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Bump stocks for guns

There was no such thing as "the good old days" in the United States. This is nostalgia, the longing for a past that never existed. There has been a great deal of gun violence in American history. There has also been the atrocity of slavery, and persisting from out of abolition, oppression so intense that it prevented people from going to school. This went on to the late 20th century and the struggle for resolution of equality continues today. If you doubt that, which I am sure no one here does, I recommend checking out the work of Southern Poverty Law Center. I'm not sure whether there is a relationship between the increase in the current problem of violent firearm fatalities and the progress made in resolving the oppression problem. I suspect there is, to do with disenfranchisement and insecurity of people whose supposedly inherent superiority formerly was not questioned in the dominant cultural beliefs, but I can't substantiate that claim in any way, that is just my own personal beliefs about it.

I think a lot of times it's people that have confidence in the current government but fear the unforeseeable future which is potentially a threat to their personal safety. It's a logical concern and historically speaking, statistically likely.

To me personally though, I find it hilarious that you as an individual think you stand any sort of chance against a government that turns against you. It will annihilate you if it wants to, no matter how much prepping you do.

If shit goes down, you're going down too unless you've got resources and connections. Guns are irrelevant in that scenario unless you are fighting off other panicked citizens, which in that case guns could be helpful. The idea that citizens owning guns somehow puts fear into the government and today's military is adorable. And totally incorrect.

I think this is a great post. I was really interested by reading your thoughts here and I'm happy that you took the time to write it down.
Sure, a gun would likely be the most effective deterrent currently available though it wouldn't ensure survival. To put an extra twist to it so long as we're dealing in hypotheticals, what would you say if that same lady went on to snap and shoot up a school? Who's lives were more valuable then? As a side note, her attackers should probably also get guns to ensure their safety.

I believe in responsible gun ownership in general, though I'm not convinced that anyone needs stuff like anti-materiel rifles or SAWs. It's not a bad thing to discuss all options, and I think that prohibiting or avoiding certain ones is flat out irresponsible (and only serves to be divisive) no matter how much you (or I) may disagree with it. You just provided a decent example of where a gun could be beneficial. Was that so hard?
Yes, because its common for people to just "snap". Never any warning signs.
Lets be serious though. In a life threatening scenrio, a person best chance at survival is a gun assuming they know how to use it of course.
Citizens do not need.military weapons. Grenade rifles, hell the military has a laser rifle that can put a hole through you from a mile.away. But we should in the very least have the ability to own what the police force does. No one is carrying a rifle around for protection. They are to big, to heavy. But if they want to they should be able aithout being harassed by police. Its called freedom. Put guns in the hands of more people and the world becomes a safer place than without them.
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I'm completely at a loss as to how you can deny that emotion is at play here.

Apart from that though I want to say thank you because I do believe that you really want me to be able to protect myself. The problem is that you're trying to limit the ways in which I can actually do that, and I don't think you get that.
I dont get that. Tell me what you mean.
I was referring to the AR-15, you know, the weapon that was used in the Parkland shooting...and yes, it should be banned from civilian use, like the M-16. Maybe you should read these posts more carefully.
You dont even know what AR-15 stands for.
Yes, because its common for people to just "snap". Never any warning signs.
Lets be serious though. In a life threatening scenrio, a person best chance at survival is a gun assuming they know how to use it of course.
Citizens do not need.military weapons. Grenade rifles, hell the military has a laser rifle that can put a hole through you from a mile.away. But we should in the very least have the ability to own what the police force does. No one is carrying a rifle around for protection. They are to big, to heavy. But if they want to they should be able aithout being harassed by police. Its called freedom. Put guns in the hands of more people and the world becomes a safer place than without them.

Just like the good ol Wild West...we can have shoot em ups!
Sounds way safer than it is now.
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You dont even know what AR-15 stands for.

And you don’t seem to understand the damage this type of high-velocity assault rifle and ammo can do compared to say a 9mm handgun...in terms of internal injuries and survivability.
I’ve seen those up close, have you?
And it is cute that you think you and the other preppers are going to keep the government in check with bigger and more dangerous weapons.
YOU are the last person who should own a laser cannon.
I still vote you the forum's - Most likely to go postal.
You have serious anger issues combined with a severe lack of empathy, that is just a bad combo when combined with guns.
Yes, because its common for people to just "snap". Never any warning signs.
Lets be serious though. In a life threatening scenrio, a person best chance at survival is a gun assuming they know how to use it of course.
Citizens do not need.military weapons. Grenade rifles, hell the military has a laser rifle that can put a hole through you from a mile.away. But we should in the very least have the ability to own what the police force does. No one is carrying a rifle around for protection. They are to big, to heavy. But if they want to they should be able aithout being harassed by police. Its called freedom. Put guns in the hands of more people and the world becomes a safer place than without them.
Well if it’s really that hard to articulate some basic examples then leave the debate up to people who can and don’t step on the 1st amendment in the name of the 2nd.

Not in agreement that guns in more hands translates directly to a safer country. I think it disregards instances where, for example, non-life-threatening altercations become fatal solely because a gun was introduced.
Well if it’s really that hard to articulate some basic examples then leave the debate up to people who can and don’t step on the 1st amendment in the name of the 2nd.

