Bullying & Cyberbullying

So that was YOU!!

Omg that was you? You were really admit about getting into that dungeon. I'm sorry I wouldn't have done it if I knew it was you.. I would give you your stuff back but I all ready gave it to another player.

*Says while wearing [MENTION=1798]notmeganfox[/MENTION]'s helmet*
Uh it is adamant.....
Just saying....
No need to cry [MENTION=3589]donkeybals[/MENTION];
Omg that was you? You were really admit about getting into that dungeon. I'm sorry I wouldn't have done it if I knew it was you.. I would give you your stuff back but I all ready gave it to another player.

*Says while wearing @notmeganfox's helmet*

It's OK, I bot anyways.
I was bullied from K-8...by the same 6 people.
They did nasty things like pour a bowl of ice on my head, or put lotion on a condom and stick it behind my ear...one threatened to beat me up raw if I told anyone. They called me fat, ugly, stupid, mental, they teased me about my hair, tying it to the seat, teased me about my clothes, called me worthless, told me I sang like shit...you get the point.

I could've fought them back to teach them a lesson...I know how to fight, but I just didn't feel like it would be right to...I didn't want to hurt them, and I knew Karma would bite them all in the ass someday. I endured it all. And prayed for them (nothing bad of course lol)

A few of them "grew up", graduated, and are studying at universities, and are actually on good terms with me.
The others? High school drop outs and one is even in jail.

I didn't/don't bully people per se...the better term would be manipulate...I am neither proud nor ashamed of this, I admit. I don't go out of my way to be mean to people because that is just a waste of energy.

I am gonna teach my kids self-defense just in case they run into trashy people like that in their lives.
I am also going to teach them compassion, and to be understanding of people, and NOT to be bullies.

I haven't been cyber-bullied though.
I wanted to post a bully beat down video, but all I could find is this crappy one. It's crap. Don't watch it.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRAbqL8BQyQ&feature=related"]YouTube - "Bully Beatdown" -- Nick Gaston Fights Emil The Bully[/ame]

In conclusion, you are called nick "afro zilla" gaston.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg35EOJOKMQ"]YouTube - Eddie Alvarez vs STEROID Dude in Bully Beatdown Season 3 [HQ][/ame]
At some point I realized that trying to make the world a better place is like shoveling shit against the tide.

You were expecting to single handedly be able to make the whole world better?
'but if 2 and 2 and 50 make a million,
we'll see that day come round...'
1. I would say that most bullying (and most abuse in general) is due to sadism, the pleasure an evil person derives from inducing fear, pain or humility. It's something a lot of people possess to varying degrees. They do it because they were bred with shoddy genetics that allowed their great-greatparents the chimps to breed all over the place by taking out the more reasonable but poorly organized competition. Bullies generally target people who are vulnerable, people who possess something that the bully wants / envies (such as intelligence). They don't do it out of a sense of justice and fairness, but to be "dominant".

Note that some conditions, such as borderline personality disorder, describe people who are abusive for reasons that would not fit into bullying. People with BPD, for instance, may be so angered by the thought of someone abandoning them that they go into a fit and rage at that person.

2. Cyberbullying is just a method bullies employ.

3. Self-defence against bullying becomes bullying when you derive satisfaction from the thought of making the bully suffer as opposed to the thought of crippling the bully and thus preventing them from causing harm. Even if you kill an abuser, it's not a bad thing if you do it for the right reasons.

4. As someone else has stated, disputes are meant to provide solutions. Bullying is meant to humiliate etc.

5. Abusers never grow out of it. They bully at school, then bully their employees, co-workers, spouses, children and neighbours unless stopped. Some abusers end up in political positions and cause even more harm. I personally believe their deficits are genetic: there is strong evolutionary pressure towards bullying.

6. Yes. It has happened to me, and I'm sad I could only report the comment as abusive instead of making the local community aware of his abusive nature.

7. I would turn against anyone who proved to be a bully, and support the victims if they were reasonable.

8. I was bullied, though I often fought back in ways that, looking back, were not the most effective. It upset me that everyone around me tolerated the bullying and/or supported the bullies.

9. I think I did a few abusive things, though I didn't realize they were abusive at the time and always ended up regretting them (due to my conscience rather than any threat of retaliation).

Anyway, someone who beats up on bullies, if doing it for the right reasons, sounds like a really decent and respectable person.
What do you think bullying is? What causes a bully to be a bully?
Bullying is a form of emotional and physical abuse. Probably the person feels insecured and that's they want to bully someone else who is also insecure just to make themselves feel better.

What do you think cyber bullying is? How is it different than bullying in the physical realm?
The same as Bullying but through the Net. Cyber bullying effects the person mentally.

When does self defence against bullying become bullying? How would this look in the online realm?
When you threaten them in return. Probably a one-sided attack while the other is defending.

How is a dispute different than bullying?
A dispute is an argument with people on two different sides of a situation. Bullying on the otherhand is an attack on the person for no apparent reason other than being an easy target.

Do you think adults can still be bullies? What causes an adult to be a bully?
Sure. The same reason a Five-Year old or a 20-year old; because they want to feel superior.

Can adults cyberbully other adults?
It's possible.

Would you lose respect for a friend if you found out they were bullying someone, even someone you didn't like?
I would question them why they would do such a thing and if their reasoning is illogical, then my respect for them is lost completely.

Have you ever been bullied? How as it affected you?
Yes, I have been the target of a handful of different bullies both male and female. It has definitely left me with an emotional scar that I still carry with me till this day.

Have you ever been a bully? Why?
Yes, towards my siblings when I was younger. The reason being, they had better stuff than me. Now, I rarely have a conversation with my younger siblings.
Haha Feelings, I bet you're a horde on WoW! And sometimes we do go gank lower level players indiscriminately, but is it bullying? It is the game, and so has different social rules and institutionalised behaviours, whereas the school or workplace are not (or at least they are not meant to). For example, my rule on WoW is that if my alt (lower level character) I am levelling is being ganked, I logon to my high level character and randomly gank five lower level characters from the opposing faction. Is it bullying? No. Is griefing bullying? Perhaps ... but we are now getting into some really complex issues with the role of MMOG's in cyberbullying. Unlike workplaces, game makers do not want players alienated by how they are treated in the game, hence they frown on griefing (repeated killing of lower level players, also known as 'camping') and have some strict rules about it which can lead to offending palyers being 'banned' from the game for periods of time. Perhaps the same should apply in the workplace, but since managers usually are the ones that lead assorted zoos of bullying nasties, then the 'game' has to be different, eh?