Sloe Djinn
Idiot with Internet Access.
- Enneagram
- 6w7
Better as in more effective, safer etc etc.
If you own the weapon you are authorized to use it but if someone stole it it wouldn't fire that's the basic idea, every building will have a small device that would disable every weapon that enters the building ( except the ones the security owns). I'm not sure about the attachments because I do now know how the law will be when this type of weapon is created. Every weapon that you can buy would have this modification the reason why people would want it is because the weapon would be superior and all advancements would go into the new smart weapons meaning it would end up better then older guns. It would only add 200-500$ in the price. Because the weapon would be superior to any other weapon people would still use it especially because there will be attachments only available on the smart guns.
Ok well that takes some gargantuan leaps in areas of faith and technology. Again, what is “better” is highly debatable in terms of firearms which are also tools. There isn’t a “best” wrench. It all depends on the job that needs doing. It’s not a bad thing to think outside the box, I just think that the assumptions necessary to realize this particular idea are way too broad to be applicable to the current debate.
That’s future tech on some mgs level.
Snake? Snaake??? SNAAAAKE!!!