Not in agreement that guns in more hands translates directly to a safer country. I think it disregards instances where, for example, non-life-threatening altercations become fatal solely because a gun was introduced.
Right, the first amendment is only relevant when it supports the persons agenda who is using it.
But thats not what I meant and you know it. Let people say what they like about getting rid of guns, banning them. Its just that when coming to the table to talk about REAL solutions no on needs to have their time wasted with drivel.
An example of what I am talking about? A buisness meeting ( if you can call it that) 1 1/2 years ago where 15 minutes of everybodys time is wasted as one of the people there decideded to talk about how her "babies daddy" isnt living up to her expectations. But at least her first amendment rights were not violated. So all was good.
Right, the first amendment is only relevant when it supports the persons agenda who using it.
But thats not what I meant and you know it. Let people say what they like about getting rid of guns, banning them. Its just that when coming to the table to talk about REAL solutions no on needs to have their time wasted with drivel.
An example of what I am talking about? A buisness meeting ( if you can call it that) 1 1/2 years ago where 15 minutes of everybodys time is wasted as one of the people there decideded to talk about how her "babies daddy" isnt living up to her expectations. But at least her first amendment rights were not violated. So all was good.

If the issue is as serious as you claim (i.e. going around threatening people's lives), you should be able to take the time to rebut some mere drivel in the name of your safety. The issue is of vital importance to people for different reasons, and those reasons deserve to be heard and examined. What you think of as drivel is still pertinent and on-topic in a discussion about curbing gun violence. If you can't accept that, then I guess a spaceship is a good plan, and it looks like we're getting closer to seeing them.

Did you work at a business that supplies baby daddys?
If the issue is as serious as you claim (i.e. going around threatening people's lives), you should be able to take the time to rebut some mere drivel in the name of your safety. The issue is of vital importance to people for different reasons, and those reasons deserve to be heard and examined. What you think of as drivel is still pertinent and on-topic in a discussion about curbing gun violence. If you can't accept that, then I guess a spaceship is a good plan, and it looks like we're getting closer to seeing them.

Did you work at a business that supplies baby daddys?
No on the buisness.
The rest of it I dont disagree with you on other than you waste everyones time by being allowed to talk about pink elephants in the room. Its like saying well we have a good foolproof way to word peace, we'll just kill everyone. End of problem!
Guns and pitbulls aren't the problem. It's our culture. I don'y think this stuff would be an issue if we valued pro-social behavior in the U.S. We do not. If we feel no moral obligation toward other citizens, we objectify them at best, or treat them as subhuman vermin at worst.

YOU are the last person who should own a laser cannon.

I recently read a review of a book that proclaimed the end of liberalism that made some good points. It argues that liberalism, or freedom as some like to think of it, has eroded much of the social “glue” in America, leaving people adrift and feeling abandoned, alien in their own country.

Part of this has to do with how both conservatives and liberals interpret liberalism, or freedom, to mean the absence of government interference, laws, oversight, etc. So for conservatives, this has lead to capitalism and gun “rights”. For liberals, it means civil rights and unlimited abortions. The article argues that both sides are actually expressing the same ideal, an ideal that is eroding away at the foundation of this country.

So what I’m saying is, people’s pit bulls, guns, free sex, and free hate speeches are making other people, their own neighbors, feel scared, alienated and uncomfortable in their own country.

I don’t know if I agree with this argument entirely, but I do see that the extremes of both ends are kind of saying the same things and that interpreting freedom and liberalism as being “free” of external constraints, is problematic. And as @Wildfire previously wrote, it isn’t optimal either.

The article also states that one interpretation of liberalism, and I think all definitions should include this, is self-mastery along with self-restraint. In other words, liberalism is the ability to self-govern. It’s not only about freedom from constraints, but about the ability to be restrained.

This speaks to my point, which is that the very people who cannot restrain themselves, limit themselves, are the ones incapable of governing, and are the least entitled to freedom. Like, if you’re obese, you should stop eating. But, if you could stop eating, you wouldn’t be obese. It’s a problem.

The paradox of liberalism and freedom then, is that in enforcing limits on people, limits that they should already be imposing on themselves but don’t, means someone’s freedom will be limited.

So, I don’t disagree that there needs to be more pro-social movements that bonds people together. I do think that part of that means putting in place sensible laws, like limiting the kinds of guns for sale, and pit bulls. What I think is also needed, is understanding from both sides that some limits are necessary. I, for one, am willing to concede that a woman shouldn’t need more than three abortions in her lifetime.
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Is it though? I grew up learning the virtues of common sense. It is something American, I think, that has been forgotten.

Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’, because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual. — Thomas Jefferson
But... muh FREEDOM

For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.
- Nelson Mandela

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
- Thomas Jefferson

I think asking innocent high schoolers to sacrifice their lives for someone else’s freedom to buy bump stocks, assault rifles and what not kind of bastardizes the meaning of freedom. It becomes a kind of tyranny.
YOU are the last person who should own a laser cannon....

So you agree he should own a laser canon.

... people’s pit bulls...are making other people... feel scared, alienated and uncomfortable in their own country...

Which is why the government should pay me $1,000,000 for every pit bull puppy I kill.