Bump stocks for guns

If that wasn't enough to turn my opinion, I don't know what is. All of this was very well said, Sprinkles. Thank you.
There are places people pay to just shoot full auto weapons. It's fun. People are watching over them. Yes, some people take videos. Yes, some people film things just to try and upset others. Movies are made.

"Humans suck" prompted my response concerning idiots. I don't suck. Maybe some people do? I certainly use the term outside of its meaning, as others do. "The sky is falling. Run."

Meltdowns and white barrels are for round counts and testing. Maybe someone might do it for fun. They are at a range where others are out of the way.

My paper-cutting semi-automatic guns might save my life one day. My cheap-to-shoot fun gun is a Colt M4 OPS. It shoots .22LR. Same with any other caliber, they are all fun to practice with. I love shooting.

As for two guns, give me a break. I know a dealer that sold over 100,000 guns per month for years of the same manufacturer here in the USA. If there was a problem with one, ATF started tracking with him. He would furnish the buyer and so on til they found where the weapon was bought from. We have enough gun laws. Punish the parents and teachers who knew and did nothing.

I don't like snakes.

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Some people must surely know.
Similar. There are already bans on certain kinds of chemical agents
It's fascinating to me to watch people with no weapons discipline use weapons. They are ruining all those rifles. A 700 round "burst" - ugh.

Do you think there will be a time when some kid drives a humvee into the school parking lot and shoots up the school with this M2? I don't. But if someone did that would be pretty wild.

"Will a .50 round go through armor designed to stop only up to 7.62?" Hmmm who can say?
A standard .50 round will go through a lot of things. Put a depleted uranium round in it and it will go through older tank armor killing everyone inside.
A lot of those videos are of people trying to show what happens when you dont let the gun cool down.

So that I dont have to do a seperate post. Regulation doesnt mean ban. Any law abiding citizen can own an M60 or other fully autommatic weapons. However there is a ton of paper work to go through, the process is expensive not to mention that a weapon like that is expensive. When you manage go get the paper work done, its required that you keep the weapon locked up and keep the paper work with it. You are required to have the firing mechanism engraved with your name, address and permit number. The ATF can come to your house anytime they want and demand to see the weapon and paper work. If its not all in order and they have some sort of beef with you, you can easily go to jail. This is what "class III" essentially means across the board.
A law abiding citizen will go through all the hoops. Its the ones who dont that the ATF etc will never know about. The laws only affect law abiding citizens.
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That makes it even more pointed. Not only can people obtain them, they're so causal about it that they can afford to ruin them as well.
Many people on youtube make quite a bit of money for posting videos depending on how many followers they have. People want to see them destroy stuff so they go out and buy things just to destroy them.
Yet despite your avi, you respond anyway. Why?

I know why!

There are places people pay to just shoot full auto weapons. It's fun. People are watching over them. Yes, some people take videos. Yes, some people film things just to try and upset others. Movies are made.

"Humans suck" prompted my response concerning idiots. I don't suck. Maybe some people do? I certainly use the term outside of its meaning, as others do. "The sky is falling. Run."

Meltdowns and white barrels are for round counts and testing. Maybe someone might do it for fun. They are at a range where others are out of the way.

My paper-cutting semi-automatic guns might save my life one day. My cheap-to-shoot fun gun is a Colt M4 OPS. It shoots .22LR. Same with any other caliber, they are all fun to practice with. I love shooting.

As for two guns, give me a break. I know a dealer that sold over 100,000 guns per month for years of the same manufacturer here in the USA. If there was a problem with one, ATF started tracking with him. He would furnish the buyer and so on til they found where the weapon was bought from. We have enough gun laws. Punish the parents and teachers who knew and did nothing.

I don't like snakes.

It's nice that you and many others love shooting. We all have interests that we enjoy.

Saying "we have enough gun laws" doesn't say anything about why the current laws are adequate. It's just a statement. A lot of people disagree that the current laws are adequate.

