Bump stocks for guns

That’s great and all, except your love of shooting is costing other people their lives. No, you’re not pulling the trigger, but your unwillingness to limit your own pleasure is kind of the heart of the issue. The traders on Wall Street loved, and still love, taking risk. It’s fun. I get it. You feel like stricter gun laws is a punishment. I get it. I just feel sorry for all the people dead and will die because of it.

This is so sad to read. My LOVE for something I handle responsibly Has NOTHING to do with this. That is like telling me my love for my Mach I is responsible for car bombs or drive-through killings. Pleasure is just a very small part of gun ownership. If you do not own a gun and have not been raised for decades around hunting and target shooting you have no right telling me anything about my love for guns. I have a knife collection also. I also collect duck stamps. Think about that and how they are related to conservation. If it weren't for hunters and collectors buying duck stamps since 1934, there would be NO places set aside for our friends in the wild. Hunters paid for a very large portion of the upkeep for these places. Hunters keep Ducks Unlimited alive and well. Hunters help keep our second amendment rights with the NRA at the front lines for us all.

I live in an area where the LEOs will just be taking pictures and notes if someone were to try to cause me harm on my private property. My daughter used to say we lived in a prison. I made it where people will not be an issue here. If they come, I will need arms to protect myself and that I love. Stricter (more strict) gun laws will NEVER stop the ones causing the problems. I deal in the arms business, and I know the laws. Do you? If you do not, I suggest a ;little reading before judgment.
You know the laws, but do you know why it's important for the average american to have access to high grade weapons?

Our world is right next door. People in other countries know how we are ready for whatever comes our way. You want to run and hide, that's fine. We must deal with our own society's problems. The guns are not the issue. Once again, there is no deterrent so things like this will continue to happen with or without guns.
Read the laws. ATF furnishes a Federal Law Book, and they furnish a State law book. We also have our constitution to read. After you know all the laws I will discuss this with you further. If you do not study what is already in place, you are talking to the air as far as I am concerned. It might look good to you in print, but you do not know what you are talking about. No deterrent.
The 2nd Amendment is clear so talk away, in the end it means nothing.

You must be braindead.
It’s called the 2nd “amendment”, just like the comic said - it can be amended.
Of the original 27 amendments to the Constitution, they have been amended 17 times.
So go ahead, talk away...in the end it means nothing. ;)

[uh-mend-muh nt]
the act of amending or the state of being amended.
an alteration of or addition to a motion, bill, constitution, etc.
a change made by correction, addition, or deletion:
The editors made few amendments to the manuscript.
Horticulture. a soil-conditioning substance that promotes plant growthindirectly by improving such soil qualities as porosity, moistureretention, and pH balance.

Our world is right next door. People in other countries know how we are ready for whatever comes our way. You want to run and hide, that's fine. We must deal with our own society's problems. The guns are not the issue. Once again, there is no deterrent so things like this will continue to happen with or without guns.

Everything you seem to base your decisions and beliefs on is so fear-centric I feel sorry.
Right... because we can't grow and evolve. And because we've never changed our relationship to our country's "sacred documents" before.
Evolve? America is the greatest nation on earth. Is it perfect? No. But theres not another country in the world thats gotten it anywhere close to right like we have. Unfortuantly our freedoms have given way to great mistakes like Obama, giving socalists and communists the right to speak and spread lies. Still, we remain the geatest nation on earth becuase of our freedoms.
The founding fathers understood that unless a goverment remains scared that a people can say enough is enough and can actually get rid of it or protect themselves against tyranny, it cant help but become corrupt and enslave its people. Its human nature.
You're a fool if you think our problems started at obama, or even in the last thirty years
Where did I say our problems started with him?
I used him as an example for the same reason people use Hitler instead of Stalin.
I've heard both used frequently
I never hear Stalin mentioned. When people want to imply someone is really bad they are always compared to Hitler.
I mean besides doing nothing to keep Russia from meddling in our election Obamas other claim to fame might be something like "Obama, at least he did not directly order peoples death like Hitler did."

Having said that, remember right now is a great time to donate to the NRA if you have not already.
I don’t expect this is easy for you. That with rational argument you can then acknowledge that the damages from mass shootings can be minimized with stricter gun laws. It’s your livelihood. It’s your passion. I get it. It’s why you don’t have the outside perspective, can’t see past your own gains and losses, and therefore can’t see your part in the problem. Except, I’m telling it to you now, as are others.

I mean, you deal in arms you say. What did you expect? That everyone that buys guns is going to responsible, law-abiding and use it to kill only rabbits? Really?

And yes, criminals tend to find a way to arm themselves. Yet, organized crime, your drug dealers and scammers, aren’t the mass shooters that are going into schools and churches killing kids and grandmas. These guys are buying their guns legally in shops, at shows, from people just like you. I’m not saying it’s your fault, directly. I’m saying that your unwillingness to limit yourself means there will be another mass shooting, someplace, somewhere, in America that will be even deadlier than the last because the weapons are just getting better and better.