Bump stocks for guns

So you agree that the NRA shouldn't stand in the way of this research?
I did not say that. I said something entirely different.

Assumimg its as simple as you make it out to be, I dont think the NRA could actually stand in the way of any research. They might call its conclusions into question but I highly doubt they could stop anything of that nature. If the NRA is putting a voice agaisnt the investigation there could be any number of reasons they would do this to include they recognize bias on the part of those conducting the research.
But this is all just speculation intended to show that things are hardly ever as simple.
I am given to wonder if we ban guns altogether if the problem of massacring people will actually be solved or if the methods employed to accomplish such a goal will simply change. What I can say for certain though is that in the U.S. mental health falls to a very low order of priority and it is a problem that needs attention not just for resolving these recurring massacres but because of the obvious implications of leaving people untreated. I don't think that improving treatment for the mentally ill will actually solve this problem but it is something that needs to be done and it would help alleviate the frequency of such occurrences to a limited degree.
The method will change. Granted its harder to drive a car through a school than it is to branish a weapon but the car can easily be driven down a busy sidewalk and kill as many or more people. Intent is the issue.
I intend to let the robots drive me around and also use them in determining when it is appropriate to kill another human as well as ordering them to do the executing.

In the mean time, I pray to Cthulhu that Drumpf or any other crazy fucker after him doesn't annihilate my hovel from his huge tower.
I did not say that. I said something entirely different.

Assumimg its as simple as you make it out to be, I dont think the NRA could actually stand in the way of any research. They might call its conclusions into question but I highly doubt they could stop anything of that nature. If the NRA is putting a voice agaisnt the investigation there could be any number of reasons they would do this to include they recognize bias on the part of those conducting the research.
But this is all just speculation intended to show that things are hardly ever as simple.
To be honest, I'm actually really surprised at what you don't know about this particular issue and your comfort with speculation given the gravity of the topic.
To be honest, I'm actually really surprised at what you don't know about this particular issue and your comfort with speculation given the gravity of the topic.
Tell yourself whatever stories make you feel better. I have said whats relevant. And "gravity" of the subject?
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I didn't read that in what was said at all.

Now what @Sloe Djinn said is another thing. Our little forum shows just how difficult it is to tread on the Second Amendment and our rights as Americans,

In the 2007 survey, America had more guns per capita than any other nation. At 300,000,000 (300 million), there were more guns KNOWN in America than people (101 guns per 100 people). Serbia rated second, and Yemen rated third. Gun ownership in America is a great deterrent to countries that might think about coming here with their armies. That was ten years plus ago. We have the right to help protect our country in a time of need. People that want to limit, ban, disarm, or anything else our guns and gun ownership must live in a cage somewhere.

As far as Dick's stopping the sale of AR-15s? Whatever. We have gun shops to take care of Dick's political fears. I will never walk in their doors again, and I doubt that will make any kind of difference. Make me feel better, though. Hope they feel better. Let those companies make up their own minds as they did. Fine with me. No new laws.
Big article and it would take tremndious time and resources to fact check. Its much easier to break it down into its simplist form. "The right to bear arms shall not be infringed." It doesnt get any simpler. Its literally part of the foundation of our country. So let them research gun violence all they want it makes no difference. Its up to you to find a way to live with whatever aspect of it is you dont like. Its not for others to conform to what you think you want.
You may as well quote it correctly: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

I'd like to add that this amendment is a poorly formed sentence and I would grade it as an F.
I look at this thread, and I see some bright spots where people start talking about ways to change things for the better in a positive way, and then it all devolves into bullshit again
I look at this thread and see rosy-colored glasses that have no clue about the world around them. They have their ideals, though.

Everyone should consider this: as of 2007 there were over 300 million guns known in America. How many and what percent of those guns caused something like this? ZERO. Defective people caused the shootings, and they are as rare as a three dollar bill compared to sound gun owners. Punish them with death. Watch the difference. If they can plan all this, they can think. Punish the parents that kept their child's serious problems hidden so they could fester into something horrible. Put THEM in jail for a few years.


I see less than 30 mass shootings listed here in the US. Over all those years, compared to one year's count of guns, comes to 1e-7.
What is "1e-7" ? Correct answer you were looking for is .0000001, and your link says this too. 1e-7 is the same as 1.0 x 10^-7.
Is this one in ten million?

Ten million. 10 with a little seven overhead.


1 million minute = 1.90258752 years
Ten million minutes is equal to over 19 years worth of minutes.

A life is precious, but guns don't kill people: people kill people.

General Cell Phone Statistics
  • The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year.
  • Nearly 330,000 injuries occur each year from accidents caused by texting while driving.
  • 1 out of every 4 car accidents in the United States is caused by texting and driving.
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...But there just may be changes to the laws. Trump has advised congress he wants background checks expanded, wants the legal age to purchase an AR-15 to be 21.

And then he also wants law enforcement to be able to remove guns from those thought to be dangerous.
"Take the guns first, go through due process second,"

Trump said he would ban bump stocks by executive order.
And who decides someone is thought to be dangerous? Whats the process in that? There better be a court order in there some place rather than just walking up to someone and saying "you look dangerous, give me your guns now."
You may as well quote it correctly: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

I'd like to add that this amendment is a poorly formed sentence and I would grade it as an F.
Supposedly decent in grammar, yet failed history.
And who decides someone is thought to be dangerous? Whats the process in that? There better be a court order in there some place rather than just walking up to someone and saying "you look dangerous, give me your guns now."
I agree with that. I'm not sure it's a great idea. But just pointing out that is what the president has suggested. Take the guns first, then go back through the court. And there is actually a Red Flag law in Indiana that allows police to come confiscate guns from people who have threatened to shoot themselves or others... No warrant needed. So he is likely basing it on that.
So you agree he should own a laser canon.
Why would I do that?
However you extrapolated my support for EH owning a laser cannon by my statement that he would be the last person I would ever want to see have one, does not mean I support the owning of laser cannons by civilians.
We've been taking good care of our criminals, though, before we let them out to cause more calamity in the public so we can argue over guns and other things. I promise you, the shootings will never stop til we fry someone immediately. There are people that would gladly do it for you. Most people against that are good at looking the other way.

Super-Christian to the rescue!
Fry em!
Make them suffer.
This is a schoolteacher in Israel.

Comparing apples and oranges again.
And this is acceptable to you?
Is this what we want in the US?
I know you can’t wait for the Holy War end of days to start...but try and be patient.
Imagine Benghazi, and wonder how she is still walking.

Because despite numerous investigations costing us untold amounts of taxpayer money - they found jack shit.
Imagine if the US hadn’t destabilized the whole fucking middle east?
Liberal in America: the opposite of a conservative.

Terrorist: We want to kill you in the name of Allah because we’re good Muslims!

Liberal: No, you’re not. That’s not what you believe.

Terrorist: Yes, it is.

Liberal: No, no…you’re oppressed and probably upset about global warming.

Terrorist: Wait, what?

Liberal: Let’s all co-exist!

Terrorist: How did you miss the entire, “We want to kill you in the name of Allah” thing? What is wrong with you?

Terrorists are not who are killing our children in their schools.
Terrorists are not even a real threat to anyone here in the US.
