Bump stocks for guns | Page 20 | INFJ Forum

Bump stocks for guns

To quote Jordan Peterson's feelings on a different topic:

"[Ready made ideological solutions don't work, the real world is too complicated]"

Which is not to say that there is nothing that can be done but rather that no solution applied will be completely clean and effective and without consequence. I think it is more useful to be pragmatic and not ideological on this issue.

The questions at the heart of this are
What do we want to change?

What are we willing to give up to get it?

The answer to the first is an end to these massacres or at least an extreme reduction in their frequency of occurrence, and so now the question becomes what we as a society are willing to sacrifice to create the desired outcome.
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Do something about it. Do you plan to ban phones?
The answer to the first is an end to these massacres or at least an extreme reduction in their frequency of occurrence, and so now the question becomes what we as a society are willing to sacrifice to obtain what we want.

Right: These things aren't common and there are greater threats at hand. The real worry is the deterioration of our rights and our ability to protect ourselves!
Left: We must do whatever it takes to stop these horrible atrocities! No loss of life is acceptable. We need to prevent these things at whatever the cost!

Everyone actually: I don't want people to die but it happens and I don't know how to stop it and it makes me sad and confused
Bump stocks make a semi-auto rifle or shotgun capable of firing bullets full auto. Trump wants to ban them now. I disagree. I am a gun nut and have never shot anyone in sixty years plus.

HOWEVER, I think any gun attached to a bump stock should be REGULATED the same as a full-auto weapon.
If it ever comes in contact with a bump stock, it should be kept track of by ATF. Then, ban the things.
The reality is whatever he does won't fix the problem. He had to do something and the best strategy is to ban bump stocks. Nothing we do now will change it. I think the answer is smart guns.
I think the answer is smart guns.

A smart gun is a gun that doesn't kill anybody. We need weapons of mass incapacitation.
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I think the answer is smart guns.
Interesting. Sounds like it will be a while though but that’s no reason not to explore it. It seems that they are mostly able to recognize authorized users, but I don’t see much about recognizing unauthorized targets.

Edit: It would probably still be a very tough sell to gun enthusiasts though.
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A quarter of Americans own guns. Half of them own one to two guns. About 14% own between 8 and 140 guns...This is half of all the guns in America. I’m going to guess there is a high correlation between those who stock-pile and those who own assault-type rifles, which make up about 1% of all guns.

So, it’s not that “America” has a gun problem. It’s that a small group of people who can’t control their gun habit are fighting tooth and nail to keep the market open to assault-type rifles, thereby enabling those who fancy a mass shooting spree to go and buy one themselves.

No wonder the NRA keeps roping the rest of the gun owners in, using the slippery-slope argument. Without their support, owners of assault-type rifles don’t stand a chance, and the gun makers would lose that line of business.
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Interesting. Sounds like it will be a while though but that’s no reason not to explore it. It seems that they are mostly able to recognize authorized users, but I don’t see much about recognizing unauthorized targets.

Edit: It would probably still be a very tough sell to gun enthusiasts though.
If you make an attachment that you add to every gun being sold which makes the gun better then every normal weapon then older weapons will be obsolete after a while.
A quarter of Americans own guns. Half of them own one to two guns. About 14% own between 8 and 140 guns...This is half of all the guns in America. I’m going to guess there is a high correlation between those who stock-pile and those who own assault-type rifles, which make up about 1% of all guns.

So, it’s not that “America” has a gun problem. It’s that a small group of people who can’t control their gun habit are fighting tooth and nail to keep the market open to assault-type rifles, thereby enabling those who fancy a mass shooting spree to go and buy one themselves.

No wonder the NRA keeps roping the rest of the gun owners in, using the slippery-slope argument. Without their support, owners of assault-type rifles don’t stand a chance, and the gun makers would lose that line of business.
Sure. First a 1/4 of the population = over 100 million. Second, where are you getting your numbers from?
If you make an attachment that you add to every gun being sold which makes the gun better then every normal weapon then older weapons will be obsolete after a while.
Safer will not necessarily translate to better in everybody’s opinion. However there are caveats to this. Are you alluding to guns that decide who can use them, ones that decide who they can be used on, or both?

Hardliners will probably still say that they are the best judge of when/who they can shoot or not. Will the “brains” allow for mods and tinkering to fine tune performance within the law? What incentive will there be for someone who has and likes their guns to give them up or modify them in such a way? What will it cost and who will pay? Anyone who is fearful of the government would probably not want their arms potentially controllable in that manner.

These are questions that will require answers down the line because everybody will have to buy in for this kind of thing to work.
Sure. First a 1/4 of the population = over 100 million.


So 1/4 of the pop. is roughly 81,820,386.

Doesn't matter much, just wanted to clear this up, but 1/4 of the population being what you claimed would imply that the total US population is over 400 million. Considering Canada's current population is around 36.8 million, your estimate was off by like two Canadas.
Someone sounds like someone that lives in a bubble. Are there robot internet liberals programmed here?

Some lunatic will never get their hands on my gun(s). How do people reason with illogical thoughts?
yes, actually. I've witnessed two school shootings, one bomb threat, and one isis threat.
Three of these were terrorists, one was an unstable kid
Please describe them in more detail if you would be so kind?
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Just for the record: I no longer read the 'krow's posts; haven't for a long time. Just went to the thread before signing in and that on one page was enough to solidify my position on it.

So, do not expect an answer to those posts. They go unread and unwanted. Too many years of the same old thing. Now I'm a Super Christian that wants to fry people. I know how to stop a problem, or at least limit it. I can't stop his posts.

I'll make sure to login from now on first.

Have we banned cell phones yet? Maybe the ones that can text? People do stupid, thoughtless, and selfish things without giving them a thought. People abuse things. One gun in 19 years worth of minutes, at one gun per minute, has been abused by someone that caused deaths and I hate that it happened. More people die a year from texting while driving....even children. Get a grip on it.

Yes, because you no longer listen you those who point out the inconsistencies in your logic and pseudo-reasaoning.
And you said to “fry em”, not me.
And yes, you are waiting for the end of days giddily.....I bet you danced around praising the Lord when Trump said he was moving the Embassy to Jerusalem.
One more step closer until your rapturing!!

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