I find this attitude of blame and willingness to punish to be unreasonable. These individual people you blame and want to punish had no part in the massacre, they're not responsible for it. No one can be expected to predict whether someone they know will flip out and go on a killing rampage with a weapon that smashes internal organs like overripe fruit. What are people supposed to do? Spend their time scrutinising everyone they know in a state of constant anxiety that anyone they know could be the next killer? Follow each other around all day asking "Are you okay? Are you okay?" in the hope that it will prevent the next massacre?
As already mentioned on thread, teachers are already unaffordable in the current model within which they are furnished by American society. With teaching resources already stretched too thin to cover 5 day school weeks, where are the resources supposed to come from to adequately train and prepare teachers to have the skills necessary to prevent massacres? What about the resources to treat the mental health state of a person who could potentially become violent, in the current commercialised healthcare system in the US? I'm not against it... but practically speaking, how is this preventative strategy supposed to be implemented ?
As already mentioned on thread, teachers are already unaffordable in the current model within which they are furnished by American society. With teaching resources already stretched too thin to cover 5 day school weeks, where are the resources supposed to come from to adequately train and prepare teachers to have the skills necessary to prevent massacres? What about the resources to treat the mental health state of a person who could potentially become violent, in the current commercialised healthcare system in the US? I'm not against it... but practically speaking, how is this preventative strategy supposed to be implemented ?
The school resource officer was armed and trained to intervene in this type of situation.. or they were there to intervene. They did not. I'm not going to demonize that person for failing to act, though (like our president is). But it is just crazy to me to expect that teachers who are not there to engage in a standoff with a shooter will be able to correctly respond. People in the US like to believe they would go all John McClane in a situation like this and then they expect that others should be able to do the same. It's totally unrealistic to just expect that teachers will overcome instinctive responses to crisis with a few hours of training. Police get intensive training on this and many still struggle to overcome these instincts. You don't know what you would do in a life or death situation. I always thought I would go down fighting or at least be able to react quick enough to get away from a dangerous situation until something happened to me and I froze and was helpless to do anything.
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As already mentioned on thread, teachers are already unaffordable in the current model within which they are furnished by American society. With teaching resources already stretched too thin to cover 5 day school weeks, where are the resources supposed to come from to adequately train and prepare teachers to have the skills necessary to prevent massacres? What about the resources to treat the mental health state of a person who could potentially become violent, in the current commercialised healthcare system in the US? I'm not against it... but practically speaking, how is this preventative strategy supposed to be implemented ?

The school resource officer was armed and trained to intervene in this type of situation.. or they were there to intervene. They did not. I'm not going to demonize that person for failing to act, though (like our president is). But it is just crazy to me to expect that teachers who are not there to engage in a standoff with a shooter will be able to correctly respond. People in the US like to believe they would go all John McClane in a situation like this and then they expect that others should be able to do the same. It's totally unrealistic to just expect that teachers will overcome instinctive responses to crisis with a few hours of training. Police get intensive training on this and many still struggle to overcome these instincts. You don't know what you would do in a life or death situation. I always thought I would go down fighting or at least be able to react quick enough to get away from a dangerous situation until something happened to me and I froze and was helpless to do anything.

As well as several family members teaching...I also have been married to a teacher...and also have dated several other teachers both current and former...all of them think arming teachers is fucking stupid - AND IS NOT THEIR JOB!
This will lead to mass walk-outs by both staff and students...so, go for it.
Why do we even debate Trump’s idiotic suggestions?
He says the most ridiculous and off the cuff BS remarks and suggestions based in an uneducated, alternate version of “facts” and reality - and then we all fight about how insane his suggestions are.
The teacher’s unions will never let this come to fruition.
As well as several family members teaching...I also have been married to a teacher...and also have dated several other teachers both current and former...all of them think arming teachers is fucking stupid - AND IS NOT THEIR JOB!
This will lead to mass walk-outs by both staff and students...so, go for it.
Why do we even debate Trump’s idiotic suggestions?
He says the most ridiculous and off the cuff BS remarks and suggestions based in an uneducated, alternate version of “facts” and reality - and then we all fight about how insane his suggestions are.
The teacher’s unions will never let this come to fruition.
We also need to give the admin staff guns in case the teachers go crazy, and the principal needs guns in case the admin staff goes crazy, and the superintendent needs guns in case the principal goes crazy. They will all need training in defending the school from each other. Problem solved. #yourewelcome
We also need to give the admin staff guns in case the teachers go crazy, and the principal needs guns in case the admin staff goes crazy, and the superintendent needs guns in case the principal goes crazy. They will all need training in defending the school from each other. Problem solved. #yourewelcome
Ive always thought what would happened if you find yourself in a gun fight? Say you get trapped in a movie theater with a shooter. You have brought your concealed gun and someone starts shooting. But... other people have brought their guns to. Who knows who started it? Who knows who the crazy person is. All you see is someone shooting at someone. Is it the crazy person or someone shooting at the crazy person?
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We also need to give the admin staff guns in case the teachers go crazy, and the principal needs guns in case the admin staff goes crazy, and the superintendent needs guns in case the principal goes crazy. They will all need training in defending the school from each other. Problem solved. #yourewelcome
Dont forget the lunch staff.
There are places people pay to just shoot full auto weapons. It's fun.

I love shooting.

That’s great and all, except your love of shooting is costing other people their lives. No, you’re not pulling the trigger, but your unwillingness to limit your own pleasure is kind of the heart of the issue. The traders on Wall Street loved, and still love, taking risk. It’s fun. I get it. You feel like stricter gun laws is a punishment. I get it. I just feel sorry for all the people dead and will die because of it.
Funny how this has become such a hot topic when the military can just microwave your brain anyway. Nice try defending yourself with bullets though. 'Murica.
Sit down and think about your life children.

I own a 3D printer. Just sayin.