right now. Was told today my S1 was fractured. Do you think I left work? No. Best way to get out of the hole is to stop digging. All this whining is unwarranted. History is history. ISIS destroyed images and churches when they took over places. Yes, that is what this makes me think about. You folk had best be glad I am not calling the shots. No more computers. No more phones. I'd shut your precious media down so you would have to go see what the world is made of. Many people worked their fingers to the bones to make lives for themselves. You will wake up one day.